10 research outputs found

    An Evaluation Of The Textbook When English Rings A Bell Used By Eighth Grade Students At SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta

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    The objectives of this study are:1) To describe the quality of When English Rings a Bell textbook according to Cunningsworth’s good criteria of English textbook; 2) To describe the teacher’s views concerning the quality of When English Rings a Bell used at SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta; and 3) To describe the student’s views concerning the quality of when English Rings a Bell Used at SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. In connducting this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative type. The in-depth textbook analysis shows that all chapters in When English Rings a Bell fulfills criteria from Cunningsworth’s standard requirement. The textbook was suitable enough to be used for media in teaching learning process for the seventh grade student of Junior High School. In the teacher’s view, the textbook is appropriate with the learning objectives. The teacher’s statement is in line with the Cunningsworth’s theory that a good textbook should correspond to the learner’s needs. In using When English Rings a Bell, the students still get some difficulties. First, they still need the teacher’s guidance in comprehending the materials. Secondly, they need other supporting materials from other sources to improve their comprehension. The textbook was also lack of examples. Based on the students’ interview results, the weakness of this textbook might be lack of theories. Some students stated that the textbook has a small scope. They agreed that the given materials to use in the classroom have to be varied. From the research findings, it can be concluded that When English Rings a Bell textbook can be recommended as learning source for junior high school students as it fulfill the Cunningsworth criteria of good textbook. The researcher also hopes that it can maintain its quality. Keywords: evaluation, textbook, cunningsworth theor

    Teaching and Learning Pronunciation by Using Shadowing in Imitation Technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta

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    This study explains the implementation and difficulties of teachers in teaching and learning pronunciation by using shadowing in imitation technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were two teachers and eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta with two different classes. Each class was represented by three students consisting of males and females. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of teaching pronunciation using shadowing in imitation technique improve the pronunciation skill of the students. However, the students faced difficulties as follows: 1. They often felt that they were unable to understand what was said by English speakers. They had problems with their pronunciation of Standard English. 2. They were unable to identify the meaning of the words especially for the words which have similar sounds. 3. They were unable to control the speed of the speakers’ speeches, to get repeated things, and to concentrate. Some students found it easier to understand and practice pronunciation fluently when using shadowing in imitation technique. As a result, they were happy because the technique used youtube or video as media which attracted more interest in learning

    Employing Cooperative Script Method In Teaching English: Challenges And Coping Strategies

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    This study aims at describing how the cooperative script method is applied in teaching English, the challenges found in it, and to describing the coping strategies for overcoming the challenges. The object of this research focuses on teachers who teach using cooperative script method. This research is a descriptive research that takes data from observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that there are challenges in teaching English using the cooperative script method, including the inappropriate group division by teacher, limited of understanding how to work in group by students, limited understanding the meaning of the text, limited understanding on vocabulary, and limited understanding on the ideas in the text. To overcome these challenges, the teacher changes the groups, students ask the teacher, students discuss with friends, and students look up in the dictionary

    Inquiry Based Learning in Elt at SMP N 4 Boyolali

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    This research is a research on inquiry based learning in teaching reading implemented by an English teacher in grade 8 at SMP N 4 Boyolali. The purpose of the study was to investigate the implementation of IBL in teaching reading and provide feedback on its advantages and disadvantages.. The results of this study show that 1) the teacher applied the inquiry based learning in teaching reading based on three stages: exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. 2) the use of the IBL in teaching reading by the teacher refers to the process of understanding the analysis of vocabulary and information to students. 3) advantages and disadvantages of using this model for the learning scheme applied by teachers to students

    Teaching Vocabulary To The Tenth Grade Students At Muhammadiyah Boarding School 1 Weleri, Kendal In 2019/2020 Academic Year: Teachers’ Techniques And Students’ Responses

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    This study describes the techniques applied by teachers in teaching English vocabulary to the tenth grade students at Muhammadiyah Boarding School 1 Weleri. This study aims to determine and describe the techniques used by teachers on how teachers apply these techniques in teaching English vocabulary, and analyze the responses of students regarding the techniques used by teachers in vocabulary learning. The subjects of this study were two teachers and six tenth grade students at Muhammadiyah Boarding School 1 Weleri. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research was obtained by observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study, researchers found five techniques used by both teachers in teaching English vocabulary. Teacher A techniques used are: (a) example sentences, (b) word syntaxes, (c) translating with dictionaries, (d) practice (oral drills and practice exercises), and (e) memorization. Teacher B techniques used are: (a) equality of words / opposites, (b) translating, (c) practice, and (e) memorization. Students‘ responses in general can accept the techniques used by both teachers, which can be seen from the attitudes, activeness, and enthusiasm of students when attending lessons. Students have different responses to the techniques used by teacher A and teacher B. With the techniques applied by the teacher in vocabulary learning, students‘ get improvement in learning English

