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    This research is a study on Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler based on the Radical Feminism approach. There are two objectives of the study. The first objective is to investigate the kinds of struggle committed by Hedda Gabler in fighting over patriarchal ideology as reflected in the play. The second objective is to investigate the kinds of obstacle faced by Hedda Gabler in fighting over the ideology. This research is qualitative study with content analysis method. The object of the study is the struggle of radical feminism ideology to fight patriarchal ideology in Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler. The data of the study are words, sentences and dialogues found in the play. The data analysis was conducted using radical feminism approach and other information which have close relationship to the issue of the objectives of this study. In order to get credibility and validity of the findings, the researcher applied triangulation and discussion technique. Further, in order to gain transferability, the researcher provided descriptive data as clear and efficient as possible within the form of data table. The researcher also reread the play to get dependability and consulted her research findings to his thesis consultants to achieve the conformability. There are two major important points as the results of the analysis. The first result is there are three kinds of struggle committed by Hedda as a female character here. They are (1) being an androgynous person, (2) freely experimenting with her own sexuality, and (3) rejecting biological motherhood. Meanwhile, the second result is there are three major obstacles faced by Hedda here, which unfortunately comes from the patriarchal ideology itself. The three obstacles are (1) gender discrimination, (2) sexual oppression, and (3) biological motherhood. In sum, although the strength of male’s world and its ideology of patriarchy seems stronger than any other enemy for every woman, it is undeniable duty for women to give their best struggle to fight it. The results of the struggle are not the main points, what is more important is the struggle itself

    Ekonomi Islam Berbasis Ekonomi Kerakyatan

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    Bila kita lihat Ekonomi Islam suatu perekonomian yang melandasi dalam pelaksaanannya yang bersifat adil, lebih berpihak pada ekonomi kerakyatan. Mengapa demikian dalam ekonomi Islam adalah perekonomian yang membuat semua sejahtera dan tidak merusak lingkungan sekitarnya. Perkembangan ekonomi dan bisnis syariah di Indonesia maupun di dunia ini yang semakin pesat, mempunyai konsekuensi terhadap pemenuhan akan kebutuhan SDM Syariah. Khususnya di Indonesia, perkembangan ekonomi syariah ditandai oleh perkembangan bisnis lembaga keuangan syariah seperti bank umum syariah- bank muamalat Indonesia, bank syariah mandiri, bank syariah mega Indonesia- unit usaha syariah bank konvensional, BPRS, BMT, Takaful, pegadaian syariah, dll, baik dilihat dari total assetnya maupun jumlah pembiayaan yang diberikan. Tidak banyak yang dikemukakan dalam Al Quran, dan hanya prinsip-prinsip yang mendasar saja. Karena alasan-alasan yang sangat tepat, Al Quran dan Sunnah banyak sekali membahas tentang bagaimana seharusnya kaum Muslim berprilaku sebagai produsen, konsumen dan pemilik modal, tetapi hanya sedikit tentang sistem ekonomi. Sebagaimana diungkapkan dalam pembahasan diatas, ekonomi dalam Islam harus mampu memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada setiap pelaku usaha. Selain itu, ekonomi syariah menekankan empat sifat, antara lain: 1. Kesatuan (unity), 2. Keseimbangan (equilibrium), 3. Kebebasan (free will) 4. Tanggungjawab (responsibility). Manusia sebagai wakil (khalifah) Tuhan di dunia tidak mungkin bersifat individualistik, karena semua (kekayaan) yang ada di bumi adalah milik Allah semata, dan manusia adalah kepercayaannya di bumi. Untuk itu yang dilakukan dalam Ekonomi Islam selalu berorientasi pada kepentingan masyarakat kecil atau selalu yang menyentuh pada bidang pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan yaitu bagaimana masyarakat bisa aktif dapat meningkatkan penghasilannya


