17 research outputs found

    Study on the preparation of mango cough mixture

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    近些年来的药理和临床研究证明,由芒果枝叶提取出的主要成分芒果苷不仅具有平喘、止咳、祛痰作用,还具有抗病毒、抗菌、抗炎、抗脂质过氧化、抗肿瘤、免疫、镇痛、保肝利胆以及中枢神经系统兴奋等作用。芒果苷广泛的药理活性在很大程度上能满足标本兼顾治疗咳嗽的要求。然而,国内外对芒果苷制剂的研究甚少。本文在前人的研究基础上从芒果叶中提取出芒果苷制备新型的止咳口服溶液-芒果止咳合剂,对其制备工艺进行系统的研究,其摘要如下: 1、利用微波提取法优化制备芒果叶中的芒果苷。采用正交设计的方法,设定乙醇的浓度(A)、微波功率(B)、微波时间(C)和乙醇(D)用量四个因素,在三个水平上,以芒果苷含量为指标设计L9(34...In recent years, the pharmacology and clinical research proved that mangigerin which extracted from mango leaves has an effect of relieving asthma and cough, eliminatingphlegm,antivirus,antibacterium,anti-inflammatory,anti-lipide,veroxidation, antitumor, immunity, analgesic, protect liver and cholagogue,and central nervous system can be excited.The extensive pharmacological activity can be complac...学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院生物材料系_☆生物医学工程学号:K0704501

    Thrombocytopenic purpura in a infant breast-fed by a mother receiving amoxicillin

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    1例56 d男婴因血小板减少性紫癜入院。入院前2 d其母行输卵管结扎手术,术后口服阿莫西林预防感染,服药期间未停止哺乳。服药第2天晚患儿下肢皮肤出现散在针尖大小红点,第3天左下肢出现瘀斑。入院时血小板4x109/l,经骨髓细胞学检查,确诊为血小板减少性紫癜。停止哺乳,予以支持治疗,2周后患儿治愈出院。A 56-day-old male infant was hospitalized with thrombocytopenic purpura.Two days before admission,his mother underwent tubal ligation surgery and received oral amoxicillin to prevent infections after surgery.Breast-feeding was not stopped during the period of drug use.On day 2 of drug therapy,the infant developed scattered pin-sized red spots on his lower leg skin and,on day 3,petechia appeared on his lower left leg.On admission,his PLT level was 4×109/L,thrombocytopenic purpura was confirmed by bone marrow cytological analysis.Breast-feeding was stopped and the infant was given supportive treatments.Two weeks later,he recovered and was discharged


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    研究甲氨蝶呤磷脂复合物纳米粒的制备方法并进行表征。以卵磷脂(PC)为材料,甲氨蝶呤(MTX)为模型药物,采用共溶剂法制备MTX-PC复合物,用薄膜分散法将MTX-PC复合物自组装成纳米粒,并对其进行质量评价与体外释药试验。MTX-PC复合物纳米粒为类似脂质体的球形结构,粒径均匀,分散性好,平均粒径为(152. 5±3. 2) nm、多分散系数为0. 162±0. 015、电位为-(20. 3±2. 1) m V、载药量为(20. 7±2. 4)%;且MTX以非晶型状态均匀分布在纳米粒中。其在3种p H值条件下的体外释放随着p H值的下降而上升,在模拟肿瘤弱酸性环境的p H 5. 0下,48 h药物累积释放量高达90%。MTX-PC复合物纳米粒具有缓释的特点,且在肿瘤环境中利于药物的释放,有肿瘤治疗的潜力。厦门市科技计划惠民项目(No.3502Z20174071

    Antitumor effect of hydroxy camptothecin-loaded amphiphilic block copolymer nanoparticles

