217 research outputs found


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    Figurative Language is commonly used in literary work, especially in a song lyric. The song is also commonly used by English teachers as a medium in the teaching process. It makes the learning proses becomes more interesting and satisfying. Besides that, the song also contains a moral message which is implied in the lyrics which can be used by the teachers to teach the students in building the characters. This research is aimed at finding the types and meaning of the figurative language which are used in Nirvana’s song lyrics and to explain the interpretation of the meanings which support moral message. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are the words, phrases, and sentences of Nirvana songs that use figurative language. The data source is taken from all of Nirvana's song lyrics in the “Nevermind” Album. The result of the research indicates that the there are 13 types of figurative language, those are Metaphor (32,7%), Symbolism (30,2%), Idiom (9,5%), Hyperbole (5,2%), Metonymy (3,4%), Satire (3,4%), Synecdoche (2,6%), Pun or Paronomasia (2,6%), (2,6%), Litotes (2,6%), Paradox (2,6%), Simile (1,7%), and Personification (0,9%); and that the most moral messages delivered in Nevermind Album are bravery and honesty.

    The effect of microteaching lesson study on the beliefs of EFL student teachers

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    Microteaching lesson study, that is a variation of lesson study applied by student teachers in microteaching course, provides the environment for EFL student teachers to collaborate, engage, and reflect on their ideas, beliefs, and teaching experiences. Such condition is a fertile ground that enables the student teachers' beliefs of language learning to change. Recent studies show that some education programs have changed the beliefs of student teachers. However, no studies have discussed the changes of beliefs of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student teachers experienced in microteaching lesson study. This present study aims to investigate the effect of microteaching lesson study on EFL student teachers’ beliefs. The data were collected using a questionnaire on Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) adapted from Horwitz administered before and after microteaching lesson study. The participants were the EFL student teachers enrolling in a microteaching lesson study class at Universitas Muria Kudus. The study reveals that the beliefs of EFL student teachers did not change significantly after they experienced microteaching lesson study. Time seems to be one of the most influential factors in hindering the changes of beliefs of the EFL student teachers. Therefore, this study suggests that EFL student teachers be given more time to practise teaching in the microteaching course


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    Teaching practice may be done in various platforms in this modern era. The platforms enable the interaction of students and student teachers in Microteaching practice to be implemented in offline face to face class as well as in online classes. They are optionally implemented; even the current worldwide pandemic situation forces the online platforms to be implemented in higher frequency. This research is aimed at finding the best Microteaching practice platform by comparing the student teachers’ Microteaching practice achievement as well as their perception in Microteaching Class by using offline, synchronous, and asynchronous platforms of learning during this pandemic at English Education Department Muria Kudus University. Through an expose-facto design this research shows that the best Microteaching practice platform uses Zoom Meeting. This refers to the comparison of the student teachers’ best Microteaching practice achievement scores and opinion of using offline, Zoom, and WhatsApp Group platforms; and the result of the student teachers’ opinion indicates that they basically prefer having offline teaching platform; and supporting that Zoom Meeting is as the best Microteaching practice platform, they have reasons: they felt more comfortable and confident; they felt more efficient; they felt not being directly observed; and they had bigger freedom in practicing teaching

    Move Analysis of the English Bachelor Thesis Abstracts Written by Indonesians

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    Due to the global era, bachelor thesis abstracts written by non-native English speakers (Indonesians) from non-English departments in Indonesia are usually written in two languages, i.e. Indonesian and English. The English bachelor thesis abstracts are mostly the translated ones from Indonesian and do not always follow the features of abstract genre. This study aims  at examining the rhetorical moves of English bachelor thesis abstracts written by students from non-English departments. The data consisted of twenty abstracts selected randomly from hard and social science departments of Universitas Muria Kudus. The analysis employed Hyland’s five rhetorical move model. The study reveals that most English bachelor thesis abstracts did not follow the five rhetorical moves. The absence of some rhetorical moves in the English bachelor thesis abstracts may lead to the communicative purposes not achieved and thus might cause difficulty for readers to understand the study.Keywords: move, English bachelor thesis abstract, Indonesian

    ARALISH: a New Phenomenon in Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL)

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    Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antara lain didukung dengan keahlian dan unsur bahasa. Beberapa unsur bahasa yang dirasa lebih penting dibandingkan dengan unsur bahasa yang lain adalah: pelafalan, tata bahasa, dan (pembentukan) kosakata. Ketiga unsur bahasa tersebut relatif sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan komunikasi yang benar, jelas dan berterima. Di kudus berdirilah sebuah madrasah yang bernama Taswiquttullab Salafiyah atau TBS Kudus. Bahasa Inggris juga diajarkan di sini. Tetapi ada permasalahan ditengah perjalanan pendidikan tersebut, yaitu rendahnya minat peserta didik untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Mereka beranggapan bahwa bahasa Inggris tidak begitu penting untuk dipelajari, karena itu bahasanya kaum penjajah yang telah menyengsarakan kita selama beratus-ratus tahun. Di lain pihak mereka sangat antusias untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab. Mereka beranggapan bahwa dengan mempelajari bahasa yang merupakan bahasa yang digunakan dalam kitab suci Alquran, Hadis, dan buku-buku keagamaan lain, mereka secara otomatis juga mempelajari agama yang mereka peluk. Artikrl ini merupakan suatu penelitian eksperimen dengan mengaplikasikkan suatu strategi pembelajaran yang membandingkan persamaan antara bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris, yaitu strategi ARALISH Contrastive Analysis. Strategi di samping mempermudah dan sekaligus memotivasi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris dengan mengetahui ternyata bahasa Arab dan Inggris memiliki persamaan-persamaan


