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    近年來,隨著社會需求的多元化發展,非營利組織的成長極為快速。然而在政府財政負擔加重、經濟景氣持續低迷,以及社會價值觀快速變遷的影響下,非營利組織正面臨同業競爭、資源取得不易以及長期發展受限的生存壓力,顯示非營利組織亟需透過管理手段,重視使命、目標與績效,才能維持組織的長治久安。然而國內過去有關非營利組織管理的學術研究多偏重宗教或一般公益型的非營利組織,並缺乏從整體的角度,完整的探討非營利組織的經營管理策略。基於研究者的實務經驗與學以致用的動機,希望能針對專業型非營利組織管理,作一全面性的深入研討,以供產官學研各界參考。為了瞭解專業型非營利組織的特性、管理重點與未來發展方向,本研究採用個案研究法,利用司徒達賢(民88)發展之CORPS模式,針對財團法人雅文聽語文教基金會,進行深入的探討與分析後,獲致以下數點重要結論:一、組織特性以CORPS模式分析之,專業型非營利組織的特性,除了展現在決策核心(Decision Core)的組成份子之外,同時也表現在參與人員(Participants)、業務運作(Operations)以及所提供的服務(Services)之上。決策核心的專業性,指的是該非營利組織是由專職人員或志工,藉由本身的專業、理想與熱情來領導。這些專業的職工與志工同時也是主要的參與人員,其透過組織內專業化的運作程序,提供給特定對象專業的服務。上述所謂的「專業」,其實就是指「知識密集」。因此專業型非營利組織的重要特性,就是一個知識型的組織,例如醫院、學校、研究機構、政黨等,其必須特別強調「知識管理」的各項作法。二、管理課題1.知識創造:專業型非營利組織管理的首要課題,便是要創造知識,也就是要重視參與人員專業知能的培養。因此,如何取得重要的知識,以及建立一個良好的教育訓練體系(包括制度與作法),對專業型非營利組織來說,便顯得格外重要。2.知識蓄積:知識蓄積指的是如何將個人的知識,儲存在組織內,以便其他人員能夠快速的運用知識、促進知識的流通,並且降低因人員流失所連帶造成的知識散失。因此,對於專業型非營利組織來說,如何設計一個有效的機制,能夠讓個人「願意」且「有能力」將自己擁有的專業知能留在組織之中,並且可以累積與傳承,將是重要的管理課題之一。3.知識流通:知識流通包括組織內與組織問專業知能的移轉(傳承),以及對外的觀念推廣。組織內人員彼此之間專業知能的傳承,除了可以透過已經外顯化的文字、圖片、聲音與影像之外,還必須仰賴人員間的高度互動與合作。至於組織間的知識移轉,則除了標準化的文件、人員的互動之外,還必須重視組織系絡(context)的建立。也就是要複製一個知識賴以生存與運作的組織環境。4.知識創新:由於知識是專業型非營利組織最重要的競爭優勢,因此專業知能除了在品質上應努力提升之外,還必須要有不斷的創新,如此才能使專業水準長期領先群倫。三、未來策略發展方向1.重視專業人員的管理:設計良好的薪酬制度、工作方式與經營理念來激發熱忱,並透過教育訓練培養專業能力。2.塑造高度認同的組織文化:人員擁有高度的認同與承諾,不但有助於知識的分享與創新,更對組織的長期生存有正面意義。3.建立良好的合作網絡:透過與專業機構或個人建立起長期穩定的合作關係,不但可吸收更多的新知,以促進知識的創新,還可獲得專業上的認可與取得財務資源。Non-profit organizations have grown tremendously due to the rapid diversified development and demand of the societies in recent years. Especially in this time of recession where the government already has heavy economical burdens as well as the changes in social values, NPO are now facing vigorous competitions, lack of resources and restrictions for long-term development. As such, it has become necessary for NPO to enhance its management skills, to reinforce its mission, goal and performance to sustain long-term growth and development.The majority of studies in NPO in the past years were subjected in religion or in public welfare types NPO. Yet, a more comprehensive and complete perspective in the strategic management of NPO is much in need. Based on the researcher's practical experiences and personal learning goals, a holistic study for the organizational management of professional type NPO is performed.In order to better understand the characteristics, focus and future development of a professional type NPO, this research is based on a real case "The Children's Hearing Foundation" and analyzed by CORPS method originated from Seetoo in 1999.Characteristics of Organization StructureUsing CORPS analysis, a professional NPO is built from a strong decision core, a team of participants, professional operations and specialized services. A decision core of a professional NPO is a team of full-time staff or volunteers, who lead the NPO through their own professionalism, ideal and passion. These professional staff or volunteers are also the major participants, who provide services to a focused group through the internalized professional operations. "Professional" is actually referred to "concentration of knowledge" in a professional NPO. Therefore, one of the key characteristics of a professional NPO is in fact a "knowledge organization". As such, hospital, school, research organization, political parties, etc must emphasize on "knowledge management".Major Management Issues. Knowledge Creation: The major management issue of a professional NPO is how to create knowledge and to value each participant's professional skills. Therefore, how to obtain the essential knowledge and to develop a comprehensive training structure (including its system and practices) are particularly important for a professional NPO.. Knowledge Accumulation: Knowledge accumulation is how to store individual's knowledge within the organization to facilitate the sharing and flowing of knowledge among all staff or volunteers. As such, we could minimize the potential loss of knowledge due to the departure of individual of the organization. In such cases, how to design an effective system that could comfortably and affordably allow the individual to contribute their knowledge to be stored in the organization is one of the major management issues of professional NPO.. Knowledge Distribution: The distribution of knowledge includes the knowledge propagation of inside and among the organizations, and the advancing of beliefs to the society. A close collaboration and cooperation of all individuals within the organization are required to distribute the knowledge through explicit words, diagrams, audios, visuals, etc. As for the transfer of knowledge among the organizations, a professional NPO must establish its organization context through standardizations of documents and interactions of staff or volunteers. In brief, a professional NPO must be able to duplicate all knowledge to sustain continuous organizational growth.. Knowledge innovation: Since knowledge is the core competitive advantage of a professional NPO, in addition to the enhancement of knowledge, a continuous innovation on professional knowledge is essential to sustain continuous success.Future Strategic Development. Importance of the management of professionals: A well designed rewardin system, working process and organization vision are needed to motivate working enthusiasm; and to develop professional skills through training.. Building a highly recognized organizational culture: A highly recognition and commitment of individual will help the sharing and innovating of knowledge as well as the long-term development of the organization.. Establishing a collaborative network: Through a long-term collaborative network of professional organizations or individuals, a professional NPO can have more opportunities to obtain and to innovate new knowledge. Furthermore, this collaborative network will enhance recognition of the professional NPO, which in turns, enable more opportunities in obtaining the resources required

