321 research outputs found

    Local hot gas survey based on OVII and OVI Absorption Lines

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    活动星系核是研究本征于星系的中央黑洞和沿吸收线分布的吸收气体的直接环境的非常有效的工具。背景活动星系核的X射线光谱中可以探测到许多高度电离的本地吸收线,这些高度电离的吸收线可以帮助理解银河系内部和周围的热气体及其含量。三种最有可能的X射线吸收体的起源是:起源于盘,起源于广延的星系晕,起源于本星系群中热气体团际介质。理解银盘、厚盘和晕气体中在温度时产生气体的过程,是了解星系中气体的生命周期的重要因素。这些气体可能是由超新星、星风和掉落产生的,这些气体的存在可以追踪星系演化周围的环境。 本文从研究背景AGN光谱中OVII吸收线和高、低速OVI相关性的角度出发,试图解释银河系内部和周围X射线吸收体...Active galactic nuclei is an effective tool to investigate the black holes intrinsic to galaxies and direct environment of absorbing gas distributing along absorption lines. A large number of highly ionized local absorption lines are detected in X-ray spectra of background active galactic nuclei, which demonstrates to be an effective method to probe hot gas and its content in and around our Galaxy...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982013115296

    Partial K-space Sampling MRI based on Compressed Sensing

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    磁共振成像(MRI)由于具有无辐射、多平面成像、扫描参数多、提供病理生理信息多、软组织对比分辨率高等优点,己成为临床医学和科研医学的一种十分重要的检测手段。现有MRI技术的不足之处在于成像速度慢,并且在检查过程中,病人自主或不自主的活动可引起运动伪影,影响诊断。如何在不改变现有硬件设备的基础上,获得更快的成像速度是MRI急需解决的一个重要问题,也是一个研究热点问题。 压缩传感(CS)理论是新近提出的一种新的非线性信号采样理论,该理论有效突破奈奎斯特采样定理的束缚,可由远低于奈奎斯特采样定理要求的数据量重建信号。本文在充分研究了CS理论之后,将CS理论应用于MRI,利用部分K空间数据重建MR图...Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become a very important medical test because of its non-radiation, Multiplan imaging, scanning many parameters to provide path physiological information and more advantages of soft-tissue contrast resolution, clinical and scientific research. Shortcomings of existing MRI technology is that imaging is slow, and in the inspection process, the activities of volunt...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_信号与信息处理学号:2332008115332

    Research on the Development Policy of Hydropower Resources in China

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    随着中国经济的快速增长,能源消耗总量大幅增长,煤炭、石油和天然气这些常规能源的消耗量越来越大,甚至需要依靠进口。能源短缺将是中国目前和今后相当长时期内面临的挑战,再加上能源结构造成的碳排放问题,导致我国对水电开发非常重视。水电是可再生和非碳基能源,开发利用好水电资源是调整能源结构、增加能源供给、保障能源安全的重要措施。 本文首先从水电资源概况、开发利用现状和水电行业竞争状况三个方面阐述了我国水电行业发展现状,接着运用了发展经济学理论、生态经济学理论、帕累托资源配置理论和外部性理论等,对我国水电上网价格、水电开发的环境影响和水库移民补偿进行了经济性分析。然后,通过研究国内外水电开发政策,发现了...With rapid economy’s growth, the total energy consumption of China has greatly increased, and conventional energy’s consumption such as coal, oil and natural gas gets larger and larger, even relying on imports. Energy shortage, a current and long-term standing problem to China, and carbon emissions caused by energy structure promote the emphasis on hydropower development of China. Making good use ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院中国能源经济研究中心_能源经济学学号:3132009115182

