2,200 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to investigate and examine the mediating role of religio-centric selling strategy in relation to market sensing capabilities with SMEs business performance in religious-based industries. This paper selected 330 Muslim SMEs in Central Java and tested the regressive relationships of the three constructs. Through confirmatory factor analysis and goodness of fit model testing using SEM, the results of market sensing capabilities obtained have a positive effect on the religio-centric selling strategy and SMEs business performance. In addition, the religio-centric selling strategy also has a positive impact on SMEs business performance. Therefore, the religio-centric selling strategy really acts as a partial mediation in relation to market sensing capabilities with SMEs business performance. By examining the literature on various marketing capabilities, selling strategies, religiosity, and SMEs business performance, this paper offers a unique analysis of the relationship between market sensing capabilities and religio-centric selling strategy and their impact on SMEs business performance. Conceptual discussions and empirical results are expected to extend previous research on the culture of market orientation and selling strategy in specific religious-based small businesses

    Politeness Strategies and Social Dimensions in Once Upon A Time Season 1 Movie Series: Sociopragmatics Study

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    The purposes of this research are to find out the types of politeness strategies used to save the face of the characters in Once Upon A Time season 1 and to identify the dominant scale of social dimensions when using politeness strategies in Once Upon A Time season 1. This research uses qualitative-descriptive analysis method and to get the data needed in this research the writer did the following steps: watching the movies, transcribing the speech, searching the data, classifying the data, analyzing the data and drawing a conclusion related to the types of politeness strategies and the dominant scale of social dimensions. The source of the data used is taken from the serial film Once Upon A Time season 1 by Edward Kitsis dan Adam Horowitz. The results of this research show that there are four types of politeness strategies found in the serial film Once Upon A Time season 1. They are 10 data of bald on-record (28,6%), 8 data of positive politeness strategies (22,9%), 13 data of negative politeness strategies (37,1%) and 4 data of off-record consists (11,4%) and the most dominant scale of four social dimension scales is social distance scale 14 data (40%)

    Deixis Analysis on The Song Lyric, Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo

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    The aim of this research is to find out the types of deixis used in the lyrics of the song, ‘Driver’s License’ which was realized in January 8, 2021 sung by Olivia Rodrigo. The song lyrics are associated with deixis as they express the song singer's or writer's feelings or emotions represented by some expressions of human thoughts, ideas and opinions. The main theory used to analyze the types of deixis consisting of person, place, time, social, and discourse is taken from Cruse (2000). This research conducted was using a descriptive qualitative research design since the data were obtained from the lyrics of the song. The results of the research showed that the number of the data on the types of deixis found in the lyric of the song were 77 data. It consisted of 57 data (74%) on person (personal) deixis, 11 data (14,3%) on time (temporal) deixis, 7 data (9,1%) on place (spatial) deixis, and 2 data (2,6%) on social deixis, and 0 data (0%)on discourse deixis

    Sentence Structure and Meaning in Fast-Food Restaurant Tagline: Syntax and Semantic Studies

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    Tagline is one of the essential elements in building perception consumers, and it is basically formed in short phrases that provide a description or information from a brand. Linguistics stand as the medium to comprehend the function and the structure of phrases involved in tagline. This research put five data to be analyzed; it consists of five different taglines taken from various tagline of fast-food restaurants. The result showed that from those data analyzed, there are three types of phrases; noun phrase, verb phrase and combination of noun-verb phrases. In terms of providing research data, the qualitative method is used with basic and advanced techniques. The results of this study indicate that the use of the noun phrase, noun phrase and combination phrase. This is indicated by the diversity of the construction of the formation of verbal phrases and noun phrase. The taglines have contributed to the strength of a brand itself. First, the taglines help the restaurants increase awareness. Second, the tagline strengthens the positioning strategy of the brand. The taglines are also using the simple and easy sentence, so they represent the part that essential to the restaurants. Effectiveness of taglines in the fast-food restaurants increase the consumers interest to the product offered by the restaurants

