63 research outputs found

    Managing workforce agility through bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture in public service mediated by psychological empowerment

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture in public service on workforce agility mediated by psychological empowerment in East Kalimantan.  This is an explanatory survey of local government organizations/LGOs in East Kalimantan with an observation unit, consisting of 238 employees who were selected randomly. Data analysis was then carried out using the covariant SEM procedure. The results showed that workforce agility was influenced by leadership and organizational culture. Therefore, leaders who are able to maintain balance in local political dynamics, administrative demands, and running strategy execution are needed. This is because they can ensure the readiness of subordinates to participate in acceleration. Additionally, the organizational culture ensures the orientation of employees to workforce agility through an effective empowerment process. Psychological empowerment mediates the influence of bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture on workforce agility.  Agility concept in the organization is one of the major focuses, and itsimplementation is a strategic and operational framework for public institutions. Integrating the idea of ​​agility, leadership, and workforce is a framework to design methods and taxonomies to set priorities for workforce agility in public institutions from a new public service perspective


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh bukti empiris pengaruh dari literasi keuangan syariah yang indikatornya terdiri dari Financial Knowledge, Financial Behaviour dan Financial Attitude terhadap Perkembangan Usaha pada pelaku UMKM di desa Pematang Serai . Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 25 orang pelaku UMKM yang juga merupakan nasabah dari unit usaha simpan pinjam syariah Bumdes Mozaik desa Pematang Serai.  Temuan penelitian adalah bahwa dari literasi keuangan syariah yang indikatornya terdiri dari Financial Knowledge, Financial Behaviour dan Financial Attitude secara parsial dan simultan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perkembangan usaha pelaku UMKM di desa Pematang Serai dimana kemampuan ketiga indikator untuk mempengaruhi perkembangan usaha hanya 0,72%.  Masih diperlukan perpanjangan OJK untuk lebih giat lagi turun ke desa desa khususnya untuk meningkatkan index literasi keuangan syariah pada masyarakat khususnya pelaku UMKM


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Sistem Informasi Akuntansi yang diterapkan di dan upaya penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi berbasis Android dengan aplikasi Hui Pos di Royal Laundry. Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa dalam prakteknya, Royal Laundry masih belum berhasil menerapkan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi nya dengan baik dikarenakan pengetahuan pemilik Laundry yang sangat minim terkait Aplikasi Hui Pos berbasis Android dan seringkali transaksi tidak tercatat menggunakan bon laundry. Namun demikian, karyawan yang bekerja di laundry ini memiliki kinerja yang baik  terbukti dari hasil wawancara kepada konsumen yang dilakukan oleh peneliti terhadap hasil cucian Laundry tersebut. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan sistem yang dilakukan oleh Royal Laundry belum berhasil karena kurangnya pengetahuan pemilik Laundry terkait Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan pembuatan laporan keuangan namun dari sudut kinerja karyawannya sudah sangat bai


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    In this dedication the researcher helps provide solutions to Bumdes employees to make financial reports. At the beginning of this dedication, the researchers visited Pematang Village, Lemongrass, Tanjung Pura, and Bumdes employees told of their strengths and weaknesses. The deficiencies faced by them were also explained during the visit. The village residents who were in the area of Lemongrass Temple were one of the villages that received grants from the central government. So the problems that arise they do not understand to make computerized financial statements. With this problem the researchers took part in alleviating their problems in making financial statements. The disadvantage faced by them was that the employees in Bumdes only graduated from high school, so they did not know how to make a correct financial report. Educational background for Bumdes employees makes it difficult for them to understand financial statements, researchers provide learning about accounting and accounts from accounting. After they understand new accounts entered into journals. By completing accounts and journals, then they can enter financial reports through the zahir application

