23 research outputs found

    Research on Principles of Non-extradition of Political Offenders and Death-Penalty

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    包括中国在内的国际社会正面临来自恐怖主义犯罪和腐败犯罪的挑战。犯罪后逃往外国是这两类犯罪分子逃避制裁的常用手段。但是,在实践中,政治犯不引渡原则与死刑不引渡原则对于引渡这两类犯罪分子客观上构成了障碍。由于恐怖主义犯罪与政治因素之间往往存在密切而错综的联系,被请求引渡国往往以被控恐怖主义犯罪分子属于政治犯为由拒绝引渡。这就导致了制裁恐怖主义犯罪与政治犯不引渡原则之间的冲突。相应地,另一个拒绝引渡原则死刑不引渡原则也阻碍了对腐败犯罪的制裁。死刑的存在和对死刑认识上的差异成为签订引渡条约的障碍。在没有条约的情况下,请求国往往只能以承诺不判处死刑或者不执行死刑换取被请求国同意引渡,但这种承诺可能导致罪...International community is facing the challenge from offences of terrorism and corruption. Offenders of these two kind offences often choose to flee away to foreign countries which may protect them from being punished. But in practice, obstacles have been objectively constituted to the extraditing of the offenders above-mentioned by principles of both non-extradition of political offenders and non...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20030805

    A Mechanism Study on IR Spectra Properties of CO Adsorption on Nanostructure Pt Surfaces

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    本文以CO-Pt化学吸附体系为例,从体系中粒子间以及粒子与外场间的相互作用关系研究了体系极化率、相互作用能、能量转移等问题。指出这些相互作用的变化将引起吸附分子极化率、覆盖度、红外谱线等的变化。理论计算结果表明,金属吸附表面的纳米结构将导致分子红外吸收谱线性质的变化,产生异常红外效应。本文重点分析了CO-Pt吸附体系分子间及分子与表面局域电场的相互作用的形式,计算了等效偶极子的极化率、纳米结构金属表面的纳米颗粒附近的局域电场、吸附分子的空间分布、红外振动谱线等。本文的主要贡献归纳如下:(1)研究吸附体系的分子势能函数,应用嵌入能原子方法,建立了体系模型,分析CO-Pt吸附体系多粒子间的相互作用...This dissertation is concerned with the chemical adsorption of CO-Pt system, from many aspects, such as polarizability, interaction energy, energy transfer, through the interactions among atoms (or molecules), as well as atoms with external field near the CO-Pt surface. It is found that the changes of these interactions may give rise to the changes of the polarizabilities, the coverage and the IR ...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_理论物理学号:B20042400

    Multitarget Detection Using a Circular Harmonic Joint Wavelet Transform Correlator with Power Spectrum Subtraction

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    将小波变换与圆谐联合变换相关器相结合,应用功率谱相减技术进行多目标检测,可以从输出面上直接看出系统对真目标的旋转不变检测及识别假目标的能力。分析和量化了输入景物噪声对结果的影响。计算机模拟实验表明这种方法明显改善了普通圆谐联合变换相关器的性能,具有良好的相关输出性能和抗噪声能力。A method of multitarget detection is presented.It combines circular harmonic joint transform correlator (CHJTC ) with wavelet transform, and introduces power spectrum subtraction technique.Using this method we can find out directly the rotation-invariant recognition for the real pattern and the discrimination performance relative to the false pattern.The effect on the result of noise in the input scene is analyzed and quantified.Computer simulation verifies that it can enhance obviously the performance of general CHJTC, and yield a better correlation output and higher capability of anti-background noise

    A Self-assembly Route to Porous Polyaniline/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Materials with Molecular-level Uniformity for High-performance Supercapacitors

