80 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Teaching Support Management System for an Educational Group

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    教学管理是高等职业院校管理的中心,在现代高等职业院校的管理中,尤其是在日 常管理中起着相当重要的作用。学科不断细分,对教师的授课管理就显得日趋重要,建 设面向教学管理人员的信息系统,成为了各民办高职院校的当务之急。 基于上述背景分析,本文在深入调研某教育集团教学管理实际需求的基础上,设计 和实现一个适合于高等院校的教学支持管理系统。该系统基于.NET开发平台,采用C# 语言开发SQLServer2008作为数据库管理平台。系统能实现系统管理、个人中心、授课 任务管理、授课管理、讲师管理、教学管理、Web页面设计等模块。 论文遵循软件工程的相关规范,详细地描述了系统的分析、设计和实...Teaching management, as the core work of college administration, plays an important role in the educational administration of a contemporary vocational college, especially in its daily affairs. As the disciplines are increasingly subdivided, the management on teaching is becoming so important that it is urgent for a higher vocational college to establish an information management system for te...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223006

    Technical and Mechanistic Investigation for Electroless Nickel-Boron Plating on Magnesium Alloy

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    镁合金具有诸多优良性能,且自然储量丰富,在人们的生产和生活领域具有广阔的应用前景。但镁的电极电位较负,易于发生腐蚀,合金中的第二相或杂质相也会加速镁合金的腐蚀,加之镁合金较弱的力学性能,至今未能工业化应用。镁合金有多种强化手段,化学镀镍作为一种较为成熟的表面处理技术,可以显著提高镁合金的性能。但镁合金因其物理化学性质的特殊性,属于难于化学镀的金属。现阶段镁合金化学镀镍的研究大多致力于化学镀Ni-P技术,而作为性能上不亚于Ni-P镀层的Ni-B合金却少见报道。本论文在大量文献的基础上,经过不断尝试,寻求出一种适合镁合金的化学镀Ni-B工艺,并采用多种测试方法对工艺及原理方面进行研究,主要内容如下...Magnesium alloys have great potential in various industrial fields due to their excellent capabilities and abundant supply. Nevertheless, a number of undesirable properties including poor corrosion resistance and mechanical properties have restricted magnesium alloys to be widespread applied hitherto. Magnesium alloys are susceptible to corrosion even in an atmospheric environment, because of thei...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_化学工程学号:2062008115159

    Electrochemical Study on Electroless Nickel Plating Using Sodium Borohydride as the Reductant

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    Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]; Tel: +86-592-2180738.[中文文摘]采用线性电位扫描伏安法研究了以硼氢化钠为还原剂的化学镀镍体系,考查了镀液组成及工艺条件对化学镀镍硼阴、阳极过程的影响,结果表明:乙酸镍和硼氢化钠含量的提高分别促进了Ni2+的还原反应和BH-4的氧化反应;乙二胺、氢氧化钠以及添加剂硫脲、糖精钠对阴、阳极反应均有不同程度的抑制作用,同时添加剂中的硫元素加速了镍的氧化;升高温度有利于阴、阳极反应的进行.[英文文摘]We studied electroless Ni-B plating with sodium borohydride as the reductant by linear sweep voltammetry.The effects of bath solution composition and operating conditions on the cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation were studied.Increases in the concentrations of nickel acetate and sodium borohydride accelerated the reduction of Ni2+ and the oxidation of BH4,respectively.Ethylenediamine,sodium hydroxide,thiourea and saccharin sodium inhibited both the cathodic and anodic reactions to varying degrees.Additionally, sulfur in the additives promoted the dissolution of nickel. High temperature was beneficial to both the cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation.国家自然科学基金(20573086)资助项

    Electrochemical Study on Electroless Nickel Plating Using Sodium Borohydride as the Reductant