    Inheritance of ratooning ability in rice (oryza sativa L.)

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    本研究利用五個秈稻品種以全互交探討再生能力之遺傳行為,及其與莖基部TNC 含量 之關係,同時檢定雜種秈稻之再生能力及其再生栽培之可行性,試驗結果摘錄如下: 1.水稻品種間再生能力具有明顯的差異,顯現親本間有遺傳變異性,再生率與莖基部 總糖含量及非構性碳水化合物含量呈極顯著之正相關。 2.經遺傳分析得知收穫後再生率主要受加性因子作用控制,無主效基因控制再生率性 狀,而為微效基因之作用,其狹義遺傳率值相當高為(0.74),割蘗後再生率同時受加 性及顯性型基因控制,低再生率對高再生率為顯性,此一性狀至多為一對主效基因或 受微效基因之控制,其狹義之遺傳率為中高(0.59)。 3.控制莖基總糖含量基因,其顯性作用大於加性作用,高總糖含量為顯性,受微效基 因之控制,其狹義之遺傳率為中高(0.45)。控制TNC 含量以基因加性作用為主要之遺 傳行為,有二對主效基因控制,低TNC 含量對高TNC 含量為顯性,其狹義遺傳率為中 高(0.47)。 4.秈雜種品系在本試驗中僅一品系具有高再生能力,另外四系個品再生能力均低。高 再生能力雜種品系之再生稻穀產量僅與其親本產量相當,再生期作產量而言,無雜種 優勢之表現


