309 research outputs found
Senyawa Katekin yang Bersifat Toksik dari Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Surian (Toona Sinensis)
Dua senyawa katekin, katekin termetilasi (1) danbikatekin termetilasi (2) telah diisolasi dari kulit batangtumbuhan Toona sinensis (Meliaceae). Struktur kimiasenyawa 1 dan 2 diidentifikasi berdasarkan data-dataspektroskopi dan perbandingan data spektra yangdiperoleh sebelumnya. Senyawa 1 dan 2 dievaluasiaktivitas toksiknya terhadap benur udang (Artemiasalina). Senyawa 1 dan 2 menunjukkan aktivitas toksikyang kuat terhadap Artemia salina dengan nilai LC50berturut-turut, 30,3 dan 36,4 μg/mL
Hyperparameter Tuning on Graph Neural Network for the Classification of SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitors
COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which results in a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, and can lead to fatalities. As of October 2023, WHO has recorded 771 cases of COVID-19 globally. Various efforts have been made to control the spread of the virus, including vaccination, isolation measures, and intensive medical care. The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants has led to the ongoing evolution of virus transmission. Continued research is essential to understand this virus and develop strategies to address the pandemic. Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 play a crucial role in the vaccine development process. Inhibitors can impede the virus's development, helping reduce disease severity and control the pandemic. The classification of inhibitors is expected to serve as a foundation for selecting compounds that can be developed into vaccines. This research develops a Graph Neural Network model for inhibitor classification and uses the random search method for hyperparameter tuning. Graph Neural Networks are chosen due to their excellent performance in modelling graph data. This study demonstrates the success of hyperparameter tuning in improving the performance of the Graph Neural Network for accurate classification of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors.COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which results in a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, and can lead to fatalities. As of October 2023, WHO has recorded 771 cases of COVID-19 globally. Various efforts have been made to control the spread of the virus, including vaccination, isolation measures, and intensive medical care. The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants has led to the ongoing evolution of virus transmission. Continued research is essential to understand this virus and develop strategies to address the pandemic. Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 play a crucial role in the vaccine development process. Inhibitors can impede the virus's development, helping reduce disease severity and control the pandemic. The classification of inhibitors is expected to serve as a foundation for selecting compounds that can be developed into vaccines. This research develops a Graph Neural Network model for inhibitor classification and uses the random search method for hyperparameter tuning. Graph Neural Networks are chosen due to their excellent performance in modelling graph data. This study demonstrates the success of hyperparameter tuning in improving the performance of the Graph Neural Network for accurate classification of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors
Online Judge System (OJS) telah banyak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pemrograman khususnya pada tingkat perguruan tinggi. Proses asesmen dilakukan dengan melakukan komparasi hasil dari eksekusi kode program berdasarkan test case yang telah diatur sebelumnya. Dalam OJS terdapat keterbatasan yaitu penilaian hanya berpatokan pada benar dan salah saja, tidak dapat menilai secara komprehensif berdasarkan grade tertentu. Perlu adanya alternatif lain dalam menentukan ketepatan penilaian dari hasil OJS, seperti menggunakan proses pengecekan dari isi tekstual kode program itu sendiri bukan hanya dari hasil eksekusinya. Penilaian kode program dengan mengukur kemiripan antara teks maupun struktur kode program mahasiswa dan kode program kunci jawaban dapat menjadi alternatif lain dalam mengukur ketepatan penilaian kode program. Pada artikel ini penulis melakukan pengukuran kemiripan teks kode program menggunakan cosine similarity dan kemiripan struktur kode program dengan menggunakan metode jaccard. Dari hasil ujicoba didapatkan bahwa perhitungan kemiripan teks antara kode program jawaban dan kunci jawaban belum dapat merepresentasikan kemiripan seutuhnya karena banyak bagian dari kode program khususnya bahasa pemrograman c++ yang perlu ditelaah secara mendalam berdasarkan strukturnya. Penerapan struktur kode program yang dilakukan dengan membuat Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) sangat representatif terhadap penilaian kode program
This research studies the relationship between Islamic bank financing and Indonesia's economic growth from 2017:1 to 2019:12. The analytical approach used is the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, which can show the dynamics of short and long terms relationships. Also using the Granger causality test to study the relationship of causality between research variables. ARDL estimation results show the independent variable: Total Financing (TF), Mudharabah (PLS), and Murabahah (PMH) are proven to have long-term co-integration or in the long term move together in influencing Indonesia's economic growth (GDP). These three variables also have a dynamic short-term relationship with an adjustment speed of 52.47 percent per month. Furthermore, the Granger causality test results indicate that a supply-following relationship, economic growth affect the financing of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The vital record from this research is Islamic Banking intermediation empirically contributes directly to create economic growth justly, even though it still in a limited section.