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    We studied electroless Ni-B plating with sodium borohydride as the reductant by linear sweep voltammetry. The effects of bath solution composition and operating conditions on the cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation were studied. Increases in the concentrations of nickel acetate and sodium borohydride accelerated the reduction of Ni(2+) and the oxidation of BH(4)(-), respectively. Ethylenediamine, sodium hydroxide, thiourea and saccharin sodium inhibited both the cathodic and anodic reactions to varying degrees. Additionally, sulfur in the additives promoted the dissolution of nickel. High temperature was beneficial to both the cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation.National Natural Science Foundation of China[20573086

    Study on species diversity of macrobenthos in Daya Bay,South China Sea

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    利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的物种多样性进行研究。结果表明,因人类活动影响的加剧,目前大型底栖动物多样性明显低于历史水平。2004年大亚湾海域内共出现79种(类)大型底栖动物,全海域均匀度(J)、丰富度(D)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)均值分别为1.17、0.74和2.06。各多样性指数的季节变化较小,不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。多样性水平以冬季0.05).The level of species diversity showed the trend of winter < spring < summer < autumn.It has been found that the distinct change of dry and wet season,the species diversity in wet season was higher than those in dry season.The species diversity of macrobenthos in outer Bay was the highest among other areas.The dominant species of Veremolpa micra and Timoclea scabra were so abundant that the species diversity of macrobenthos in center Bay and inner Bay were low.The seasonal change of the species diversity of macrobenthos in center Bay and inner Bay was caused by the change of the abundance of V.micra and T.scabra.Then the abundance of V.micra and T.scabra fluctuated with the water temperature directly.科技部社会公益研究专项资金项目(2005DIB3J020);; 广东省重大科技兴海项目(A200099E01);; 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所)资助项目(2007ZD08);; 农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室基金项目(开-2-04-15);; 农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室开放基金项目(2004-22005-2

    Macrobenthic community structure in Daya Bay,South China Sea

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    利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构进行研究。结果表明,大亚湾大型底栖动物大致可分为3个群落,分别分布于湾顶及湾中大部分海域、湾中部和湾口海域,湾中部海域群落的变化较为显著。大型底栖动物整体群落结构的季节变化总体较小,但雨季对大型底栖动物群落的影响较大,存在较明显的干湿季差异。大亚湾海域生态环境受到明显的扰动,处于扰动状态中的大型底栖动物群落稳定性较差;湾顶和湾中大部分海域内的群落Ⅰ,为大亚湾的主体群落,以软体动物为主,种类组成单一、季节变化小,以小鳞帘蛤VErEMOlPA MICrA和粗帝汶蛤TIMOClEASCAbrA为特征种。该群落的稳定性最差,处于较强烈的扰动之中;稳定分布于湾口的群落Ⅲ稳定性最好,未受到扰动,以多毛类为主,种类组成较为复杂、变化较大;湾中部海域大型底栖动物群落结构变化较为复杂,主要变化区域为马鞭州附近海域。该群落系经强烈的人为扰动后,经次生演替而形成的新群落,其种类组成的季节变化非常显著,各季的种类几乎完全不同,群落的独立性和抗干扰能力均较弱;与1980'S相比,大亚湾大部分区域内大型底栖动物基本保持了原有的群落,但群落稳定性大幅下降,群落的分布范围和种类组成发生较大程度的改变,主体群落组成呈明显的简单化趋势。在人类活动影响下,湾内同一区域内群落完全演替、湾中部海域出现新的群落。Based on macrobenthos samples collected from 4 survey cruises at 40 research stations in March,May,Sept.and Dec.2004 in Daya Bay,South China Sea,the community structure of macrobenthos was studied.The result showed that macrobenthos community in Daya Bay can be divided into three groups from the inner bay to the main area of the central bay,the central bay and outer bay.The effect of changes between wet and dry seasons on the macrobenthos community structure in Daya Bay was relatively stronger,although seasonal effect on the overall community structure was small.Daya Bay was shown to be ecologically disturbed and the stability of macrobenthic community was weak.Specifically,the inner bay and main area of the central bay was strongly disturbed and was dominated by Group I community that was characterized as simple low stability and dominated by molluscs.Dominant species were Veremolpa micra and Timoclea scabra.The outer bay received little disturbance and the community was most stable.The community belongs to Group Ⅲ that was dominated by polychaete and characterized as complicated and variable.The community change in the central bay was more complicated,concentrated mainly around Maiban Zhou.Its community structure was strongly affected by human disturbance and largely different from other community groups.Species composition of the group was variable which differed largely between seasons.The stability and resilience of the community is low.The current macrobenthic community in Daya Bay is different from the 1980s' state with largely different species composition,reduced community stability and complexity.Overall,under human disturbance,the macrobenthos community in Daya Bay,and particularly in the central bay,changed to a totally different structure.中央级公益性科研院所专项基金资助项目(2007ZD08;2007ST08);国家科技部公益资助项目(2005DIB3J020);广东省重大科技兴海资助项目(A200099E01);国家农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室基金资助项目(开-2-04-15);国家农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室开放基金资助项目(2004-2、2005-2

