132 research outputs found

    英国PGCE コースの体育教員養成 : ブライトン大学を事例として

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    To obtain suggestions of Physical Education Teacher Education in Japan, we have tried to investigate the present situation of PGCE Physical Education course at the University of Brighton in UK and contents of educational reform in recent years which exist in that background. As a result, the following four points are extracted as issues to be reviewed. (1) The ways to associate with student teaching schools or the board of education (2) Inquest of cultivation program (five to six years) compatible with master level. (3) Deliberation of capabilities that grow up at university and at actual school (4) Reexamination of role of university (theory + practice


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    海綿静脈洞部硬膜動静脈瘻(CSDAVF)が頭蓋内出血をきたすことは希であるが,発生すると大きな後遺症に直結する.今回我々は切迫脳出血の状態で紹介されたCSDAVF 症例を血管内手術で治療した.治療中に病変部で測定した静脈圧が,想像以上に非常に高値であった症例を経験したので報告する.症例は64歳の女性,右眼球充血等で血管撮影を受け,CSDAVFと診断され当科に紹介された.血管撮影上の流出路はシルビウス静脈のみとなっており,T2*(MRI)ではこの灌流領域に散在性点状低信号が認められ,切迫脳出血と推測された.直ちに経静脈的塞栓術を行い,術中に病変静脈圧を測定すると,160mmHgと高値を示した.病変は完全閉塞され,術後数日で眼症状も改善,独歩退院した.若干の文献的考察を加え,報告す

    Research of merchandising models in shops of the next generation : Specialty Fashion Shops for the Mature Generation

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    With the aim of exploring the future direction of merchandising by specialty fashion shops, we carried out a study of the transition and current state of fashion merchandise, using Japanese specialty fashion shops for the mature female generation as subjects. The study was carried out in two ways: an examination of the literature on the theme of fashion, and a survey at the storefront. The results are as follows:1. According to the results of the literature examined Specialty fashion shops have been around since about the 1960s as a type of apparel sales business. After going through a period quantitative enrichment and then qualitative enrichment of apparel, the specialty shops are now facing a time in which lifestyle and fashion are becoming inseparable. Reflecting this trend, the specialty shops are being segmented, based on the customer\u27s diversified tastes in lifestyle.2. The specialty shops have changed from those featuring a single product line, with a deep assortment within that line to those carrying multiple lines with an assortment corresponding to the concept of the shop.Merchandising by specialty fashion shops for the mature generation is expected to become lifestyle-oriented, and the market is expected to change from a nationwide operation type to a community based type


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    群馬大学では, 平成22年3月に荒牧キャンパスの学内LANを再構築した. 新しいネットワークは各部屋とコアスイッチをそれぞれ光ファイバーで直接接続し, 部屋ごとに1Gbpsの帯域を占有できる超高速の光直収ネットワークである. 本稿では, 新ネットワークの構築と運用, ならびにこれらを通し明らかになった課題について報告する