117 research outputs found


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    The aims of this study were to analyze for the pattern diversity of organizational innovationcapability building and what factor caused it among Small and Medium Business (SMB) inSemarang.The study used seven factors of determinant of innovation capability. The factorwere human resource capability, technology usage, external interactions, marketing capability,production/operation capability, new product development, and research and development.The study also propose 2 (two) factors that were used to test what factors causes the patterndiversity of innovation capability building. The factors are business size and business age.Based on literatures reviews and questionnaire result, for 101 managers of SMB and t-tetsanalize, succeed that business size caused pattern diversity of organizational innovationcapability building among SMB for four factors.The factors were human resource capability,technologi usage, marketing capability and research and development. The followed analysis,business age caused pattern diversity of organizational innovation capability building amongSMB for four factors. The factors were external interaction, marketing capability, technologiusage and research and development.Keywords : Innovation Capability, Pattern Diversity,SM

    Aliansi Strategik: Faktor Pendorong dan Hambatannya

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    Aliansi strategik merupakan persetujuan kerjasama suatu Perusahaan dengan Perusahaan lain yang berlangsung secara relatif, meliputi aliran dan keterkaitan sumberdaya dan/ atau struktur governance dari organisasi otonom (Parkhe, 1993). Aliansi strategic sangat bermanfaat bagi Perusahaan untuk menigkatkan kinerja melalui transfer knowledge, internalisasi teknologi, sharing dengan Perusahaan partner dan sebagai sarana Perusahaan untuk menciptakan nilai yang bermafaat bagi Perusahaan. Namun dalan membentuk aliansi, selain ada hal-hal yang mendorong terbentuknya aliansi, juga terdapat banyak hambatan

    Analysis Of Company Performance Through Financial Aspect And Innovation Capacity At Super Afifah Palu Tofu Factory

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    This study aims to analyze the performance of the Tofu Super Afifah Palu Company based on the Financial Aspects and Innovation Capability. This study uses primary and secondary data, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Company's financial liquidity ratio can be ascertained to be very liquid and is included in the very healthy criteria (94.4% in 2018 and 172.22% in 2019 for the current ratio while for the quick ratio it is 66.40% in 2018 and 127.78% in 2019). Furthermore, the results of the solvency ratio analysis also increased from 2018 to 2019. Both in terms of the Debt to Asset Ratio and the Debt Equity Ratio. However, despite experiencing an increase in the Debt Equity Ratio, the company must pay attention and maximize it again so that in the future it can get an assessment or be included in the healthy criteria. Meanwhile, the company's profitability ratios get very healthy criteria, it can be seen from the results of the ratio calculations which show positive performance from year to year. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the aspects of the company's innovation capability were carried out quite well, especially the factors of technology use, interaction with outsiders, new product development and production and operation capabilities that impact on company performance. However, the company is expected to maximize the performance of human resources, marketing capabilities, as well as aspects of research and developmen

    Model Peningkatan Kinerja Operasional melalui Praktek-praktek Manajemen Kualitas Pada Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) di Kota Semarang

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    Studies on quality management at the moment is still very relevant to be discussed and followed up with research along with the development activities of the manufacturing industry, especially in Indonesia as one of the countries in South East Asia which is the purpose of industrial activity in the future, since this area is referred to as a cheaper production house of which 70% from industrial activities will be focused in the Southeast Asia region. One of the biggest obstacles experienced by the organization in implementing total quality culture is an obstacle. Every organization in doing the job as achieving total quality commitment will involve employees in  all aspects of planning and implementation, to ensure the provision of skills training of employees, and the achievement of organizational goals. The population in this study were all manufacturing companies in the city of Semarang which generally have a competitive advantage through a commitment to quality management peningatan. The approach used is descriptive analytical to determine the influence of environmental management on environmental performance and the performance of the company. To examine the influence of the independent variables, the dependent variable, and the culture of quality used regression test interaction. The analysis showed that the quality management influence either directly or moderated by a culture of quality in SMEs in Semarang with numbers sig <0.05. While partially can be analyzed most dimensions of quality management and quality culture failed to affect operational performance.  Keywords: operational performance, quality management, quality culture, SMEs, sustainabilit

