372 research outputs found

    Dynamic Economic Dispatch of Wind Power Integrated System With Fully Developed Supply Responses of Thermal Units

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    已有文献分析了传统的离散时间调度模型,并指出这类调度模型存在备用容量上、下限不可达的问题。该文进一步指出这类调度模型中存在备用容量上、下限约束过; 于严格、限制机组的深度变负荷能力的不足。以连续时间调度模型为基础,建立了充分发挥机组深度变负荷能力的风火电联合随机调度模型。仿真实验结果表明,这; 种含风电场的电力系统动态经济调度模型能有效应对风电出力的随机波动性特征,充分发挥机组深度变负荷能力,在保证系统可靠性的前提下能节省更多的成本。Some researchers analyzed the traditional discrete-time scheduling; model, and pointed out that the upper and lower bounds of spinning; reserve offered by thermal units are unreachable. We further find that; the upper and lower bounds of spinning reserve modeled in the; discrete-time scheduling model are too strict in some situation. In; order to solve this problem, we analyzed the thermal units supply; responses based on the continuous time scheduling. And then a stochastic; scheduling model of wind & thermal power joint operation was established; in consideration of the thermal units supply responses. Simulation; results show the new model can effectively cope with random fluctuation; characteristics of wind power output, take full advantage of the supply; responses of thermal units, and save more cost while guaranteeing the; system reliability.国家自然科学基金项目; 福建省自然科学基金项

    An Application of the Functionalist Translation Theory to the Translation of Children's Literature: A Chinese Translation of the First Three Chapters of A Summer of Horses and an Analysis of the Translation

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    摘要 儿童文学是培养儿童认知能力和思维能力的一种重要媒介,对儿童的成长有深远的影响和重要作用。儿童文学翻译是儿童文学的重要组成部分。中国儿童文学的诞生和发展得益于外国儿童文学在中国的翻译与传播。儿童文学翻译并非易事,译者要善于从儿童的角度出发,以儿童的耳朵去听,以儿童的眼睛去看,将自己融入到作品的角色中,再现原作的风格和童趣。 功能翻译理论为儿童文学的翻译提供了理论基础,它将翻译视为一项须考虑读者要求的目的性交际活动。儿童文学的读者是儿童,译者需要考虑儿童在知识经验、情感思想、审美情趣等方面的特点。对儿童阅读要求的充分关注是儿童文学翻译成功的关键。这与功能翻译理论对读者充分关注不谋而合。 ...Abstract Children’s literature (CL for short), as a vital medium to cultivate children’s cognitive and thinking ability, plays a significant role in children’s growth and has a far-reaching influence on them. CL translation is an important part of CL. Chinese CL owes its birth and rapid growth to the translation and spread of foreign CL in China. CL translation is no easy job. Translators need to...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:X200911000


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    代际核算是近年来针对代际平衡问题而发展起来的一种新方法。它为研究代际平衡问题提供了有力的计量工具 ,并能应用于评价养老保险政策的当前合理性和未来可持续性。本文论述该方法产生的背景、主要内容、在世界各国的运用情况及对我国的借鉴意义。教育部人文社会科学研究项目! (批准号 98JAQ790 0 2 3


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    Discussion on the commercialization of personality rights

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    人格权是民法所保护的核心价值之一。在传统民法的观念中,人格权制度是为人类精神利益而设,是人之所以为人的根本性权益。跟人格相关的诸项权利不能转让、也不能借此牟利。在很长的时间范围内,这种观点占据主导地位。但随着经济的发展,科技水平的提高,电视、多媒体、网络的普及,出现了许多纷繁复杂的现象已无法用传统人格权的理念作出解释。许多商业活动开发利用人物形象、姓名、身体等进行广告宣传活动和推广活动已经极为普遍。在商业化的进程中,在现代化手段的辅助下,许多具体的人格权种已与人格权主体实现了分离,而且为其带来了现实的经济利益。人的身体或身体的一部分被商业化利用,而法律的规制却滞后于社会生活。学者们对此进行了大...The personality Right is one of the core values of the civil law protection. In the traditional civil law concept, the system of the right of personality is set up for spiritual benefit of mankind, it is one of the fundamental rights for people. So the rights of personality cannot be transferred, cannot win the profits by using it. This view is applicable for a long time. But with the economic dev...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:X200712014


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    资本市场理论发展至今,传统的线性范式正面临非线性范式的严峻挑战。所谓线性范式指的就是以有效市场假说为基础,以线性函数关系为模型的资本市场理论框架。但是实证研究表明,资本市场具有非线性的特征。可见,传统的线性范式并不能很好地揭示资本市场的真正本质,于是非线性范式应运而生。 分形理论是非线性方法的一种,发展至今不过几十年的时间,但是由于它能有效地解释自然和经济现象中许多极其复杂多变的问题,因此它已成为非线性资本市场理论的有力分析工具。本文就是利用分形理论中的R/S分析法对我国股票市场作实证研究,以揭示我国股市的分形特征。 全文共分四章: 第一章是引言部分,阐明本文研究的目的和意义。 第二章...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:19991600


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    The Images of the Hu (Barbarian) in Dufu's Poems——Concurrent Discussion on the Influence of Dufu's Thought on Yi-xia Relationship to literatis in Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

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    “胡/汉”问题是中国中古史研究领域里一个备受关注的课题。安史之乱后唐宋思想转型思潮,亦是唐宋思想史研究的重要内容。笔者尝试从“胡/汉”的角度探索唐宋思想转型的一个侧面。杜甫(712~770)生于唐玄宗先天元年,卒于代宗大历五年。他生活在李唐帝国由盛转衰的关键时期,是李唐帝国衰落后的第一代文士,面对帝国的衰落,他的思想动态如何?本文通过对杜甫诗歌中的胡人形象的解读与分析,来探究杜甫的夷夏思想,并进一步考察杜甫的夷夏思想对中晚唐文士的影响。 杜甫在诗歌中塑造了安史叛军首领安禄山的形象和叛军军队的胡人形象。他的夷夏思想主要表现为民族意识觉醒,夷夏之防转严;尊王攘夷,寄望李唐中兴。中晚唐文士的夷夏思...The topic of Hu-han has great vitality in the study of Chinese medieval history. At the same time, the thought and culture transition after An-shi Rebellion, spanning across Tang and Song dynasties is also the critical scope of studies on the thought and cultural history in Tang-Sung dynasties. Hence, this thesis seeks to explore one aspect of this transition through the view of Hu-han relationshi...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代史学号:1032010115212

    Comparing the Reform of the System of Higher Education between China and Lithuania

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    中国和立陶宛同为转型国家,为适应市场经济的要求,两国高等教育体制进行了一系列改革。本文从两国高等教育现状入手,对高等教育管理、投资、办学、评估、课程及大学入学考试制度进行比较分析,指出两国国情不同,高等教育体制改革内容不尽一致,但培养适应各自社会变化的高级人才的目标一致。China and Lithuania are the same countries in transition.The reform of the system of higher education has been introduced to adapt with the market economy that is carried out in the country.This paper makes a comparative analysis on the systems of management,investment,evaluation,curriculum and college entrance examination.It points out that both of them have the same aim of cultivating high-level talent who can adapt themselves to the social change,although there are differences in national conditions and contents of the reform of the system of higher education