    Implementation of Innovative Learning Models in Chemistry Lessons During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to increase students' activeness and learning outcomes in Chemistry. It can be useful in providing an interesting and not boring learning experience for students, through blended learning, students are directly involved in learning activities, to increase student chemistry learning activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is classroom action research consisting of two cycles, each consisting of four activities: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Learning activities with this blended learning model will continue to the next cycle if the indicators of success have not been achieved. The sample in this study was 32 students of class XI MIPA Jambi Medan Private High School. The study’s results used a blended learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic. From the results of research and discussion that have been obtained, several conclusions can be drawn, including; In cycle I, the number of students who are in the active category is 46.88% and the very active is 9.38%, so the number of student activities is 56.26%; In cycle II there was an increase in the activity category by 37.50% and students who were very active increased by 50.00%, so that the number of student activities was obtained by 87.50%, and student learning outcomes increased with the achievement of the minimum completeness criterion score in the first cycle of 64% and in the second cycle it is obtained by 76.00%. So that the number of students' learning completeness is obtained by 84.21%

    Implementation of the Ternakloka Application membership method in increasing livestock sales in Kota Pari Village

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    Livestock has an important role in improving the economy of rural communities. However, there are still obstacles faced by breeders in Kota Pari Village. The main problems are the sale of livestock, difficulties in promoting livestock or bringing livestock to traditional markets and the involvement of middlemen in the process of buying and selling livestock. Overcoming these problems, the researchers implemented the website-based Ternakloka membership application membership method. The membership method which is based on fuzzy set theory allows for more flexible classification of data into categories. This study tested the Ternakloka application using the membership method in Kota Pari Village. The results of this implementation indicate a significant increase in the availability of livestock information to potential buyers. The evaluation results show that the Ternakloka application with the membership method has succeeded in increasing efficiency and transparency in selling livestock in Kota Pari Village. With better information accessibility and implementation of a more effective marketing strategy, livestock sales have increased which has a positive impact on the economy of the farming community. This research provides evidence that the use of livestock application technology using the membership method can be an innovative solution and has the potential to improve the welfare of farmers and encourage the growth of the livestock industry in rural areas


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    Ekoenzim atau Eco enzyme (Ec) merupakan produk hasil fermentasi dari limbah bahan organik berupa sayuran atau buah-buahan. Limbah organik dalam rumah tangga banyak dihasilkan oleh masyarakat setiap hari, tidak terkecuali terjadi pada penduduk dan kelompok penduduk di desa Timbang Jaya, kecamatan Bahorok, Kabupaten Langkat, propinsi Sumatera Utara. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan edukasi dalam pengelolaan sampah/limbah diperlukan tambahan informasi dan pengetahuan serta kesadaran kelompok masyarakat tersebut akan pembuatan Ec sebagai salah satu produk multi fungsi, yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan banyaknya limbah atau sampah organik, khususnya dalam rumah tangga. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah Participation Action Research (PAR) melalui tahapan tertentu. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu focus group discussion (FGD), sosialisasi kegiatan dan memberikan edukasi melalui ceramah dan diskusi, serta praktek langsung. Hasil dari pelatihan pembuatan Ec ini dapat membantu masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, mengelola limbah organik, baik limbah hasil pertanian dan peternakan, maupun limbah rumah tangga. Dengan pelatihan ini, penduduk desa dapat memanfaatkan limbah organik mereka sendiri untuk membuat ekoenzim. Selain mengurangi limbah organik yang masuk ke lingkungan, pelatihan ini juga dapat menciptakan sumber pendapatan tambahan dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan. &nbsp

    The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Orientation and Organizational Learning Toward Business Strategy and Business Performance of Cocoa’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in East Kalimantan

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    The objective of this research was tested the relationship between entrepreneurship orientation and organizational learning toward business strategy and business performance of cocoa’s small and medium enterprises (SME) in East Kalimantan.The study was a confirmatory carries out by testing several hypotheses in order to figure out the causal relationship of all the above variables. All Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) of cocoa in East Kalimantan. A standardized questionnaire was distributed among different people pertinent to cocoa’s industry (distributors, whole sellers, retailers, sales force and employees etc). Questionnaires were used by random sampling technique. A model with hypotheses of the relationships between the constructs was built. The technical analysis applied to test the research hypothesis was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by AMOS program.The result of research showed that there were direct, significant and positive relationships between entrepreneurship orientation and organizational learning and business strategy; there were direct, significant and positive relationships between organizational learning and business strategy and  business performance. There were no relationships between entrepreneurship orientation and business performance and there were no relationships between organizational learning and business strategy at cocoa’s small and medium enterprises (SME) in East Kalimantan.Benefit of this research can be used as scientific information regarding the variables of entrepreneurship orientation, organizational learning, business strategy and business performance. It can also be used as a basis to motivate improvement small scale industry. Keywords: Entrepreneurship orientation, organizational learning, business strategy, business performanc

