51 research outputs found

    Political Connections,Social Capital and Investment Efficiency——Based on Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity

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    从高管的政治关系和地区社会资本视角出发,研究了非正式制度对公司投资效率的影响,结果发现,政治关系和社会资本不仅会缓解信息不对称导致的投资不足问题,而且抑制了内部人对现金流滥用导致的过度投资行为。进一步的研究还发现,我国上市公司普遍存在过度投资行为,政治关系和社会资本改善了投资效率,提高了公司价值。综合研究结果,可以认为,在法律和金融等正式制度较不完善的中国,政治关系和社会资本这些非正式制度可以起到替代作用,帮助企业提高投资效率,进而促进企业的扩张和价值的提升。From political connections and social capital perspective,this paper studies the impact of non-formal institutions on investment efficiency of listed companies in China.The results show that political connections and social capital alleviate underinvestment problem arising from information asymmetries.The authors also find that political connections and social capital mitigate the over-investment.In addition,overinvestment is more dominated distortion.There is a positive relation between political connection and firm value.In high-social capital areas,Tobin's Q of local firms is higher.This paper illuminates informal institutions,such as political connections and social capital,can be alternative mechanism of under-developed financial markets and poor investor protection in China and help add value to firms,i.e.,increasing investment efficiency.国家自然科学基金项目(71002042;71272082); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2010J05152


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    Mitä tarkoittaa, kun käsi tai jalka murtuu? : opetus- ja ohjausvideo alakouluikäisille lapsille

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    Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa alakouluikäisille kohdennettu animaatiovideo, jossa kerrotaan, mitä tarkoittaa, kun käsi tai jalka murtuu. Tavoitteena on kehittää lapsipotilaan potilasohjausta opetus- ja ohjausvideon avulla, sekä lisätä murtumalapsipotilaan tietoa ja ymmärrystä käden tai jalan murtumasta. Video tehtiin yhteistyössä Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan lasten ja nuorten klinikan kanssa, joka toimi opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana. Videossa käydään läpi murtumapotilaan hoitopolkua raajan murtumasta sen paranemiseen: mitä murtuma tarkoittaa, mitkä ovat murtuman oireita, missä murtumaa hoidetaan, miten murtumaa hoidetaan ja mitä murtuneen raajan kanssa tullaan tekemään. Animaatiovideo toteutettiin PowToon-sovelluksella. Videossa päähenkilönä on poika, joka on murtanut raajansa. Lopputuloksena saatiin neljän ja puolen minuutin video, joka julkaistaan Terveyskylä.fi-sivustolla. Terveyskylä.fi on erikoissairaanhoidon digitaalinen palvelukanava, ja se on osa Virtuaalisairaala 2.0 -hanketta. Tutkimuksien mukaan audiovisuaalisten menetelmien käyttöä potilasohjauksessa pitäisi lisätä. Usein lapsi kokee pelkoa ja ahdistusta uusissa tilanteissa, minkä vuoksi lapsen hoito ja siihen liittyvät tekstit, videot ja muut materiaalit tulee olla sellaisessa muodossa, että lapsi kykenee ne ymmärtämään. Tutkimuksia ja kyselyitä liittyen tärkeään potilasohjaukseen lapsen näkökulmasta on tehty vähän. Videosta haluttiin yleispätevä, milloin sitä voisi mahdollisesti potilasohjauksen lisäksi esittää myös esimerkiksi lapsille koulun terveystiedon tunnilla. Videota voitaisiin hyödyntää tällaisen kyselytutkimuksen yhteydessä ja saada aikaiseksi entistä parempia ja laadukkaampia potilasohjausmateriaaleja lapsipotilaille.The task of this thesis was to plan and create an animated video for children of elementary school age where the meaning of a limb fracture is explained. The aim of this educational video is to improve teaching and counseling skills in paediatric health care. The video was planned and pro-duced in cooperation with the department of paediatrics and adolescent medicine of Turku Uni-versity Hospital. The video shows all the phases from injury to healing: meaning of a fracture, symptoms, where and how the fracture will be treated and what will be done to a fractured limb. The animation video was implemented with the PowToon application. The main character of the video is a boy who has had a limb fracture. The result of this thesis is a four and a half minute animated video which will be released on Terveyskyla.fi website. Terveyskyla.fi is a digital chan-nel of Finnish special health care and part of the Virtual Hospital 2.0 project. According to researches, audiovisual education should be used more in teaching and counseling. Usually, children are frightened and anxious when it comes to new situations and for the fact that the treatment, texts and videos should be understood also by themselves. There is no specific target group for this video. In addition to teaching and counseling, the video can be used for health education in schools. There are just a few surveys of teaching and coun-seling in health care from children’s point of view. In the future, this video could be used in different kinds of surveys and researches and get even better material for paediatric health care


