10 research outputs found

    Estimating China's CPI Bias

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    经济理论研究认为,CPI存在替代偏差、质量变化偏差、新产品偏差和商户偏差,一般情形会高估真实生活成本指数。本文分析则表明,除上述偏差之外,还存在偏好变化偏差,且其偏差方向与上述四种偏差恰好相反。本文基于偏好可变的假设,从似理想需求系统(AIdS)出发,修改HAMIlTOn/COSTA方法中的CPI偏差估算模型,利用我国36个城市2002-2012年住户支出调查数据,采用滚动和加权回归方法,重新估算CPI偏差。结果显示,CPI年均偏差(高估)幅度明显减小,由2.93%降为0.95%。实证结果验证了偏好变化的存在使得CPI倾向于低估真实生活成本指数,各种因素相互交织或冲抵,故而在总体上CPI并不总是高估真实生活成本指数。Theoretical studies by Economists suggest that the existence of substitution bias,quality change bias,new product bias and outlet bias in CPI causes overestimates of the real cost of living index.In addition to these biases above,our analyses suggest that there exists another kind of bias caused by changing preference,and the bias direction is different from the others.Based on the assumption of the changeability of preference and the modified AIDS model,this article,using the household expenditure survey( HES) data in 36 cities from 2002 to 2012,revises Hamilton / Costa method to reestimates China 's CPI bias via methods of rolling regression and weighted regression.The results show that after considering changeable preference,the yearly CPI bias( overestimation) significantly reduced from 2.93% to 0.95%.This proves that the existence of changeable preference,unlike the other existed bias makes CPI tend to underestimate the true cost of living index,that means CPI is not always overestimate the true cost of living index in general.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的理论与实践研究”(11JZD019); 国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国产业关联特征及支柱产业研究”(11ATZ002)的资

    Analysis of the Theoretical Issues on the Measurement of Industrial Linkage

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    基于投入产出模型可以构建多种产业关联效应测度方法,但不同方法间的区别与联系尚未获得足够重视和透彻把握。本文探讨了常规不加权产业关联测度的真实内涵和局限性,并由经济分析入手探讨和论证了相应的加权测度形式;将简单和加权的两种方式归纳为产业关联的相对(边际或平均)测度和绝对(规模)测度,着重辨析其经济内涵的异同点;进而分别采用lEOnTIEf和gHOSH模型体系,从需求拉动和供给推动两个角度测度后向和前向产业关联效应。结合我国投入产出数据的实证分析表明,不同测度方法给出的结果均有其经济分析价值;但相对而言,考虑规模因素的加权测度方法在刻画实际的产业关联效应方面显得更为客观、可信。Lots of measurement methods of industrial linkage were proposed based on Input-Output model.But the distinctions and connections among them have not obtained enough attention and thorough grasp of.In view of this,this paper discusses the connotation and limitation of unweighted industrial linkage measure,and demonstrates the weighted methods by economic analysis.It summarizes simple and weighted methods as the marginal measure and absolute measure,and focuses on the similarities and differences of economic connotation among them.It shows that backward linkage should be measured from demand-pull perspective by the Leontief model and that forward linkage should be measured from supplydriven perspective by the Ghosh model.Our empirical evidence shows that different methods have their own economic meaning and analytical value,but relatively speaking the absolute impact measurement method is more objective and credible in portraying the actual degree.国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国产业关联特征及支柱产业研究”(11ATZ002); 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的理论与实践研究”(11JZD019)资


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    Discipline-Based Biological Curriculum Design and Practice

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    On the Establishment of the Category of Extraterritorial Organizations in the National Standard Industrial Classification in China: Discussions and Suggestions for Improving China's National Industrial Classification(GB /T 4754)

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    在联合国的《国际标准产业分类(ISIC)》和中国的国家标准《国民经济行业分类(gb/T 4754)》中,均将“国际组织“列作独立的产业门类;在我国的《三次产业划分规定》中,还明确将“国际组织“门类归入第三产业。作为“国际标准“与“国家标准“的产业(行业)分类,其分类对象和范围其实有所不同;遵循科学的“国民核算主体原则“,任何一国的国民经济产业(行业)分类均应以“常住单位“构成的“经济总体“作为基本分类对象,其产业部门中均不应包含国际组织(以及类似的外国使领馆)等非常住单位;只有对于诸如联合国、欧盟、国际货币基金组织等不属于任何单一国家的“经济总体(准国家)“,国际组织作为一个产业门类才具有实际存在意义。因此,为提升国民经济产业分类的科学性、规范性和实用性,应从现行的国家标准《国民经济行业分类》中取消“国际组织“门类,并调整《三次产业划分规定》中的相应内容。"Extraterritorial Organizations"are classified as a separate industrial sector not only in United Nations' International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities( ISIC) but also in China's National Industrial Classification( GB /T 4754).Besides,according to China's official Regulations on Three-Industry Classifications,"Extraterritorial Organizations"are included in the tertiary industry.However,this paper argues that substantial differences exist between the"National Standard"and the"International Standard"regarding the entity and scope of industrial classification; that,according to the"Principle of Agents in National Accounts",industrial classification in any country should be based on the overall economy consisting of entities with main residence rather than extraterritorial organizations( such as foreign embassies or consulates or other entities without main residence); and that,as an industrial sector,extraterritorial organizations have their practical significance of existence only to such"total economies"( parastates) as the United Nations,the European Union,the International Monetary Fund,etc.,which do not belong to any single country.Therefore,it is suggested that extraterritorial organizations as an industrial sector should be removed from the current national standards of"National Industrial Classification",and that the corresponding content in the Regulations on Three-Industry Classifications should be revised accordingly in order to enhance the systematic and normative rigor as well as the practical aspect of national industrial classification.国家社科基金重点项目“中国产业关联特征及支柱产业研究”(11ATJ002); 教育部哲学社科研究重大课题攻关项目“中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的理论与实践研究”(11JZD019


