121 research outputs found

    Real Estate Wealth Effect and Residents' Consumption: An Empirical Study Based on CFPS Microscopic Data

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    伴随着房地产市场的快速发展以及住房资产在家庭资产中的重要性不断提升,住房已经成为影响家庭消费、储蓄、投资的重要因素之一。对于家庭来说,住房不仅仅是一项重大的消费品,同时也是的有效的投资渠道。因此,住房价格的上涨一方面会对未购房家庭产生更紧的预算约束,另一方面,却会增加已购房家庭的资产财富。在国内房价不断上涨,居民消费率却不断下降的背景下,本文将对我国居民家庭的房地产财富及居民消费进行综合的研究。研究在我国的房地产市场是否存在类似西方发达国家的住房财富效应,以及房地产财富效应在不同年份、不同住房家庭、不同地区是否存在显著的差别,并进一步分析了房地产财富对家庭不同类型消费的影响。 文章利用了中国...With the vigorous development of China's real estate market and the increasing importance of housing assets in family assets, housing has become one of the important factors affecting household consumption, saving and investment. For the family, housing is a major consumer goods, as same as an important investment goods. On the one hand, the rising house makes the family who did not have a house h...学位:资产评估硕士院系专业:经济学院_资产评估硕士学号:1552014115189

    Study and Demonstration of Rural Social Pension Insurance Actuarial System

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    农村社会养老保险制度的建立和推进,是完善社会保障体系、维护农民合法权益的重要内容,也是促进社会主义市场经济发展、保持社会稳定的重要措施。然而我国的农村养老保险却存在很多问题,需要进行制度的改革与创新。许多学者对农村社会保障改革以及养老保险制度的构建进行了研究,但是对农村社会养老保险制度的精算方法和定量研究却相当缺乏。因此本文构建了一套完整的农村社会养老保险精算体系,从个人养老金平衡模型到农村人口结构预测模型,进而到参保率估算模型,并应用到长期精算中,为农村社会养老保险制度的构建和改革提供重要的技术支持。同时本文还在Java平台上实现了该系统,并以北京市大兴区为例得到相应的精算结果,为相关政策的...The development of rural social pension insurance system is an important process to perfect the social security system and protect farmers’ rights. It is also an important step to improve the marketing economy and maintain a stable society. However, it finds lots of problems in our country that require innovations. Many scholars have done plenty of researches on the reform of rural pension insuran...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院自动化系_系统工程学号:20033103


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    文章根据2003年福建省的抽样调查资料,基于数理人口学和精算学的研究方法,试图揭示福建省农村流动人口基本上属于有条件参加农村社会养老保险的人群特征。研究认为,部分城市把农村流动人口纳入城镇养老保险体系的做法将对农村社会的养老保险体系造成冲击,其中最严重的是会降低农村人口的平均供养比,从而使农村社会养老保险制度失去支撑。文章提出重构福建省农村社会养老保险体系的方案,并经过系统仿真分析证明方案具有可操作性。国家软科学项目(No.2003DGQ1D098) 福建省重点软科学项目(No.B3695219-3) 福建省“十五”规划前期研究课题(No.59)资


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    [[alternative]]Analysis of Eurema hecabe host-plant adaptation

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    [[abstract]]Larval host-plants of Eurema hecabe Linnaeus in Taiwan include three families, twenty species according to literature. Only certain members of each family are utilized by the larva, which often does not accept alternative potential hosts. In Japan, Eurema hecabe Linnaeus consists of two distinctive morphs. They differ in the fringe color of wings(brown or yellow)and other phenotypes. It has recently been found that sexual isolation exists in these two types. Both types(brown or yellow)of Eurema hecabe are also present in Taiwan. Whether there are isolation mechanisms occurred between them still remains to be confirmed. The present study used Rhamnus formosana, Breynia officinalis, Cassia surattensis and Sesbania cannabiana as larval host-plants. According to larval hosts, four types of Eurema hecabe were recognized, namely, S. cannabiana type, C. surattensis type, B. officinalis type and R. formosana type, respectively. Some experiments were performed to test their morphological difference, larval performance and oviposition preference to infer whether isolation presents among these types. Seperated by morph, growth rate and principal-components analysis(PCA),C. surattensis type and S. cannabiana type are the same group. R. formosana type and B. officinalis type are the other group. Seperated by wing color pattern, C. surattensis type and S. cannabiana type are the same group,whereas R. formosana type and B. officinalis type represent different kinds of groups. Seperated by host-plant adaptation and oviposition preference, C. surattensis type and S. cannabiana type maybe the same group. R. formosana type and B. officinalis type represents different kinds of groups. Besides, R. formosana type and B. officinalis type may have evolved from Fabaceae associated ancestors. In conclusion, Eurema hecabe in Taiwan are divided into three distinctive groups, ie, C. surattensis type and S. cannabiana type as the same group, whereas R. formosana type and B. officinalis type each represents a distinctive group. R. formosana type and B. officinalis type may have evolved from the Fabaceae-feeding ancestors. Finally, C. surattensis type and S. cannabiana type probably represent the brown type, whereas R. formosana type the yellow type, and B. officinalis type a previously unrecognized group. There are many host-plants of Eurema hecabe remained untested. Whether there is present any new host types needs further research. This study provides the first report to the analysis of relationship among host types of Eurema hecabe in Taiwan.

