2,236 research outputs found


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    Kayu gergajian merupakan salah satu produk yang dihasilkan oleh sektor kehutanan Indonesia. Terkait aktivitas pemenuhan kebutuhan kayu gergajian, beberapa dampak seperti penggunaan energi, potensi emisi GRK dan penggunaan lahan terlihat berhubungan dengan aktivitas tersebut. Keberadaan dampak ini membuat tujuan penelitian dirumuskan menjadi penyediaan informasi tentang hubungan antara konsumsi kayu gergajian dengan tanah, energi, dan potensi emisi GRK. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Solok dalam rangka meminimalkan kendala selama pelaksanaan penelitian. Wawancara dan survei kemudian digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode JE serta beberapa metode lain (seperti yang disampaikan oleh IPCC, KLH, WBCSD dan WRI) dipergunakan pada analisis data. Hasil pelaksanaan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan 1 m kayu gergajian bagi masyarakat Kota Solok berhubungan dengan keterjadian terhadap penggunaan lahan JE dan potensi emisi GRK (PEGtotal) dengan model yang dihasilkan berupa Y = 0,008 PEGtotal + 0,002 JE + 0,003. Kata kunci : Energy, Jejak Ekologi, Kayu gergajian, Kota Solok, Potensi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) Sawn timber was one of the products produced by the Indonesian forestry sector. Several impacts such as energy use, the potential for greenhouse gas emissions and land use appear to be associated with activities to meet the needs of sawn timber. The existence of this effect makes research objectives formulated into the provision of information about relationship between the consumption of sawn timber with land use, energy, and the potential for GHG emissions. Research conducted in Solok City to minimize research constraints. Interview and surveys then used as data collection techniques by JE methods as well as some other methods (such as those presented by the IPCC, KLH, WBCSD and WRI) used in the data analysis. Results showed that the fulfillment of 1 m3 of sawn timbber for Solok City associated with the occurrence of JE land use and the potential for GHG emissions (PEGtotal) with model showed as Y = 0,008 PEGtotal + 0,002 JE + 0,003. Keywords : Energy, Ecological Footprint, Greenhouse Gases Emissions Potential, Sawn Timber, Solok Cit


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    This study aimed to u determine the potency of Aceh Arabica coffee In rejuvenation of aging skin in rat. This study was conducted in vivousing completely randomized design (RAL), which consisted of 4 treatment groups as follows: premenopausal rats as negative control (KON),premenopausal rats with administration of distilled water as placebo (PLS), premenopausal rats with administration of ethinylestradiol 9x10-3mg/day/200 g BW (EST), and premenopausal rats with coffee extract administration of 300 mg/day/200 g BW (KOP). Each treatment groupconsisted of 5 rats. The parameters observed were skin collagen, water content/skin hydration, and skin ribonucleic acid (RNA) level. The datawere analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test using SAS 9.13 software. The result showed the average skin collagen andRNA levels were higher in premenopausal rats with administration of coffee extract and ethinylestradiol (P0.05) than control rats. On the otherhand, average of water level in premenopausal rats with coffee extract and ethinylestradiol administration were the same as control rats. It can beconcluded that administration of Aceh Arabica coffee extract can repair skin quality, which is indicated by the increase of collagen and RNAlevel on aging skin in rat

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan di Aceh Barat

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Aceh Barat, disertai penguraian upaya implementasi dan kendala dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan. Metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, sumber data penelitian berasal dari wawancara dengan teknik purposive, observasi dan studi literatur. Tahapan analisi data menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jika dalam implementasi kebijakan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Aceh Barat belum menunjukkan hasil maksimal, akibat ketebatasan anggaran pelaksanaan program, masih minimnya kerjasama antara dinas pendidikan dan masyarakat, terdapat banyak lembaga pendidikan tapi tidak di ikuti kuantitas siswa yang cukup dan minim serta terbatasnya kualitas maupun kuantitas pengajar di lokasi terpencil. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Aceh Barat telah dilaksanakan dengan cukup baik, meski menghadapi berbagai masalah atau kendala dalam pelaksanaannya, sehingga diperlukan keseriusan dari pemerintah dan semua pihak untuk dapat bergerak bersama meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Aceh Bara

    Effect of Feed Combination of Avocado (Persea americana M.) and Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) on Villi Height and Goblet Cell Number of Goblet Fish (Osphronemus gourami Lac.)

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    In Indonesia, there are several types of freshwater fish that the community has cultivated. Besides having high nutritional value, Freshwater fish also have high economic value for trading, such as gourami. One of the obstacles in the cultivation of freshwater fish is the price of feed. This research is oriented towards alternative feeds to reduce production costs by utilizing avocado seeds and pumpkin seeds. This study aimed to determine the effect of feeding a combination of avocado seeds and pumpkin seeds on the histopathology of gourami. This study used a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) method with four treatments and six replications P0, P1, P2, and P3. P0 (Control feed/pellet), P1 (Feed 40 grams of avocado seeds + 40 grams of pumpkin seeds + 20 grams of mixed ingredients), P2 (Feed of 20 grams of avocado seeds + 60 grams of pumpkin seeds + 20 grams of mixed ingredients) and P3 ( Feed 60 grams of avocado seeds + 20 grams of pumpkin seeds + 20 grams of mixed ingredients). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Advanced Test with a significant level of 5%. The results showed that the P2 treatment could increase the villi height and the number of Goblet cells in the intestines of gourami fish. It can be concluded that the combination of avocado seeds and pumpkin seeds has a significant effect on the histopathological picture of the digestive organs of gouram