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    Agribusiness Tourism is a business managed by maximizing tourism-based culinary business activities. The main objective of these community activities is to accelerate the process of developing entrepreneurship oriented to local culinary products. This effort involves students of the Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture and Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI). This activity provides experience and job opportunities for students open employment opportunities for the community and provide culinary needs in the form of traditional foods of Southeast Sulawesi (sinonggi) and healthy, fresh and delicious seafood for customers. The method of carrying out the activities consists of socializing, training, providing infrastructure and facilities, promotion, and marketing. This activity is carried out in the area of ​​embankments that were previously less productive with relatively low income. The location is in the Poasia District of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. To accelerate the process of developing entrepreneurship, the activity is designed by changing a traditional embankment into an agribusiness tourism specific to local culinary tourism by designing a gazebo building as a place to enjoy culinary menu orders. The location has its characteristics with the design of the place based on agribusiness decorated with ornamental plants, pollution-absorbing plants, hydroponic plants, and organic vegetable plants. Visitors can enjoy the natural scenery through the embankment garden design in the form of selfie spots for visitors. The results of the implementation of the activity are in the form of a business unit "Culinary Tourism" based on culinary tourism has been opened since June 2019 by providing sinonggi menu packages and various seafood products.  ---  Wisata Agribisnis merupakan usaha yang dikelola dengan memaksimalkan kegiatan bisnis kuliner berbasis wisata. Tujuan utama pelaksanaan kegiatan masyarakat ini adalah mempercepat proses pengembangan kewirausahaan yang berorientasi pada produk kuliner lokal. Usaha ini melibatkan mahasiswa Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian dan Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (FEBI). Kegiatan ini  memberi pengalaman dan kesempatan kerja bagi mahasiswa, membuka lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat serta menyediakan kebutuhan kuliner berupa makanan tradional khas Sulawesi Tenggara  (sinonggi) dan sea food yang sehat, segar dan nikmat bagi pelanggan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri dari sosialisasi, pelatihan dan penyediaan prasarana dan sarana, promosi serta pemasaran. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di areal tambak yang sebelum nya kurang produktif dengan pendapatan yang relatif rendah. Lokasi berada di Kecamatan Poasia Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ditujukan untuk percepatan proses pengembangan kewirausahaan. Kegiatan di desain dengan mengubah tambak tradisional menjadi sebuah wisata agribisnis spesifik wisata kuliner lokal. Lokasi mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dengan desain bangunan gasebo berbasis agribisnis dengan dihiasi tanaman hias, tanaman penyerap polusi, tanaman hidroponik dan tanaman sayuran organik. Pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan alam melalui desain taman tambak berupa spot selfi bagi pengunjung. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah terbentuk satu unit usaha ”Wisata Agibisnis” berbasis wisata kuliner yang telah resmi dibuka  sejak juni 2019 sampai sekarang dengan menyediakan produk paket menu sinonggi dan aneka sea food

    Vocational School Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Animated Movies in Narrative Text Learning

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    This study aims to explore the perception of vocational school students in learning narrative texts by using animated movies. This study is qualitative research with the questionnaire and interview as the instruments of collecting data. The participants of this study were 36 students of a state vocational school in Pati regency, Indonesia majoring in the Financial & Institutional Accounting Program. The results of the questionnaire show that in general, 81.57% of the participants have a positive perception of the use of animated movies in learning narrative texts. Meanwhile, 18.43% of the participants have a negative perception. The results of interviews conducted with five students also reveal that most of the students agree on the use of animated movies because they help and support the learning process and are very easy to understand. From this research on the use of animated movies, teachers are suggested to use this media in teaching narrative texts. Keywords: Perception; Narrative Texts; Animated Movie

    Cable TV: Bringing Home Native Speaker to Increase Listening Comprehension of the Students of English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University

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    This study investigated the use of cable TV to increase listening comprehension of the students of English education department of Muria Kudus University. The aims were to find out: (1) the listening comprehension achievement of the students taught by using cable TV, (2) the students' response towards the teaching of listening comprehension class by using cable TV, and (3) the students' difficulties when being involved in the listening class taught by using cable TV are. A classroom action research was conducted with three cycles. The data was collected by using test, observation checklist, & a questionnaire. The subject consisted of 29 students joining Advanced Listening class. The findings show that: (a) The listening comprehension achievement of the students taught by using cable TV in cycle I, II, & III is fair, (b) The students have enthusiasm and seriousness and motivation in joining the class in all cycles, (c) In cycle III the students' difficulties when being involved in the listening comprehension class taught by using cable TV are more and more decreasing