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    杨灿,厦门大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,福建省统计科学重点实验室(厦门大学)研究员,经济学博士;郑正喜,厦门大学经济学院博士研究生。【中文摘要】在联合国的《国际标准产业分类(ISIC)》和中国的国家标准《国民经济行业分类(GB/T4754)》中,均将“国际组织”列作独立的产业门类:在我国的《三次产业划分规定》中,还明确将“国际组织”门类归入第三产业。作为“国际标准”与“国家标准”的产业(行业)分类,其分类对象和范围其实有所不同;遵循科学的“国民核算主体原则”,任何一国的国民经济产业(行业)分类均应以“常住单位”构成的“经济总体”作为基本分类对象,其产业部门中均不应包含国际组织(以及类似的外国使领馆)等非常住单位;只有对于诸如联合国、欧盟、国际货币基金组织等不属于任何单一国家的“经济总体(准国家)”,国际组织作为一个产业门类才具有实际存在意义。因此,为提升国民经济产业分类的科学性、规范性和实用性,应从现行的国家标准《国民经济行业分类》中取消“国际组织”门类,并调整《三次产业划分规定》中的相应内容。 【Abstract】“Extraterritorial Organizations” are classified as a separate industrial sector not only in United Nations’ International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) but also in China's National Industrial Classification (GB/T4754) . Besides,according to China's official Regulations on Three-Industry Classifications,“Extraterritorial Organizations” are included in the tertiary industry. However,this paper argues that substantial differences exist between the “National Standard” and the “International Standard” regarding the entity and scope of industrial classification; that,according to the “Principle of Agents in National Accounts”,industrial classification in any country should be based on the overall economy consisting of entities with main residence rather than extraterritorial organizations (such as foreign embassies or consulates or other entities without main residence) ; and that,as an industrial sector,extraterritorial organizations have their practical significance of existence only to such “total economies” (parastates) as the United Nations,the European Union,the International Monetary Fund,etc.,which do not belong to any single country. Therefore,it is suggested that extraterritorial organizations as an industrial sector should be removed from the current national standards of “ National Industrial Classification”,and that the corresponding content in the Regulations on Three-Industry Classifications should be revised accordingly in order to enhance the systematic and normative rigor as well as the practical aspect of national industrial classification.国家社科基金重点项目“中国产业关联特征及支柱产业研究”(11ATJ002);教育部哲学社科研究重大课题攻关项目“中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的理论与实践研究”(11JZD019)

    Constructing Economic and Social Development Evaluation Index System for Haixi Economic Zone

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    张玉哲,厦门大学经济学院助理教授,经济学博士; 郑正喜,厦门大学经济学院博士研究生。【中文摘要】海峡西岸经济区的发展不仅是本区域发展的需要,也是开展与台湾地区合作的需要。 基于对海西区经济、政治、文化社会等方面发展现状的研究,在把握海西区发展的共性与个性的前提下,从全面性角度出发,提出一套涵盖经济、资源、社会和环境四个方面的经济社会发展评估体系的构建方案。该评估体系能够科学、系统地评估海西区发展情况,并为海西区的全面发展提供参照视角。 【Abstract】The development of Haixi Economic Zone (HEZ) is to meet not only the need for development itself,but also the need for cooperation with Taiwan. How to evaluate the economic and social development of HEZ properly is an important issue to be studied while HEZ is being constructed and developed. Based on a study of the status quo of Haixi’s development of economy,politics,culture and society,with an accurate understanding of the universality and individuality of Haixi's development,and from a comprehensive point of view,this paper proposes a construction plan for the evaluation index system of socio-economic development in four aspects,i. e.,economy,resource,society and environment. This evaluation index system can assess HEZ development in a scientific and systematic way and provide a perspective of reference for the overall development of HEZ.教育部哲学社会科学发展报告培育项目“海峡西岸经济区发展报告”(11JBGP006); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“海峡西岸经济区发展研究”(2013221023


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