    Analisis Hubungan Ketergantungan Antara Tingkat sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Dengan Pembelian Produk alat KB Di Surabaya

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    Berdasarbn sumber BKKBN, terlihat bahwa jenis produk alat KB Kondom yang paling sedikit diminati yaitu sekitar 1,9% sedangkan Suntikan merupakan produk alat KB yang paling banyak diminati yaitu sekitar 390Jb.. Dari sumber tersebut tampak bahwa produk aJat KB Suntikan yang paling banyak diminati oleh masyarakat terutama kalangan ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan buruh pabrik dimana mereka mempunyai pendapatan menengah ke bawah dan juga berpendidikan menengah ke bawah. Adanya kenyataan tersebut, penulis ingin mengetahui pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi masyarakat terhadap pemilihan pemakaian produk alat KB, khususnya di Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji apakah ada kaitan yang erat antara tingkat sosial ekonomi masyarakat terhadap pemakaian produk alat KB dan faktor tingkat sosial ekonomi yang mana yang mempunyai pengaruh terbesar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah riset deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan keadaan obyek penelitian sebagaimana adanya serta berusaha menentukan masalah yang akan dihadapi Peubah-peubah yang digunakan disini ada dua macam yaitu peubah independent terdiri dati usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan dan peubah dependent yang terdiri dari produk-produk alat KB yaitu Pil, IUD, Suntikan, Kondom, Susuk KB, dan Sterilisasi Untuk memperoleh data dari konsumen dengan menggunakan cara atau alat kuesioner ( daftar pertanyaan). sedangkan target populasinya adalah konsumen atau pemakai produk alat KB Pil, IUD, Suntikan, Kondom, Susuk KB, dan Sterilisasi di wilayah Surabaya. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Non Probability Sampling dengan tipe Quota Sampling karena pengambilan sampel berdasarkan pertimbangan peneliti. Dimana pengambilan sampel diJakukan pada tempat-tempat yang menjual dan melayani produk alat KB yaitu Puskesmas (Puskesmas Rungkut, Puskesmas Tenggilis ), Posyandu, Rumah Sakit Bersalin "Ny. Soegiarti", dan lain sebagainya, selama satu bulan yaitu dari bulan Juni 1994 sampai dengan bulan Juli 1994 dengan mendatangi tempat tersebut secara bergantian. Responden yang dijadikan sampel adalah orang-orang yang mendatangi tempat tersebut dan memakai produk a1at KB. Hasil dari penilaian konsumen ini dimasukkan kedalam tabel kontingensi. Hal ini memungkinkan karena jenis datanya adalah nominal Setelah dihitung dengan tabel kontingensi maka uji hipotesis yang dilakukan ialah uji Chi-Square dengan tingkat signifikansi (alfa) 5%. Hasil penelitian yang dipcroleh adalah terdapat hubungan ketergantungan antara tingbt sosial ekonomi masyarakat yaitu usia, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, dan besarnya pendapatan dengan pembelian produk aJat KB di wilayah Surabay

    Review of Reading Understanding in the Ability of Writing in Class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan

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    This study aims to determine the comprehension of reading in the ability to write the students of class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan as many 173 people and sampling is done by random sampling, so that the research samples obtained as many  36 people. The method used is descriptive method. All data were obtained by using questionnaire. From the indicators on understanding the structure of this text obtained an average percentage of 90.28%, therefore it can be said that understanding the text structure of students class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan categorized very well. From the indicators on understanding the characteristics of this language obtained an average percentage of 90.97%, therefore it can be said that understanding the characteristics of language class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan categorized very well. From the indicator on writing ability is obtained an average percentage of 90.28%, therefore it can be said that the ability to write class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan is categorized very well. Keywords: understanding, language, and writing ability
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