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Lae Gambir, yang terletak di Kecamatan Simpang Kanan, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Variabel yang mengandung hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan digunakan sebagai variabel dalam penelitian ini. Untuk memudahkan pembuatan kuisioner, defenisi variabel yang akan diteliti harus diberikan.Masyarakat Desa adalah populasi penelitian ini. Lae  Gambir Kecamatan Simpang Kanan sebanyak 100 orang responden Ditunjukkan bahwa faktor perbedaan inflasi (VIF) kurang dari 10 angka, antara lain modal 1.168 kurang dari 5, SDM 1.200 kurang dari 5, dan potensi 1.057 kurang dari 5. Selain itu, nilai toleransi modal 0,856 kurang dari 0,10, SDM 0,834 kurang dari 0,10, dan potensi 0,946 kurang dari 0,10 tanpa dipengaruhi oleh multikolinieritas. Dengan demikian, Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. dan potensi.Potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di desa harus dikelola dengan baik agar dapat memberikan manfaat jangka panjang bagi pembangunan desa. Desa perlu mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan, seperti pertanian organik, penanggulangan perubahan iklim, konservasi lingkungan, dan pengelolaan air yang efisien. Dengan mengelola potensi alam secara berkelanjutan, desa dapat memastikan ketersediaan sumber daya yang mencukupi untuk generasi mendatang

    Sharia Accounting In Zakat Management Organizations Of Riau Province With Structural Equation Model Based On Psak No. 109

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    The function of the organization is to transform resources in the form of inputs into outputs for use. In individual organizations that play a very important and influential role in the progress of the company, the organization is a complex element, and therefore there is a need for an understanding of theory supported by empirical research that is needed before being applied in managing humans themselves effectively. Law Number 38 of 1999 concerning Management of Zakat and Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 581 of 1999. Islamic accounting is a scientific discipline, not a matter of belief or a matter of ritual worship procedures as is often suspected by many people. Islamic accounting is one of the sciences, disciplines, and accounting systems as well as the Capitalist Accounting system. Studying Islamic Accounting is a must in this increasingly global economy. The increasing number of business institutions that apply Islamic law will require Islamic accounting and the personnel who master it. The rise of Muslims, especially educated people who feel the shortcomings contained in Western capitalism. Zakat is an official institution that is directed to create equity and justice for the community, so that the standard of living of the community can be improved. Therefore, zakat includes not only the worship dimension but also the social dimension. In order for zakat funds to be efficient and effective, it is necessary to have zakat management professionally and responsibly


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    Abstrak :Karburisasi adalah metode yang paing banyak digunakan dalam perlakuan panas permukaan komponen yang dikarburisasikan dan biasanya terbuat dari baja dengan karbon reaktif rendah. Dalam hal ini penelitian tentang pengaruh perlakuan panas karburisasi padat terhadap baja padat terhadap baja karbon yang digunakan pada roda gigi ringan (komponen gear sprocket) dalam temperatur yang sama dan waktu penahan (holding time) yang berbeda sehingga didapatkan kekerasan yang dibutuhkan dengan efisiensi tinggi. Pengujian karburisasi gear sprocket tingkat kekerasan dan kedalaman karburisasi pada gear sprocket dengan temperatur 9250C dengan waktu tahan 4 jam dengan kedalaman karburisasi 1 mm. kekerasan yang tertinggi pada puncak sebesar 454,04HV dan pada kaki 315,03HV (waktu penahanan 4 jam), kekerasan terkecil sebesar 89,12HV diperoleh pada puncak (waktu penahanan 1 jam) serta pada kaki 82,72HV (waktu penahanan 2 jam). Hasil specktrometri diperoleh kadar karbon sprocket produk dalam negeri (lokal) lebih besar dari pada original (lokal= 0,76 %C dan original= 0,62 %C).Kata kunci: karburisasi padat, roda gigi, holding time, kekerasan permukaan, perlakuan panas

