363 research outputs found


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    Kereta Api KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya merupakan salah satu transportasi yang sangat diminati olehmasyarakat Bojonegoro untuk bermobilitas ke Surabaya. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dankepuasan penumpang, maka PT. KAI membuat peraturan baru yaitu membatasi jumlah penumpang.Namun setelah beberapa bulan, peraturan tersebut tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya dan seringkembali terjadi overload. Dengan kondisi yang seperti itu, masih banyak masyarakat yang memilih keretaKRD untuk bermobilitas ke Surabaya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasanpenumpang terhadap kualitas pelayanan kereta api ekonomi KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya dan untukmengetahui karakteristik perjalanan penumpang kereta api ekonomi KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya dalambermobilitas ke Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey. Populasi atau subyek dalampenelitian ini adalah penduduk Bojonegoro yang bermobilitas ke Surabaya dengan menggunakan keretaapi ekonomi KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 200 penumpang. denganmenggunakan metode Accidental Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, dokumentasidan wawancara. Teknis analisis datanya menggunakan analisis IKM yang sesuai dengan Kepmen PANNo. 25 Tahun 2004 dan analisis tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja / kepuasan pelanggan. Metode yangdigunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai IKMpelayanan kereta api ekonomi KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya sebesar 67,65, sehingga secara umum kualitaspelayanannya baik dengan mutu pelayanan B. Berdasarkan analisis Diagram Kartesius, ada beberapaunsur pelayanan yang pelaksanaannya masih belum baik, sehingga perlu ditingkatkan lagi kualitaspelayanannya, agar penumpang merasa puas.Sebagian besar tujuan responden melakukan mobilitas keSurabaya dengan menggunakan kereta api ekonomi KRD Bojonegoro-Surabaya adalah untukbekerja(64%), dengan frekuensi mobilitas seminggu sekali dan sebulan sekali. Untuk menuju StasiunBojonegoro, sebagian besar responden(33,5%) menggunakan bis. Sedangkan untuk menuju daerah tujuanmobilitas, sebagian besar responden(65%) menggunakan angkutan kota. Persebaran mobilitasresponden di Surabaya sangat bervariasi. Daerah tujuan mobilitas yang terbanyak adalah KecamatanTegalsari (15%).Kata kunci : pelayanan publik, indeks kepuasan masyarakat, mobilitas.AbstractKRD Railway Bojonegoro-Surabaya is one of the excellent transport demand by people Bojonegoro formobility to Surabaya. To improve service quality and passenger satisfaction, PT. KAI create newregulations that limit the number of passengers. But after a few months, the order would not run properlyand frequently re-occurring overload. With conditions like that, there are still many people who choose totrain KRD mobility to Surabaya. The purpose of this research was to determine passenger satisfaction onthe quality of train service economy Bojonegoro KRD-Surabaya and to determine the characteristics ofrailway passenger trips KRD Bojonegoro-economic mobility to Surabaya in Surabaya. This research issurvey research. Population or subjects in this study were residents of a mobile Bojonegoro to Surabayaby train to Surabaya Bojonegoro KRD economy. Samples taken as many as 200 passengers. Accidentalusing sampling. Data collection techniques are observation, documentation and interviews. Technicalanalysis of the data using analysis of SME according to Decree No. PAN. 25 of 2004 and the analysis ofthe importance and performance / customer satisfaction. The method used is descriptive quantitativemethod. The results of this study show that SMEs train service economy Bojonegoro KRD-Surabaya at67.65, so it is generally better quality services with quality of service B. Based on the analysis of theCartesian diagram, there are some elements of the service implementation is still not good, so it needs tobe more quality of service, so that passengers feel great puas.Sebagian respondents purposes mobility toSurabaya by train to Surabaya Bojonegoro KRD economy is to work (64% ), with a frequency of mobilityonce a week and once a month. To go Bojonegoro stations, the majority of respondents (33.5%) using thebus. As for the mobility towards the goal area, the majority of respondents (65%) use publictransportation. Distribution of respondents in Surabaya mobility varies greatly. Regional mobility goalsare sub Tegalsari most (15%).Keywords: public service, public satisfaction index, mobility