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    PANI具有赝电容高、稳定性好和掺杂/去掺杂反应可逆等优点,而RGO则能提供高导电和大比表面积。PANI与RGO的复合能将两种材料的优势进行互补产生协同作用。而传统的PANI/RGO电极材料的制备通常聚焦于苯胺在还原RGO上的原位聚合,其不足之处在于难以精确控制PANI组分的形貌和分布来优化材料电子转移和电解质的扩散。白华课题组巧妙利用了PANI的溶解性,设计了溶液中的自组装方法以制备PANI/RGO复合材料。白华课题组在聚苯胺/还原氧化石墨烯(PANI/RGO)电极材料研究方面取得新进展。该课题组提出了一种简便可控的自组装方法,成功制备了分子水平均匀的PANI/RGO复合凝胶(PGG)。该方法大幅度提高了电极材料的比电容和倍率性能。此外,本工作还证实了GO是一种有效的二维表面活性剂,可与其他分子形成复合物,并使它们进入复杂的自组装过程。该方法还可以指导我们设计具有各种组成,结构和其他功能的基于RGO的复合材料。 该论文的第一作者为我院已毕业2016届硕士生巫继锋,我院张勤娥(2015级硕士生)、王菁菁(2014级博士生)、黄晓萍(2016级硕士生)参与了论文的部分工作。【Abstract】Polyaniline/graphene composites constitute an important class of electrode materials for supercapacitors. In this paper, we designed a new self-assembly method for preparing polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide three-dimensional porous composite gels with molecular-level uniformity even at a very high PANI content (>80%). The method involves two successive self-assembly processes, namely, two-dimensional assembly of polyaniline on graphene oxide sheets in a water/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone blend solvent, and three-dimensional reduction-assembly of the obtained polyaniline/graphene oxide composite sheets. The prepared polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide composite gels possess a three-dimensional porous network composed of reduced graphene oxide sheets, which are covered by polyaniline molecules with controlled content. Because of this favorable microstructure, the composite shows a high specific capacitance of 808 F g−1 (5717 mF cm−2) at a current density of 53.33 A g−1 (377.4 mA cm−2), as well as excellent rate performance. These results demonstrate that two-step self-assembly is a promising method for precisely controlling the microstructure of reduced graphene oxide based composite electrode materials.This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (21774104). 该工作得到国家自然科学基金和福建省青年拔尖人才项目的大力资助

    Rotation invariant Target Detection by Using a Modified Fringe adjusted Circular Harmonic Joint Transform Correlator

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    提出一种修正条纹调节的圆谐联合变换相关器作旋转不变的目标检测的方法.在这种方法中,参考图像(即圆谐展开分量的实部和虚部)、圆盘状的局部偏置函数以及目标图像同时显示于输入面.这一方法对联合功率谱作了修正,先将联合功率谱减去纯输入景物(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱和参考图象(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱,再加上局部偏置函数的功率谱,然后将所得修正的联合功率谱乘以条纹调节滤波函数.它能产生比普通的圆谐联合变换相关器更好的相关输出.给出计算机模拟结果.Rotation invariant target detection by using a modified fringe adjusted circular harmonic joint transform correlator is proposed.In this technique, the reference images ( i.e.the real and imaginary parts of the circular harmonic component ), the disk like local bias function and the target image are displayed simultaneously in the input plane.The joint power spectrum is first modified by the subtraction of the power spectra of the input scene only (including local bias function) as well as of the reference image (including local bias function) and by the addition of the power spectrum of the local bias function from it.The resultant joint power spectrum modified is then multiplied by the fringe adjusted filter function.The technique is found to yield a better correlation output than that yielded by a classical circular harmonic joint transform correlator.Computer simulation results are given.集美大学水产学院青年专项科研基

    Circular Harmonic Joint Transform Correlator Based on Wavelat Transform

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    将小波变换应用于圆谐联合变换相关器作旋转不变的目标检测.与高通滤波的圆谐联合变换相关器相比,其输出相关峰宽度、识别力、峰噪比和旋转不变性都有较大改善.小波函数采用改进的Mexican-hat小波,圆谐联合变换相关器采用直流偏置型.给出计算机模拟实验结果.Wavelet transform is used in the circular harmonic joint transform correlator for ratation- invariant target detection. Comparing with the high pass filtering circular harmonic joint transform correlator, its correlation peak width, discrimination ability, peak-to-noise ratio, and rotation-invariant performance are better. The modified Mexican-hat wavelet is chosen as the wavelet function and the DC bias is adopted for the circular harmonic joint transform correlator. Computer simulaton results are given

    Digital Reconstruction of Holographic Interference

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    本文报告的全息干涉的数字重现方法 ,可消除像差、噪声和胶片非线性等因素的影响。用 CCD摄像机记录全息图 ,离散化的数据输入计算机。计算机的数字显示可产生较好的条纹图样和测量结果。给出了玻璃板平行度和物体表面微小转动的实验结果。A method of digital reconstruction of holographic interference is described.It can eliminate aberrations,noise,and film nonlinearity etc.The hologram is recorded by a CCD camera,and the discrete data are sent to the computer.The numerical display of the computer can yield better fringe pattern and measurement results.Experimental results for glass plate parallelism and small rotation of object surface are given.福建省教委科技项