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    目的研究羟基喜树碱双嵌段共聚物纳米粒(MePEG.PLGA.HCPT.NPs)的抗肿瘤作用。方法选择人肝癌细胞株Bel-7402为体外模型,采用MTT法观察体外肝癌细胞的生长和增殖抑制情况,评价MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs对肝癌细胞的毒性作用;采用激光共聚焦荧光显微镜技术观察其对肝癌细胞摄取药物的影响;采用小鼠H22肝癌细胞实体瘤模型进行体内抑瘤实验观察荷瘤动物的生长情况,测定肿瘤生长抑制率。结果MePEG—PLGA-HCPT.NPs能抑制肝癌细胞的生长增殖,且随羟基喜树碱浓度的升高而增强;激光共聚焦荧光照片显示载药纳米粒能有效地被Bel.7402细胞摄取;MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs对小鼠的H22实体瘤生长具有明显的抑制作用,低、中、高剂量组的生长抑瘤率分别为37.62%、50.31%和70.25%,与对照组相比差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs具有较强的体外、体内抗肿瘤作用。与羟基喜树碱注射剂相比,MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs的抑瘤率更高,且与剂量有关,并对肿瘤生长的抑制更为持久。AIM To study the antitumor effect of hydroxy camptothecin(HCPT)-loaded amphiphilic block copolymer nanoparticles(MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs). METHODS The human hepatoma cell lines Bel-7402 in vitro were selected as model, the cell growth and viability inhibited by MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs were observed and the antitumor cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay. Cellular uptake of HCPT was observed by Confocal fluores- cence microscopy(CLSM). Hepatocellular carcinoma cell H22 was subcutaneously injected into mice and MePEG- PLGA-HCPT-NPs was administered to the tumor-bearing mice. The growth of tumor was measured, and the inhibi- tory rate of tumor growth was calculated. RESULTS Hepatoma cell growth and viability were inhibited by Me- PEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs, the inhibition was enhanced with increasing concentrations. CLSM photos indicated that MePEG-PLGA-HCPT nanoparticles enhanced the intracellular uptake of HCPT in Bel-7402 ceils. Marked inhibitory effect of MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs on the transplanted hepatocellular carcinoma H22 was observed in the tumor- bearing mice. The inhibitory rates were 37.62% , 50.31% and 70.25% in the groups treated with low, medium and high dosage of MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs, respectively (P 〈 0. 05 vs control group). CONCLUSION Me- PEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs has marked inhibitory effects on tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. The inhibitory effect of MePEG-PLGA-HCPT-NPs is obvious and dose-dependent and higher than that of HCPT injection.福建省医学创新课题项目(编号2014-CXB-35);厦门市科技计划指导性项目(编号3502220159001

    Preparation and quality control of Mango Cough Mixture

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    目的:制备芒果止咳合剂并建立其质量控制方法。方法:采用微波提取法制备芒果止咳合剂;以化学法和薄层色谱(TlC)法鉴别芒果苷;以高效液相色谱(HPlC)法测定芒果苷的含量。结果:化学法和TlC能清晰地鉴别芒果苷;芒果苷进样量在4~14μg范围内线性关系良好(r=1.0000);加样回收率为96.78%(rSd=2.00%)。结论:本制剂制备方法简便,稳定性良好。TlC法专属性强,HPlC法简便、准确,可用于芒果止咳合剂的质量控制。Objective: To prepare Mango Cough Mixture and establish its quality standard.Methods: The methods of microwave extraction was adopted to prepare for the mango cough mixture.Chemistry and TLC were used to identify Mangigerin, and HPLC was used to determine the content of Mangigerin.Results: Mangigerin was clearly identified with chemistry and TCL.A good linearity was seen of Mangigerin in the range of 4-14 μg (r=1.000 0).The recovery rate was 96.78% (RSD =2.00% ).Conclusion: The preparation is simple in preparation technique and good in stability.The TLC method is highly exclusive.The HPLC method is simple, accurate, and can be used for the quality control of Mango Cough Mixture

    Study on preparation and in vitro release behavior of hydroxycamptothecin-loaded PLA microspheres

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    目的:研究载羟基喜树碱的聚乳酸微球的制备方法并考察其体外释药性质。方法:以PlA为成膜材料,采用改良乳化-溶剂挥发法,制备载羟基喜树碱的聚乳酸微球并优化制备工艺;对载药微球进行表征;超声介导下进行载药微球的体外释药试验。结果:微球粒径在1~7μM,大小均一;羟基喜树碱浓度在10Mg.Ml-1下,载药微球包封率为62.2%,载药量为1.69%;药物体外释药符合HIguCHI方程。结论:采用乳化-溶剂挥发法,以PlA为成膜材料可制得具有较高包封率的羟基喜树碱微球,有望实现降低羟基喜树碱给药量、减少不良反应,提高靶向性的目标。Objective:To prepare hydroxycamptothecin(HCPT)-loaded PLA microspheres and study the release of HCPT in vitro.Methods:To optimize the preparation process,the HCPT-loaded PLA microspheres were prepared by using an improved solvent evaporation method;drug-loaded microspheres was characterized;in vitro drug release experiments were carried out under ultrasound.Results:The sizes of drug loaded PLA microspheres were homogeneous and between 1--7 μm;the concentration of HCPT was 10 mg·mL-1,the drug encapsulation efficiency was 62.2%,and the drug-loading amounts was 1.69%;the release in vitro complied with Higuchi equation.Conclusion:The improved solvent evaporation method with PLA as the film-forming material can increase the encapsulation efficiency of HCPT-loaded microspheres,thus the reduction of dosage and improvement of toxic effects of HCPT would be expected.Targeting effect may be improved.福建省卫生厅青年科研项目(2009-2-79