    Satire Expressions in Animal Farm Novel by George Orwel : A Semantic Study

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    The purpose of this research is to identify types of satire expressions and determine the purpose of satire in the Animal Farm novel containing criticism. The method used in this study is the descriptive analysis method, which means collecting the data, then processing and analyzing the data, and drawing a conclusion. The theory of satire used in this study is based on Holbert (2011) and Keraf (2006: 143). There are some satire expressions and types of satire found in 46 research data, namely: Juvenalian satire: Sarcasm 13 (28,26%); Irony 22 (47,83%), and Parody 11 (23.91%). The type of satire that is most commonly found in Animal Farm novel is Juvenalian satire, while the most common satire element is irony, which is 22 data. The purpose of the satire expressions in the Animal Farm novel is to criticize government policies. The government's policies are inhumane because the people are forced to achieve their goals, and the satire expressions in this novel also show how the government gains its power using cunning means. &nbsp

    Enhancing Holistic Value in Human Transformative Service through Religious Interaction Capability

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    This research investigates the impact of Interaction Capability on Customer Participation, influencing the development of Perceived Holistic Value in transformative human services aimed at enhancing customer well-being. An innovative aspect introduced in this study is Religious Interaction Capability, which supplements the existing dimensions of Interaction Capability: Individualized Interaction, Relational Interaction, Empowered Interaction, and Ethical Interaction Capability. The study involved 192 outpatient participants from Islamic hospitals in Central Java, Indonesia, selected through purposive sampling. Data analysis utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22.0. The results suggest that Religious Interaction Capability and other interaction capabilities significantly motivate religiously oriented patients to seek and responsibly share information. Furthermore, all factors facilitating Customer Participation contribute to the formation of Perceived Holistic Value, extending beyond transactional aspects such as process and outcome value to include a broader dimension of religious value. These findings have implications for strengthening the Resource-based View theory

    Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention : A Consumer Behavioral Study on Indonesia

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    Pengembangan UKM Turubuk Pangsit Makanan Khas Kabupaten Karawang

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    Turubuk pangsit merupakan makanan khas Kabupaten Karawang yang terbuat dari tanaman turubuk yang merupakan tanaman sejenis palawija namun pohonnya seperti pohon tebu. Turubuk pangsit merupakan makanan yang dihasilkan dari UKM Turubuk pangsit Desa Cintalaksana kecamatan Tegalwaru Kabupaten Karawang. Masalah UKM Turubuk pangsit Desa Cintalaksana kecamatan Tegalwaru Kabupaten Karawang yakni sumber modal, tenaga kerja, bahan baku dan pemasaran. Metode penyelesaian masalah yang digunakan berdasar pada pendekatan manajemen dalam meningkatkan hasil produksi dan hasil penjualan dengan 4 (empat) tahapan pelaksanaan program yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan pelaporan. Hasil program pendampingan UKM turubuk pangsit makanan khas Kabupaten Karawang di Desa Cintalaksana kecamatan Tegalwaru Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat, menunjukkan adanya perubahan yang dialami oleh mitra program selama dan setelah pelaksanaan program dilakukan dapat dilihat dari 3 indikator perubahan yang dapat disimpulkan berdasar pada data-data yang diperoleh dalam setiap monitoring dan evaluasi program terhadap mitra. Indikator ini terdiri dari pengelolaan, produktifitas dan Hasil Penjualan

    Korelasi Program Reskilling Dan Upskilling Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Dalam Menghadapi Pembelajaran Di Era Society 5.0

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    Pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami perubahan signifikan seiring dengan munculnya Era Society 5.0, di mana teknologi digital, konektivitas, dan inovasi menjadi landasan utama perkembangan sosial dan ekonomi. Dalam konteks ini, guru SMK memegang peran penting dalam mempersiapkan siswa dengan keterampilan yang relevan dan kemampuan beradaptasi dengan perubahan. Program Upskilling adalah program untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru, sedangkan Reskilling adalah pelatihan kemampuan baru bagi para guru SMK. Tujuan dari program Upskilling dan Reskilling adalah meningkatkan kompetensi guru kejuruan SMK sesuai standar DUDI. Penelitian ini menyelidiki apakah program reskilling yang fokus pada pembaruan pengetahuan teknologi dan literasi digital serta program upskilling yang bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan pedagogis, kepemimpinan, dan kewirausahaan guru memiliki dampak positif terhadap efektivitas pengajaran dan kesiapan siswa dalam menghadapi era Society 5.0. Metode penelitian melibatkan survei, wawancara, dan analisis data. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa program reskilling dan upskilling berkontribusi signifikan pada peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pengajaran, memberikan pendidikan berbasis proyek, dan membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan perangkat lunak yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa investasi dalam program reskilling dan upskilling guru SMK menjadi penting dalam memastikan bahwa pendidikan SMK relevan dan efektif di era Society 5.0
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