Rotation invariant Target Detection by Using a Modified Fringe adjusted Circular Harmonic Joint Transform Correlator


提出一种修正条纹调节的圆谐联合变换相关器作旋转不变的目标检测的方法.在这种方法中,参考图像(即圆谐展开分量的实部和虚部)、圆盘状的局部偏置函数以及目标图像同时显示于输入面.这一方法对联合功率谱作了修正,先将联合功率谱减去纯输入景物(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱和参考图象(含局部偏置函数)的功率谱,再加上局部偏置函数的功率谱,然后将所得修正的联合功率谱乘以条纹调节滤波函数.它能产生比普通的圆谐联合变换相关器更好的相关输出.给出计算机模拟结果.Rotation invariant target detection by using a modified fringe adjusted circular harmonic joint transform correlator is proposed.In this technique, the reference images ( i.e.the real and imaginary parts of the circular harmonic component ), the disk like local bias function and the target image are displayed simultaneously in the input plane.The joint power spectrum is first modified by the subtraction of the power spectra of the input scene only (including local bias function) as well as of the reference image (including local bias function) and by the addition of the power spectrum of the local bias function from it.The resultant joint power spectrum modified is then multiplied by the fringe adjusted filter function.The technique is found to yield a better correlation output than that yielded by a classical circular harmonic joint transform correlator.Computer simulation results are given.集美大学水产学院青年专项科研基

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