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    Pembelajaran berbasis STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa di bidang STEM (sains, teknologi, rekayasa, dan matematika). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi intrinsik siswa dalam pembelajaran berbasis STEM secara keseluruhan dan pada aspek interest/ enjoyment, perceived competence, effort/ importance, pressure/ tension, perceived choice, dan value/ usefulness. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan strategi penelitian deskriptif atau penelitian observasi dan penelitian survei. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas STEM (ekstrakurikuler) di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung, dengan jumlah siswa 31 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa tes, diadaptasi dari Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 49% siswa memiliki motivasi intrinsik yang sangat tinggi, 48% siswa memiliki motivasi intrinsik yang tinggi, dan 3% siswa memiliki motivasi intrinsik yang sedang, dan tidak ada siswa yang memiliki motivasi intrinsik yang rendah. Kata kunci: Motivasi Intrinsik dan Pembelajaran STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based learning aims to enhance students' skills in the STEM fields. The purpose of this study was to determine the intrinsic motivation of students in STEM-based learning as a whole and on the aspects of interest/ enjoyment, perceived competence, effort/ importance, pressure/ tension, perceived choice and value/ usefulness. Research conducted using quantitative approaches and strategies descriptive studies or observational studies and survey research. Research conducted on students' STEM class (extracurricular) in one Junior High School at Bandung with the number of students 31 people. The research instrument used in the form of the test, adapted from the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI), a test of the intrinsic motivation of statements towards an activity. Results showed that 49% of students have a very high intrinsic motivation, 49% of students have a high intrinsic motivation, and 3% of students have medium intrinsic motivation, and no student who has low intrinsic motivation. Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation and Learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    Peran Tutor dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak melalui Pemanfaatan Alat Permainan Edukatif di Lingkungan KOBER Kartika X-4 Padalarang Bandung Barat.

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    Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan anak usia dini di Negara maju telah berlangsung lama sebagai bentuk pendidikan yang berbasis masyarakat (community based education), akan tetapi gerakan untuk menggalakkan pendidikan ini di Indonesia baru muncul beberapa tahun terakhir. Hal ini memenuhi komitment internasional pendidikan untuk semua mengenai pentingnya pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dalam menyiapkan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya, membangun masa depan anak-anak dan masyarakat Indonesia seluruhnya. Pendidikan anak sejak usia dini tidak hanya berfungsi untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar kepada anak, namun lebih jauh lagi ditunjukan untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan otak anak. Pendidikan anak usia dini sepatutnya juga mencakup seluruh proses stimulasi psisosial dan tidak terbatas pada proses pembelajaran yang terjadi pada lembaga pendidikan. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkanlah Alat Permainan Edukatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan data tentang peran tutor dalam proses pemanfaatan alat pemainan edukatif di Kober Kartika X-4 Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat; mengungkapkan data tentang pemanfaatkan APE dalam proses pembelajaran di Kober Kartika X-4 Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat dan; mengungkapkan data tentang kreativitas anak setelah menggunakan alat permainan edukatif di Kober Kartika X-4 Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode penelitian atau jenis design penelitian yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus (case study), yakni penelitian yang terfokus pada kasus yang diteliti. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan observasi partisipatif, dokumentasi, angket, dan wawancara, serta post test. Hasil penelitian tentang peran tutor dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak sudah memiliki peran dan fungsinya masing-masing dengan penuh tanggung jawab sesuai dengan kedudukan dan tugasnya yang telah ditetapkan, sedangkan jika diukur dengan standar pendidikan anak usia dini diperoleh data mengenai standar akademik tutor, hanya baru 2 tutor yang sudah memenuhi kriteria ideal dalam penggunaan alat permainan edukatif. Pemanfaatan APE di Kober Kartika X-4 Padalarang termasuk kategori “Cukup”, sekalipun belum memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan Kementerian Pendidikan, seperti adanya Kelengkapan APE dalam dan adanya APE luar. Sedangkan terkait dengan Kreativitas anak setelah pembelajaran dengan APE sudah terlihat perkembangannya, ada 1 anak didik yang memiliki daya kreativitas tinggi, dan sisanya sedang, tidak ada anak didik yang memiliki kreativitas rendah. Diharapkan untuk tutor untuk lebih meningkatkan lagi kompetensi dan kemampuan dalam mengolah Alat Permainan Edukatif (APE). Hendaknya pemanfaatan alat pemainan edukatif dalam proses pembelajaran lebih dimaksimalkan dan lebih inovativ. Diharapkan setelah proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan APE dapat meningkatkan kreativitas anak. Supaya anak didik dapat memiliki tingkat kreativitas yang tinggi. Implementation of early childhood education in developed countries as a form of long-standing community-based education (community based education), but the movement to promote education in Indonesia is emerging in recent years. It meets the international commitment to all about the importance of education for early childhood education in preparing the complete Indonesian man, constructing the future of children and the Indonesian society. Education of children from an early age not only serves to provide learning experiences to children, but further shown to optimize brain development of children. Early childhood education is fitting also covers the whole process of stimulation psisosial and not limited to the learning process that occurs in educational institutions. Therefore dibutuhkanlah Tools Educational Games. Research methods or types of research design developed in this study is a qualitative research study (case study), the research focused on the cases studied. While data collection techniques used are used participant observation, documentation, questionnaires, and interviews, as well as the post-test. Results of research on the role of tutors in improving a child's creativity own roles and functions of each in a responsible manner in accordance with the position and the duties that have been assigned, whereas if measured by the standard of early childhood education obtained data regarding academic standards tutor, new only 2 tutors which already meets the ideal criteria for the use of the tools of educational games. Utilization of APE in Kober Kartika X-4 Padalarang including the category "Enough", though not meet the standards set by the Ministry of Education, as their completeness and presence APE APE in the outside. While associated with Creativity child after learning the APE has seen its development, there is one of the students who have high creativity, and the rest were, none of the students who have low creativity. Expected to tutor to further enhance the competence and ability to process Educational Gaming Equipment (APE). Should use the game due educational tool in the learning process more and more inovativ maximized. Expected after the learning process by using the APE can enhance the creativity of children. So that students can have a high degree of creativit

