13 research outputs found


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    病例1:女,27岁。停经36周伴瘙痒、呕吐、腹泻、尿少15 d。查体:皮肤、巩膜重度黄染,未见肝掌、蜘蛛痣,静脉穿刺部位片状瘀斑、心率86次/MIn、律齐、未闻及杂音,双下肺闻及少许干湿啰音;腹部膨隆,双下肢轻度水肿。实验室检查:血常规:WbC 18.65x109/l、n 0.885、PlT 82x109/l;生化:glu 3.6 MMOl/l、urEA 8.16 MMOl/l、r


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    FT-IR spectroscopy is employed to investigate the methane dissociation and methane partial oxidation over the Rh/SiO 2 catalyst. When CH 4 is adsorbed onto the catalyst surface, it dissociates into adsorbed CH x (x=1~3) and atomic hydrogen on Rh surface. Atomic hydrogen can diffuse from Rh surface to SiO 2 surface where a proton exchange reaction of H with the surface Si-OH occurs, or it reacts with the lattice oxygen of SiO 2 to form new Si-OH


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    ASEAN-Oriented Construction of Archival Science Professional Teaching Staff in Universities of Guangxi

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    作为广西唯一开办档案学专业的高校,广西民族大学档案学团队在师资队伍建设上既积累了成功经验,也暴露出不足。未来将通过领会、利用好国家、地方和学校的人才政策;打造综合素质更高的复合型师资队伍;聘请兼职教师、实习指导教师,弥补师资不足;加强面向东盟的档案学专业教学、科研激励,教研相长等措施,在面向东盟的档案学专业师资队伍建设上走出一条新路。2014年广西高等教育教学改革工程项目“广西高校档案学专业历史、现状与发展趋势研究”阶段性成果; 项目编号:2014JGB13


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    Researches of the Transnational Cooperative Compilation Projects in the Background of “The Belt and Road” Strategy

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    "一带一路"战略的提出给档案编研工作带来了新机会与新挑战。本文提出了通过跨国合作编写各类档案编研成果、规范编研选题、建设编研选材数据库、开展跨国合作编研试点等举措,推动"一带一路"战略的发展。"The Belt and Road"strategy has brought new oppommities and challenges to the archives compilation work. This article studies compiling written documents, thematic compilation, infrastructure projects in the way of transnational cooperative compilation, puts forward regularizing various types of archives, choosing compilation research topic, building material database, to produce greater economic benefits and social benefits, and promote the development of "The Belt and Road "strategy.2014年度广西高等教育教学改革工程项目《广西高校档案学专业历史、现状与发展趋势研究》(2014JGB133); 2015年度广西高校人文社科“2011协同创新中心”广西民族大学民族文化遗产保护与传承协同创新中心科研项目《广西高校在民族文化遗产传承中的现状与展望》(2015ZD008)的阶段性成

    A Combined System of Raman-STM and Preliminary Tests

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    A combined system of Raman spectroscopy and STM has been set up, which enables the two techniques to in-situ study electrochemical interFaces simultaneously, An optical Fiber head carrying one excitation Fiber and Five collection Fibers can be adjusted to approach to an advanced originally designed STM unit so that the STM tip above the sample electrode are surrounded by the sir Fibers.The strong thermal interFace by the laser illumination was avoided with the short acquisition time For SERS measurements by using optical multichannel analyzer.In-situ SERS spectrum of SCN- adsorbed on Ag electrode surFace has been simultaneously recorded during STM imaging.The STM imaging taken beFore, during and aFter the SERS measurements have driFted From each other within 5%, which shows that the combined system is of satisFied over all stability.国家教委优秀年轻教师基


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    Ziprasidone versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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