566 research outputs found


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    学界在"P+V x+VP2"是否为中动句、属于何种句法结构的问题上争论不休。文章首先梳理了关于这类构式的定性研究,然后立足于汉语实际语料来考察其句法属性问题。我们认为"P+V x+VP2"是一类特殊的话题套叠句,处在连谓句和紧缩复句之间,在结构上形成了从典型主谓谓语句到非典型主谓谓语句的原型范畴。文章阐述了该构式的内部层级并对它进行了系统定位,最后指出汉语这类句子与英语中动句相比有同有异,因而将这种句子称为汉语广义中动句。教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(项目批准号:10JJD740001); 国家社科基金重大项目(项目批准号:12&ZD175)的支持

    [[alternative]]The Modernity of Literary Critique(I)

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    計畫編號:NSC93-2413-H032-022研究期間:200408~200507研究經費:423,000[[abstract]]羅蘭巴特針對承襲自聖博夫、鄧納和郎松的傳統批評方法提出了「新批評」 (la nouvelle critique),在「何謂文學批評」(Qu』est-ce que la critique? 1963)一文中指出文學批評不以真實的 意義為依歸,而是一個論述的論述,旨在找出被研究的作者其語言的有效性,並進而注意自 己批評語言的有效性。兩者都牽涉到使用之語言和社會他者、甚至世界的關係。批評意不在 真實的解碼,而是從評者的觀點企試圖重建意義建構系統的規則和約束。作家說了什麼不是 重點,他怎麼說的? 和社會他者的溝通是否有效?為什有效或無效反應了社會文化對溝通期 待的模式。任何文本都可從兩個流動的觀點閱讀: 可讀性解析其歷史文化之文化迷思符碼, 或可寫性藉由細節不經意的帶領、意識型態的鬆懈脫逸於文化結構之外,提供批評/閱讀/書寫 不同的樂趣,那樂趣或是愉悅(plaisir)、或是狂喜(jouissance),都說明了主體/語言和社會設群 既緊密亦疏離的矛盾關係:「既宣佈自己的閱讀系統」、「亦對抗自己已成型的觀點」。於是, 評者、讀者、寫者的界限模糊了,書寫閱讀的實踐成為倫理問題 (ethique),重點在:社群共 同體有效性溝通的意義生產模式是如何形成的? 反其道而行的社會意義在那裡? 克莉絲蒂 娃稱頌巴特開啟了文學批評的現代性,並從精神分析的角度提出好的作家身兼精神病患與分 析師雙重身份,表現的是個人和社群的關係,在語言中探試社會文化溝通法則允許的極限, 而這樣的批評論述其實早在聖博夫時代已經由既是創作者亦是批評家的波特萊爾與普魯斯特 實踐了。 本計畫將整理波特萊爾與普魯斯特的藝評與文評,以社群共同體的概念探討波特萊爾與 普魯斯特批評的現代性。以波特萊爾及普魯斯特為個人單位,從其創作與評論的雙重視角, 突顯個人既為共同體成員亦為游離份子的衝突矛盾,從而顯現城市的、創作與批評的現代性。 本計劃在觀念論述上上以白朗修神學色彩的文字出發,對照克莉絲蒂娃的精神分析與讓呂克 南西的解構論述,討論共同體(如城市)的現代性。白朗修(Maurice Blanchot)在La communaute inavouable 一書中回應讓呂克南西(Jean-Luc Nancy) La communaute desoeuvree 探討的 communaute 概念和成型的條件。所謂社群或共同體(La communaute),大至全球、國家,小 至文學社群、家庭、甚至戀人,其成就與瓦解的條件其實是一體之兩面。個人存在的孤獨處 境、終極面對的危機 (死亡、 滅亡)是成就亦是摧毀此一共同體的根本所在。 My inquiry into the notion of modernity stumbles at the historical parameter of 「present time.」 The present of modernity, as vortex, gap, stands for the 「outside」 in between 「the always already past」 and 「the future still yet to come.」 This study will thus not ponder over a question such as: 「when did modernity begin?」 but rather: 「what circumscribes the act of writing the modernity?」 The 「modernity」 that we pursuit here is the point of fascination where the critic-writer, while confronting the edge of his/her own cultural, social and linguistic normality, puts into question the validity of his own discourse. As both product of the internalized law and the site of resistance, the writer is the one that, fascinated by the unknown, transgresses this limit of the normative vision by putting him/herself through a crisis of deviating from the norm of signification. In 「What is critique 」 (1963), Roland Barthes calls into question function of literary critique and declares that levels of meaning and function cannot be subsumed by a system. What interests Barthes is not the 「truth」 meaning revealed once and for all, but the meaning still quivering with various possibilities. Precisely speaking, critique is concerned with the validity of discourses: 「it interrogates itself as to the place from which it speaks.」 While analyzing the validity of the writer』s language, the critic inquires into the mode of meaning production in a given community, contesting the rules and constrains of value systems in the social, cultural and historical context. By doing so, the critic actually brings himself to confront his own usage of language. The position of reading could thus shifts from what Barthes calls a 「readable text」 to a 「scriptable text.」 We will bring into play Baudelaire and Proust』s theoretical discourse and their literary work in light of Barthes』s interrogation on critique-writer』s double status: of availability and of evasion in regard to the 「community」 with which he 「communicates.」 The notion of community contested by Jean-Luc Nancy in La communaute desoeuvree commented by Maurice Blanchot will serve as the point of departure of our inquiry.[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    A study of service quality assessment in property management of private housing estates in Hong Kong