    Rotation Invariant Target Detection Using a Modified Amplitude Modulated Hybrid Optical Circular Harmonic Joint Transform Correlator

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    提出一种修正振幅调制的光电混合圆谐联合变换相关器作旋转不变的目标检测的实验系统。参考图像(即圆谐展开分量的实部和虚部)、圆盘状的局部偏置函数以及目标图像同时显示于输入面。此方法对联合功率谱作了修正,先将联合功率谱减去纯输入景物(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱和参考图像(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱,再加上局部偏置函数的功率谱,然后将所得修正的联合功率谱乘以振幅调制滤波函数。这种方法能产生比普通的圆谐联合变换相关器更好的相关输出。给出计算机模拟结果及光电混合实验结果。Rotation invariant target detection using a modified amplitude modulated hybrid optical circular harmonic joint transform correlator is proposed.In this technique, the reference images (i.e.the real and imaginary parts of the circular harmonic component), the disk like local bias function and the target image are displayed simultaneously in the input plane.The joint power spectrum is firstly modified by the subtraction of the power spectra of the input scene only (with local bias function) as well as of the reference image (with local bias function) and by the addition of the power spectrum of the local bias function from it.Then the resultant modified joint power spectrum is multiplied by the amplitude modulated filter function.The technique is found to yield a better correlation output than a classical circular harmonic joint transform correlator does.Computer simulation results and hybrid optical experimental results are given.集美大学水产学院青年专项科研基

    Theoretical Calculation of Vibrational Spectra of CO Adsorbed on Pt

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    根据CO分子吸附在过渡金属Pt表面的CO-Pt体系相互作用近似模型,采用类Rose势,利用有限差分方程和量子力学方法求解CO-Pt体系的Schr dinger方程,得出CO-Pt体系波函数的数值解.进一步将所得的波函数进行离散Fourier变换,从频谱的极大值得到体系的本征振动能量,并拟合成非谐性光谱项表达式,同时对这些数值解进行定量分析.用同样方法计算自由态的基态CO的本征振动能量和非谐性光谱项,与CO-Pt吸附体系的结果相比较.结果表明,CO-Pt体系的本征振动仍接近谐振动,高阶项较小,其本征振动频率比自由基态CO的振动频率低.According to the interaction approximate model of the CO-Pt system between CO and a Pt surface,using finite difference equation and quantum-mechanical method,the numerical solution of the wave function of CO-Pt system is obtained by solving the Schrdinger equation of CO-Pt system with the Rose-like potential.Additionally,through the discrete Fourier transform(DFT),the eigenvibrational energies are obtained from the frequency spectra of the wave function.The anharmonic spectrum expression and the quantitative analysis are given.The result is compared to that of the free ground-state CO molecule which is calculated by the same method.It is shown that the vibrational state of the CO-Pt system is near to harmonic oscillation with small high-order terms,and the eigenvibrational frequencies of CO-Pt system are lower than that of the free ground-state CO.国家自然科学基金(10225420,90206039);; 福建省自然科学基金(2006J0170)资

    The New Technique of Making the Masters of 3D True Color Embossed Holograms

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    描述了一种新的三维真彩色模压全息图母版的摄制方法,本方法最主要的特点是解决了在拍摄光刻胶版时三个菲涅尔全息像对准的难题,利用本方法,在拍摄光刻胶版时三个菲涅尔全息像的对准不必象普遍采用的那样靠调整三个菲涅尔全息图的位置来达到,而只须在记录每张菲涅尔全息图时根据计算数据采用不同的物体位置即可.本方法在实际操作上易实现.不仅拍出的真彩色全息图像的三原色像重叠得十分准确,而且由于记录光路安排合理,因而全息图的质量得到保证.文中给出了理论计算,全息图记录光路安排及实验结果.A new technique of making the masters of 3D true color embossed hologramsis described.The Tehnique has solved the diFFiculty of aligning the three images of Fresnelholograms in the recording process of photoresist plate.Using the technique,the alignment ofthe three Fresnel holographic images can be easily achieved by properly positioning the objectwhile recording the three H_1,instead of adjusting three H_1 as the normal methed which has suchdeFect that it is impossible to obtain high quality holograms.The technique simpliFies therecording processes,and makes the holograms easy to achieve accurate true color.The theoreticalcalculation,table optical geometry and the experimental results are presented