30 research outputs found

    Preparation of Monoclonal Antibody against Rebaudioside A and Its Immunoassay Application

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    甜菊(Steviarebaudiana(Bertoni)Hemsl.)是一种具有商业前景的甜味剂。甜菊苷(Stevioside,ST)和莱包迪苷A(RebaudiosideA,RA)是甜菊提取物中最主要的两种物质,其中RA具有许多的优点,譬如口感好,甜度高,稳定性强,无毒副作用等。因此RA更加适合用于食品饮料药物中。 本研究的目的就是通过制备莱包迪苷A的单克隆抗体,从而尝试建立以此为基础的酶联免疫测定(Enzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassay,ELISA)方法,对甜菊叶中的RA进行定量分析。 首先采用高碘酸钠法合成人工抗原RA-HSA、RA-OVA。通过MAIDI-T...Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Hemsl.)is a commercially promising high-quality sweetener. Stevioside (ST) and Rebaudioside A (RA) are the two main compounds from the stevia. Between them, RA has a lot of advantages, such as good taste, high sweet potential, high steadily, no side-effect, ect. All those characteristics make RA a better sweetener suitable for food industry comparing with others...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162007115195

    Transport and transformation of mercury in main mangrove wetlands of China

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    本论文的主要研究内容有以下几个方面:(1)红树林湿地沉积物中汞的分布特征及形态分布;(2)红树林湿地水体中汞的含量;(3)红树林湿地大气中汞的含量及沉积物-大气界面汞的通量;(4)红树林湿地红树植物中总汞含量,从而探讨中国主要红树林湿地汞的迁移转化。通过本论文的研究取得以下成果: 1.按省区污染状况,我国红树林湿地汞污染程度依次为:福建最重,广西最轻,海南与广东居中。 2.红树林湿地中汞含量的差异是众多环境因素和人类活动相互交叉影响的结果。红树林湿地中,pH值、粒度、有机质、Fe/Hg、Mn/Hg与总汞含量显著相关。其中,粘粒和Fe/Hg是影响沉积物中汞含量最显著的因素。红树林湿地不同的土...In order to study transfer and transform of mercury in main mangrove wetlands of China, samples of plant, sediment, water, air were collected from thirteen mangrove wetlands which cover main mangrove areas of China. This paper focus on the following topics: (1) distribution of total Hg concentration and species in sediments of mangrove wetland; (2) total Hg concentrations in water of mangrove wetl...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生态学学号:2005130214

    Distribution Features and Speciation of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments of Main Mangrove of China

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    利用ICP-MS分析了我国红树林主要分布区表层沉积物的As含量和形态,阐明As的分布及其形态特征.结果表明,表层沉积物中w(As)为3.14~19.16mg/g,平均值为8.14mg/g.表层沉积物中w(As)与w(Fe),w(Mn),pH,w(有机质),粉粒和黏粒所占比例呈显著或极显著正相关.表层沉积物中的As主要以残渣态存在,其次为有机质-硫化物结合态.在整个研究区域,As的5种形态在总量中的所占比例:可交换离子态为14.40%,碳酸盐结合态为1.41%,铁锰氧化物结合态为2.16%,有机质-硫化物结合态为30.40%,残渣态为50.65%.可交换离子态所占比例与w(有机质)和pH呈极显著正相关.有机质-硫化物结合态所占比例与盐度、黏粒和粉粒所占比例呈显著或极显著正相关.残渣态所占比例与盐度、粉粒和黏粒所占比例呈极显著正相关.Arsenic contents in surface sediments collected from mangrove were analyzed with a PE DRC-e ICP-MS,and the distribution and species of As were identified.The results showed that As content ranged from 3.14~19.16 mg/g,with an average content of 8.14 mg/g.As content correlated well and positively with the contents of Fe and Mn,pH,organic content,silt and clay.Residual As was the primary species,and organic and sulfide As were the secondary species in the surface sediments.Among five As species,the exchangeable As accounted for 14.40%,carbonate As accounted for 1.41%,Fe-Mn oxides As accounted for 2.16%,organic-sulphide As accounted for 30.40%,and residual As accounted for 50.65%.Exchangeable As positively correlated with organic content and pH significantly.Organic-sulfide As and residual As positively correlated with salinity,silt and clay significantly.国家自然科学基金项目(40676064,30530150

