617 research outputs found


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    This research was conducte to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cu proteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerev s ae in the ration on internal quality of the broiler.The experiment use 125 broiler day ol chicken with a Completely Randomize Design.The ration treatments were R0 (control),R1 (99%R0 +1%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R2 (98%R0 +2%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R3 (97%R0 +3%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)and R4 (96%R0 +4%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)where each treatment was repeate five times and each replication consiste of five broiler chicks.Variable analysis were body cut weight,carcass percentage,liver relative weight,and the content of cholesterol broiler meat.Conclusion of the research showe that by using 3%of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internal quality of broiler,increase body cut weight,carcass percentage,otherwise liver relative weight and the content of cholesterol broiler meat were normal. Keywords :Zn and Cu prote nat supplement,rat ons ,bro ler nternal qual t

    Supporting Food Production and Food Access through Local Public Procurement Schemes: Lessons from Brazil

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    Approaches that combine giving vulnerable segments of the population access to food with support to smallholder farmers for food production can offer significant benefits in tackling poverty and hunger. Public procurement can play an important role in these approaches, ensuring supplies for food aid schemes and market opportunities for farmers who otherwise would face great difficulties in establishing advantageous commercial relations. The benefits of such approaches can be very substantial when procurement strategies are implemented in line with local food production and consumption patterns. (?)Supporting Food Production and Food Access through Local Public Procurement Schemes: Lessons from Brazil

    Market Alternatives for Smallholder Farmers in Food Security Initiatives: Lessons from the Brazilian Food Acquisition Programme

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    Policies that support the livelihoods of smallholder farmers are crucial in efforts to tackle poverty and hunger, especially when they are designed to combine different sectors of public intervention. Small farmers account for a significant share of developing countries? rural poor, who in turn account for 75 per cent of the total poor population in those countries (World Bank, 2008). Smallholdings are typically operated by the poor, who make substantial use of labour from their own households and from their equally poor or even poorer neighbours. Moreover, much of their income is usually spent on locally produced goods and services, thereby stimulating the rural off-farm economy and creating additional jobs (Hazell et al., 2007). They are also vital for food production and can play a significant role in increasing the availability of and access to food (United Nations, 2008). Small farmers use several different strategies to secure their livelihoods, with a view to ensuring that their food requirements are met and that they generate enough income for their immediate consumption needs, social purposes and investments. Interaction with agricultural markets is an essential part of these strategies. Markets are where, as producers, smallholders buy their agricultural inputs and sell their products; they are where, as consumers, smallholders use income from the sale of crops or from their non-agricultural activities to buy food and other consumption goods. Improved market access, therefore, is not only important for better-off producers or for the production of cash crops rather than food crops; it is also very important for smallholder farmers (IFAD, 2003). (?)Policies that support the livelihoods of smallholder farmers are crucial in efforts to tackle poverty and hunger, especially when they are designed t

    Management of Fistula In Ano with Ksharasutra - A Case Study

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    Fistula in ano is a disease known to the humanity since ancient times. For reasons that are unknown, non specific anal fistula are more common in men than women. The overall incidence is about nine cases per 100000 population per year in western Europe, and those in there third, fourth and fifth decades of life are most commonly affected. It is a chronic illness which is, though not fatal but quite discomfirting and troublesome to the patient and often puts deep impact on the quality of life of a patient. Despite many advances in medical field, it still poses big challenge to the surgeon as there is no suitable curative treatment available so far. For the same reason, Sushruta (500BC) has aptly described this disease as one of the Ashtamahagada. He was first person to describe, etiology, clinical feature and management of Bhagandara. He described Ksharasutra therapy in Bhagandara. A Female patient of age 65 years history of Ischiorectal abscess before 1month, she came on 10-7-2019 with the complaint of itching, pus discharge, mild pain in perianal region. Patient was a diagnosed case of Diabetes mellitus from 8years, Hypertension from 4 years, after investigations and local examination, patient was planned and treated with Ksharasutra

    Fermentabilitas Dan Kecernaan in Vitro Ransum Limbah Agroindustri Yang Disuplementasi Kromium Anorganik Dan Organik

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    Chromium is a trace element which has been considered essential for humans and animals since 1959. However, the effect of chromium on activity of rumen microorganisms has not been yet investigated. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of chromium supplementation to agroindustrial waste based diets on rumen microorganisms which was measured in vitro. Chromium supplement was in the form of anorganic and organic incoroporated to Rhizopus sp. fungus. Two experimental designs were used in this experiment. A completely randomized design with 10 treatments and 3 replications was used to measure dry matter and organic matter digestibilities (DMD and OMD). A factorial randomized block design 10 x 3 was used to measure total VFA and NH3 productions. Factor A was diet treatments and Factor B was fermentation period. Rumen fluid was used as block (replication). Treatments consisted of K1 (control diet), K2 (K1 + non mineral Rhizopus sp. fungus), A (K2 + anorganic Cr) with 4 levels of anorganic Cr (1, 2, 3, and 4 ppm), and O (K1 + organic Cr) with 4 levels of organic Cr (1, 2, 3, and 4 ppm). Incubation period was carried out for 1, 3, and 5 hours. The addition of non mineral Rhizopus sp. fungus (K2) decreased total VFA production from 110 to 59 mM (P < 0.05) and increased NH3production from 9.97 to 13.28 mM (P < 0.05). Supplementation of anorganic Cr decreased DMD and OMD compared to K2 (P < 0.05), but organic Cr supplementation increased DMD and OMD. Optimum level of organic Cr supplementation was 1 ppm and 4 ppm for anorganic Cr. This means that supplementation of organic Cr is four times more efficient than that of anorganic Cr

    Studi Penggunaan Statistika dalam Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa Strata 1 (S-1) STIE Swadaya Jakarta

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    The finally of day, used the Statistic in social and economics research was be important to description of social and economics phenomena&rsquo;s. How far used intensity of statistics as tools of analysis, the mistake in applied and relevancy with numeric of graduate of statistics and Value of Average Quality at Student of High School of Economic Swadaya in Jakarta is the interesting research. The result of this research are; The low intensity of used statistics analysis in their research, and there is trend that to be complex of used statistic analysis, to be high of the mistake in used them. The lower of ability to understanding the statistical science and others is correlated by the result of this research.&nbsp

    Market alternatives for smallholder farmers in food security initiatives: Lessons from the Brazilian Food Acquisition Programme

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    [Introduction ...] This study looks at the outcomes of the latter programme for farmers’ market access. Our goal is to identify and discuss key elements that could be explored in further international debate, sharing lessons learned from programmes that combine supporting food production (through trading opportunities targeted at or open to smallholder farmers) with giving vulnerable populations access to food. This is the first study in a series to be conducted by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) to compare experiences of this kind. The next phases of the research will discuss India’s PDS and WFP’s Purchase for Progress
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