    Variations of fish species diversity,faunal assemblage,and abundances in Daya Bay in 1980-2007.

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    根据2004—2005年大亚湾海域底拖网鱼类调查数据,并结合1980—2007年的历史资料,分析了该海域鱼类的种类组成、区系特征、多样性、优势种和数量变化趋势.结果表明:2004—2005年,大亚湾海域共记录鱼类107种,分属13目50科,以中下层鱼类的种类最多,为48种,其次是中上层和底层种类,分别为37种和21种.大亚湾鱼类区系具热带和亚热带特性,以暖水性种类占绝对优势,为97种,暖温性种类为10种.多样性指数以夏季最高(3.82),其次是冬季(3.37)和秋季(3.00),春季最低(2.40).PIElOu均匀度指数的季节变化情况与多样性指数相似.1980—2007年大亚湾海域鱼类群落特征发生了明显的变化:鱼类种类数减少,优势种更替明显.鱼类种类数由1980年的157种减少至1990年的110种,2004—2005年继续减少至107种;鱼类优势种由1980年以带鱼和银鲳等优质鱼为主,更替为以小型和低值的小沙丁鱼、小公鱼和二长棘鲷幼鱼为主.用包含年际变化趋势和季节性周期变化的回归模型模拟1980—2007大亚湾鱼类资源密度的变化,鱼类资源密度在1980—1999年和1990—2007年两个时期均呈下降趋势,但1990—2007年间下降幅度比1980—1999年间大;1980—1999年鱼类资源密度的季节波动幅度较平缓(振幅为0.099),而1990—2007年的季节波动较大(振幅为0.420),说明1990—2007年阶段大亚湾鱼类数量的季节变化更为显著.Based on the 2004-2005 otter trawl survey data and the 1980-2007 relevant historical records,this paper analyzed the variations of fish species composition,faunal assemblage,diversity indices,dominant species,and abundance in Daya Bay.In the 2004-2005 trawl survey,a total of 107 fish species were recorded,belonging to 50 families and 13 orders,among which,meso-demersal fish were predominant,with 48 species recorded,and followed by pelagic and demersal fishes,with 37 and 21 species,respectively.The fishes in the Bay belonged to tropical and subtropical fauna,with the dominance of warm water fishes(97 species) and warm-temperate water fishes(10 species).The diversity index was the highest in summer(3.82),followed by in winter(3.37) and autumn(3.00),and the lowest in spring(2.40).The seasonal variation of Pielou evenness index mimicked that of diversity index.In 1980-2007,the characteristics of fish community in the Bay changed obviously.The species number reduced from 157 species in the 1980s to 110 species in the 1990s and to 107 species in 2004-2005,and the dominant species shifted from the high-value fishes such as hairtail and pomfret in the 1980s to low-value fishes such as sardine fish,anchovy,and juvenile porgy.A non-linear regression model composed of inter-annual trend and seasonal cycle was used to simulate the changes of fish stock density in 1980-1999 and 1990-2007,and the results indicated that in the two periods,the fish stock density in the Bay all showed a decreasing trend,but the decrement was larger in 1990-2007 than in 1980-1999.The seasonal variation of the stock density in 1980-1999 was relatively small,with an amplitude being 0.099,while that in 1990-2007 was relatively larger,with the amplitude being 0.420,illustrating that the fish abundance in the Bay had a larger seasonal fluctuation in 1990-2007.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(2010YD10、2009TS08)资