    Immunohistochemical Study on 5-Hydroxytryptamine Immunoreactive Cells in the Alimentary Tract of Bufo melanostictus and Rana nigromaculata

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    对黑眶蟾蜍(Bufomelanostictus)和黑斑蛙(Rananigromaculata)消化道5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞的形态、分布进行了免疫组织化学定位。5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞在黑眶蟾蜍和黑斑蛙消化道各段中均有分布,分布密度均呈升-降-升-降的波浪式分布特点,二者在幽门部和回肠都有个分布的高峰值。黑眶蟾蜍回肠最高,空肠、幽门部次之,十二指肠、直肠最低;黑斑蛙幽门部最高,回肠、空肠次之,食道、贲门部、直肠最低。5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞位于胃的胃腺上皮、食道及肠的粘膜上皮,有圆形、椭圆形、梭形、楔形等,有的有胞突。文中讨论了5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞分布型的原因及形态与功能的关系。Using immunohistochemical technique, 5-Hydroxytryptamine immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) cells were observed in the alimentary tract of the toad Bufo melanostictus and the frog Rana nigromaculata . 5-HT-IR cells were distributed throughout the alimentary tracts of both species and located in the gastric glands of the stomach regions and in the intestinal or esophageal epithelium with variable frequencies. The density of the cell in B. melanostictus is the highest in the ileum, moderate in the jejunum and stomachus pyloricus, and the lowest in the duodenum and rectum. In R. nigromaculata the density of 5-HT-IR cells is the highest in the stomachus pyloricus, moderate in the ileum and jejunum, and the lowest in the esophagus, stomachus cardiacus and rectum. 5-HT-IR cells were spherical, elliptoid, coniform or spindle-shaped with long cytoplasmic process reaching to the lumen. The distribution mode of 5-HT-IR cells and the relationship between morphology and function are also discussed.福建省自然科学基金(No.D0320001

    Distribution of Mercury in Surficial Sediments from Main Mangrove Wetlans of China