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    [[abstract]]1950年中共政權進入西藏 前,西藏人認為西藏是世界的中心,當初英國人進入西藏時,西藏人將英國人視為「外洲人」(即類似天外人的意思),他們對於整個世界的認知,除了西藏本身之外,就是東部的中國(代表法律嚴密的國家)、南部的尼泊爾(代表工匠技術優異的國家)、西部的印度(代表教化嚴謹的國家)及北部的突厥(代表軍事強盛的區域)。西藏人民沒有現代國家主權觀念 。 中共政權軍隊自1951年5月23日兵臨城下後,強迫西藏政府簽署「關於和平解放西藏辦法的協議」(簡稱「十七條協議」)以來,西藏經歷了千年少見變局。西藏社會的特色在於傳統的宗教與生活方式,但這幾十年來大部份的寺廟被破壞,多數文物也在社會運動中付之一炬,藏語的使用遭到壓抑。進一步來看,北京雖稱西藏為自治區,但這幾年來統治,實質上是施行同化政策,也是漢化政策,不再承認西藏特殊的文化、歷史背景與生活方式 。在中國大陸內部推動的社會改造運動,如大躍進、人民公社運動,也在西藏如火如荼推行。遇到反抗的時候,一再採取高壓的手段,宣佈戒嚴,幾乎是軍事統治。在這樣統治下,藏人生活在恐懼之中,不難想像。西元2015年7月中國大陸的12屆全代會上通過了新修正的「國家安全法」,其中對於國家危險、國家威脅未予以明確的規範與定義,無限的擴大了政府的解釋,且對於境內的宗教事務也表明強烈的反對境外的勢力干涉,這無疑是對以宗教為生活重心的西藏人民來說是一大衝擊。 西藏人權問題備受世界各民主國家密切關注,從法律面、生活面、經濟面來看,中國大陸無不加以限制、監控,也因此西藏人權問題探討是有其重要性。 遍觀當今有關西藏人權問題的學術研究成果,本研究團隊認為倘若以台灣為中心,大抵可分為4個大區塊進行檢視。第一個區塊是我國國內相關期刊論文報告、媒體報章等相關研究成果;其次‧第二個區塊則為中國大陸所出版發行的相關期刊文獻。當然在表達意見、學術出版嚴密控制下,綜觀中國大陸談論西藏人權問題的官民文獻,以「和平解放」為主軸的歌功頌德型文獻者眾,幾無具有批判性質不同意見,但就掌握中國大陸官方立場而論,這些數量堪稱龐雜的相關研究成果,卻不失傳達中國大陸北京當局意向的價值,這部份文獻不無參考的餘地。再者,第三區塊係以「藏人行政中央」 所屬「西藏人權與民主促進中心」(Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy)每年出版的有關西藏人權狀況報告(Human Rights Situation in Tibet Annual Report),則是研究西藏人權無法忽略的重要參考。最後,第四區塊則為西方民主世界國家如美國、歐盟乃至於非政府組織 (NGO)如:人權觀察(Human Rights Watch)、國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)、自由之家(Freedom House)等針對的西藏人權問題所做的相關觀察報告,這是也是在研究西藏人權問題上必要的素材。 以上述各種不同來源的文獻資料為經,2016年重要的西藏人權相關事件為緯,本研究團隊將一面彙整歸納這些立場觀點容有差異的西藏人權研究成果,另一方面則我國人權立國角度出發,探討我國對西藏人權問題應採取的態度。[[note]]MTAC-CED-106-00

