262 research outputs found

    Establishing Food Business of Local State-Owned Enterprises in Agriculture and Agribusiness

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    The agricultural sector contributes positively to regional economic development. However, current government programs tend to prioritize only on the supply side.  It can cause an imbalance between demand, supply, and market inefficiency. To overcome the problems, the regional government can establish a food BUMD, especially in East Java. This research aims to formulate a strategy for establishing a food BUMD as a step in developing agriculture and agribusiness in East Java.  The analysis method used was SWOT by examining internal and external factors as the basis for efficient strategy formulation. The results showed that East Java's agricultural conditions were in quadrant I (aggressive strategy). Recommended strategies that can be done are mapping and prospecting agricultural production in each region, maximizing infrastructure and social capital to build a supply and value chain, maximizing the marketing of agricultural products through information and technology to reach a broader market. Besides, developing the potential areas to agropolitan area, assisting young agricultural entrepreneurs, and formulating policies to facilitate local agricultural product marketing are suggested. The establishment of the East Java Food BUMD is a strategic step with significant support for the East Java economy and can create strong cooperation with small farmers and strengthen social capital (trust, norm, and networking). Therefore, it will create a balance of supply and demand in the market, which increases the economic level of East Java people


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of online learning at SDN Krembangan Selatan III during the COVID-19 pandemic, to measure the ability of teachers to design and implement creative and innovative online learning according to student conditions during School from Home (SFH). In addition, this research was conducted to see the learning achievement of class VI students when participating in online learning. Teachers carry out digital-based learning using the Canva for education application in delivering learning materials to students. The features used in the delivery of the material is presentation. The presentation features display in the form of power points which can be recorded by showing the faces of the presenters (educators) in delivering material to students. Using descriptive qualitative research with the main focus of improving student learning outcomes. The results showed that the creativity of online learning has achieved the expected goals, especially after students used the Canva application, it becomes more innovative, and interested in participating in online learning. It also has impact on student academic achievement. The average value showed in the pre-test of 65.4 and post-test of 82.2. This showed that the student's academic results while using Canva are in a very good category. The use of the Canva application also affects the percentage who passed the grade, from 20% to 90%. Based on the results, it can be concluded that Canva for education can be an innovative digital learning media and can improve the learning achievement of sixth grade students at SDN Krembangan Selatan III Surabaya


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    Poverty in forests surrounding communities shows a contrast between wealth of forest resources and poverty. The poverty of forests surrounding communities is seen as inefficient development to rural needs in general and forest management in particular. This study aims to analyze the factors affecting poverty, the relevance and Sustainable Livelihood Approach in poverty. This research was conducted in Argosari Village, Jabung Subdistrict and Mentaraman Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency. Sustainable livelihood approach is applied which adapted on five elements: human, natural, physical, social and financial asset. The sample was determined by proportional random sampling method. Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) were used in this study. Quantitative approach in this study using descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Poverti Gap 2 indicator (the number of family member) has the greatest contribution to Argosari poverty. The High Consumption 3 indicator (the number of new clothing in a year that can be bought) has the smallest contribution. Significantly, eight indicators have established in Mentaraman, which is indicated by a p-value less than 5% (0.05). Based on the size of the standardize coefficient, it is found that the Poverti Gap 2 indicator (the number of family member) has the greatest contribution to Mentaraman  poverty. Keywords : Argosari, Forest, Mentaraman, Poverty, SLA

    Role of Microfinance Institutions (MFI/LKM) Non Bank in Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME/UMKM) in the Province Riau