    Error Analysis and Interlanguage: Reflections for Indonesian Teachers and Learners

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    Abstract: This paper aimed to describe the role of error analysis and interlanguage as a natural process in teaching and learning. Extensive history of English learning in Indonesia is described in the paper as it gives a view of how English has been used for decades. The terms of error and interlanguage by Corder and Selinker are also elaborated briefly. Errors occur due to two interferences:  interlingual and intralingual. Clear intruments of students’ performance towards English competence, feedbacks of teachers and students in language learning engagement, and a fruitful advantage for teachers and learners for their further reseource of learning are some points that have been proposed for Indonesian teachers and learners. Keywords: Error analysis, interlanguage, language teaching in Indonesia Abstrak: Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran analisis kesalahan dan interlanguag sebagai proses alami dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. Sejarah yang panjang pembelajaran di Indonesia juga dijelaskan dalam makalah ini karena memberikan pandangan tentang bagaimana bahasa Inggris digunakan selama beberapa waktu. Ketentuan kesalahan dan antar bahasa oleh Corder dan Selinker juga diuraikan secara singkat. Kesalahan terjadi karena dua gangguan: interlingual dan intralingual. Instrumen yang jelas dari kinerja siswa terhadap kompetensi bahasa Inggris, feedback dari guru dan siswa dalam keterlibatan pembelajaran bahasa, dan beberapa keuntungan yang bermanfaat bagi guru dan peserta didik sebagai sumber belajar mereka berikutnya adalah beberapa poin yang telah ditulis untuk guru dan pelajar bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Kata-kata kunci : analisis kesalahan berbahasa, interlanguage, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesi

    Students’ Expectations of Offline Learning Road to Endemic Covid-19 Status as the Effect of Online Learning

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    Many methods and strategies of learning were being searched, made, and invented by a lecturer to provide an effective online learning process. Two years passed, and now Indonesia is on the road to endemic of covid-19 status, which soon caused the permission for offline learning. Indeed, students have their own expectations for this condition. Do they like it? Do they have difficulties so far? Do they want other methods? or other expectations of students which have not been explored yet? Therefore, this research will explore students' expectations of welcoming offline learning using a qualitative research method. The questionnaire was used as the instrument to collect the data from the students in the first year of the pandemic. The instrument mostly asked about the students' opinion of their online learning, then related to their expectations when it became offline learning soon. It was simply analyzed using excel to show the percentage of each data. The result showed that 75% did not like online learning since it impacts their score, which decreased from an average of about 70 to 50. Therefore, many students expect to understand the material with offline learning (80%) better than online. The reason for being less understandable with online learning and the decreasing score of students, becomes the evaluation of online learning found in this research. That strongly becomes the reason why the students expect to have a better understanding of offline learning in 202

    The Effect of Local Government Characteristics and the Examination Result of Indonesian Supreme Audit Institution on Economic Growth, with Financial Performance as Intervening Variable in District and City Government of Lampung Province

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    The importance of utilization local potential effectively and efficient resources use, is the motivation of writer to conduct this research.  The aim of this research is to examine empirically on the effect of local government characteristics and the examination result of Indonesian Supreme Audit Institution on economic growth in distric/city/province government of Lampung.  This research uses population of all districts/cities in the Province of Lampung, Indonesia.  The secondary data are tested statistically by using multiple regression to prove the hypothesis.  The result of this research proves that characteristics of local government can affect financial performance especially the ratio of effectiveness, but do not affect the ratio of efficiency and the ratio of autonomy.  The result of audit examination (audit opinion and audit findings) does not affect financial performance.  Then, financial performance does not affect economic growth.  The lack of fund source potential use effectiveness and the lack of fund source use efficiency may cause financial performance has not been able to increase economic growth. Financial performance can be improved through local governance characteristic, but is not affected by audit opinion and audit findings. Keywords:  characteristics of local government, audit opinion, audit findings, financial performance, economic growth