    Sino-German Cooperative Researches on Agricultural Development and Policies

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    一、 開放農產品自由進口經常導致國內遭受各方面的衝擊,但是近年來國內研究貿易自由化之課題,多專注於經濟方面的研究,可能是因為我們日常生活已由市場經濟所主導之故,其實環境方面的衝擊可能較經濟衝擊更重要,也會造成鉅額的經濟損失.因此,充分瞭解農產品自由進口所引發的公害甚為迫切,而且政府機關更應列入行政考量,本研究強調這種市場失靈所導致之問題,可望成為農業環境經濟研究在理論與實證上之先驅. 二、 1、 本研究的目的主要為: (1) 了解歐聯對農業非貿易事項的看法 (2) 探討歐聯農產貿易自由化對農村發展的可能調適政策,以及 (3) 探討歐聯農產貿易自由化對農村發展在WTO農業談判的立場及其對臺灣的應用性. 2、 為能達到上述研究目的,本研究的主要內容為: (1) 瞭解歐聯對農業非貿易事項中有關農村發展所持的立場 (2) 研究歐聯農產貿易自由化對農村發展的可能衝擊及其調適政策 (3) 探討歐聯在未來農業談判中有關農村發展議題的立場 (4) 探討歐聯農產貿易自由化對農村發展調適政策對臺灣的應用性. 3、 經由上述研究內容的完成,本研究可獲得如下預期成果: (1) 瞭解歐聯對農業非貿易事項的看法與談判立場 (2) 瞭解歐聯農產貿易自由化對農村發展的調適政策 (3) 研擬我國未來因應農產貿易自由化對農村發展調適的可能做法. 三、 我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後將面對自由貿易之衝擊,有機農產品是一具競爭力之產業.評估有機農業對食品安全與環境之效益,可以確定有機農業發展之重要性及政府投資於其中之必要性,以作為政府擬訂政策及預算之參考.因德國有機農業之發展較我國先進,其有機農業發展政策及補貼措施值得我國參考.本研究首先蒐集研習德國相關領域如何認定及評估有機農業之效益,並了解德國各級政府如何就環境保護之功能對有機農業加以補貼.其次,因有機農產品為一市場財,故本研究擬利用消費者調查,採聯合分析(Conjoint Analysis)方法,以補償變量探討消費者對有機農產品所產生之食品安全與環境保護效益所願支付的價格,計算有機農業之經濟效益,並據以提出對政府施政之參考. 四、 農業之密集生產方式會造成水質與土壤之污染,在歐聯各國已有相當共識.這種農業污染主要是氮化物,其來源則包括化學肥料無機物與畜牧業之有機排泄物.其中最明顯且嚴重的是畜牧業之排泄物.而德國此種經驗正是我國當前面臨環保意識高漲與農產貿易自由化所需借鏡的.尤其是未來WTO協商已將環境問題列入討論之議題,我國更須未雨綢繆,藉由他國之經驗,制訂我國的因應措施.這種因應措施將對我國兼顧農業在�篕矬v爭力與環境品質上有所幫助.本研究之結果將可幫助我國預期在未來面臨更嚴格的環境保護措施壓力下,其對我國農業資源使用、生產、與農產品出口競爭力之影響,進而引申可能之因應措施. 五、 (一) 計畫目的:本研究計畫的主要目的,係在探討我國農地政策中不利於使用權流通的法規和制度,同時參酌德國農地租佃的相關法令與作法,以及其處理國有農場所採用的信託方法,希望能夠提出一套有助於農地使用權流通的措施,作為我國貫徹「農地農用」政策主張的依據,並且提高農地使用的效率.且具體的研究目的有下列數項: 1. 探討三七五減租條例、土地法及民法等相關法規中不利於農地使用權流通的因素. 2. 瞭解現行農地委託經營所遭遇的困難. 3. 研析德國農地租賃的相關法規及實際作法. 4. 瞭解德國如何利用信託制度解決農地利用問題. (二) 重要工作項目及實施方法: 1. 蒐集並研讀國內外相關文獻. 2. 實地訪問業務相關的各級行政主管機關和研究單位,同時和相關人員進行討論. 3. 建立本研究的分析架構和理論基礎. 4. 資料整理和分析. 5. 撰寫研究報告. (三) 預期成果:依據研究結果,提出有助於農地使用權流通的具體建議. 六、 德國農村社區更新已有一段很長的歷史與發展經驗.因此探討德國農村社區更新之措施及其實施概況與問題,進而分析其可供我國借鏡之處,至為重要.本研究之目的如下: 1. 探討德國聯邦政府以及各邦攻府農村社區更新之政策目標與實施策略. 2. 探討德國聯邦政府以及各邦攻府農村社區更新之實施概況、成效與問題. 3. 探討德國農村社區更新之經驗可供我國借鏡之處. 4. 瞭解德國農村社區更新之政策、法制與施行經驗,可供我國擬定農村規劃建設調適策略之參考. 七、 本計畫擬至德國蒐集動物廢棄物化製之相關設備、安全衛生要求、監督輔導之法律規定、作業場之設立與操作執照要求、營運處理成本與減廢成效等,以為台灣畜產廢棄物以化製再利用之成本效益評估之用