    Students' Perception On The Use Of Duolingo Platform For Learning English In Department English Education At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta

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    This study aims to (1) find out students' perceptions of the use of the DuoLingo platform to hone English skills; (2) discovering the challenges of learning English as a foreign language on the DuoLingo platform; (3) English skills are more developed after using the DuoLingo platform. This type of research is qualitative. The research subjects were students of the English Language Education Study Program at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The object of the study was students' perceptions of using the DuoLingo platform to improve their English skills, by taking 30 students in semester 5. Researchers found that the DuoLingo platform can be used as a medium for learning English; helps increase motivation to learn; help improve vocabulary mastery; easy to access; can be a free online course; improve grammar skills; has advanced and modern features; introduced a British accent; international means of communication; and develop English skills. DuoLingo, English skills, students

    Using Songs and Movies in Teaching Listening Comprehension by the English Teacher at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta

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    This research has purpose to (1) To describe the implementation of using songs and movies in teaching listening at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta. (2) To investigate advantages and disadvantages of using songs and movies in teaching listening at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject in this research was the English teacher at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta who teach listening comprehension using songs and movie. The data were gathered using two techniques: interview and document review. There were three activities to analyze: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The analysis was done to describe the implementation using songs and movie in teaching listening as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The results show that (1) the use of songs and movies is well implemented by the teacher and brings the advantages of the use of songs and movies as media to teach listening in the EFL classroom. The teacher always prepare lesson plan before teaching, there are teaching steps that consists of introduction, core activity, and closing or closure activity, teaching material, and evaluation. (2) The use of songs and movies in teaching listening has advantages and disadvantages. The use of songs is able to motivate and entertain the students in the learning, songs can make the learning more fun, also help the students to easily memorize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation. Meanwhile, the use of songs is sometimes not suitable to all students, difficult to monitor students in listening songs, and the vocabularies provided by the songs can be poor or non-standard. The use of movies bring some advantages to help students experience to the use of language in the real contexts, movies increase the motivation of students in the learning, movies help students increase their attention and focus, movies help students to experience the real language and how the language is used based on the movies. Meanwhile, movie is time consuming and boring due to the long duration, students can only pay attention to the actor or actress in the movie and forget about the task, English movies in the EFL classroom will reduce students’ time to do classroom activities such as writing or having discussion, and it is difficult to monitor students in watching movie independently at home during distance learning. It is recommended to the teacher to apply songs and movies with various teaching techniques to help students in listening comprehension

    Teaching English At Sd Negeri Jeruk, Magetan In 2022/2023 Academic Year: Challenges And Coping Strategies

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    This study aims at describing the challenges that found in teaching English at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan and the coping strategies to overcome the challenges found in teaching English at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan. The subjects from this research are the English teacher at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan and the students from V grades at SD Negeri Jeruk Magetan. The objects of the research are the challenges in teaching English to primary school and the coping strategies to overcome the challenges found in teaching English at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan. This is a qualitative research and the data are taken from interview and observation. The result from this study show that there were the challenges in teaching English at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan, the challenge come from internal factors and external factors and the to overcome the challenges found in teaching English at SD Negeri Jeruk, Magetan, the teacher used cognitive strategies and the students used cognitive strategies, compensation strategies and meta-cognitive strategies

    Using Role Play Technique in Teaching Speaking

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    This research was held with qualitative method by using observation and interview session in collecting data. This study aims to know how role-play technique being applied in teaching speaking in class IX at a private Junior High School in Surakarta, challenges faced by the students in the implementing process, and how the students solve the challenges by using their own coping strategies. Based on the observation and interview session, the implementation of role play technique in learning speaking in class IX at a private Junior High School in Surakarta was done quite well. However, the students faced several challenges during the process, for example, most students still feeling nervous and shy. It caused by their lack of vocabulary, lack of practice, and still feeling awkward in playing the roles. Therefore, the students need more time to preparation and well- experienced teacher to train them more about role play. Fortunately, based the interview session with students, the researcher found that the students actually had several coping strategies to prevent and cope their challenges such as doing preparation, relaxation, and thinking positively. Also, they committed to open their dictionary more often, and learn about role's characteristic as they believed that by learning role's characteristic could make people being comprehend how to be speak and act in their portion and position properl