27 research outputs found

    Implementing Holistic Criticism Model Based On Multicultural Approach In Art Appreciation Subject

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    The practices in our teaching and learning setting suggests that art appreciation subject at school does not emphasize on exploring visual art forms and relevant critics on them as most teachers only present information about the artwork. Such teaching and learning activity cannot effectively improve students’ understanding, awareness, and sensitivity towards the cultural diversity that Indonesia owns. In response to this issue, the researcher conducts a research and development study to apply holistic criticism model in teaching art appreciation. The research begins with a preliminary study as a need and content analysis that consists of several stages: (1) identifying the difficulties that teachers face in developing art appreciation subject, (2) exploring relevant references, expert’s testimony, and FGD followed by a collaborative work with teachers in the field to decide the conceptual structure to implement holistic criticism model based on multicultural approach in art appreciation. The results show that: (1) the level of difficulty or the problems that hinder the teachers to develop and implement art appreciation subject is quite complex, (2) as an output of the study, the researcher produces a guidebook, a student book, and a worksheet that contain the conceptual structure of holistic criticism model based on multicultural approach. Keywords: holistic approach, multicultural, art appreciation

    Development of Educational Media About Natural Dyed Batik Based on Virtual Reality

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    Currently, natural dye batik is highly sought after at both the national and international levels. This is because natural dyed batik, besides having beautiful colors that tend to be soft, also carries health advantages: namely, the waste does not pollute the environment. Indonesian people, especially local tourists, are still not familiar with the uniqueness of natural dyed batik. Indonesian people tend to use synthetic dyed batik, which is actually made from chemical dyes that are not environmentally friendly. This research aimed to develop educational media about natural dyed batik based on the use of virtual reality to promote cultural tourism assets in the Trenggalek Regency. We used the Borg and Gall development model. Based on the stages of the Borg and Gall model, this research was simplified into the following steps: (1) research and data collection; (2) planning; (3) product draft development; (4) field trials; (5) product improvement based on the results of the field trials; (6) final product refinement; and (7) dissemination and implementation. In the first year of this development research, the focus was on the research and data collection, planning, and product draft development stages. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and document analysis. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods and content analysis of the product draft development design. Keywords: virtual reality, tourism, bati


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    Fenomena pendidikan seni saat ini mengalami dilema ketidakjelasan arah, karena beberapa alasan: (1) kemunculan pemikiran postmodernisme yang mengangkat isu-isu masalah sosial mendorong perlunya internalisasi ideologi rekontruksi sosial dalam pendidikan seni, dan (2) keinginan pengakuan, penghargaan dan pemertahanan terhadap keberagaman seni budaya mendorong perlunya pendidikan seni berbasis multikultural. Dalam mengatasi dilema tersebut penulis berkeyakinan bahwa pengalaman estetik dalam pendidikan seni di sekolah umum dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai kegiatan artistik yang utuh (holistic) dan terpadu (terintegrasi) dengan masalah isu lingkungan sosial-budaya (kontekstual) melalui ideologi pendidikan seni berbasis multikultural. Dalam hal pengintegrasian pengalaman estetik, dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan ekspresi, kreasi, apresiasi, dan sosial. Sedangkan implementasi dalam pembelajaran, bisa dilakukan melalui alternatif model pengenalan, model pengamalan, dan model perombakan; dan/atau melalui pendekatan baru dalam pembelajaran seni, yaitu pendekatan intervensi seni, pedagogi kritis, culture jammer atau melalui pendekatan critical inquiri

    Analysis of the Local Wisdom on Character Education within the Transmission System of Pottery Culture in Three Pottery Centres in Malang