    Poverty rate and financial development -Based on the CHNS micro data analysis

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    贫困问题是著名的“三P”(pollution,population,poverty)问题之一。虽然技术逐渐进步和物质逐渐丰富,人类生活质量逐渐提高,但是贫困始终存在于各个国家和地区。本文研究的是基于CHNS的微观数据,考察金融发展如何影响家庭贫困率和贫困深度。利用12个省市的存贷款/GDP和存贷款比和失业率等数据,采用randomeffect模型,以家庭人均收入是否处于贫困线以下作为被解释变量,家庭人均收入处于贫困线以下设为1,家庭人均收入处于贫困线以上设为0,将家庭特征、户主特征和金融发展指标作为解释变量,如家庭规模、学生人口占家庭人口比、60岁以上老年人占家庭人口比及6岁以下儿童占家庭人口...In this paper, we study the relationship between financial development and poverty, using China health and nutrition survey (CHNS) data and twelve provinces’ data of the deposit/GDP、loan/GDP、deposit/lending, unemployment ratio from 1991-2011, by using the probit random effect model,use the family poverty as a binary dependent variable, the family characteristics such as the numbers of families, st...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1722013115199

    Financial Development and Financial Security of East Asian Developing Economies:Cases Study of Five Crisis-Stricken Countries

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    1997年亚洲金融危机后,东亚发展中经济体开始了新一轮金融改革,进一步开放各国的金融市场,金融全球化步伐加快。经过一系列金融改革,东亚发展中经济体的金融体系进一步完善,传统金融银行业的控股格局有所改变,金融稳定性有所增强。但在金融全球化浪潮下,东亚发展中经济体的金融体系更容易受到全球金融市场及其他金融市场稳定性的影响,金融稳定与持续发展受到更加严峻的考验。然而,国际游资等外在因素的冲击并不是关键所在,一国本身是否拥有一个健康的金融体系,才是决定能否避免重大金融危机或市场波动的关键。本文主要以东亚五个危机重灾国(泰国、印尼、韩国、马来西亚和菲律宾)为例,探讨金融全球化的背景下东亚发展中经济体的金...After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, developing economies in East Asia initiated a new round of financial reforms by further opening their financial markets, which have become more integrated with the global financial market. After a series of financial reforms, the financial systems of the developing economies in East Asia has been improved, the structure of financial sector that was dominat...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:2005130258

    Study on Mode Characteristics for Nanowire Optical Microcavity and Squre Optical Microcavity

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    光学微腔,由于其独特的特点,正越来越受到人们的关注,它适合做很多光通讯领域的器件,如激光器、光学滤波器、光波分复用器、光开关、光调制器以及非线性频率转换器等。纳米线光学微腔以及正方形光学微腔有着其特殊光学性质,本论文对纳米线光学微腔以及正方形光学微腔进行了理论分析、数值模拟,并且实验制作了半导体正方形光学微腔并对其进行了光荧光测量和分析。其主要内容如下:首先,本文详细介绍了光学微腔近几年的发展,研究背景以及光学微腔的应用。其次,详细介绍了时域有限差分方法(FDTD),包括差分格式的推导、Mur吸收边界条件与完全金属匹配层PML条件的运用、激发源的选择以及数值稳定性等,由于时域有限差分得到的是时...Optical microcavities have attracted great attention due to their unique properties, and they are suitable for the fabrication of optical communication devices, such as lasers, optical filters, optical demultiplexers, optical switches, optical modulaters and nonlinear optical frequency converters, etc. This dissertation mainly studies the mode properties of nanowire optical microcavity and square ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_光学学号:20032402