    Pharmacokinetics of Dual Conjugated Chitosan-mitomycin C Nanoparticles in Rats

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    目的研究双修饰壳聚糖载丝裂霉素C纳米粒在大鼠体内的药动学特征。方法 2组大鼠分别静脉注射4 Mg·kg·1丝裂霉素C纳米粒和丝裂霉素C注射剂后,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPlC-MS)测定给药后不同时间点血浆中丝裂霉素C的浓度,计算主要药动学参数。结果丝裂霉素C的线性范围20~1 000μg·l·1,最低定量限为20μg·l·1,提取回收率均>95%,日内、日间精密度rSd均<15%。双修饰壳聚糖载丝裂霉素C纳米粒和丝裂霉素C注射剂T1/2分别为(2.64±0.11)H、(0.49±0.049)H;AuC0-∞分别为(2.01±0.11)Mg·H·1·l·1、(0.93±0.075)Mg·H·1·l·1;Vz分别为(1.52±0.18)l、(0.63±0.065)l;Cl分别为(6.95±0.70)Ml·MIn·1、(15.47±1.89)Ml·MIn·1,2者均有显著性差异。结论该方法灵敏、准确、专一,适用于丝裂霉素C的药动学研究。与丝裂霉素C注射剂相比,双修饰壳聚糖载丝裂霉素C纳米粒具有缓释和长循环的作用。OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetics of dual conjugated chitosan-mitomycin C nanoparticles(CS-MMC-NPs) in rats.METHODS The two groups of rats were injected with CS-MMC-NPs and MMC injection at the dose of 4 mg·kg·1.The concentrations of MMC in plasma at different time were determined by HPLC-MS and the main pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated.RESULTS The calibration curves were linear over the range of 20·1 000 μg·L·1.The limit of quantitation was 20 μg·L·1.The within day and day to day relative standard deviation(RSD) was <15%.The main pharmacokinetic parameters of CS-MMC-NPs and MMC injection were as follows: t1/2 were(2.64±0.11)h and(0.49±0.049)h, AUC0- ∞ were(2.01±0.11)mg·h·1·L·1 and(0.93±0.075)mg·h·1·L·1, Vz were(1.52±0.18)L and(0.63±0.065)L, CL were(6.95±0.70)mL·min·1 and(15.47±1.89)mL·min·1.The differences of parameters were significant between two preparations.CONCLUSION The method is sensitive, accurate, specific for the pharmacokinetic study of CS-MMC-NPs.Compared with MMC injection, CS-MMC-NPs has a controlled releasing rate, a high level of blood concentrations and a long blood circulation time, which benefits the control of acute toxicity of MMC for the rats.厦门市科学技术计划项目资助项目(3502Z20114007

    Effect Analysis of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication

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    目的从幽门螺杆菌(HElICObACTEr PylOrI,H.PylOrI)根治的疗效角度,探讨影响H.PylOrI治疗的可能因素,以期为临床合理用药提供依据。方法对本院2010年1月—2011年9月经胃镜尿素酶检查和(或)13C-呼气试验检测H.PylOrI阳性患者的治疗情况进行随访,收集H.PylOrI治疗结果并进行统计、分析。结果患者资料完整者共502例,H.PylOrI总体根除率为60.76%,其中男性根除率为66.67%(164/246),女性根除率为55.08%(141/256),不同性别H.PylOrI根除率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.066,P0.05)。本研究筛选出9种不同的H.PylOrI根治方案,其中以质子泵抑制剂(PPI)+铋剂(b)+克拉霉素(C)+左氧氟沙星(l)方案H.PylOrI根除率最高(为80.49%),PPI+b+l+替硝唑(TIn)的H.PylOrI根除率最低(为50.00%),两种方案H.PylOrI根除率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.570,P0.05)。7 d疗程方案者占63.75%,H.PylOrI根除率为63.44%,较其他疗程高,各疗程间H.PylOrI根除率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.294,P>0.05)。埃索美拉唑(ESO)与奥美拉唑(OME)方案H.PylOrI根除率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.839,P=0.005,检验水准调整值为0.008)。结论 H.PylOrI根除率与性别、治疗方案、PPI有关,与年龄、疗程无关。Objective To explore factors that affect the outcomes of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) eradication.Methods A total of 502 patients who were confirmed to be with H.pylori infection by Gastroscope urease and/or 13C-UBT in our hospital between January 2010 and September 2011 were enrolled in this study.The relevant data were collected and analyzed.Results The total eradication rate was 60.76%,in which the eradication rate was 66.67%(164/246)in males and 55.08%(141/256)in females(χ2=7.066,P0.05).Among the 9 therapeutic regimens,PPI+B+C+L achieved the highest eradication rate(80.49%),whereas PPI+B+L+Tin had the lowest one(50.00%)(χ2=7.570,P0.05).About 63.75% of the patients applied the 7-day regimen,and the the eradication rate was 63.44%,which was higher than other regimens.The eradication rates showed no statistical difference among different treatment cycles(χ2=3.294,P>0.05).The esomeprazole group and omeprazole group had significantly different H.pylori eradication rates(χ2=7.839,P=0.005).Conclusion The H.pylori eradication rate is related to gender,treatment scheme,and proton-pump inhibitors,but not to age and treatment cycle