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    A transmission system in arts education is the process of transferring an artistic skill from one generation to another, which also involves local wisdom on character education. This research aims at analysing the local wisdom on character education within the transmission system of pottery culture observed at three different pottery centres in Malang. The study was conducted extensively and thoroughly using a qualitative approach with a phenomenology research design. The researcher conducted intensive interviews, FGDs, observation, and literary study as vital instruments to collect the field data. The data were then reduced, presented, and verified using both data and technique triangulations, and finally analysed using an interactive and interpretative model. The findings of the study are: first, the local wisdom on character education values derived from the transmission system of traditional pottery detected an informal interaction that naturally involves the value of responsibilities, discipline, diligence, respect to the elder, and the awareness on the culture. Second, the local wisdom on character education values within the creative pottery transmission system have a more organized and integrated program of non-formal interaction, which results in the values of independence, creativity, logical thinking, and discipline. Keywords: character education values, transmission system, Malang potter


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    This research is aimed to study the phenomena of the socio-cultural characteristics, the shift of shape variety, techniques of production, function, as well as the adaptation pattern of the pottery makers of Pagelaran. The study is done holistically and in depth by using qualitative approach through the design of phenomenology. The factual data is gained through in depth interviews, observation and study of documentation with the researchers acting as the key instrument. The validity of the data is maintained by using the source triangulation technique, triangulation of methods, and triangulation of theory. The data are analyzed through the process of reduction, presentation, verification, and paradigmatic theory analysis by using the perspective of the theory of socio-culture, aesthetic of crafting art, and adaptation. This research resulted some points, first is the characteristics of the community of pottery craft of Pagelaran that is heavily holding the Malangan local culture, yet the Javanese culture still heavily attached especially in the behavior of mutual cooperation and the practice of traditional ceremony. Second, the presence of shifting of pottery shaping, technique, and the function of the pottery craft of Pagelaran from the point that they are only making the traditional pottery products into making the creative and innovated pottery products. Third is the findings of two adaptation patterns that is done by the pottery craft community of Pagelaran, that is the functional adaptation pattern through the concept of revitalization and the adaptation pattern processual through the concept of reinterpretation.

    Virtual Reality Trimatra and Dwimatra Laboratory Visual Art Materials for Higher Education

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    Dwimatra and trimatra are currently the main material for university fine arts courses. As a partner campus for the MBKM program, it is obligatory to provide compulsory courses in two dimensions and three dimensions. However, this course is prone to learning misconceptions. As a learning process that prioritizes aesthetics, students are not provided an optimal environment in understanding and experiencing aesthetics due to the lack of accessible virtual infrastructure. This research aims to reduce the misconceptions of the learning problem by providing virtual infrastructure for virtual reality laboratories. The research uses the ADDIE Model method (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) to develop learning empirically, structurally, and holistically. Validation tests were carried out by material and media experts to determine the media validity. The match pair test is used as a data analysis technique to determine the level of learning outcomes in pre-test and post-test. The hypothetical decision-making guideline on the match pair test refers to the significance value (Sig) if Sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05, then H0is rejected and Hais accepted, if Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, then H0is accepted and Hais rejected. The practicality test was conducted to determine the level of media practicality that is obtained from R/SM x 100% with the information R (Achievable Value) and SM (Maximum Score). In this regard, the design of virtual reality laboratories for trimatra and dwimatra art materials for higher education can avoid misconceptions about learning with virtual infrastructure technology. Keywords: trimatra, dwimatra, misconceptions, virtual realit

    Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Berbasis Bahan Baku Kayu Di Malang-Jatim