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    [[abstract]]在「特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫」建置計畫六年期研究時程下,本計畫將延續前一計畫,進行第二階段後三年之建置工程,持續追蹤收集學前、國小、國中和高中職四階段身心障礙樣本包括學生、家庭及學校教育等以學生為本之資料,也收集縣市概況資料,以瞭解全國身心障礙教育實施現況與發展情形,更公開供特教及相關專業領域研究人員使用,以進行各項主題探討。本階段計畫預計將逐年於99 學年度完成學前組小一、國小組小六及國中組國三之追蹤調查,100 學年度完成國小組國一、國中組高一、高中職組高三之追蹤調查,101 學年度完成學前組小三、及高中職組離校一年之追蹤調查。本計畫抽樣來源為教育部「全國特殊教育通報網」學生資料。為考量高拒絕率,抽樣時,將針對某些障礙類別人數超過預計取樣人數者,採擴大抽樣方式進行隨機抽樣。延續過去做法,本計畫仍將徵詢家長參與意願後才納入調查對象,但將針對拒絕樣本進行重要題項調查,以分析失敗與有效樣本間可能之差異情形。調查時,將透過訪員訪問家長及其他受調查者上線填寫問卷方式,進行學生家長、教師、學校行政人員和學生本人的追蹤調查。調查資料經核對及事後分層加權處理後才公開釋放。期待本資料庫的建置,對國內身心障礙教育的發展和學術研究都有助益。The Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study (SNELS) was designed to collect data over a six-year period, from 2007 to 2012, involving a sample nationally representative of student with disabilities ages 3 through 19. Data will be collected with four age cohorts in three to four waves, with each individual student as a data unit, from several sources, including parent survey, teacher survey, school program survey, assessment data and/or student survey. Local educational authorities in 25 cities or counties will also be surveyed in three waves. This proposed project will span second three years for data collection on students with disabilities receiving special education at preschool, elementary, junior and senior high school levels in the school years of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Data on Grades 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, as well as post-secondary year 1, will all be collected. Follow-up surveys to local educational authorities in divisions of special education will also be employed and as a result, a national picture of special education practices and changes will be analyzed to address issues of academic and practical importance. Student samples will be randomly selected from Special Education Transmit Net according to disability categories. Questionnaires which cover the most influential issues in students, families, and school education will be separately designed and completed by parents, teachers, school administrators, and disabled students placed in regular classes. Most importantly, after collection data and cleaning, this database will be open to the researchers in the fields of special education and allied professionals as well so that in-depth analyses can be performed for differing purposes of advanced studies. With the establishment of this database, the special education quality is expected to improve substantially; meanwhile, the scope and depth of research on special education will be enhanced.[[abstract]]在「特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫」建置計畫六年期研究時程下,本計畫將延續前一計畫,進行第二階段後三年之建置工程,持續追蹤收集學前、國小、國中和高中職四階段身心障礙樣本包括學生、家庭及學校教育等以學生為本之資料,也收集縣市概況資料,以瞭解全國身心障礙教育實施現況與發展情形,更公開供特教及相關專業領域研究人員使用,以進行各項主題探討。本階段計畫預計將逐年於99 學年度完成學前組小一、國小組小六及國中組國三之追蹤調查,100 學年度完成國小組國一、國中組高一、高中職組高三之追蹤調查,101 學年度完成學前組小三、及高中職組離校一年之追蹤調查。本計畫抽樣來源為教育部「全國特殊教育通報網」學生資料。為考量高拒絕率,抽樣時,將針對某些障礙類別人數超過預計取樣人數者,採擴大抽樣方式進行隨機抽樣。延續過去做法,本計畫仍將徵詢家長參與意願後才納入調查對象,但將針對拒絕樣本進行重要題項調查,以分析失敗與有效樣本間可能之差異情形。調查時,將透過訪員訪問家長及其他受調查者上線填寫問卷方式,進行學生家長、教師、學校行政人員和學生本人的追蹤調查。調查資料經核對及事後分層加權處理後才公開釋放。期待本資料庫的建置,對國內身心障礙教育的發展和學術研究都有助益。 The Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study (SNELS) was designed to collect data over a six-year period, from 2007 to 2012, involving a sample nationally representative of student with disabilities ages 3 through 19. Data will be collected with four age cohorts in three to four waves, with each individual student as a data unit, from several sources, including parent survey, teacher survey, school program survey, assessment data and/or student survey. Local educational authorities in 25 cities or counties will also be surveyed in three waves. This proposed project will span second three years for data collection on students with disabilities receiving special education at preschool, elementary, junior and senior high school levels in the school years of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Data on Grades 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, as well as post-secondary year 1, will all be collected. Follow-up surveys to local educational authorities in divisions of special education will also be employed and as a result, a national picture of special education practices and changes will be analyzed to address issues of academic and practical importance. Student samples will be randomly selected from Special Education Transmit Net according to disability categories. Questionnaires which cover the most influential issues in students, families, and school education will be separately designed and completed by parents, teachers, school administrators, and disabled students placed in regular classes. Most importantly, after collection data and cleaning, this database will be open to the researchers in the fields of special education and allied professionals as well so that in-depth analyses can be performed for differing purposes of advanced studies. With the establishment of this database, the special education quality is expected to improve substantially; meanwhile, the scope and depth of research on special education will be enhanced

