927 research outputs found

    Factors causing difficulties in learning vocabulary by the fifth year students of ngringo 02 Elementary School Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2005/2006ďż˝

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    This thesis is intended to 1) analyze the process of teaching and learning vocabulary at the fifth year students of Ngringo 02 elementary school, 2) identify difficulties faced by the students in vocabulary learning, 3) identify and formulate factors causing vocabulary learning difficulties, 4) investigate strategies used by the teacher to solve difficulties in vocabulary learning. This study of which population is all of the 28 of the fifth year students, uses a descriptive qualitative method and purposive random sampling technique. In collecting the data, this study uses observation, questionnaire, interview, and document to elicit the data from the process of teaching and learning vocabulary. The technique of analyzing the data is the Interactive- Analysis Model, which is proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that 1) the process of teaching and learning vocabulary at the fifth class is conducted appropriately. However, there are many weaknesses which come from the students who have simple strategies, limited sources and lack of readiness in their vocabulary learning. Meanwhile, another weakness comes from the English teacher who employs simple techniques and limited media in the process of vocabulary teaching, 2) there are four difficulties faced by the students in vocabulary learning, the percentages of which are 86% in translation, 93% in pronunciation, 85% in writing, and 86% in differentiating word classification. In the average, there are 87.5% students who find difficulties in vocabulary learning, 3) there are two factors causing vocabulary-learning difficulties. They are the internal factor, which comes from the students and the external one which includes the family environment and the aspects of school such as the teacher, teaching techniques, the materials, and instructional media, 4) there are many strategies used by the teacher to solve problems in vocabulary. In translation, she translated the words directly without consulting to the English dictionary. In pronunciation, she pronounced the words and followed by the students. In word classification, she refreshed their memories by asking the classification of word in teaching and learning process. In addition, she always tries to improve her knowledge to find new innovation in English teaching. Unfortunately, she didn�t pay close attention to solve the spelling problem. The reason is that they will accustom to study spelling in the following class and they will study by themselves. It is suggested that besides motivating and preparing students� readiness, hopefully, the teacher also uses various teaching techniques and various media in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to improve their understanding in achieving better English learning

    The Effectiveness of Reflection Learning Method to Increase the First Grade Students’ Writing Skill of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency

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    This research consisted of two objectives research, first objective research that was to find out the students’ increased of content of writing recount text by using reflection learning method at the first grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency, and second objective research that was to find out the students’ increased of organization of writing recount text by using reflection learning method at the first grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency. There were of assessment focused on the skill of students to write a recount text from content which consisted of unity, and completeness; organization which consisted of coherence, and spatial order; and generic structures which consisted of orientation, events, and reorientation. This research applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) design which divided into two cycles (cycle I and cycle II) and consisted of four stages or phases (planning, implementation of action, observation, and reflection). The subject of this research that was students of class X which consisted of 33 students. The instrument of this research that was writing test which it used recount text. The test would be used in the last item of every cycle. Moreover, based on the students’ score in cycle I and cycle II, it showed that the score of students is increased from the standard score 7.00 with the significant increased 47.27 %

    Sosialisasi Tehnik dan Penggunaan Platform Pembelajaran Online

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    Pandemi Covid-19 memaksa seluruh aspek kehidupan untuk lebih cepat menyesuaikan diri agar tetap dapat eksis, tidak terkecuali dengan kegiatan pendidikan pengajaran pada sekolah-sekolah. Kegiatan Sosialisasi terkait dengan tehnik dan penggunaan platform pembeljaran online ini diharapkan mampu menjadi jalan keluar atas keterbatasan informasi khususnya pada sekolah didaerah dengan keterbatasan informasi dan teknologi. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan sehingga dapat menjadi pembiasaan dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi. Lebih jauh dengan kegiatan ini juga membahas tentang E-learning yang merupakan aplikasi internet yang dapat menghubungkan antara pendidik dan peserta didik dalam sebuah ruang belajar online. Elearning tercipta untuk mengatasi keterbatasan antara pendidik dan peserta didik, terutama dalam hal waktu, ruang, kondisi, dan keadaan (Darmawan, 2014:10). Penggunaan e-learning sudah bukan hal yang baru lagi atau yang kita kenal dengan istilah open source, e-learning open source yang dapat digunakan yaitu aplikasi berupa zoom, googleclassroom dan lain sebagainya