    (40(2):209-224)Regional Trial on the Yield Performance and Adaptability of Hybrid Rice Strains

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    試驗的目的在調整雜種水稻品系之種植適期,利用疑似感光性,探討每年種植單期作條件下,是否可發揮雜種優勢而提高增產潛力,以應稻田轉作政策及改進輪作制度之需。本試驗於民國77年利用氣溫較高之夏秋季於全省七個地點進行,測驗八個秈稻雜種品系之稻穀產量及適應性。試驗結果顯示;參試品系在各地之稻穀產量差異極大,在桃園新屋、花蓮、宜蘭三星三處因種植期較早,臺秈雜育1、7及11號等三品系因抽穗障礙而致產量偏低或全無收穫,僅有臺秈雜育2與6號兩品系的平均稻穀產量比對照品種臺中秈10號稍高;在彰化大村等四處採用一般正常二期作之早植,疑似感光性之臺秈雜育1、7及11號三品系平均稻穀產量較對照品種增產10.1─24.9%。臺秈雜育2號在各試驗地區產量最穩定,不論於五月的中間作或七月的一般二期作早植栽培,其平均產量都超過對照品種臺中秈10號。試驗結果顯示如能適當的調整種植時期及利用雜種品系之疑似感光性,可使雜種水稻品系發揮其高產潛力。Experiments were conducted at 7 locations to study the yield performance, adaptability and response to photoperiod of 8 indica hybrid rice strains, Rice was cultured as a mid-season crop with transplanting dates ranged from May to July in 1988. Experimental results indicated significant yield variation for hybrid strains among locations. At Hsinwu (Taoyuan), Sanhsing (Ilan) and Hualien, early transplanting in May rendered the three photosensitive strains, i. e. Tainung Sen Hybrid (TNSH) Nos. 1,7 and 11, to show difficulties in panicle extrusion. Grain yield was therefore very low, or even no harvest, for these strains. For overall average grain yield of the other 5 photo-insensitive strains, only TNSH Nos. 2 and 6 was higher than the check variety Taichung Sen No. 10. At Tatsun (Changhua), Lutsao (Chiayi), Pingtung and Taitung, late transplanting in June and July was carried out and different results were recorded. The three photo-sensitive strains out yielded the check variety by 10.1-24.9%, and all the photo-insensitive strains. TNSH No.2 showed the best adaptability as its grain yield averaged from 7 locations was 6.3% higher than the check variety. Based on the results of this experiment, it is suggested that by adjusting planting date and utilizing photosensitivity, yield performance of hybrid rice can be improved greatly when cultured under local conditions

    The management strategy based on the effects of climate change on crop pests

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    目前大家已能接受全球氣候變遷對生態系統會產生重要影響,這結果多數是藉由經度與緯度變化的角度切入研究。雖然如此,但過去百年以來,台灣仍缺乏農業長期變化與空間分布因子的相關研究。有鑑於此,本研究目標包括蒐集往昔科學研究報告所示之農作物有害生物資料,從中分析農業生態系統之中作物有害生物 (病原、害蟲、雜草)與作物、栽培措施及氣候因子的相互關係,建立一個可以預測氣候暖化對有害生物分布影響的管理策略。 It is now widely accepted that global climate change is affecting many ecosystems around the globe and that its impact is increasing rapidly. Many studies predict that impacts will consist largely of shifts in latitudinal and altitudinal distributions. However, the related studies on long-term changes and spatial distribution characteristics of agro-climatic conditions in the past 100 years in Taiwan are still unknown. Accordingly, the present project has following goals: i) to glean available information from the historically scientific papers associated with mainly crop pests of Taiwan; ii) to analyse the relationships among the pests (e.g. pathogens, insect pests, and weeds), crops, cultivated techniques, and climatic factors in agro-ecosystem, and then, to establish a management strategy to predict the effects of climate warming on species distribution of crop pests

