124 research outputs found


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    Properties of the Al-intermetallic compounds:From the first-principles Theory

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    本论文研究铝-金属间化合物材料的结构以及电子性质,论文分成两个部分,第一部分是关于LiAl中空位形成能的第一原理计算,第二部分讨论ZrAl合金的几何和电子结构。 在LiAl中空位形成能的第一原理计算中,我们采用基于局域密度泛函理论框架下的正则守恒赝势法和平面波展开晶体波函数,并使用Ceperley-Alder等给出的交换关联势公式。在计算锂铝合金中的空位形成能时,将周期点缺陷引入晶体,并采用超原胞方法算出点缺陷的形成能。做法是在立方结构的合金中取出一块含有N个原子的系统作为超原胞,去除一个原子,再把该系统做周期性排列。我们所取的超原胞中的原子格点数为16,即含有8个Li和8个Al格点,在这样...The present thesis discuss the electronic and geometric properties of Al-intermetallic compounds. This work consists of two parts. In the first part, we have employed the first-principles pseudopotentials method to calculate the vacancy formation energies of Li and Al vacancies in LiAl. In the second part, we study the geometric and electronic propetties of ZrAl –intermetallic compound. In the...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:20002400

    Conflicts and Convergence between Climate Change Policy and Trade Policy

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    全球气候变化是人类共同面临的巨大挑战,气候变化问题已经引起人们越来越多的关注。随着《京都议定书》的生效,世界各国纷纷采取各种形式的气候变化政策来减少温室气体排放。而WTO的很多条款约束着各国制定的气候保护措施,一定程度上影响了各国在制定气候变化措施和减少温室气体排放的能力。气候变化政策与WTO法律体系之间的冲突日渐明显,两大体制之间的协调已经是势在必行。 本文所指气候变化主要是针对温室气体排放引起的气候变化,主要是人为活动产生的。本文的结构如下: 第一章是引言部分,主要从简要介绍本文的研究背景、国内外对气候变化政策和贸易政策的研究现状,并阐明本文的研究目的和意义,最后简要概括本文的主要框架...Global climate change is a great challenge to humanity. Climate change has been payed more and more attention to this day. With the entry into force of the "Kyoto Protocol", many countries of the world have taken various forms of climate change policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the WTO’s trade terms have bound every country to develop climate -protecting measures , and to some exten...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:X200814500

    A Research on Pension Finance Problems in China

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    我国养老金融资制度面临着两个严峻的挑战,一是老龄化带来的巨大的养老金支付压力;二是转轨带来的庞大的债务规模。这两股强劲的力量威胁着养老金体制的稳定性,造成了巨大的养老金融资压力。当前我国的养老金融资存在诸多不足,如融资缺乏法律基础、融资制度设计欠公平、征缴率低、融资方式不规范性、融资渠道狭窄、融资的监督管理效率低下等等。这些不足构成了养老金融资制度的脆弱性,以致无法应对两个挑战。因此,我国当前养老金体制改革最关键、最迫切的任务就是安排一种有效的融资制度。本文在吸收他人的研究成果及借鉴典型国家的融资经验的基础上,深入分析了我国养老金融资模式和融资水平的确定问题,并提出我国养老金融资的优化思路,以...The pension finance system is facing two serious challenges in china, one is the serious pension payment pressure which is brought by the aging population, the other is the large debits produced by the transition of finance pattern. The two forces threaten the stability of pension system, which also bring large pressure to the pension finance system. At present, there are many defects in the pensi...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_财政学(含税收学)学号:20024100

    Research on "localization" Strategy of Industry Cluster

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    产业集群作为经济效率的源泉,作为区域经济发展的支柱,已成为全球的普遍共识,许多国家政府已经将集群作为重要的经济发展战略。随着集群的"遍地开花",如何保持本土化集群的持久竞争优势,如何使"嵌入型"集群扎根,都是当前集群发展面临的挑战。从各国集群的实践看,根本路径在于采取以创新为导向的"本土化"策略,将企业置身于本地的网络中,从而促进集群持续的创新。Industry cluster is a resource of economic efficiency and the cornerstone of local economic, which becomes the world-wide opinion and the economic strategy in many countries. With the spreading of industry clusters, how to keep the competitive advantage and how to embed the "implanted-cluster" are the main challenges of the current industry cluster development. From the practices of all countries, the essential is the innovative-oriented "localization" strategy and put the enterprises into the local network, which can advance the persistent innovation

    Views on the Present Talent Recruitment Strategies of Research-oriented University Libraries from the Recruitment Work --Taking Xiamen University Library as Example

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    以厦门大学图书馆为例,分析了人才现状,特别是人才结构存在的问题,结合招聘工作实践,探讨了人才招聘工作的程序、原则及形式,从制定人力资源发展规划、强化招聘原则、建立合理的人才梯队、实现专业馆员与辅助馆员相结合、坚持“能岗匹配”、构建合理的人才评价体系等方面提出新形势下研究型大学图书馆的人才引进策略。Taking Xiamen University Library as example, this paper firstly analyzed the status quo of talents and the problems in its structure, and explored the procedures, principles and forms of talent recruitment work in combination with recruitment practice, and proposed the talent recruitment strategies of research-oriented university libraries under the new situation from the perspectives of making human resource development planning, strengthening recruitment principle, achieving the combination of professional librarians and assistant librarians, adhering to competence and position matching, establishing reasonable talent evaluation system

    Legal Protection of Right of Publicity

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    形象权作为一个新型民事权利,日益受到国际社会的普遍关注和重视。国外早在上世纪初就开始对形象权进行研究,并已在立法、司法上初步形成了针对该项权利的法律保护机制。我国关于形象权的研究尚处于理论探讨阶段。随着市场经济的飞速发展,针对形象权的侵权活动日趋泛滥,形象权人的利益得不到完善的保护。如何从理论上引入形象权的概念并在立法及司法实践中对其进行应有的保护,是我们目前亟需解决的问题。本文从形象权的基础理论入手,借鉴国外在此方面的学说和判例,从形象权的定义、性质、保护对象、正当性、立法制度的建议、法律保护等方面对形象权进行深入的探讨。 全文除前言和结束语外,正文分为四章。 第一章主要介绍形象权的基础...As a new kind of civil right, right of publicity has gained increasing attention in the world, and there are studies on it in foreign countries at the beginning of last century, making legal protection both in legislation and judicature. However, the theoretical research on protection of right of publicity is still at the stage of exploration. With the rapid development of market economy and sprea...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:X200512001


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