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    作者简介: 丁振华(1966~ ) , 男, 博士, 教授, 主要研究方向为污染生 态学, E-mail : dzh@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]通过对我国主要红树林区表层沉积物中总汞含量和环境因素的测定,研究了红树林湿地沉积物中汞的分布规律和影响因子之间的关系.结果表明,我国红树林湿地沉积物中总汞的含量范围是2.3~903.6 ng.g-1,平均值为(197±137.6)ng.g-1,福建洛阳桥[(467.5±68.8)ng.g-1]、浮宫[(438.2±147.0)ng.g-1]、鹅湾[(264.3±89.2)ng.g-1]、姚家屿[(125.4±27.1)ng.g-1],海南三亚[(164.8±143.9)ng.g-1]、东寨港[(314.1±335.7)ng.g-1],广东深圳[(179.9±7.7)ng.g-1]等7个红树林区的汞含量均显著高于当地土壤背景值,汞污染严重;而福建云霄[(63.3±43.9)ng.g-1]、广东高桥[(178.6±127.0)ng.g-1]、广西大冠沙[(26.1±18.8)ng.g-1]、山口[(73.8±21.1)ng.g-1]、北仑河口[(117.8±51.4)ng.g-1]、钦州湾[(147.5±107.6)ng.g-1]等红树林区汞含量接近于背景值,基本无污染.红树林湿地中汞含量的差异是众多环境因素和人类活动相互交叉影响的结果.红树林湿地中,pH值、粒度、有机质、Fe/Hg、Mn/Hg与总汞含量显著相关.其中,黏粒和Fe/Hg是影响沉积物中汞含量最显著的因素.环境因素对总汞含量的综合影响作用,可以用线性回归方程表示.[英文文摘]Surficial sediment samples were collected from main mangrove wetlands of China, mercury, pH, salinity, organic matters, grain size, Fe/Hg , Mn/Hg were analyzed. Mercury content ranges from 2.3 to 903.6 ng.g- 1, with a average of ( 197±137.6) ng.g- 1. Compared with local background level, serious Hg pollution with high Hg content was found in 7 areas, including Luoyangqiao [ ( 467.5 ±68.8)ng.g- 1] , Fugong [ ( 438.2 ± 147. 0) ng.g- 1 ] , Ewan [ ( 264.3 ± 89.2) ng.g- 1 ] , Yaojiayu [ ( 125.4 ± 27.1) ng.g- 1 ] , Fujian Province;Sanya [ ( 164. 8 ±143.9) ng.g- 1 ] , Dongzhaigang [ ( 314.1 ±335. 7) ng.g- 1 ] , Hainan Province, Shenzhen [ ( 179.9 ±7. 7) ng.g- 1 ] ,Guangdong Province. Hg content was similar with background value in the other 6 areas, including Yunxiao [ ( 63.3 ±43.9) ng.g- 1 ] , Fujian Province; Gaoqiao [ ( 178. 6 ± 127.0) ng.g- 1 ] , Guangdong Province; Daguansha [ ( 26.1 ±18.8) ng.g- 1 ] , Shankou [ ( 73.8±21.1)ng.g- 1 ] , Beilun estuary [ ( 117.8 ±51. 4) ng.g- 1 ] , Qinzhou Bay [ ( 147.5 ±107. 6) ng.g- 1] , Guangxi Autonomous Region. Discrepancy of total Hg concentrations in mangrove wetlands is due to many environmental factors and human activities. Parameters such as grain size, pH,organic matter, Fe/Hg, Mn/Hg are significantly correlated with total Hg respectively. Clay and Fe/Hg are obvious factors influencing total Hg concentration. Impact of environmental factors on mercury can be showed by regression equation.国家自然科学基金项目(40676064,30530150);厦门大学创新团队项

    Heavy metals contamination in fish from coral reef ecosystem and ecology risk evaluation

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    为研究海南珊瑚礁区重金属的污染现状,选择鱼类为污染指示物,测定珊瑚礁区的5种鱼体中Cr、Mn、Cu、zn、AS、Pb和Hg 7种重金属的含量,并采用单因子污染指数法(PI)对重金属的污染状况进行了风险评价。研究结果显示,不同鱼类对同种重金属元素的富集能力存在较大差异,同种鱼对不同重金属元素的富集能力也存在差异。珊瑚礁区鱼类重金属的污染程度由强到弱的顺序为:Cr>AS>Mn>Hg>zn>Cu>Pb;鱼类的鳃和内脏器官比肌肉更容易蓄积重金属。珊瑚礁区生物富集作用最明显的为Cr和AS。PI结果表明海南珊瑚礁区鱼体重金属Cr的污染严重,AS中度污染,其他重金属基本无污染或轻度污染。To study the pollution status quo of heavy metals in coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island,concentrations of heavy metals including Cr,Mn,Cu,Zn,As,Pb,and Hg in wild fish were determined.Single factor pollution index(Pi) was employed to evaluate the heavy metal pollution level.The results showed that enriched degree of the heavy metals in fish can be ranked from high to low as Cr>As>Mn>Hg>Zn>Cu>Pb;heavy metals prefer to be accumulated in gill and viscera.Obvious bioaccumulation of Cr and As in fish of coral reef ecosystem was observed.Pi indicated that coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island has been heavily polluted by Cr and moderately polluted by As.Other metals have shown no pollution or slight pollution.中国博士后科学基金(2012M510201); 中国科学院百人计划资助项目(2060299); 中国科学院南海海洋研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目(50601-31); 王宽诚教育基金会对本工作的资

    Distribution of Hg in Mangrove Plants and Correlation with Hg Speciation in Sediments