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Produk Kartu Perdana Pascabayar Halo Pada PT. Telkomsel Grapari Makassar

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    This research was conducted with the aim of: (1) examining and analyzing the effect of the product on consumer purchasing decisions for postpaid hello card products; (2) examining and analyzing the effect of price on consumer purchasing decisions for postpaid starter pack hello; (3) examining and analyzing the effect of promotion on consumer purchasing decisions for postpaid starter pack hello; (4) examining and analyzing the effect of place on consumer purchasing decisions for postpaid starter pack hello; (5) examining and analyzing the four factors that have the most dominant influence on consumer purchasing decisions for postpaid hello card products. This study uses primary data and secondary data. In this study, the sample used was 100 consumers. based on secondary data at the end of 2015 to December 2016. Data was collected through questionnaires and data tabulation was carried out. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis and analysis of the coefficient of determination and descriptive analysis with the help of the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program. These results indicate that: (1) the product variable has a positive but insignificant effect on consumer decision making to buy postpaid starter pack hello: (2) the price variable has a positive and significant effect on the decision to buy a postpaid starter pack hello: (3) promotion variable has a significant effect on the decision to buy postpaid starter pack hello: (4) the place variable does not have a positive and significant effect on the decision to buy the postpaid starter card hello: (5) the most dominant variable influencing decision making is the price variable. Keywords: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Purchase Decisio

    Peran Pemerintah Dalam Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata di Kabupaten Simeulue

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    Pariwisata adalah perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok atau individu untuk menikmati keindahan suatu tempat. Dengan keberadaan pariwisata dapat membantu perekonomian masyarakat sekitar. Ini penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Teupah Selatan pada Restorasi Mangrove dan Pusat Pembelajaran (PRPM) bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Pemerintah dalam pembangunan destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Simeulue. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan telaah sumber pustaka seperti ilmiah jurnal, buku, dan laporan penelitian. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Pemerintah bertindak sebagai pendukung dan memfasilitasi apa yang dibutuhkan oleh tempat wisata dan masyarakat, sehingga pemerintah berperan peranan penting dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata di bidang infrastruktur, bidang lingkungan, jaringan dan kelistrikan. Kendala yang dialami oleh pemerintah adalah anggaran untuk pemeliharaan dan pengembangan destinasi wisata. Pada Pusat Pembelajaran dan Restorasi Mangrove (PRPM) perlu dilakukan pemerintah ulasan lebih lanjut tentang objek wisata ini, pemerintah dapat mengevaluasi kembali sehingga dapat difungsikan kembali sebagai destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Simeulu

    Peran Stakeholder sebagai Aktor Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Kelompok Perempuan “Sepakat” melalui Potensi Lokal di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya

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    In Aceh Barat Daya District, this essay examines the role of stakeholders as players in empowering the women's group "Agreed" through regional potential. This study employs a case study methodology and a qualitative research design. Data was gathered by observation, interviews, and documentation. Triangulation validity, reliability, and interactive analysis models were then used to analyze the data. The study's findings demonstrate that stakeholders have played a significant role as policy actors for empowerment programs since the implementation of the Participatory Missile Appraisal (PRA) and Participation Assessment Plan (MPA) processes, which prioritize community involvement. supported by the application of the ideas of corporate development, institutional development, and human development. However, it is clear from the existence of unresolved business issues like seasonal business, the lack of specialized training and enrichment of product innovation for groups, as well as the inability to organize businesses, that the needs of the "Agreed" women's group have not been met in practice as expected. So, solid cooperation between policy actors is needed in carrying out empowerment and more efforts to evaluate implementation to assess the level of success of the program being implemente


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    Salah lsatu ikemampuan lmatematis lyang diperlukan dalam lpembelajaran !matematika lyaitu lkemampuan komunikasi1 matematis. Kemampuan1 ini !dibagi menjadi dua yaitu tulis_dan_lisan. Penelitian ini  akan lebih fokus pada kemampuan komunikasi matematis tulis. Kemampuan ini memiliki tiga aspek yaitu written text, drawing, dan mathematical ekspression. Kemampuan ini dipengaruhi oleh aspek afektif seperti self concept. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil lkemampuan_komunikasi lmatematis tulis lsiswa dalam menyelesaikanl soali bangunl ruang sisi datarl ditinjau dari self concept. Penelitian ini adalahkpenelitian jenis deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Langkah pengambilan data dimulai dari memberikan angket self concept, memberikan soal tes, dan melakukan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah siswa dengan self concept rendah dapat memenuhi indikator menuliskankinformasikyang adakpada soal dengani cara menuliskan apa yang diketahui danfditanyakan oleh soal dan menggunakan modelkdanksimbol-simbol matematikafdalam menuliskan penyelesaian soal. Siswa dengan self concept sedang dapat memenuhi indikator menggunakan model dan simbol-simbolkmatematikahdalam menuliskan penyelesaianhsoal dan menuliskanhkesimpulan darifsoal dengan tepat.kSiswaudengan self concept tinggi dapat memenuhi indikator menuliskanl informasi yang ada lpadaksoal dengan cara_menuliskanl apaj yangl diketahui ldan lditanyakan oleh soal; menyajikan situasi, lide atauksolusi dari lsoal matematika dalaml bentuk gambar dengan tepatl dan jelas; menggunakan model danrlsimbol-simbol matematikaj dalamkmenuliskan penyelesaian soal; dan menuliskan lkesimpulan dari soali dengani tepat