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    This study was inspired from the difference between the role of non-bank MFI (MFI-NB) in support of SMEs under Law No. 01 of 2013 concerning the MFI and Law 20 of 2008 on SMEs which regulates the implementation and achievement of the performance of the microfinance sector in Riau Province. The purpose of this study are: a) determine the role of MFI-NB in support of SMEs in the province of Riau, b) know the quality of implementation and mechanism of MFI-NB terms of mechanisms (governance) in Riau Province, and c) develop strategies MFI-NB in improving the welfare of communities in Riau province. This study used qualitative research methods and review the existing legislation implemented or enhanced fit the facts on the ground conditions in Riau Province. Results of this study explains that: (a) The role of MFI-NB in Riau Province in support of SMEs are MFI-NB role as providers of capital to SMEs, the certainty that the capital is in the MFI-NB is intended for viable SMEs and the capital believed are not diverted to other uses or loans to large enterprises. And MFI-NB is believed not to be intervened by another party, another role of a given MFI-NB to SMEs is accelerating MFI-NB's capital to SMEs decent hands and responsible by using services such as energy contributors and coordinators who helped the function of the service of MFI-NB. (b) the quality of the implementation of the disbursement of funds by the MFI-NB to SMEs is less satisfactory because it is slow to respond to the desire of SMEs to additional capital. The quality of the implementation of the training held by the MFI-NB to SMEs say less than optimal. (c) MFI-NB Strategy to improve the welfare of the people in the province of Riau, with training materials that really demand so as to motivate SMEs to further develop their potential. MFI-NB continue to provide assessment and issue a certificate or award for outstanding SMEs so that SMEs can thrive in Riau Province. Another strategy to improve the welfare of the community is to help SMEs develop business, namely through the development, marketing (promotion, exhibition and clusters/groupings), partnerships, advocacy, implementation of management functions, so that SMEs have a good standard and credibility even when dealing with other financial institutions, Policies that there is or is believed to be held by the MFI-NB actors become the dominant factor in formulating strategies, policies and programs that support increasing the role of the MFI-NB in support of SMEs in the province of Ria

    Analysis of Carrying Capacity of Agro-Ecosystem Coconut-Cattle in South Minahasa Regency

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    . Coconut plantation is very dominating in South Minahasa regency seen from its production of 49,907.33 tons in 2010. The land under coconut trees can be used for food crops or forage. The waste from food crops is the source of animal feed, while the livestock\u27s manure is used to improve soil fertility under coconut tree. The research objective was to analyse the carrying capacity of the agro-ecosystem of coconut-cattle. Regency and district were determined purposively. A total of 86 farmers as respondents were determined based on the ownership of at least 2 cattle and cattle selling experience. Data were analyzed using effective potential of livestock development and land capability index (IDD). The result showed that the maximum potential of land resources (PMSL) was 30,872.94 animal unit (AU). The capacity increase in cattle population based on the soil resources was 18,208.94 AU. The maximum potential based on farmer house holds was 127,023.00 AU. The value of land capability index was 2.14. The conclusion was South Minahasa Regency was still potential for cattle development regarding land resources or workforce potentials. Development of cattle can be integrated with the coconut to maintain and improve agro-ecosystem sustainability of coconut plantation

    Partnership Model in Effort to Improve Public Welfare in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the quality of the implementation CSR PT. Pertamina (Persero) In Indonesia, also determine the factors supporting the success of CSR PT. Pertamina (Persero), and create a model for partnership program PT.Pertamina (Persero) in an effort to improve the welfare of the people especially Partnership Development Partners PT. Pertamina (Persero). The results showed that the implementation of CSR PT. Pertamina there are several internal and external issues relating to the conditions established partners as an agent in relation to the principal-agent. Factors supporting the successful implementation of CSR PT.Pertamina supported by two things: the characteristics of established partners and the characteristics of the program itself Partnership Program Model in an effort to improve the welfare of society divided into 2 levels. The first level of emphasis on the hard work of a principal, the second level emphasizes the empowerment of established partners. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, partnership model, public welfare

