51 research outputs found


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    在国际投资法领域,虽然许多国际投资条约(international investment agreements,IIAs)放弃了用尽当地救济规则,但仍有一些IIAs将一定期限内诉诸国内法院的当地救济规定为争端提交国际仲裁的前提条件。自Maffezini案以来,投资者和仲裁庭常援引条约中最惠国待遇条款规避这一仲裁前提条件的适用。晚近,Abaclat案等四个ICSID仲裁庭的解释新路径值得关注,仲裁庭将推理重心集中到附期限当地救济条款本身,通过对该条款进行无效解释而排除其适用。在国际投资仲裁制度改革的背景下,有必要公平合理地对IIAs中附期限当地救济条款进行有效解释,以求在对东道国的合法权益与对投资者利益保护之间达到一种平衡。包括中国在内的国家有必要通过明晰化其缔结的IIAs相关条款、发表联合解释、提交国家意见等方式积极应对。国家社会科学基金项目“国际投资条约解释体制的重构及其中国话语权的实现路径研究”(项目编号为15 BFX196)的阶段性成果

    Studies on the Issues of State Responsibility in "Investor-State Dispute Settlement"

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    投资者-国家争端解决(Investor-StateDisputeSettlement,ISDS)机制陷入正当性危机,探讨ISDS机制改革之余,人们反思国际投资协定(internationalinvestmentagreements,IIAs)旧范式下国家和投资者权利义务设置失衡这一根本性问题。国际投资法制需要可持续发展变革,借鉴国家责任法上对国家追责的较为全面、平衡的规则,对IIAs范式进行相关变革,中国IIAs也需跟上改革浪潮。 除绪论与结论外,本文分为六章。 第一章概述国家责任法在ISDS的适用问题。国家责任法主要是国际习惯法,主要文本渊源有《国家责任条款草案》和《外交保护条款草案》。...The investor-state dispute settlement mechanism(ISDS) is in legitimacy crisis, after discussing the reform of the ISDS mechanism, people reflect on the international investment agreements(IIAs), people reflect on the fundamental issue of the imbalance of state and investor rights and obligations under the old paradigm of the international investment agreements. The international investment legal s...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362010015348

    Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Agreements——New Development of the Theory and Practice

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    征收问题向来是国际投资保护领域最具争议的问题之一。自《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)生效实施以来,依该协定第11章提起的征收仲裁案例频频发生,从而引发一些新的问题,如怎样区分间接征收与国家管理权的界限,这些实践也直接促成了国际投资条约中间接征收条款的新发展。本文通过对相关案例及新发展的研究,对我国双边投资条约中的征收条款的完善提出一些建议。本文除引言及结论外共分为五章。第一章介绍间接征收问题的缘起。从以往征收问题集中于发达国家与发展中国家之间的利益矛盾,到NAFTA实践中出现的间接征收和国家管理权的界限区分问题,指出新的矛盾焦点已转变为国家与投资者之间的利益冲突。第二章介绍国家管理权作为间接...The issue of expropriation is one of the most contentious issues in the field of protection of the international investment. After NAFTA became effective, many disputes involving expropriation issue have been submitted for international arbitration according to NAFTA Chapter 11, and some new problems have arisen,including how to distinguish between the indirect expropriation and the regulatory pow...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:20030810


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    患者,男,62岁,因“反复牙龈出血,血尿3月余,腹痛,便血3 d。“为主诉入院。患者缘于入院3月余前无明显诱因始出现反复牙龈出血,偶伴血尿,无尿频、尿急、尿痛;也无发热、畏冷;曾在当地治疗,好转后出院,入院3 d前无明显诱因出现腹痛,脐周明显,伴排稀水便,初为黑色,后为鲜红色,2~3次/d,无恶心、呕吐,也无返酸、嗳气。查体:体温36.2℃、脉搏96次/MIn、呼吸20次/MIn、血