    Pandangan Maqashid Syariah Dalam Mencapai Kesempurnaan Konsepsi Ekonomi Islam

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    Ekonomi Islam adalah sistem ekonomi Islam yang menyangkut pengaturan kegiatan ekonomi dalam masyarakat berdasarkan cara atau metode Islam. Sistem merupakan keseluruhan yang kompleks, yakni suatu susunan hal atau bagian yang saling berhubungan, sedangkan ilmu adalah pengetahuan yang dirumuskan secara sistematis. Jadi sistem adalah setiap peraturan yang lahir dari pandangan dunia atau aqidah tertentu yang berfungsi untuk memecahkan dan mengatasi problem hidup manusia, menjelaskan bagaimana cara pemecahan, memelihara serta mengembangkannya. Ekonomi Islam memiliki suatu kerangka pemikiran  (frame of thought) yang khas, dengan tujuan khas, dan salah satu bagian dari keluasan dan kesempurnaan konsepsi Islam sebagai sarana untuk mengimplementasikan tujuan kesejahteraan hidup umat manusia.  Dalam hal ini institusi perbankan sebagai perlindungan untuk kesejateraan hidup manusia, sedangkan akad murabahah sebagai suatu cara manusia menggunakan akalnya untuk bertransaksi mengolah hartanya agar mencapai keuntungan yang diperoleh sebagai pendapatannya yang berkah sesuai dengan syariah sehingga mendapat ridha Allah swt

    WB-Cleaner Si Penghapus Permanent Marker

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    The one of Effective instructional media in order to support the success of the learning process isthe board or (white boards). But in use, whiteboard can hinder the effectiveness of the learning process when the slates used are dirty due to the rest of the previous posts. This is because the eraser which used is not really able to delete the post until the whiteboard clean as new. Generally, the eraser made of fabric designed with wood or plastic and does not remove the whiteboard until completely clean, so the whiteboard that has a very dirty usually would replaced with a new one, but if seen in terms of the physical is still good , but it is no longer effective if used continue, so inevitably the whiteboard must be replaced. But if there is a cleaner that can clean the whole lifetime of the slates may be longer and better teaching effectiveness and cost savings in the field of education expenses to buy a new whiteboard. But until now there is no specific product that is designed to clean up the remnants of markers on a whiteboard markers either regular or permanent markers. Therefore, for a more durable whiteboard, we provide a solution to make The Whiteboard cleaner liquid-based natural that we refer to as "WB-Cleaner". This product is designed to remove dirty whiteboard that has been caused by the use of regular markers and permanent markers

    Yield Performance of Locally Selected Cocoa Clones in North Luwu

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    Participatory selection in North Luwu District selected some locally cocoa clones, of which MCC 01 and MCC 02 the most promising to be developed as clonal material. This research has objectives to observe the stability performance of yield of these clones that enable be characterized of the potency as the basis for recommendation. Observation were carried out in 35 selected-farms be differentiated according to clone\u27s type, namely MCC 01, MCC 02 and Sulawesi 01 (control) and the year of planting (age). These farms were establised at the main area of cocoa in North Luwu. The assessed variables were the number of pod, yield components, the resistance to cocoa pod borer (CPB), vascular-streak dieback (VSD) and phytophthora pod rot (PPR). Data were recorded through 20 sampled-trees per farm in the period of April 2013 to April 2014 with monthly basis assessment. Data were analyzed refer to Eberhart & Russel method to perform stability parameters of the yield. The results indicate that these clones stable performing yield potency among plant age. MCC 01 and MCC 02 performed yield potency in amount of 3,682 kg/ha and 3,132 kg/ha respectively higher than Sulawesi 01 of 2,772 kg/ha. Evaluation of the resistance, MCC 01 having moderate resistance to CPB and VSD and resistance to PPR, however MCC 02 having resistance to CPB, VSD and PPR. Referring to the potency thus MCC 01 and MCC 02 were legally recommended as clonal material for farmers, restricted at the agroclimatic area similar to the condition in North Luwu
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