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    Program Ipteks bagi Produk Ekspor (IbPE) ini difokuskan pada dua tempat kegiatan industri, yaitu: (1) kegiatan produksi di workshop CV. NS. MAKMUR JAYA ABADI (UKM 1) terletak di Desa Jatikero, Kec. Kromengan, Kab. Malang yang merupakan industri kreatif memproduksi gitar elektrik, gitar semi elektrik dan gitar akustik; dan (2) UD. ADI ANUGERAH (UKM 2) yang terletak di Junrejo Kota Batu-Malang dengan produksi aneka kerajinan/produk berbahan baku kayu dan turunannya (seperti MDF). Permasalahan UKM mitra dalam program IbPE ini adalah peningkatan kualitas desain produk, peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk sesuai dengan persyaratan produk, penajaman visi produksi (selalu berorientasi pada kebutuhan pasar), peningkatan teknikal skill dan manajemen skill, serta penataan Lay-out produksi, peningkatan keselamatan dan Kenyamanan kerja. Dari hasil program IbPE ini telah dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan dan dampak luaran berupa: (1) penerapan Ipteks melalui rekayasa, manufaktur dan pengadaan mesin planner, perangkat finishing produk, dan mesin sender, (2) implementasi Iptek melalui pengembangan produk berpotensi pasar nasional dan ekspor, (3) pendampingan kepada para pengusaha guna peningkatan kualitas desain, kualitas produk, peningkatan kapasitas produksi, dan manajemen USAha, (4) penataan Lay out mesin/peralatan produksi dan penataan manajemen, (5) perluasan pangsa pasar, (6) terjadi peningkatan jumlah karyawan dan peningkatan omzet 20%

    Using Virtual Reality Video Development as Educational and Tourist Promotional Media

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    Maintaining tourism during a pandemic is a very tough challenge. Policy restrictions limit access and mobility by the government area until state regulations are lifted. The impact on sector tourist experiences are significant, because there is no activity in many destination tours. Indonesia and Thailand have similar destination tour cultures and heritage character histories , i.e. artifacts detailing the legacy and glory of Buddha. The Jago temple and the Grand Palace in Thailand are interestinng educational tours to learn about past civilizations . The appreciation activity for common artifacts that is conducted with a method visit to the location must be replaced with another way. Excellent and sophisticated metaverse technology can be utilized to present ambience and a natural feel of the location. The purpose of this study is to produce helpful virtual reality video products to educate the public about the artifacts in temple Jago in Malang and the Grand Palace artifacts in Thailand as an alternative educational media tour. The method was developed by implementing the ADDIE model. The purpose of this study is as following : (1) produce access in visual forms and shape the atmosphere of destination tours, (2) create access information especially on the culture of products and artifacts, (3) design educational media in website/video/multimedia format or in any other possible format to replace the atmosphere of visit travel, (4) produce deep media video forms or photographs to become products that can raise audience interaction, (5) produce the validity of related data with product artifacts in Jago temple culture and the Grand Palace of Thailand. Keywords: artifact Grand Palace, Candi Jago artifact, VR templ

    Exploration of Malang traditional art for junior high school learning materials

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    Malang has many kinds of traditional art and music and it is important that young people are aware of their local art and music as part of their cultural identity. The purpose of this research was to explore Malang traditional art and music which could be used as learning materials for junior high school students, especially for art and culture subject matter. This research used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, field observation and documentation analysis. The results showed that there is traditional art in Malang which can be used for this purpose, namely pottery from Penanggungan sub-district and batik from Celaket sub-district, which both use traditional elements. This research also identified the traditional music called Malangan Macapat which is different to Central Java Macapat. The conclusion was that these forms of Malang traditional art and music can be developed as learning materials for art and culture subject matter for junior high school students

    Exploration of Malang traditional art for junior high school learning materials

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    Malang has many kinds of traditional art and music and it is important that young people are aware of their local art and music as part of their cultural identity. The purpose of this research was to explore Malang traditional art and music which could be used as learning materials for junior high school students, especially for art and culture subject matter. This research used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, field observation and documentation analysis. The results showed that there is traditional art in Malang which can be used for this purpose, namely pottery from Penanggungan sub-district and batik from Celaket sub-district, which both use traditional elements. This research also identified the traditional music called Malangan Macapat which is different to Central Java Macapat. The conclusion was that these forms of Malang traditional art and music can be developed as learning materials for art and culture subject matter for junior high school students