    [[alternative]]The impact of co-design customer value on purchase intention

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    碩士[[abstract]]創造顧客價值為行銷活動之最終目的,同時也是企業成功之關鍵因素。近年來,透過各項網路工具的連結,顧客的角色已由被動轉為主動,擁有企業不可忽視的力量。現今的顧客價值已不能只由企業單方面的提供給顧客,而必須由企業與顧客共同創造價值。共同設計(co-design)即為企業與顧客共同創造價值的一種大量客製化產品策略,企業將顧客納入價值鏈中,與顧客互動溝通,滿足個別顧客之需求。 本研究利用Smith and Colgate(2007)所提出的顧客價值構面,探討共同設計之運動鞋創造之功能工具價值、體驗享樂價值、象徵表現價值、成本犧牲價值。並進一步探究共同設計之顧客價值對購買意願之影響,以及態度在顧客價值與購買意願當中扮演之角色。 本研究以淡江大學商學院日間部學生做為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,透過迴歸分析得到以下之研究結論: 1. 共同設計創造之顧客價值會對購買意願產生正面影響。 2. 共同設計創造之顧客價值會對態度產生正面影響。 3. 態度在顧客價值與購買意願之間扮演了中介的角色。 在四種顧客價值構面當中,以成本犧牲價值對購買意願及態度之影響最大,其次為體驗享樂價值。顯示顧客希望藉由共同設計獲得兩階段之價值,首先是在共同設計的過程當中獲得獨一無二的體驗與樂趣,並與他人分享自己的設計;而在付出額外時間參與共同設計後,顧客更希望購得的產品是物超所值的。此外,有鑑於態度之中介效果,產品的共同設計元素必須符合產品的特性與品牌的形象,以增加產品的吸引力,提升顧客對產品的主觀喜好。而共同設計便是讓企業了解個別顧客喜好與需求的資訊共享平台,故相信共同設計將會為企業帶來顧客知識,成為未來企業競爭力的來源。[[abstract]]The objective of this study is to explore the customer value created by both firms and customers from co-design process. Co-design is the product strategy that fulfills the concept of mass customization. With the interaction and cooperation between the firm and customers, the individual needs and desires can be satisfied. Following the dimension of customer value suggested by Smith and Colgate (2007), this study examines the functional/instrumental value, experiential/hedonic value, symbolic/expressive value, and cost/sacrifice value of co-design sports shoes. Furthermore, this study investigates the impact of co-design customer value on purchase intention, and the mediating role of attitude. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Co-design customer value has a positive impact on purchase intention. 2. Co-design customer value has a positive impact on attitude. 3. Attitude serves as a mediating role in the relationship between co-design customer value and purchase intention. In addition, cost/sacrifice value and experiential/hedonic value have been found as the two most important drivers of purchase intention and attitude. Our result suggests that the customers enjoy the process of co-design and hope to share their design with others. After spending additional time on co-design, the customers expect the product to be worthwhile. Besides, during the interaction with customers, firms can obtain the customer knowledge individually. As a result, developing co-design platform can help the firm understand customers’ preference more, and hence attain competitive advantage.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 目錄 I 表目錄 II 圖目錄 III 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究範圍與對象 4 第五節 研究流程 5 第二章 文獻回顧與探討 6 第一節 共同設計 6 第二節 顧客價值 8 第三節 態度與購買意願 15 第三章 研究設計 21 第一節 研究架構 21 第二節 研究假說 22 第三節 研究變數之定義與衡量項目 24 第四節 研究設計 29 第五節 資料分析方法 34 第四章 資料分析 35 第一節 敘述性統計分析 35 第二節 信度分析 39 第三節 迴歸分析 40 第五章 結論與建議 58 第一節 研究發現 58 第二節 研究限制 61 第三節 後續研究建議 62 參考文獻 63 附錄一 研究問卷 70 表目錄 表2-1 與顧客價值定義相關之文獻整理 9 表2-2 與態度定義相關之文獻整理 15 表3-1 功能工具價值之操作性定義與衡量項目 24 表3-2 體驗享樂價值之操作性定義與衡量項目 25 表3-3 象徵表現價值之操作性定義與衡量項目 26 表3-4成本犧牲價值之操作性定義與衡量項目 26 表3-5態度之操作性定義與衡量項目 27 表3-6購買意願之操作性定義與衡量項目 28 表3-7 分層樣本之配置情形 32 表3-8 問卷發放與回收情形 33 表4-1 個人基本資料 36 表4-2 運動鞋購買習慣 37 表4-3一般運動鞋與共同設計運動鞋之願付價格 38 表4-4 本研究問卷各構面信度 39 表4-5 顧客價值─態度之逐步迴歸分析過程摘要表 41 表4-6 顧客價值─態度之迴歸模式分析表 42 表4-7 顧客價值─態度迴歸模式4之共線性診斷分析 45 表4-8 假說1-1至1-4之檢定結果 46 表4-9 顧客價值─購買意願之逐步迴歸分析過程摘要表 47 表4-10 顧客價值─購買意願之迴歸模式分析表 48 表4-11 假說2-1至2-4之檢定結果 51 表4-12 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願之逐步迴歸分析過程摘要表 54 表4-13 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願之係數分析表 54 表4-14 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願之排除變數分析表 54 表4-15 假說3-1至3-2之檢定結果 57 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖 5 圖2-1 態度、行為意向與實際行為之關係圖 18 圖3-1 研究架構圖 21 圖4-1 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差直方圖 43 圖4-2 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差常態機率圖 44 圖4-3 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差圖 44 圖4-4 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差直方圖 49 圖4-5 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差常態機率圖 50 圖4-6 顧客價值─態度迴歸式之殘差圖 50 圖4-7 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願迴歸式之殘差直方圖 55 圖4-8 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願迴歸式之殘差常態機率圖 56 圖4-9 態度估計值、顧客價值─購買意願迴歸式之殘差圖 56[[note]]學號: 696550846, 學年度: 9