    Distribusi Foraminifera di Laut Halmahera dari Glasial Akhir Sampai Resen

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    Mikrofauna foraminifera telah banyak digunakan sebagai proksi dalam penelitian paleoseanografi dan Perubahan iklim purba. Kelimpahan dan komposisi kimia cangkang foraminifera merekam berbagai informasi yang dapat diinterpretasi berkaitan dengan Perubahan lingkungan berdasarkan parameter-parameter paleoseanografi. Paleoseanografi Laut Halmahera sangat penting untuk dikaji karena berpengaruh terhadap dinamika iklim Indonesia dan iklim global. Perubahan-Perubahan parameter oseanografi tersebut mempengaruhi sirkulasi arus global dan interaksi antara air-udara yang berperan terhadap penyebaran uap air ke lintang tinggi. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari distribusi foraminifera untuk rekonstruksi Perubahan paleoseanografi di Laut Halmahera dan sekitarnya. Data foraminifera ini didukung dengan pemodelan umur dan rekonstruksi isotop stratigrafi berdasarkan analisis d18O G. ruber dan C14 radiokarbon dating. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan foraminifera di Laut Halmahera sangat dipengaruhi oleh iklim global. Kelimpahan foraminifera terutama didominasi oleh G. ruber, G. bulloides, P. obliqueloculata, N. dutertrei, dan G. menardii dari jenis planktonic. Sedangkan jenis bentik didominasi oleh Bulimina spp., Bolivinita quadrilatera, Bolivina spp., dan Uvigerina spp. Biozonasi foraminifera menunjukkan korelasi yang sangat baik dengan data ?18O dan mencerminkan Perubahan – Perubahan iklim di masa lalu yang terjadi sejak 50.000 tahun yang lalu antara lain glasial akhir yang berlangsung sejak zona 1 - 4b, LGM (subzone 4b), deglasiasi (subzona 4c), kondisi seperti YD dari bumi bagian utara atau ACR dari bumi bagian selatan pada awal zona 5, interglasial (pertengahan zona 5), dan Mid Holosen Maksimum pada pertengahan subzona 5a. Kata kunci: Distribusi foraminifera, paleoseanografi, isotop oksigen, Perubahan iklim global, Laut Halmahera. Microfauna foraminifera has been widely used as a potential proxy for paleoceanography and paleoclimatological changes. Its assemblages and its test geochemical composition preserve important data that could interprete various oceanographic parameters related to the paleoenvironmental changes. The paleoceanography dynamic of Halmahera sea is very important to be studied due to its great impact to Indonesian and global climate. The changes of its oceanographic parameters influence the thermohaline circulation and the air-sea interaction that contribute to the water favour distribution to the high latitudes. Therefore this research purpose is to analyze the foraminiferal distribution in order to reconstruct the paleoceanography changes of Halmahera sea and surrounded. This foraminiferal study is supported by the age model reconstruction and isotope stratigraphy analysis based on d18O G. ruber and 14C dating. The result suggests that foraminiferal assemblage was influenced by global climate changes. Planktonic foraminifera is dominated by G. ruber, G. bulloides, P. obliqueloculata, N. dutertrei, and G. menardii. Benthic foraminifera is dominated by Bulimina spp., Bolivinita quadrilatera, Bolivina spp., and Uvigerina spp. Foraminiferal biozonation indicates coherent correlation with ?18O record, and reflects global paleoclimatic changes that occurred since the 50 ka BP. Those paleoclimatic changes are last glacial (zone 1 - subzone 4b), LGM (zone 4b), deglaciation that was started from subzone 4c, condition of YD like of Northern Hemisphere climate or ACR like of the Southern Hemisphere climate (the beginning of zone 5), interglacial (middle of zone 5), and Mid Holocene Maximum at the middle of subzone 5a

    Optimalisasi Supervisi Kepala Ruangan dalam Pelaksanaan Edukasi Personal Hygiene untuk Keluarga dan Pasien

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    This research aims to design an innovation that can improve the planning function of the supervision program by the head of the room by making educational videos for families and patients to create patient independence. The method used is the case study method. This research begins with studying problem identification, problem analysis, and prioritization of problems to be analyzed using fishbone. The next stage of the strategy will be planned by preparing a Plan of Action, and then implementation will be carried out. The results showed that the activities of bathing patients in bed were rare (52.9%), washing the patient's hair was rare (76.5%), care for feet, hands, and nails was rare (64.7%), care for eyes, ears, and nose was occasional ( 64.7%) and oral and dental care (brushing the patient's teeth) is rare (64.7%). In conclusion, fulfilling personal hygiene needs by nurses in the Depok Hospital inpatient room is in the not optimal category.   Keywords: Innovation, Personal Hygiene, Regular Supervision, Educational Video
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