20,389 research outputs found


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    In order to describe the cobalt-water interaction correctly, a new ab ibitio potential was developed consisting of pair interaction terms as well as three-body contributions. Within this approach, it was possible to correct for the well-known failures of pair potentials in describing solvation phenomena of such ions. A first-shell coordination number of 6 in agreement with experimental data were obtained from Molecular Dynamics simulations of a single ruthenium (II) ion in water. The structure of hydrated ion is discussed in terms of radial density functions and coordination number, energy and angular distributions. FMIPA, 2007 (PEND. KIMIA


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    Social Life Skill is a very important ability for human life in society. The current situation in Indonesia shows the skill is not developed properly so that conflict happened everywhere and physical as well as mental destruction happened at the end. Therefore the social life skill is very important to be educated since early childhood. This second year research is intended: (1) to construct module of “social life skill” for preschool educators based on the finding of the first year research in connection with preschool educator knowledge on social life skill and how to implement it in educating children; (2) to evaluate the validity of the module, either its content or readability; (3) to make the module perfect/better based on the result of try out. The study used research and development approach with the design model of Borg and Gall. Operational variable used is the concept of social life skill, consists of 3 aspects: (1) Empathy, (2) Affiliation and conflict resolution, and (3) Developing positive manners. Each has 3 sub aspects. Therefore there are 3 modules constructed and each has 3 sub modules. The research subjects are kindergarten teachers which institution where they work located in village area, and in the city. Their level of education consist of: junior secondary, senior secondary, 1, 2, 3 years diploma and S1 from various study programs, some are not related with early childhood education. They are also ranged from 1 to 30 years working experience. The content of the modules was validated by experts on early childhood education and Indonesian language judgment. There are 9 sub modules being evaluated its content and readability so that it will be easy to be read by preschool teachers. Readability test using cloze method which means the text of the module taken the 7th word and made it blank which should be filled by reader for readability testing. The sub modules were checked its readability two times, first with 6 preschool teachers. The second was involving 68–72 preschool teachers for each sub module. The criteria of readability are: if more than 60% readers could answer the right words the text of the sub module is considered to be easy to understand; if 41%–60% readers could answer the right word, the text of the sub module is considered to be medium and needs instructor to help understanding the text; whereas if only 40% or less readers could answer the right words, the text is considered difficult to understand and should be revised. The norm used to accept the module is the criteria of more than 60% readers could answer the right words. The finding of the first try out ranged from 44.54% to 77.02%, and the second was ranged from 61.54% to 83.70%. The result of the research are: (1) There are 3 modules of “social life skill” constructed, each has 3 sub modules, so there are totally 9 sub modules constructed; (2) The content validity of the modules were evaluated by expert judgement, and the readability testing of sub modules was all reach level of readability: easy to understand; and (3) In order to make the modules easier to understand, the words considered difficult were revised or presented in glossary. Keywords: module, social life skill, preschool educator FIP, 2006 (PPB


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    This research aim to: (1) assess the need of Guidance and Counseling teachers concerning module material for increasing psychological preparedness of senior high school students in facing natural disaster; (2) develop and also validate module mentioned at the first purpose of this research. This research apply research and development approach for module validation and development. The research variable in this study is psychological preparedness in facing natural disaster; Psychological preparedness consisted of cognitive, affective and psychomotoric readiness; while natural disaster anticipated in this module cover earthquake, mount erupt and tropical cyclone. Research subject consist of 48 Guidance and Counseling teachers in special region of Yogyakarta for the purpose of need assessment; and for testing module validity, besides tested by three expert people, they are each expert in Guidance and Counseling, expert in natural disaster and mitigation, and expert in media, module is also tried out to user subject, that is Guidance and Counseling teachers of senior high school in special region of Yogyakarta. The try out sequentially involve 6 people at initial field, 15 people at main field, and 65 people at operational field. Instruments applied to collect data are either opened or closed questionnaires. The collected data, the quantitative as well as the qualitative one were analyzed descriptively. Results obtained from this research are: (1) Material required by Guidance and Counseling teachers for module of psychological preparedness in facing natural disaster cover cognitive aspect (14,58%), affective aspect (31,25%) and psychomotoric aspect (52,08%). (2) The module of "Personal-Social Guidance for increasing Psychological Preparedness of Students in Facing Natural Disaster" which is developed besides based on result of need assessment, also based on literature study by considering potential disaster for special region of Yogyakarta, therefore module developed cover three activities of personal-social services, each to face natural disaster of (a) earthquake, (b) mount erupt, and (c) tropical cyclone. (3) module validated is valued proper either in appearance or in concept, and also useful as media for assisting to perform service of personal-social guidance to increase psychological preparedness of senior high school students in facing natural disaster. Further, the module is valued “self-contained” for having fulfilled acceptance criterion (subject reach 80% minimum understanding) at the test of content understanding and module readability. Keywords: Module of Personal-Social Guidance, Psychological Preparedness in Facing Natural Disaster FIP, 2008 (PPB