    Perolehan Legal Entity dan Legal Product bagi UMKM

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    Pentingnya legal entity dan legal product bagi kegiatan usaha yang kompetitif, tapi masih rendahnya pemahaman pelaku UMKM tentang legal entity dan legal produk yang mereka hasilkan. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana legal entity dan legal product yang dipahami oleh para pelaku Usaha Menengah Kecil Menengah (UMKM), dan motivasi para pelaku UMKM untuk mendapatkan kedua aspek tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan participatoris, pendekatan statute, pendekatan legal-sosiologis, dan sumber data meliputi data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa literasi atau tingkat pemahaman dan motivasi pelaku UMKM Jawa Tengah terhadap pentingnya legal entity and legal product tinggi dan  model yang tepat untuk memotivasi para pelaku UMKM mendapatkan  legal entity and legal product, adalah pemberdayaan yang terus menerus dengan melibatkan peran stakeholders antara lain, Dinas Koperasi dan UKM serta dinas terkait, perbankan, notaris, perguruan tinggi, perkumpulan UMKM, dan DUDI. Kesimpulannya, legal entity dan legal product telah dipahami dengan baik oleh pelaku UMKM, dan untuk mendapatkan legal entity dan legal produk perlu dukungan dari semua pihak dan pendampingan dari kampus.


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    The purpose of this paper is to review the regulation of the legality of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through the Online Single Submission System (OSS) to increase competitiveness, as well as to analyze barriers and solutions. The research method used an empirical juridical approach, the collected data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that the problematic implementation of the regulation of MSME business legality registration through the OSS System was mainly due to the lack of socialization and education to MSME entrepreneurs regarding the obligation to register permits through OSS. This affects the compliance of MSMEs in processing their business permits. The solutions that need to be done include increasing the socialization of Integrated Electronic Business Licensing Services/Online Single Submission. MSME players need to be empowered through human resource development, capital support, production and productivity, business protection, partnership development, business networks and marketing as well as business legality, especially registration of business licenses through the Integrated Electronic Business Licensing Service

    Does Islamic Work Ethic Influence Employees Innovation Capability?

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    Innovation Capability is one of the phenomena faced by Sharia Rural Banks in Indonesia. In the era of revolution 4.0, currently the role of human resource cannot be replaced by technological sophistication. The problem that exists in Sharia Rural Banks is not yet available human resources capable of creating innovation products and services that can meet the needs of its customers. So this research is focused on being able to test and analyze the effect of Islamic Work Ethics, Knowledge Sharing and Empowerment on Innovation Capabilites.This research is a quantitative study using primary data. The sample in this study were 100 respondents of People’s Financing Bank Employees in the city of Semarang. The data collected is tested and analyzed using the SMART PLS program by testing the outer model and inner model. The results of the SMART PLS test show that Islamic Work Ethics, Knowledge Sharing and Empowerment also have a positive and significant effect on the Innovation Capabilities. &nbsp

    Peran Komunitas dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja UKM (Ditinjau dari Faktor Internal)

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    Small medium enterprises have large contribution on an economy, and it's very important to develop SME in numbers and quality since SME may provide new income for society, especially in Indonesia which has small proportion of enterpreneurs. Firm performance, has been studied by many researchers and it's very interesting topics because every organization wants to achieve the best performance. To improve their performance, organization (including SME) need to enhance their knowledge, that they can get by join some enterpreneur community. Tangan Di Atas (TDA) ia one of the largest enterpreneur community in Indonesia which has many activities to develop their members. This study aims to analize the effect of internal factors on SME performance that become TDA member. The result of this study shows that internal factors effects the SME performace. Keywords: Internal Factor, SME's performanc


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    Grapes are a commodity that has high added value. The wide variety of products shows that wine has a highdemand. This study aimed to provide recommendations for alternative priority products for processed Balinesegrapes and optimization strategies in the development of processed grape products in Buleleng Regency. Theresearch method was a survey, observation, focus group discussion, mapping of industrial trees, and AnalyticHierarchy Process (AHP). The results showed that there were 10 existing processed products, and there were 19processed products as alternatives. The priority processed products were wine, jam, and syrup. Matrix internalexternal showed a hold and maintains strategy with an alternative strategy of diversifying wine products by lookingat consumer preferences, producing fine quality and high yield wine, entering the international market, installingpipes to drain water throughout the vineyards, making grape derivative products as unique as possible, training thelabour about wine good production methods, reducing the number of sales of fresh grapes, increasing theproduction of processed grapes for sale, maximizing the promotion of processed wine, forming a market forprocessed wine products through cooperation with companies, governments, and universities, providing labourabout marketing, and forming the institutional structure of the grapes. The priorities of the proposed strategieswere training the labour about marketing, entering the international market, and reducing the number of sales offresh grapes.Keywords: alternative strategies, grapes, industry, processed product
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