    An Analysis Of Illocutionary Act In The Novel “Breaking Dawn” By Stephenie Meyer

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    Komunikasi Adalah Cara Orang Untuk Terhubung Dengan Orang Lain. Dengan Melakukan Komunikasi Orang Mampu Mengungkapkan Perasaan, Pikiran, Emosi, Dan Hasrat Mereka. Ketika Kita Melakukan Komunikasi Dengan Orang Lain, Mereka Mencoba Untuk Menyampaikan Perasaan, Pikiran, Dan Emosi Mereka Dengan Mengucapkan Beberapa Ungkapan Agar Bisa Berkomunikasi Dengan Baik, Orang Perlu Memahami Apa Yang Dikatakan Lawan Bicaranya. Tetapi, Kadang Kadang Ada Kesalahpahaman Antara Penutur Dan Lawan Tutur. Apa Yang Dimaksud Oleh Penutur Tidak Sama Dengan Pemahaman Lawan Tutur (Makna Sebenarnya). Jadi, Orang Perlu Mengetahui Bagaimana Menggunakan Bahasa Dalam Komunikasi Untuk Menghindari Kesalahpahaman. Suatu Pembelajaran Yang Mempelajari Tentang Bagaimana Bahasa Digunakan Disebut Pragmatik. Terdapat Beberapa Bagian Dalam Pragmatik Untuk Dipelajari Yang Salah Satunya Adalah Tindak Tutur. Tindak Tutur Merupakan Salah Satu Bagian Prakmatik Yang Melibatkan Pendengar Dan Pembicara. Dalam Tindak Tutur Kita Akan Mempelajari Tentang Penggunaan Suatu Ucapan Dalam Aspek Yang Sesuai. Suatu Ucapan Akan Mempunyai Arti Yang Sesuai Apabila Di Ucapkan Dalam Konteks Yang Tepat. Tindak Tutur Terdiri Dari Tiga Bagian Yaitu Lokusi, Ilokusi Dan Perlokusi. Dari Ketiga Bagian Tindak Tutur Tersebut, Bagian Tindak Tutur Yang Sangat Mempengaruhi Efek Suatu Peristiwa Adalah Ilokusi. Dalam Tindak Ilokusi Ucapan Pembicara Mempunyai Makna Untuk Mempengaruhi Pendengar Untuk Melakukan Sesuatu. Tujuan Dari Penelitian Ini Adalah Sebagai Berikut: (I) Untuk Mengetahui Bentuk Struktur Tindakan Ilokusi Yang Ditemukan Di Novel “Breaking Dawn” Oleh Stephenie Meyer, (Ii) Untuk Mengetahui Fungsi Tindakan Ilokusi Yang Digunakan Di Novel “Breaking Dawn” Oleh Stephenie Meyer. Penelitian Ini Adalah Penelitian Kualitatif. Model Penelitian Ini Menggunakan Metode Deskriptif Kualitatif. Datanya Adalah Tindak Ilokusi Yang Diambil Dari Ucapan Yang Terdapat Dalam Novel Breaking Dawn Dan Sumber Datanya Adalah Novel Breaking Dawn. Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian Diatas, Penulis Menyarankan Bahwa Guru Harus Mengenalkan Dan Mengajarkan Tindak Tutur Karena Itu Sangat Penting Untuk Memperkaya Pengetahuan Mereka Dalam Memahami Makna Seorang Penutur. Siswa Harus Memperhatikan Pada Tindak Tutur Dan Berusaha Untuk Menguasainya. Penulis Berharap Analisis Tindak Tutur Bisa Lebih Inovatif Di Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muria Kudus

    An Analysis of Slang in Found in ‘Life As We Know It’ Movie Script By Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson

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    Language is used for communication and it should be understood, but in fact people have different ways to interact or to communicate with others. It means that people use some varieties of language to express their way of feelings and minds. For example in some certain situation they will use a formal language and in some informal situation they will use an informal language. The informal language that commonly used by almost people in English speaking countries is slang. The objectives of this research are as follows (i) to find out types of slang found in the film script of “Life as We Know It” by Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson. (ii) to find out functions of slang found in the film script of Life as We Know It” by Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson. (iii) To explain the meaning of slang found in the film script of Life as We Know It” by Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson This research is Qualitative research. Design of the research used descriptive qualitative research method. The data is phrases or slang word and the data source is Life as We Know It movie script. Based on the research result, the writer is collecting the slang word or phrases in the film script of “Life as We Know It” by Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson. There are 50 slang words and phrases identified and find out in types, function, and meaning. Based on the result, (i) the writer find 50 slang word or phrases in types of slang, there are 34 conversational routines social function and 16 vernacular spelling, (ii) the writer also find 50 slang word or phrases in function of slang, there are 40 slang as social function and 29 slang as identifying function, And the slang word which has two function as social function and identifying function are 20 slang words, (iii) the writer find 50 slang word or phrases in two types of meaning, there are 13 contextual meaning and 37 lexical meaning. Based on the result of the research above, the writer suggest that the teacher should introduce and teach their students about slang because slang is familiar with society and it’s important in making a poem, analyze the script film, song lyrics, etc