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    Speaking is a kind of skills in a language component that used for communication. It is important for students to be mastered. Students get difficult to use a language. Moreover, they have to express their idea in English. The teacher must be considered to make an interesting and use a good approach to teach them in the class. Teaching speaking should be related in using a technology. Furthermore, in this era of 21st Century. Teachers should be able to attract the students’ attention by using a computer program or a smartphone in teaching learning process. Digital Story Telling (DST) provide teachers and students to express an idea of telling a story by using a computer program. Recount is a kind of text that can be told by the students in DST. They can tell about their own experience trough DST in teaching learning process

    Bimbingan Orang Tua Terhadap Pasangan yang Menikah di Usia Dini di Desa Keretak Kecamatan Sungai Selan Kabupaten Bangka Tengah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

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    This research is motivated by the promiscuity of teenagers which results in frequent truancy, dropping out of school, getting pregnant out of wedlock. This results in marriage at an early age, even though physically and psychologically they are not ready so that parental guidance is needed for couples who marry at an early age. The purpose of this study was to find out the guidance for married couples who had been married at an early age in the village of Keretak  Central Bangka, as well as to find out the factors that influence the guidance for the couple. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected using unstructured interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that guidance for couples who married at an early age turned out to be one solution for the development and increase in activities in the family. Likewise, couples who marry at an early age are able to maintain harmonious domestic relations

    The Effectiveness of Reflection Learning Method to Increase the First Grade Students’ Writing Skill of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency

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    This research consisted of two objectives research, first objective research that was to find out the students’ increased of content of writing recount text by using reflection learning method at the first grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency, and second objective research that was to find out the students’ increased of organization of writing recount text by using reflection learning method at the first grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungguminasa Gowa Regency. There were of assessment focused on the skill of students to write a recount text from content which consisted of unity, and completeness; organization which consisted of coherence, and spatial order; and generic structures which consisted of orientation, events, and reorientation. This research applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) design which divided into two cycles (cycle I and cycle II) and consisted of four stages or phases (planning, implementation of action, observation, and reflection). The subject of this research that was students of class X which consisted of 33 students. The instrument of this research that was writing test which it used recount text. The test would be used in the last item of every cycle. Moreover, based on the students’ score in cycle I and cycle II, it showed that the score of students is increased from the standard score 7.00 with the significant increased 47.27 %

    The Comparison of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping to Enhance the Reading Comprehension

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    This research was to prove which technique (Mind Mapping or Semantic Mapping) was effective to enhance the reading comprehension of the second graders of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang regency and to prove which technique (Mind Mapping or Semantic Mapping) was effective to enhance the interests of the second graders of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang regency. This research employed experimental design and cluster random sampling technique. The population of this research was the second graders of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang regency in academic 2018/2019. The sample consisted of 72 students which belong to two classes; 36 students in first experimental class and 36 students in second experimental class. Research instruments were used to collect the data in this research namely reading comprehension test and questionnaire. The mean score of the students in Mind mapping technique class was 84.00 and the mean score of the students in Semantic mapping technique class was 76.97. The result of the students’ interest showed that Mind Mapping is higher than Semantic Mapping. Therefore, H1 (alternative hypothesis) of this research which said Mind Mapping is more effective than Semantic Mapping to enhance students’ reading comprehension was accepted

    Nilai–nilai Kearifan Lokal Sebagai Penuntun Tindakan (Action Guide) Pada Aspek Etis (Etika) Dalam Administrasi.

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    Teaching Speaking Skill of English as Foreign Language in Secondary School Level

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    The study investigated the teaching speaking skill of English as foreign language in Secondary School level at SMAN 2 Malang from some aspects, the English teacher’s role, the teaching activities, materials, the media, and the assessment of the English teacher. The design of the research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. The participant of this research was an English teacher and the 33 students of X MIPA 2. The setting was SMAN 2 Malang. The data was obtained through observation, interview and documents. The result of this research noted that the teacher has already known role in teaching speaking. Based on the 2013 curriculum students centered was applied and the teacher facilitated the students, teacher created fun speaking activity such as role play, presentation in group and individual, the teacher also used modern media to support the teaching speaking, material that suitable for speaking activities is provided by the teacher based on the syllabus. Fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and expression were the aspect to assess students speaking skill. In this research, the researcher concluded that the teaching speaking skill in SMAN 2 Malang has already well
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