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    针对TiO2半导体不能有效吸收可见光,光电转换效率较低等问题,可通过对TiO2半导体进行修饰和改性,制备TiO2复合材料,提高其光电化学性能。因此,本工作以Ti表面制备的TiO2纳米管膜为基础,分别应用循环伏安电沉积法和脉冲电沉积法在膜表面先后沉积MoO3和ZnSe颗粒,获得具有级联能带结构的ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2纳米管复合膜,并将其应用于对403不锈钢(403SS)实施光生阴极保护。相较于纯TiO2纳米管膜,紫外-可见(UV-Vis)吸收光谱和光致发光(PL)谱测试表明,ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2复合膜的吸收边红移,在可见光区具有良好的光吸收性能,光生载流子复合得到更有效抑制。光电化学测试表明,白光照射下,处于0.5 mol·L-1 KOH溶液中的ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2复合膜的光电流密度达到了同条件下纯TiO2膜的2倍,可使与之耦连的浸泡于0.5 mol·L-1 NaCl溶液中的403SS电极电位下降470 mV,显示出良好的光生阴极保护效应。复合膜还具有一定的储能特性,在光照后又转为暗态的22.5 h内仍对403SS具有一定阴极保护作用。国家自然科学基金(21573182,51731008,51671163,21621091,J1310024)资助项目~


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    大功率全固态激光器集半导体激光器和固体激光器优点于一体,是未来激光器发展的重要方向。大功率全固态激光器作为一种新型光源在国民生产和军事领域中具有广泛的应用前景。本论文的内容是研制出一套大功率全固态激光器控制系统,主要工作是结合科技部863重点项目“全固体激光器及其应用技术——高功率5kW全固态激光器”进行的。主要介绍了基于MCU的大功率全固态激光器控制系统的研究及控制系统的工作原理和结构组成,分别从全固态激光器与控制系统相关的基本特性、控制系统总体方案设计、系统硬件设计、软件设计以及实验结果等几个方面进行了详细的论述。全固态激光器与控制系统相关的基本特性,包括激光器的I-V特性、P-I特性、失效机理等。控制系统的总体设计方案:控制系统以Microchip公司PIC24FJ128DA110作为核心控制芯片,人机交互系统作为上位机,发送激光器系统的控制信号,经MCU和控制电路进行处理后,对全固态激光器电源、全固态激光器、水冷箱等进行控制。激光器系统的各种实时信号,通过智能传感器返回给控制电路预处理,然后送给MCU进行处理,最后通过人机交互界面显示。控制系统硬件设计主要包括监控系统电路设计、控制电路设计、人机交互界面电路设计及硬件抗干扰设计等。控制系统软件设计主要包括主程序、多路数据采集子程序、I2C通信子程序、DAC转换子程序、ADC模数转换子程序、实时时钟子程序、USB存储子程序、激光功率控制子程序、人机界面子程序及软件抗干扰设计等。 本论文研制的基于MCU的全固态激光器控制系统以PIC24F单片机为硬件核心平台,应用Microchip提供的USB嵌入式堆栈和I2C串口通信技术,实现了对全固态激光器系统工作过程中操作信号和保护信号的种类、发生时间,驱动电源电流反馈值以及激光功率反馈值等信息的监控和记录;为了提高全固态激光控制系统的可操控性,在MODBUS协议的基础上,设计实现了MCU和触摸屏通信的人机交互系统;为了防止工作人员误操作,而出现激光发射操作提前等待待机操作的情况,应用边沿D触发器和继电器实现了激光发射和待机操作的互锁功能,提高了系统的可靠性;为了精确且方便的控制全固态激光器的输出功率和工作温度,实现了激光器恒温水冷系统和激光器功率反馈控制。本控制系统硬件应用MCU作为核心控制芯片,具有结构简单、资源丰富、成本较低等优点;软件采用C语言编程,具有编程简单、可靠性高、可移植性好等优点