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    为了解红树植物对汞的富集能力和影响因素,对我国几种主要的红树植物的汞含量、沉积物总汞含量和形态进行了研究.结果表明,几种主要红树植物的总汞含量范围为817.5~3 197.6 ng/g,具有明显的种间差异和器官差异.秋茄汞含量为(1 579.4±1 326.8)ng/g,桐花树为(2 115.1±1 892.3)ng/g,白骨壤为(2 159.3±1 678.7)ng/g,木榄为(2 566.5±821.6)ng/g,海漆为(2 104.3±1 661.8)ng/g,无瓣海桑为(3 197.6±2 782.8)ng/g,老鼠簕为817.5±632.3 ng/g,红海榄为(1 801.8±1 255.4)ng/g.各种红树植物对汞的吸收能力的顺序为:无瓣海桑>木榄>白骨壤>桐花树>海漆>红海榄>秋茄>老鼠簕.我国主要红树林地区表层沉积物的汞形态主要为易挥发态,其次为硫化物及有机结合态或可交换离子态,少量为碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态,残渣态少量甚至没有.只有深圳红树林沉积物中的汞以残渣态为主,其次为硫化物及有机物结合态.无瓣海桑的茎和叶,海漆叶的汞含量与易挥发态汞、可交换态汞具有显著正相关关系,而大多数红树植物的茎汞和叶汞含量与沉积物的总汞含量、不同形态汞之间并没有明显的相关性.红树植物富集的汞来源多样,且这些不同来源的汞在植物体内可能是能够迁移的.Plant is an important role in biogeochemical cycle of Hg.The aim of this study is to ascertain Hg accumulation in several kinds of mangrove plants,and to discuss relationship among Hg concentrations in mangrove plants and different Hg speciation in sediments.Contents of total mercury(THg) in mangrove plants and sediments were determined.Hg speciation was determined with a modified Tessier's method.Contents of THg of the mangrove plants were in the range of 817.5-3 197.6 ng /g.In detail,Hg concentration was(1 579.4 ± 1 326.8) ng /g in Kandelia candel,(2 115.1 ± 1 892.3) ng /g in Aegiceras corniculatum,(2 159.3 ± 1 678.7) ng /g in Avicennia marina,(2 566.5 ± 821.6) ng /g in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,(2 104.3 ± 1 661.8) ng /g in Excoecaria agallocha,(3 197.6 ± 2 782.8) ng /g in Sonneratia apetala,(817.5 ± 632.3) ng /g in Acanthus ilicifolius,(1 801.8 ± 1 255.4) ng /g in Rhizophora.stylosa,respectively.There are obvious interspecific variation,and organic variation in THg contents of mangrove plants,which is closely related to environment and physiological characteristics of mangrove plants.Enrichment of THg in mangrove plants was inhomogeneous,following the order of Sonneratia apetala > Bruguiera gymnorrhiza > Avicennia marina > Aegiceras corniculatum > Excoecaria agallocha > Rhizophora stylosa > Kandelia candel > Acanthus ilicifolius.Mercury exists mainly in volatile form in most mangrove wetlands,but mainly in the form of residue in sediments from Shenzhen mangrove wetlands.Significantly positive correlations were found among Hg concentrations in leaves and stems of Sonneratia apetala and volatile Hg,exchangeable Hg of sediments.Significantly positive correlations were also found among Hg concentrations in leaves of Excoecaria agallocha and volatile Hg,exchangeable Hg of sediments.But,there is no significant correlation between Hg concentrations of most mangrove plants and different Hg speciation in sediments.It showed that plants assimilate Hg from different sources,such as water,sediment and air,and that Hg assimilated by plants could transfer among different plant organics.国家自然科学基金项目(40676064;30530150

    Speciation,bioaccumulation and transportation of mercury in sediments of mangrove wetlands of China