In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Zodia (Evodia suaveolens) Leaf Extract on Pathogenic Agents Dragon Fruit Plant
The use of antimicrobials from plant extracts has not been used optimally to control pathogenic agents in dragon fruit plants. The purpose of this research was to determine the antimicrobial activity of zodia (Evodia suaveolens) leaf extracts on pathogenic agents of dragon fruit plants in vitro. The research method is laboratory research with Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The antimicrobial concentrations of zodia (E. suaveolens) leaf extract used six types including 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% with four replications. The research sample was the leaf of zodia (E. suaveolens), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Fusarium oxysporum strain Malang. Test the antimicrobial activity of zodia (E. suaveolens) leaf extracts on the growth of P. aeruginosa and F. oxysporum using the disc-diffusion method and wells method. The research instrument was used the observation sheet of the diameter of inhibition zone indicated by the clear zone. The diameter of inhibition zone data were analyzed using the One Way ANOVA test. The results showed that the antimicrobial activity of zodia (E. suaveolens) leaf extract significantly inhibited the growth of P. aeruginosa and F. oxysporum (P <0.05). These results recommend zodia (E. suaveolens) leaf extract as an antimicrobial agent for dragon fruit plant pathogens
The Analysis of Role of Motivation, Career Development and Compensation on Performance of Vocational High School Teachers
The purpose of this study is to ascertain how motivation, pay, and career advancement affect teachers' performance. The study's sample consisted of 51 teachers. Multiple regression is the statistical tool utilized, with the sample method being simple random sampling. Using the statistical program SPSS 16.0, data were examined. With a sig F value of 0.000 < 0.1 and an f-count of 18.976, the findings of this study demonstrate that motivation, compensation, and career growth strongly influence teacher performance. The findings of the motivation t-test, with a sig t value of 0.025 < 0.1 and a t-count value of 2.310, have a significant impact on teachers' performance. With a significant value of 0.000 < 0.1 and a t-count of 4.439, career growth strongly influences teacher performance
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Berdasarkan Pelayanan, Harga dan Kualitas Makanan Menggunakan Fuzzy Mamdani (Studi Kasus pada Restoran Cepat Saji Cfc Marelan )
Dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat, hal utama yang harus dipriori-taskan oleh Perusahaan adalah kepuasan konsumen agar dapat bertahan, bersaingdan menguasai pasar. Untuk mengukur kepuasan konsumen terdapat berbagai halyang harus diperhatikan tidak hanya, pelayanan dan harga, kualitas produk jugasangat berpengaruh. Penelitian ini akan dibahas seberapa besar pengaruh tingkatpelayanan, harga serta kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan konsumen di CFC meng-gunakan fuzzy Mamdani dengan bantuan software toolbox mathlab. Perancangansistem untuk mendapatkan output dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap (a) pembentukanhimpunan fuzzy, (b) Aplikasi fungsi implikasi(pembentukan aturan fuzzy), (c) kom-posisi aturan fuzzy, (d) penegasan (defuzzikasi). Dari hasil penelitian yang telahdilakukan diperoleh input terdiri dari a) tingkat pelayanan diperoleh bilangan real5,5 dengan domain [5 8] yang artinya variabel tingkat pelayanan cukup baik, b)tingkat harga makanan dengan bilangan real 5,5 dengan domain [5 8] yang artinyatingkat harga makanan cukup murah, c) tingkat kualitas makanan diperoleh bilan-gan real 5,5 dengan domain [5 8] yang artinya tingkat kualitas makanan cukupberkualitas. Output yang diperoleh yaitu tingkat kepuasan konsumen dengan bilan-gan real 6,63 yang artinya konsumen merasa cukup puas dengan pelayanan danharga serta kualitas makanan yang diberikan Restoran cepat saji CFC
This research aims to analyze some hypotheses provided. First, the effect of family ownership on financial performance. Second, the effect of family ownership on agency cost. Third, the effect of agency cost on financial performance. Forth, the effect of business strategies in moderating the relationship between family ownership and financial performance. Lastly, the effect of agency cost as a moderating variable between family ownership relationships and financial performance. The object of this research is to analyze the non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange by looking at the Annual Reports in 2016-2018. The sampling method is by using purposive sampling, which obtained 117 of company or 351 units of analysis. Those sample tested by PLS-SEM through Smart PLS Version 3. The results of this research are found in the following sentences. First, family ownership has a direct and having significant positive effect on financial performance. Second, family ownership has a positive but not having significant effect on agency cost. Third, agency cost has a negative and having significant effect on financial performance. Forth, business strategy is moderating the relationship between family ownership and financial performance. Lastly, the indirectly agency cost is not moderating the relationship between family ownership and financial performanc
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