    Research and Development of Agricultural Machinery (II)

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    為因應當前農業環境之重大改變,適應世界貿易自由化、國際化之潮流,並突破當前之農業困境,擬衡酌未來土地利用型農作物之發展趨勢,研究開發本土型之農作物種苗、栽培、管理、病蟲害防治、收穫及收穫後處理等作業所需之機械,以促進農業生產全面機械化,藉以解決農村勞力不足問題,降低生產成本,確保農產品之品質.本年度本計畫將繼續水果內部品質檢測之研究,並對NIR非破壞性檢測之應用,柿子加工去皮去梗修蒂機之研製,加工用印度棗清洗、選別及劃切之一貫化及菱角剝殼機之研究進一步發展以取代人工作業模式,提高品質.研究改良桿式噴藥機、動力雙軌車,草花種苗假植機以提高作業效率.開發鳳梨園用施肥機、曳引機承載夾起式洋蔥收穫機、自走式白蘿蔔收穫機,耕耘刀表面特殊處理技術與曳引機旁載式堆肥攪拌翻堆機等機械與技術,提高生產與管理的效率,降低成本.研製蒸氣處理介質土壤病蟲害防治設備與果實蠅誘蟲器監控系統,減少病蟲害影響並減低農藥之用量.研製連續式紅外線茶葉烘培機,低濕調溫乾燥機與進行自然通風器應用於溫室環控之研究,以建立現有控制技術在農產品處理與環境上之應用系統.預期依計畫進度完成相關農產品檢測、農作物栽培、管理收穫與處理機械,以降低生產成本,提高產品品質,加速國內農業之轉型,促進農業升級.To adopt the change of agriculture environment as well as the world trade structure, it is a must to develop machines for local crops, seedlings, cultures, management, protecting system of disease and insect pest, harvesting, and post-harvesting process. Thus, mechanization in agricultural production would solve the problem of labor shortage as well as lower the cost of production, and resulted in ensuring the quality of agricultural products. There are several sub-projects proposed in this project to replace the manual operation and to improve the quality. They are listed in the followings: evaluation of internal quality of fruits, application of non-destructive NIR method, development of skin peeling machine and stem trimming for the diospyros kaki process, development of the integrated operating machine consists of cleaning, sorting and scar-cutting for Indian jujube, and study on the manufacture of peeling machine for water caltrops. In addition, there are three sub-projects proposed to improve the efficiencies of operations, such as performance improvement of boom sprayer, development of double-rail car for spraying on slope land, and design and development of a transplanter for ornamental flower seedlings. To improve the efficiencies of production and management thus results in cost reduction, five sub-projects are proposed: the study for fertilizer of pineapple yard, studies on the mounted type of onion harvester, the studies on a self-propelled radish harvester, surface hardening treatment for tillage blades, and development study of compost turner side mounted type from tractor. To reduce disease and insect pest as well as lower the usage of pesticide, there are two sub-projects proposed, such as development of the steam treatment machinery for medium and soil and design and development of a monitoring system for the oriental fruit fly trap. In addition, there are two sub-projects proposed to apply the commercially available control techniques on agricultural productprocesses and environmental system. They are the development of infrared tea roasting machine for continuous type and the study and application of the energy-free turbo ventilator used in the green house. Based on the schedule of this project, it would complete the evaluation of some agricultural products, transplanting, machines for managing, harvesting and processing, to lower the cost as well as improve the quality so that helps local agriculture upgrade and transform in a considerable speed