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    From the start, the philosophical movement that came to be known as existentialism was associated with literature. This possibility happens because there is a natural affinity between existential philosophy and narrative forms of art. On one hand, existentialist concur on the primacy of individual existence, of the lived experience of concrete human beings. On the other hand, cinematic narratives tell stories of beings such as ourselves, helping us to make sense of our existence and opening up probabilities that we might never have pondered otherwise (Shaw, 2017). Interestingly, Time.com stated that Pixar films are the philosophical of the animation world. Here lies the reason why the writer decided to analyze the portrayal of Jean-Paul Sartre’s famous phrase ‘Existence Precedes Essence’ in the latest Disney Pixar animation, Soul. Sartre argued that for human beings, our existence precedes our essence. In addition, Sartre’s notion of ‘existence’ characterized in terms of consciousness, free choice and ‘subjectivity’. For Sartre, the first act of consciousness is to choose. This study shows that Disney Pixar’sSoul does portray Sartre’s ‘existence precedes essence’ through Joe’s life – human beings have no fixed preordained essence or definition. Moreover, Sartre’s idea of consciousness or subjectivity can be seen from 22’s decision to be dared to live

    The Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Work Stress, and Turnover Intentions of Nurse at Private Hospital in Indonesia

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    AIM: This study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational commitment, work stress, and turnover intentions of Nurse at Private Hospital in Indonesia. METHODS: A quantitative cross-sectional research design was adopted, consist of 97 Nurses. This study used a Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling using PLS-SEM approach to analyze the data. RESULTS: The results showed that there is a positive influence on transformational leadership on organizational commitment. The better transformational leadership, the higher the organizational commitment of nurses. There is a negative influence on transformational leadership on work stress. The better transformational leadership, the lower the work stress of nurses. There is a negative influence on organizational commitment to turnover intentions. The higher the nurse’s organizational commitment, the lower the nurse turnover intention. There is a positive influence on work stress to turnover intentions. The higher the nurse’s work stress, the higher the the nurse turnover intention. Another outcome discovered was that indirect influence of leadership through commitment and work stress is greater than direct influence, transformational leadership directly influenced organization commitment, and work stress but was not significantly related to turnover intentions. CONCLUSION: Researcher suggests that leadership roles in building commitment and helping to manage the work stress of nurses are needed


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    Latar belakang: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi intensi turnover pada perawat rumah sakit dengan variabel prediktor penentu yaitu komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja, stres kerja, lingkungan kerja, kualitas kehidupan kerja, kepemimpinan dan karakteristik pekerjaan. Metode Penelitian: Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian kros seksional dengan nonprobability sampling, teknik purposive sampling. Sampel dari penelitian ini sebanyak 215 perawat dari lima rs swasta di Jakarta. Data dikumpulkan mulai Bulan Maret-Desember 2018 dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur yang terdiri dari enam bagian: intensi turnover, karakteristik pekerjaan, stres kerja, komitmen organisasi, lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja, kepemimpinan dan kualitas kehidupan kerja. Penelitian ini melalui 4 tahap penelitian, data dianalisis menggunakan SmartPLS- SEM. Hasil: Hasil penelitian merupakan penelitian dan pengambangan (R and D) yang menghasilkan instrumen produk yaitu aplikasi intensi turnover (aplikasi online berbasis web) yang diberi nama RINDU’s Model (www.modelrindu.com) dan hasil olah data juga menunjukkan kategori variabel dengan nilai terbesar yaitu karakteristik pekerjaan, komitmen organisasi, lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja, dan kepemimpinan transformasional berkategori tinggi (92,6%;66%;85,6%;64,7%;57,2%), intensi turnover dan kualitas kehidupan kerja berkategori sedang (61,9%; 60%) dan stres kerja berkategori rendah (67,7%). Variabel variabel yang memiliki nilai terbesar pengaruh langsung terhadap intensi turnover perawat yaitu komitmen organisasi, lingkungan kerja dan stres kerja (-0,371;-0,336; 0,319) dan variabel yang memiliki nilai terbesar pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap intensi turnover perawat yaitu lingkungan kerja melalui kepuasan kerja dan kepemimpinan melalui stres kerja (0,09; -0,081), Kesimpulan: Komitmen organisasi, lingkungan kerja dan stres kerja memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap intensi turnover pada perawat dirumah sakit, sehingga manajemen rs perlu merumuskan bagaimana agar terciptanya komitmen organisasi dan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif serta stres kerja perawat yang terkontrol. Kata Kunci: Intensi Turnover, Perawat, Rumah Sakit, Aplikasi, Model Rind