358 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Law Enforcement Supervision System in Fujian Province for Land and Resources

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    随着我国经济快速发展,城乡规划相对落后,工业用地过度扩张,农村村民违法占地建房现象严重。目前,似手机这类的移动终端日渐普及,移动网络技术也日趋成熟。因此,针对当前国土资源执法工作所面临的日常监测与管理的难题,改善国土资源执法监察手段是有必要的。 本文在对国土资源执法监察业务的分析与处理的基础上,借助于GPS、GIS和RS技术、空间数据库技术以及工作流技术,设计了国土资源移动执法监察系统。通过手机移动终端,执法人员可以进行日常巡查、巡查上报和案件核查等常规业务处理。同时还可以借助查询国土资源相关法律法规,GPS踩点定位即时查询土地基础属性信息等。对未能及时做出处理和反应的相关执法工作流程自动进...Along with the fast economy development of our country, all of our country are faced with the too fast growing of the total construction land, the excessive extension of industrial land, and the series of serious problems what are the illegal covers an area to build houses by farmers in the village. Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of all kinds of mobile terminal, the mobile network techno...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201423002

    A Case Study and Survey Research on Mandarin Language Teaching of Queen Margaret College in New Zealand

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    笔者于2014年和2015年被汉办派往新西兰维多利亚大学孔子学院(ConfuciusInstituteofVictoriaUniversity),并被维多利亚大学孔子学院派往新西兰首都惠灵顿市(Wellington)的皇后˙玛格丽特私立女子学校(QueenMargaretCollege,文内使用简称QMC女校)进行了为期两年的汉语助教(MandarinLanguageAssistant)工作。 在两年实践和工作期间,笔者对QMC女校的汉语教学情况进行了详细而全面的调查和研究,获取了诸多第一手资料。本文将通过个案研究法、文献研究法、田野式观察法、问卷调查法和访谈法这五种主要研究方法,围绕“汉语...The authorwas assigned to New Zealand by Hanban and Confucius Institute of Victoria University to work as a Mandarin Language Assistant at Queen Margaret Collegefor 2 years in 2014 and 2015. This thesiswas based on my 2 years working experience there andI used the related theoriesas well as educational psychology of Chinese Language teaching for foreigners. The 5 main ways of research includes ca...学位:汉语国际教育硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652013115133

    Design and Implementation of Primary School Information Exchange System Based on Android

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    随着移动互联网技术的飞速发展,智能移动设备日渐成为人们办公娱乐,处理碎片化时间的新宠。Android系统依靠着开放的平台,优秀的性能在众多移动开发平台中脱颖而出,成为目前市场占有率最高的智能化移动操作系统。由此可见开发以Android系统为操作基础的应用具有非常优秀的用户基础和市场前景。 课题中主要论述了一个以Android_JavaEE架构为基础的信息交流系统的设计与实现。首先,本文简单介绍了该Android系统的研究背景以及Android系统的相关应用在国内外的研究;其次,论述了系统开发中涉及的Android系统和JavaEE框架相关技术规范;再次,论文按照软件工程的思想,对系统进行了需...With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, smart mobile devices have increasingly became the favorite tool for people to work with. Android system wins the highest market share among all the smartphone operating system by it’s open platform and excellent performance. It has a very good customer base and market prospects to develop an application based on Android operating system. I...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323046

    A Corpus-based Investigation of the Semantic Prosodic Information in Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionaries: A Case Study of Cause

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    伴随着语料库语言学的发展,语义韵现象得到了越来越多语言研究者的关注。然而,在双语学习词典中包含语义韵信息仍然处于起步阶段,还需词典编纂者进行深度探索。本文借助语料库探讨语义韵信息在双语学习词典中的表征问题。由于语义韵意识对于中国英语学习者正确地掌握地道的英语起着至关重要的作用,因此,包括语义韵信息的双语学习者词典不仅在编纂质量上会有所提升而且对英语学习者来说也大有裨益。本文以动词cause为例,借助两个单语语料库(英国国家语料库和zhTenTen[2011])和一个英汉平行语料库(巴比伦英汉平行语料库),考察了cause的语义韵在最新英汉双语学习词典中的处理,并且从词典的释义、标签、例证、用法...With the development of corpus linguistics, the phenomenon of semantic prosody is attracting more and more language researchers’ attention. However, the incorporation of semantic prosodic information into bilingual learner’s dictionaries is still in its infancy and waits for the deep exploration by lexicographers. The focus of this thesis is on the representation of semantic prosodic information i...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202012115260