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    为了认识红树林表层沉积物中Hg的生物地球化学行为,采用改进的TESSIEr连续浸取法,对我国主要红树林沉积物中Hg的形态特征进行了研究,并讨论了Hg的生物可利用性和迁移性。结果表明:(1)我国红树林沉积物中的Hg绝大部分以易挥发态为主,具有较高的生物可利用性,易挥发态Hg向大气Hg的转化是红树林湿地中汞迁移的主要方式。只有深圳红树林沉积物中的Hg以残渣态为主,次为可交换离子态和碳酸盐结合态,沉积物中Hg主要通过不可溶的固体颗粒物形式迁移,其生物可利用性较低。(2)总Hg与易挥发态Hg呈极显著正相关(r=0.967,P<0.01),碳酸盐结合态Hg与铁锰氧化物结合态Hg之间存在极显著正相关(r=0.871,P<0.01),有机结合态Hg分别与碳酸盐结合态Hg、铁锰氧化物结合态Hg存在极显著相关(r1=0.618,P1<0.01;r2=0.686,P2<0.01);有机质与总Hg存在显著正相关(r=0.526,P<0.05)。In order to understanding biogeochemical behavior,speciation of mercury in the mangrove sediments from 9 main mangrove wetlands of China were determined with modified Tiesser's method.It shown:(1) Two situations were found.One is that mercury exists mainly in volatile form in most mangrove wetlands.That volatile mercury turns into atmospheric mercury is the main transport form for most mangrove wetlands.The mangrove wetlands are the source of global mercury pollution.The mercury in sediments of mangrove wetlands can be bio-accumulated easily.Another situation is that mercury exists mainly in the form of residue which is hard to bio-accumulate,typically in Shenzhen mangrove wetlands.The mercury transports in the form of insoluble particle.(2) Significant positive correlation was found between volatile Hg and total Hg(r=0.967,p<0.01).Carbonate-bound Hg is strongly correlated with Fe-Mn oxide-bound Hg(r=0.871,p<0.01),and organic matter is significantly correlated with total Hg(r=0.526,p<0.05).Organic-bound Hg is significant correlated with carbonates-bound Hg and Fe-Mn oxide bound mercury(r1=0.618,p1<0.01;r2=0.686,p2<0.01).国家自然科学基金项目(40676064;30530150);东华理工大学核资源与环境教育部重点实验室开放基金(070717


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    根据商品化转基因作物中常用的花椰菜花叶病毒启动子 (CaMV 35S)和根癌农杆菌终止子 (Nos)的序列特点 ,设计并合成了两对引物和相对应的荧光双链探针 ,建立一种应用荧光双链探针的多重荧光PCR同时检测转基因成分 35S启动子和Nos终止子的方法 .并利用该方法对马铃薯、大豆、玉米、甜椒、番茄等 11份实物样品进行了检测 ,其中有 5份样品结果阳性 .结果表明所建立的多重荧光PCR方法能同时检测出 35S和Nos双组分 ,较常规PCR技术更为简便、快速、准确 ,有很好的应用前景


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    针对TiO2半导体不能有效吸收可见光,光电转换效率较低等问题,可通过对TiO2半导体进行修饰和改性,制备TiO2复合材料,提高其光电化学性能。因此,本工作以Ti表面制备的TiO2纳米管膜为基础,分别应用循环伏安电沉积法和脉冲电沉积法在膜表面先后沉积MoO3和ZnSe颗粒,获得具有级联能带结构的ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2纳米管复合膜,并将其应用于对403不锈钢(403SS)实施光生阴极保护。相较于纯TiO2纳米管膜,紫外-可见(UV-Vis)吸收光谱和光致发光(PL)谱测试表明,ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2复合膜的吸收边红移,在可见光区具有良好的光吸收性能,光生载流子复合得到更有效抑制。光电化学测试表明,白光照射下,处于0.5 mol·L-1 KOH溶液中的ZnSe/MoO3/TiO2复合膜的光电流密度达到了同条件下纯TiO2膜的2倍,可使与之耦连的浸泡于0.5 mol·L-1 NaCl溶液中的403SS电极电位下降470 mV,显示出良好的光生阴极保护效应。复合膜还具有一定的储能特性,在光照后又转为暗态的22.5 h内仍对403SS具有一定阴极保护作用。国家自然科学基金(21573182,51731008,51671163,21621091,J1310024)资助项目~