    Progress on residue determination of benzimidazole fungicides in foods

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    本文综述了食品中多菌灵、苯菌灵、甲基硫菌灵和噻菌灵等苯并咪唑类杀菌剂的残留检测研究现状,包括食品中残留分析的样品前处理技术和仪器检测技术等。随着新技术的不断发展和完善,苯并咪唑类杀菌剂残留分析技术将向易于自动化、高灵敏度、现场化等方向发展。This paper reviewed the residue detection research status of benzimidazole fungicides which contains carbendazim,benomyl,thiophanate-methyl and thiabendazole in foods,including sample pretreatment techniques and instrument detection technology.With the continuous development and perfection of novel technology,the analysis technology of benzimidazole fungicide residues is being developed with a tendency of easy automation,high sensitivity and on-the-spot operation.十二五国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAK10B06)~

    Feasibility analysis of WDPR support cone model application in hypersonic wind tunnel

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    绳牵引并联机构(WDPR)能够有效调整飞行器模型的位姿,为扩展风洞试验能力提供了一种新型支撑手段,具有很大的应用潜力。本文将对其在高超声速风洞中; 应用所涉及的稳定性与气动干扰问题进行研究。以10°尖锥标椎模型为例,设计了8绳牵引的并联支撑系统,可以通过调整绳长控制模型的位置和姿态。模拟了气; 动载荷作用下支撑系统的稳定性,优化牵引绳直径。基于构建的三维模型,借助CFD软件进行气动计算,包括马赫数为7.8时,不同迎角下绳牵引并联支撑锥体; 模型的气动力系数,通过与无绳支撑结果以及文献试验数据进行比较,表明在小迎角情况下,绳系支撑引起的气动干扰相对误差较小,但会随迎角的增大而增加。此; 外,分别对弯刀支撑和绳牵引并联支撑进行了模态分析,对比了2种支撑的固有频率。结果显示绳系支撑固有频率较高,系统刚度较大。本文的理论研究成果可为绳; 牵引并联支撑技术在高超声速风洞中的应用提供一定的技术支持。Wire-driven parallel robot (WDPR) provides a new support method for wind; tunnel tests due to its effective simulation of the aircraft model's; pose, and has a great application potential. This paper gives details of; an investigation of stability and aerodynamic interference referring to; the application of WDPR in hypersonic wind tunnel. The parallel support; system with 8 wires was constructed, and the 10° cone model was selected; as the test model whose position and pose can be adjusted through the; wire length. The support system's stability under the action of; aerodynamic force is simulated, and the wire diameter is optimized.; Based on the constructed three-dimensional model, under the condition of; Mach numuber is 7.8, the aerodynamic coefficient of the model suspended; with WDPR at different angles of attack is calculated in CFD. The; comparison of the simulation result with the result of the same model; without wires and the experimental data in reference indicates that, at; small angle of attack, the relative error of the aerodynamic; interference caused by the wires is small, and the interference; increases with the increase of angle of attack. In addition, modal; characteristics of the WDPR and the crescent shape support system are; analyzed and the natural frequencies of the two support systems are; compared. The comparison result shows that the natural frequency and the; stiffness of the WDPR are higher than those of the crescent shape; support system. The academic research work of this paper provides; reference to the application of wire-driven parallel support technology; in hypersonic wind tunnel.国家自然科学基