    Empirical Study on Market Reaction of Non-tradable Shares Reform in China

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    本文对我国1218家股权分置改革公司在股改期间股票的市场反应及其影响因素进行实证研究。研究表明:(1)股改公司的股票存在显著为正的累计超常收益,并且市场对股改公司的股票存在明显的提前反应;(2)股改公司股票的市场表现总体上呈现明显的"过度反应—修正"模式;(3)流通股东所获得的对价比率高、流通股东对股改方案支持度高的公司,股票的市场表现较好;(4)股改前的公司治理水平和流通股价/账面价值对股票的市场表现没有影响;(5)实证结果显示,投资者仅仅将股权分置改革视为一个短期的题材,而对其能给中国股市带来多大的长期效应缺乏信心。Based on 1 218 companies experiencing non-tradable shares reform,the paper makes an empirical study on market reaction and the factors affecting the market reaction during the period of reform.The results indicate that:(1) There is significantly positive accumulated abnormal profit in reformed companies and the market reacts obviously to reformed companies in advance;(2) The market performance of reformed companies presents an obvious overreaction—amendment mode;(3) The higher consideration ratio tradable-share holders obtain and the higher tradable-share holders support the share-reform plan,the better reformed companies perform;(4) The corporation governance before reform and price to book value(M/B) have no impacts on market performance;(5)These empirical results show the investors regard non-tradable shares reform as only a short-term issue and lack confidence in the long-term effect on stock market in China brought by non-tradable shares reform

    Ecological risk assessment of land use based on exploratory spatial data analysis( ESDA) : A case study of Haitan Island,Fujian Province

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    生态风险评价作为一种新型环境管理工具,提供了定量化评估土地利用变化生态效应的新视角.本研究以福建海坛岛为案例区,基于1990年lAndSAT TM与2010年SPOT5遥感影像、2030年平潭综合试验区总体布局规划图和野外调查等数据,构建度量生态终点的生态风险表征指数,运用探索性空间数据分析中的空间自相关和半方差分析方法,对海坛岛过去-现在-未来不同土地利用情景下生态风险进行评价,分析其潜在的风险性及其变化趋势.结果表明:海坛岛生态风险指数存在明显的尺度效应,在3000 M范围内表现出较强的正相关,生态风险指数空间分布以高-高聚集和低-低聚集类型为主;生态风险指数具有显著的各向同性特点,且其空间分布与对应时期局部空间自相关指数分布模式一致;各生态风险等级区年际变化较为剧烈,波动态势与波动幅度均有所不同;低生态风险区呈先增后降趋势,中、高生态风险区呈先降后升趋势.规划期的人为扰动强烈,高生态风险区在整个区域扩展蔓延.为减低土地利用生态风险、维护区域生态安全,可采取的生态风险控制策略包括:优化土地资源空间格局、保护关键生态区域、控制建设用地规模.As a novel environment management tool,ecological risk assessment has provided a new perspective for the quantitative evaluation of ecological effects of land-use change.In this study,Haitan Island in Fujian Province was taken as a case.Based on the Landsat TM obtained in 1990,SPOT5 RS images obtained in 2010,general layout planning map of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone in 2030,as well as the field investigation data,we established an ecological risk index to measure ecological endpoints.By using spatial autocorrelation and semivariance analysis of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis( ESDA),the ecological risk of Haitan Island under different landuse situations was assessed,including the past( 1990),present( 2010) and future( 2030),and the potential risk and its changing trend were analyzed.The results revealed that the ecological risk index showed obvious scale effect,with strong positive correlation within 3000 meters.High-high( HH) and low-low( LL) aggregations were predominant types in spatial distribution of ecological risk index.The ecological risk index showed significant isotropic characteristics,and its spatial distribution was consistent with Anselin Local Moran I( LISA) distribution during the same period.Dramatic spatial distribution change of each ecological risk area was found among 1990,2010 and2030,and the fluctuation trend and amplitude of different ecological risk areas were diverse.The low ecological risk area showed a rise-to-fall trend while the medium and high ecological risk areas showed a fall-to-rise trend.In the planning period,due to intensive anthropogenic disturbance,the high ecological risk area spread throughout the whole region.To reduce the ecological risk in landuse and maintain the regional ecological security,the following ecological risk control strategies could be adopted,i.e.,optimizing the spatial pattern of land resources,protecting the key ecoregions and controlling the scale of construction land use.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(海三科2011029); 海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201305009-2)资