    Analysis on the characteristics of macrobenthis community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Bay in spring

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    利用2008年春季在大亚湾西北部海域开展的12个测站的大型底栖动物调查资料,对该海域大型底栖动物的群落特征进行分析。结果表明该海域内大型底栖动物优势种由粗帝汶蛤(TIMOClEA SCAbrA)、波纹巴非蛤(PAPHIA undulATA)、上野蜾蠃蜚(COrOPHIuM uEnOI)、方背鳞虫(lEPIdOnOTuS SQuAMATuS)、刀明樱蛤(MOErEllA CulTEr)和角海蛹(OPHElIA ACuMInATA)等6种组成;可划分为4个群落,群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅰ为主体群落,群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ分布区较小,群落间差异较大。大型底栖动物数量上以个体较大的软体动物占优,但群落的组成则以多毛类和甲壳类为主,其组成情况基本上反映了群落的特征。群落Ⅰ以多毛类-甲壳类为表征,群落Ⅱ则以甲壳类-多毛类-软体动物为表征。栖息环境的差异,是造成群落间差异的主要原因;群落多样性水平呈群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅱ>群落Ⅰ>群落Ⅳ,沉积环境的污染状况和人为扰动是影响多样性水平的主要因素;群落整体的稳定性较好,未受到明显的扰动,但分布于航道区域和渔业生产作业区的群落Ⅳ和群落Ⅲ,在航道建设、疏浚和渔业生产的影响下,群落受到一定程度的扰动,稳定性较弱。Based on the data collected from 12 research stations in the North-west Daya Bay,South China Sea in spring 2008,the characteristics of macrobenthis community were examined.The results showed that the dominant macrobenthic species were Timoclea scabra,Paphia undulate,Corophium uenoi,Lepidonotus squamatus,Moerella culter and Ophelia acuminate.The macrobenthos community could be divided into four groups with notable differences.Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were the dominant groups,while the distribution areas of Groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ were relatively small.Overall,molluscs was dominant in quantity in the macrobenthos community but the community was mainly composed of Annelida and Arthropoda,reflecting the characteristics of the community.The dominant macrobenthic species of group Ⅰ were Timoclea scabra,Nephtys oligobranchia,Theora lata,Sigambra hanaokai,Glycinde gurjanvae,Prionospio malmgreni,Timoclea scabra,Turritella bacillum,Corophium tridentium,Phyllodocidae und.,Nectoneanthes alatopalpis,Ericthonius pugnax,Pseudopythina sp.and Stylochus ijimai.Species belonging to this group distributed in the nearshore area of Aotou Harbor and Nanhai Petrochemicals Basement Group Ⅱ assemblage includes Paphia undulata,Timoclea scabra,Corophium uenoi,Prionospio malmgreni,Sigambra hanaokai,Ophelia acuminata,Mediomastus sp.,Nephtys oligobranchia,Moerella culter,Corophium lamellatum,Paraprionospio pinnata and Prionospio pulchra.These species distributed mainly around the Chunzhou Island where suspended long line culture of oyster was common.The discriminating species for Group Ⅰ were S.hanaokai,N.soligobranchia,P.malmgreni,N.alatopalpis and E.pugnax while group Ⅱ were C.uenoi,P.malmgreni,S.hanaokai,N.oligobranchia,T.scabra,M.sp.,Phyllodocidae und.,P.pinnata,O.acuminata,C.lamellatum,M.culter and Chaetozone sp.Group Ⅲ assemblage were mainly found in the west side of Mabianzhou,where it was a fishing ground for Arthropoda in Daya Bay.Group Ⅳ was distributed in area where main shipping routes passed through,in the east side of area of Group Ⅱ and in between the area of Group Ⅰ and Ⅲ.For each community group,while group Ⅱ Group Ⅰ was dominated by Annelida and Arthropoda while Group Ⅱ was dominated by arthropoda,annelida and mollusca;such difference is mainly because of the difference in habitat conditions.Diversity of macrobentho community was highest in Group Ⅲ,followed by Group Ⅱ,Group Ⅰ and then Group Ⅳ.Poor habitat condition caused by pollution,sedimentation and other human disturbances were the main reasons for the differences in diversity between groups.In general,macrobenthos community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Sea was stable in spring.However,community structure of Groups Ⅳ and Ⅲ,which distributed in the main navigation route and fishing grounds,were less stable;suggesting the disturbances from maintenance of navigation channel and fishing activities might have reduced community stability.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(2007ZD08;2007TS08;2010YD10