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    This Research has general purpose, which is to apply Community Based Rehabilitation for Disabled People of Tectonic Earthquake Victim for self-supporting life in rural. Specific purposes wishing to be achieved are (1) obtain rehabilitation model for disabled people, (2) form CBR team along with guidance package of CBR execution to empower the disabled people. The approach of research is by using Research and Development. First year, research is done to get need assesment of disabled people and also survey of countryside potency for model test-drive. Second year draft of model development of guidance package of RBM program is compiled. Research Subject cover disabled people of earthquake victim residing in Countryside of Sendangtirto, Berbah, Sleman and Countryside of Srihardono, Pundong, Bantul. Research data collected through observation, interview, documentation, appraisal rural participatory. Data analysis is done with descriptive technique qualitative. Result of research show (1) Having been obtained country¬side potency basic data in the region of research which is related to disabled people of earthquake victim, namely available covering of Human Resourches Development as CBR model developer, education service, health service, economic activities centre of citizen, home industry and company, (2) Having been obtained basic data of disabled people prevalensi number which need to get rehabilitation service, model test-drived countryside, namely 79 physical disabled people in countryside of Sendangtirto and 77 physical disabled people in countryside of Srihardono, (3) Having been formed team executor of CBR in countryside of Sendangtirto and Srihardono, each countryside is under the coordination of Kesra with 20 people of facilitators for each countryside, so that there are 40 people of facilitators which at the same time will become disabled people rehabilitation tutor, (4) Having been given training / tutorial about CBR to 40 people of facilitators at two countryside, (5) Having been earned to be blazed the way of fund income efforts to support program of RBM activity, that is fee managed by PKK, donator, and aid of NGO, (6) Occurrence of caring of the society to the importance of giving rehabilitation service for disabled people of earthquake victim after the clarifi¬ca¬tion about program of CBR in the form of meeting and workshop. Keyword: disabled people, Community Based Rehabilitation FIP, 2008 (PEND. LUAR BIASA


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    This research was based on three main reasons; fiirst, the development of intelligence theory not just oriented in cognitive aspect, so that originating theory of multiple intelligences; second, there was phenomenon of so many senior high school students that not yet understanding their own interest and aptitude when graduated from senior high school, so that they felt confused to determine their study program in higher education. The originating of multiple intelligences theory helped students in understanding and optimizing their potential ability; third, there had no standardized instrument of multiple intelligences that can make the work of instrument user easier, especially for guidance teacher to understand their students’ ability characteristic or profile. Based on these reasons, this second year research was intended to produce instrument of multiple intelligences based on computer. The research was development study by using qualitative approach. The research subjects were expert in computer programming and the students of senior high school as the instrument users. In this research, the development model used was procedural model oriented in the design of Borg and Gall (1983). This research in the second year was initiated by constructing computer program in the form of multiple intelligences instrument based on computer. Then the utility of the program was being tried out. Data collecting was done qualitatively by asking for feed back from expert in computer programming known as expert judgement. The research was also supported by quantitative data obtained from questionnaire given to the senior high school students. Data collected was analyzed qualitatively using technique of content analysis, and quantitatively using descriptive analysis. The result showed that the instrument of multiple intelligences based on computer had been tried out for several times. The first try out was done to the expert, and got many suggestion and feed back. After being revised, the second try out of the instrument was done to the senior high school students who were concerned as user subjects. The result showed that the instrument was able to be used easily without any difficulty both in doing the test or in reading the report. In conclusion, the instrument of multiple intelligences based on computer was already able to use for senior high school students. Based on this result, it was suggested that the instrument was better completed by manual in order to make easier for the user, and also needed to be socialized to senior high schools for tracing the students’ interest and aptitude. Keywords: instrument of multiple intelligences based on computer, senior high school students FIP, 2007 (PPB


