44 research outputs found

    Research on the Generation of Government Investment Projects under the "Multi-plan Coordination" in Xiamen

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    近年来,全国多省、市在建设领域大力推行“多规合一”,并在此背景上不同程度的进行政府投资项目审批制度改革,简化审批流程,提高政府对建设项目的监管水平。厦门市更是走在各地前列,基于“多规合一”业务协同平台,创新推出政府投资项目生成机制,对项目的前期策划、决策以及管理提出新的要求。 本文以厦门市政府投资项目生成为研究对象,分析与“多规合一”的关联,将建设项目全生命周期理论运用于政府投资项目管理,从监管角度,将政府投资项目全生命周期划分为生成阶段、审批阶段以及监督管理阶段,选取项目生成阶段与传统前期决策阶段进行对比分析;深入研究项目生成阶段的不同组成部分,分解流程,明确工作内容、责任分工,阐述存在的...In recent years, many provinces and cities vigorously promote "multi-plan coordination" in construction field. On this background, they reform of government investment project approval system. It can simplified the approval process, and access to improve construction projects supervision and management capacity of government. Based on the "multi-plan coordination" service collaboration platform, X...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程管理硕士学号:1772014115110


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    Effect of oil pollution on antioxidant enzyme of oyster( Ostrea cucullata)

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    在厦门岛及附近海域的轮渡码头、杏林湾、同安湾、黄厝 4个地点现场采集牡蛎样品 ,研究牡蛎全组织石油烃含量与其消化腺、鳃超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)活性之间的关系 ,并探讨了将僧帽牡蛎抗氧化酶作为监测海洋石油污染的生物标志物 (biomarker)的可能性 .结果表明 :(1)采自轮渡码头、杏林湾、同安湾、黄厝的牡蛎全组织石油烃含量分别为380 6 8、112 34、2 7 31、2 0 37μg g ;(2 )牡蛎消化腺SOD、CAT活性均高于鳃 ;(3)牡蛎消化腺和鳃CAT、SOD活性均随石油烃含量的增加而增强 ,由相关系数来判断两者相关性显著 ,适合作为海洋石油污染的生物标志物The oyster \%(Ostrea cucullata\%) were collected from four stations around Xiamen island(Lundu port, Xinglin bay,Tong'an bay and Huangcuo). The biological respones measured included the level of petroleum hydrocarbon in whole tissue, the activity of super oxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase in digestive gland and gill. The results showed: (1) The content of petrolum hydrocarbon in oyster collected from four stations were 380 68,112 34,27 31 and 20 37?μg/g wet, respectively; (2) The activity of SOD and catalase in digestive gland were higher than in gill;(3)Among the four stations, the SOD and catalase activity showed a good correlation with whole tissue petrolum hydrocarbon, which indicated that the antioxidant enzymes in oyster were suitable biomarker of marine oil pollution.福建省自然科学基金 (No .D9910 0 0 4 ) ; ;教育部科技重点项目 (No.99180

    Effects of Catalase Activities in the Liver of Boleophthalmus Pectinirostris with Benzo(a) Pyrene Exposure.

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    Changes of catalase(CAT) activities in the liver of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris with benzo(a)pyrene(BaP) exposure are detected in experimental condition. The results show that there is no significant changes for CAT activities in control group and 0.05mg·L -1 BaP group with prolonged exposure ( P >0.05), whereas they are depressed significantly at concentration of 0.5mg·L -1 ( P ≤0.05). In 3 days exposure, CAT activities decrease significantly with the increase of BaP concentration ( P ≤0.05). This might indicate that exposure to higher BaP concentrations might have toxic effect to fishes. The activities of CAT increase significantly to control level after BaP was removed. It turned out that the physiological modulatary mechanism still existed in the liver of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris . All the results show that CAT activity might be suitable to be the bioindicator of BaP exposure.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目 (498760 2 9)资

    Effects of mixture of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure on hepatic antioxidant enzymes activities in Mugil so-iuy

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    在实验生态条件下 ,研究浓度范围从 0 1— 5 0 μg L的苯并 (a)芘和芘的等浓度混合物暴露对梭鱼 (Mugilso iuy)肝脏抗氧化酶活性的影响 .结果显示 ,对肝脏谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GPx)和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性的影响主要表现出抑制效应 .在暴露过程中 ,抗氧化酶活性也有出现短暂的诱导 ,高浓度组出现诱导的时间比低浓度组早 .SOD和GPx活性的变化有一定的同步性 .CAT活性在暴露早期出现诱导 .抗氧化酶活性的变化间接反映了环境中氧化胁迫的存在 .The effects of the mixture of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene (concentration range of 0 1—50*!μg/L) exposure on hepatic antioxidant enzymes activitives in Mugil so-iuy were studied under experimental condition.The results mostly showed that the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were inhibited. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes were sometimes induced briefly during exposure. The enzyme activities induction appeared sooner at higher concentration group than that at lower concentration group. The SOD and GPx activities changed quite in phase. The CAT activity was induced at the early exposure. The changes of antioxidant enzymes activities reflected indirectly the existence of oxidation stress.国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 9876 0 2 9) ;; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (D9910 0 0 4

    Effect of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure on hepatic superoxide dismutase in Mugil so-iuy

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    在实验生态条件下 ,浓度范围 0 .1~ 5 0 μg/L的苯并 (a)芘和芘的短期暴露 (7d) ,5 0 μg/L浓度组造成梭鱼肝脏SOD活性先抑制后诱导的效应 ;5 μg/L浓度在 7d的暴露中 ,SOD活性未出现诱导而是抑制 ;同样在 5 0μg/L浓度下 ,苯并 (a)芘暴露 4d后SOD活性出现诱导 ,而芘在暴露 7d后才出现诱导 ,这间接反映了苯并 (a)芘和芘的毒性大小。这些结果说明梭鱼肝脏SOD活性与苯并 (a)芘和芘暴露有一定的相关性 ,可以作为海洋环境多环芳烃污染监测的一种生物标志物。The effects of benzo(a)pyrene and pyrene exposure in a short period of time (7 days) on hepatic Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in Mugil so-iuy were studied at concentration of 0.1~50 μg/L,in experimental condition.The results showed that the SOD activities were inhibited at first and then induced in the fishes exposed to concentration of 50 μg/L.The SOD activity was induced in the fishes exposed to BaP at concentration of 50 μg/L for 4 days,while induced in the fishes exposed to pyrene at same concentration for 7 days. This indicated indirectly the toxicities of BaP and pyrene. These results suggested that the hepatic SOD activity in Mugil so iuy have quite retativity to BaP or pyrene exposure,the SOD activity could be one of the biomarkers applied to monitoring marine PAHs contamination.国家自然科学基金资助项目 (49876 0 2 9) ;; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (D9910 0 0 4


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