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    Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 128-132).published_or_final_versio

    Theoretical Investigations on the Thermodynamic Properties of Fermi Gases

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    实验上超冷简并费米气体的获得及分子BEC(玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚)的成功观测,使得对低温费米气体性质的理论研究成为一个热门话题。本论文对超冷费米气体的热力学性质做了若干理论研究,研究内容包括:球对称外势约束下弱相互作用费米气体的坐标和动量分布,考虑正-反粒子对产生的相对论性理想费米气体的热力学性质以及满足q-形变统计的理想费米气体的性质特征。本论文得到的结论将有利于进一步深入理解低温下费米气体的简并特性,为揭示各种宏观量子效应的实质提供理论参考。本论文的主要内容安排如下: 第二章基于平均场近似,研究了球对称外势约束下弱相互作用费米气体的坐标和动量分布,探讨了外势、粒子间相互作用和系统温度对粒子在...The achievements of degenerate Fermi gases and the successful observations of molecular BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) in experimental researches have created a wave of renewed interest in the theoretical study of the low temperature properties of Fermi gases. The dissertation is contributed to the investigations on the thermodynamic characteristics of ultracold Fermi gases, which include the sp...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:2005130165

    Corporate Performance Management Research Based on Strategic Perspective——XIAMEN Electric Power Company As an Example

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    绩效管理是企业管理的核心,建立一套科学的支持企业战略目标的绩效管理体系,对推进企业的核心竞争力,推动企业战略实现,提高企业经营业绩是非常重要的。在经济全球化、竞争国际化、知识经济的今天,企业更需要战略性绩效管理来提供一种手段和途径,使企业的战略决策能不断地由设想转变为现实。 本文从战略的高度思考了绩效管理与企业战略的关系,并具体研究了以下几个问题:建立什么样的“绩效管理与企业战略有机结合”的绩效管理体系架构;应用什么工具来实现绩效管理与企业战略的有机结合;怎样具体设计这种绩效管理体系并将其应用于实践中;如何保证这种绩效管理体系的有效实施。整个绩效管理体系的搭建,始终把企业战略作为绩效管理体系...Since performance management is the core of business management, it’s critical for enterprises to establish a more scientific system supporting the strategic goal, therefore to further strengthen core competitiveness, realize strategies and enhance operating performance as well. Especially faced with more and more global economy and fierce competition nowadays, enterprises need unique strategic pe...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:K20020734


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    Chinese extended middle construction, as in “zhe liang che kai qilai hen kuai” (This car drives fast) is found primarily in spoken Chinese. The intriguing semantic relations and syntactic features have prompted many scholars debating its particularity and intrinsic properties. This study explores the structure, function, and historical developments of this construction in order to discover the interaction between form and meaning in this construction. The dissertation consists of eight chapters. In chapter one I give a literature review on the current research of this construction, and briefly outline the organization of my dissertation. The central claim of chapter two is that, although there exists disagreement among scholars who believe that the English middle construction and Chinese qilaiconstruction are not the same thing, the status of Chinese extended middle construction is established through comparative studies and crosslinguistic data with other languages especially with English. In chapter three I shift to the descriptive and illustrative context where Chinese extended middle construction emerges and put forwards that this construction is a double-topic nested structure. The issue of how its form and meaning/function suited in a pair is emphasized in this chapter. This leads to me to tackle the stratification and extension of this construction in chapter four, where I argue that the three levels ---- micro-construction, meso-construction, and macro-construction could be specified in this generalized construction. The distinctions among those levels could be drawn in this systemic perspective. Chapter five further investigates the syntactic distributions of micro-construction as well as their functions and meanings, based on which I put forward the synchronic grammaticalization analysis model. It is believed that the diachronic development is the historical expression of synchronic part, therefore, in chapter six and seven I continue to discover how this construction comes out, why it appears when it did, and what kinds of factors motivate and make it come into being. Taking use of the framework of radical construction in vii diachronic studies, this dissertation not only describes the evolvement process of middle constructions but also investigates how this construction was emerging. Chapter eight is the conclusion of the dissertation. This dissertation attempts to unite the synchronic and diachronic analysis models. Besides, it integrates the static descriptive distributions on one side and dynamic structuralization or grammaticalization on the other side. It focuses not only the existed form and meaning, but also the constructioning process of the form-meaning pair, that is, how this form-meaning pair comes out, which paves the way to take the new and increative strategies of construction grammar


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