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    Carbon nanotube-supported molybdenum carbide catalysts for the hydrodeoxygenation of maize oil(多壁碳纳米管负载的碳化钼催化剂在玉米油加氢脱氧反应中的应用)

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    将多壁碳纳米管负载的碳化钼催化剂用于玉米油的加氢脱氧反应以制备柴油类烃,结果表明,该类催化剂对玉米油加氢脱氧反应具有极高的转化率和选择性.结合XRD、Raman、TEM、IR、TG等催化剂表征技术,考察了载体多壁碳纳米管的预处理条件、管径、表面缺陷浓度等因素对催化剂活性和玉米油加氢脱氧反应的影响.在氢压2.5 MPa、反应温度260 ℃、搅拌速率500 r • min-1的实验条件下反应3 h后,玉米油在Mo2C/MWCNT上加氢脱氧制备柴油类烃的反应转化率接近90%,烃类选择性达到了98%

    Experimental study of the optimal conditions for degrading HPAM-containing sewage by using the mixed bacteria

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    水解性聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)被广泛应用于油田生产。与物理化学方法相比,生物法降解HPAM不会产生危害周围神经系统的丙烯酰胺单体。利用实验室保藏的菌种降解含聚污水,以原油作为碳源,通过单因素试验和正交试验,考察了氮源、磷源、活化次数、接种量、温度、矿化度、PH值、降解时间等因素对降解率的影响。结果表明,HPAM生物降解的最佳工艺条件如下:以含聚污水中的HPAM为氮源,无需外加氮源,以k2HPO4为磷源,细菌活化2次,降解时间为3 d,PH=7,接种量为5%,培养温度为35℃,矿化度为4 000 Mg/l。在上述条件下,HPAM降解率为62.1%。极差分析表明,氮源、降解时间、PH值、活化次数、接种量和矿化度是影响降解率的重要因素。通过红外光谱分析HPAM的生物降解产物,HPAM分子中的酰胺基在微生物的作用下转化为羧基。The paper takes it as the goal to test and find the optimal conditions for degrading HPAM-containing sewage by using the mixed bacteria.As a matter of fact,the HPAM,short for the partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide,a linear water-soluble polymeric compound with high molecular weight,has been broadly used for oil production in China.As compared with the physico-chemical degradation of HPAM,there is no acrylamide monomer that can cause peripheral neuropathy released from the process of biodegradation.In our experiments,we have found that there are five kinds of HPAM-degrading bacteria,known as X1,X2,X3,X4 and H3,all of which demonstrate a strong ability to degrade HPAM which we keep in stock in our laboratory.In proceeding with our study,we have carefully studied the influential factors for degrading HPAM-containing sewage of the mixed bacteria.At the same time,we have also investigated the effects of nitrogen source,phosphorus source,the time length of the experiments,the inoculation amount,temperature,mineralization rate,the initial pH and activation time on the degradation of HAPM-containing sewage by using the crude oil as the carbon source through the single factor experiment and orthogonal test.The results of our investigation and experiments indicate that the optimal conditions for the degradation can be stated as follows:(1) HPAM can be made to serve as the nitrogen source;and,(2) K2HPO4 as the phosphorus source,the activation of the microorganisms should be done twice;(3) The culture time should last 3 days;(4) The initial pH should be 7;(5) The inoculums size should be kept at 5%(V/V);(6) The culturing temperature should be kept at 35 ℃;(7) The mineralization rate should be 4 000 mg/L;(8) Under the above said conditions,the HPAM-degradation rate can be made as high as up to 62.1%.Besides,the variance analysis results prove that the main factors affecting HPAM degradation are the nitrogen sources,the experimental time length,the pH value,the activation time,the inoculation amount and the mineralization rate.And,finally,we have analyzed the FT-IR spectra of HPAM samples in hoping to find the changes in HPAM molecular structure before and after the biodegradation.Moreover,FT-IR analysis indicates that the amide group has degraded into a carboxyl group.国家863计划项目(2008AA06Z304