    Study of the mechanism for synthesizing superheavy nuclei based on dinuclear system

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    超重元素的合成是当前原子核物理研究的前沿领域之一。现有的兰州重离子加速器系统为我们提供了在实验上进行超重核研究的可能性。本论文就是为配合在兰州重离子加速器国家实验室开展这方面的物理工作而进行的理论研究。主要内容包括: (1) 我们分别采用数值和解析的办法计算了重离子碰撞过程中核作用势与库仑能,对双核模型中的粒子势能面进行了比较。 (2) 在模型的框架内,考虑了熔合与准裂变的竞争,对描述质量输运过程的主方程进行数值求解。求解是时间相关的,与径向动能、角动量以及形变的弛豫过程相耦合。 (3) 在双核模型基础上引入了Kramers 公式,计算了准裂变碎片的质量分布,得到了与实验符合的结果。提取出了碎片质量分布随时间的演化关系,为理解熔合与准裂变竞争过程提供了非常有用的信息。 (4)用统计模型对带有激发能的复合核的存活概率进行了研究。计算了合成超重元素的蒸发剩余截面,得到与实验符合很好的结果。 (5) 计算了核对称轴不同相对取向时的熔合位垒以及核对称轴不同相对取向对熔合概率的影响。结果表明不同的相对取向对熔合反应的影响较大,并发现弹靶碰撞为腰对腰时,更有利于发生熔合反应超重元素的合成是当前原子核物理研究的前沿领域之一。现有的兰州重离子加速器系统为我们提供了在实验上进行超重核研究的可能性。本论文就是为配合在兰州重离子加速器国家实验室开展这方面的物理工作而进行的理论研究。主要内容包括: (1) 我们分别采用数值和解析的办法计算了重离子碰撞过程中核作用势与库仑能,对双核模型中的粒子势能面进行了比较。 (2) 在模型的框架内,考虑了熔合与准裂变的竞争,对描述质量输运过程的主方程进行数值求解。求解是时间相关的,与径向动能、角动量以及形变的弛豫过程相耦合。 (3) 在双核模型基础上引入了Kramers 公式,计算了准裂变碎片的质量分布,得到了与实验符合的结果。提取出了碎片质量分布随时间的演化关系,为理解熔合与准裂变竞争过程提供了非常有用的信息。 (4)用统计模型对带有激发能的复合核的存活概率进行了研究。计算了合成超重元素的蒸发剩余截面,得到与实验符合很好的结果。 (5) 计算了核对称轴不同相对取向时的熔合位垒以及核对称轴不同相对取向对熔合概率的影响。结果表明不同的相对取向对熔合反应的影响较大,并发现弹靶碰撞为腰对腰时,更有利于发生熔合反