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    The synthesis of asymmetric dibenzalacetone has been done by crossed aldol condensation. It can be made from 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, benzaldehyde and acetone as the starting materials. As a nucleophile, acetone, has α-hydrogens in two side. It means, that it can attack two kinds of aldehyde. The product will be characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, HMQC and HMBC spectrometer. Therefore, it was identified as 1(E),4(E)-1-phenyl-5-(3’,4’-dimethoxyphenyl)-penta-1,4-diene-3-one. FMIPA, 2008 (PEND. KIMIA

    Old Mask

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    abstract The mask is a duplication of a human face which is usually used to dance in Bali this mask.Karya retrieve the object mask (Mask Old) because they want to preserve the art and culture of another is Bali.Alasan object mask as a work of art has a very high artistic value. This work is a rare photographic work, because to get this work, the author must wait while the mask dance dipentaskannya classified as sacred and only exhibited at certain moments. This work is unique because it works diats photography printed palm leaves. Usually we know photographic work printed on paper or canvas. Thus this work proved, that the photographic work could be developed to print on palm leaves. Can add new kazanah photographic work has its own uniqueness. Keywords: Papyrus, Old Mas

    Developing Student Worksheet In English Based On Constructivism Using Problem Solving Approach For Mathematics Learning On The Topic Of Social Arithmetics

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of student worksheet in English based on constructivism using problem solving approach for mathematics learning on the topics of social arithmetic, and its quality. The development of the student worksheet follows ADDIE model, there are: analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instruments of the research are validation questionnaire, student response questionnaire, learning observation sheet, teacher interview, and test. The development process of student worksheet is: 1) analyze: need analyze, student analyze, and task analyze, 2) design: determining the component of the student worksheet based on analyze phase, 3) development: writing the student worksheet, doing expert validation, and revising student worksheet based on the validation, 4) implementation: implementing the learning process using student worksheet to examine its effectiveness and practicality, 5) evaluation: analyzing its effectiveness and practicality, and revising the student worksheet. The quality of student worksheet is: 1) the level of validity is 4,01, of 5 scales (valid), 2) the level of effectiveness is 80,56% (very effective based on student test), 3) the level of practicality are 81,6% (practice based on learning process observation), and 3,03 of 4 scales (practice based on student response). Keywords: student worksheet, constructivism, problem solving, social arithmeti

    Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Bersertifikat Pendidik di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan kemampuan guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam hal : (1) pemahaman karakteristik peserta didik (2) pengembangan dan pelaksanaan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (3) pengembangan potensi peserta didik (4) pelaksanaan evaluasi dan tindak lanjut di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara , observasi dan dokumentasi dengan sumber data kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru bersertifikat pendidik dan siswa SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri. Teknik analisa data meliputi reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Kemampuan guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam pemahaman karakteristik peserta didik di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri bersifat permanen dan temporer. Kemampuan guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam pengembangan dan pelaksanaan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri ditunjukkan dengan guru dapat menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) sesuai standar proses. Upaya yang dilakukan Kepala Sekolah dalam menerapkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran sesuai standar proses dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas mutu pendidikan dengan cara mengadakan pelatihan berbentuk MGMP, workshop, seminar, diskusi, pelatihan implementasi kurikulum, dan pelatihan manajemen kelas. Kemampuan guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam pengembangan potensi peserta didik di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri Wonogiri dalam hal mengelola pembelajaran telah sesuai dengan kompetensi yang akan dicapai siswa, kontekstual, berorientasi pada siswa, menggunakan bahasa lisan dan tulis dengan lancar dan benar, dan melaksanakan evaluasi akhir sesuai dengan kompetensi siswa. Dalam memanfaatkan teknologi pembelajaran, para guru telah menggunakan media sesuai dengan Kompetensi Dasar dan membuat siswa aktif. Kemampuan guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam pelaksanaan evaluasi dan tindak lanjut di SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri ditandai dengan keterlibatan guru-guru dalam menentukan penilaian program kegiatan pembelajaran