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    Abstract in Chinese: 道德治理的对象并非纯粹的“道德问题”,同时也是源自经济生活、体现复杂经济关系、利益关系和社会关系的经济问题。从经济伦理的视域考察,将道德治理的对象理解为与经济相分离的纯粹的“道德问题”,并进而试图以单一的道德手段加以治理,这种认识误区的理论根源在于对经济与伦理的分割式理解。秉持经济与伦理内在统一的基本立场,道德治理也应实现从“道德”治理走向“经济—伦理”治理的范式转换,从而在内容、主体和方法上进行相应的转变。Abstract in English: Not only “moral issues”, but also economic issues which involve complex business interests and society could be the object of moral governance. From the point view of business ethics, it is incorrect to separate morality and economy, and try to govern moral issues just by moral methods. This misinformation is rooted in splitting understanding of the economy and ethics. Because of the natural unity of economical and ethical phenomenon, moral governance should concern both eco-nomic and moral approach, and change the subject, object and method of the governance accordingly. [pp.161-162

    经济正义与环境正义 转型期我国城乡关系的伦理之维

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    Abstract in Chinese: 转型期我国城乡关系出现了一系列新的矛盾和问题,突出表现在:城乡二元经济结构仍然存在,城乡环境也呈现出“城市环境好转,农村环境恶化”的二元趋势。马克思主义经典作家建立在唯物史观基础上的经济正义思想,功利主义以“最大多数人的最大幸福”为目标和尺度的经济正义观,以及罗尔斯以“作为公平的正义”为基本理念和原则的正义体系,为考察当前我国城乡经济正义问题提供了理论资源。城乡环境正义则主要体现为三个方面:城乡环保制度安排和环境资源分配问题中的程序正义;城乡环境补偿机制中的地理正义;城乡居民承受环境风险的实质正义。Abstract in English: Concerning the urban-rural relationship in our country, there are some new conflicts and problems. The economic system in urban areas differs from rural ones. The environment of the city gets better however this has an adverse affect on rural areas. Based on three theories, we could try to solve these problems with economic justice theory of Marx, the utilitarianism theory and the justice theory of John Rawls. In this chapter, we demonstrate the environmental justice problems into three levels: Procedural justice in protection and distribution, Geographic justice in compensation and Substantive justice in the danger of citizens. [pp. 31-32


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    The Role of VC on Enterprises Financing Constraints —Analysis Based on Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity

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    资金是保证企业生存发展的根基,企业资金充足与否与企业投资水平和融资决策息息相关。在我国,由于融资渠道有限,企业资金饥渴症是普遍存在的现象,为缓解财务约束带来的压力,借鉴西方国家发展经验,我国已开始大力发展风险投资行业。伴随着新世纪中国资本市场发生的巨大变化,我国的风险投资机构已经作为一股新兴力量在商业市场中发挥着越来越重要的作用,在筹资规模和投资规模上都实现了快速的增长,然而,人们对风险投资究竟是否发挥了缓解企业财务约束作用的认识却知之甚少,研究风险投资对企业融资约束的影响对了解风险投资作用机理,同时对政策制定者、企业管理层、投资者都会有较大的借鉴意义。 本文的研究背景与以往的研究不同,从投...Fund is the basement of corporation exit and development, sufficient fund is being closely linked with corporation’s investment and financing decision. In China, due to limited financing channels, thirsty for corporate funding is a common phenomenon, in order to release the financial pressure; China has developed Venture Capital industry. With the great changes of China capital market in the new c...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762008115143

    Effect of Beta-arrestin1 and TFF3 on Biological Characteristics of Human Gastric Cancer BGC-823 Cells

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    Beta-arrestin包括Beta-arrestin1和Beta-arrestin2两种蛋白,它们在体内广泛表达,可以调节G蛋白耦联受体(Gproteincoupledreceptor,GPCR)的脱敏和内吞,是多种信号通路中的多功能调节因子。TFF3是三叶因子家族(Trefoilfactors-TFFs)成员之一,TFFs是主要由胃肠道黏液细胞分泌的可溶性小分子多肽,它们在慢性炎症、黏膜保护修复、细胞凋亡、组织化生及肿瘤的发生发展等方面具有重要的生物学功能。本实验首次在胃癌细胞BGC-823细胞系中探讨研究两者对肿瘤细胞的共同影响作用。 我们首先构建Beta-arrestin1及TFF...Beta-arrestin1 consists of Beta-arrestin1 and Beta-arrestin2. They are ubiquitously expressed and not only modulate the desensitization and trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) but also serve as multi-functional adaptors which contribute to the regulation of multiple signaling molecules. TFF3 is one of the The trefoil factor (TFF) family which are secreted chiefly from the mucus-secr...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院临床医学系_内科学学号:2452008115343


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    Abstract in Chinese: 从经济伦理学的视阈审视,将“经济责任”与“伦理责任”设定为企业社会责任中存有主次与先后的不同层序,是长期以来“经济”与“伦理”的分割式理解在企业社会责任问题上的显现。经济与伦理本质上是内在统一的。从这一立场出发,企业社会责任是经济责任与伦理责任内在统一、相互交融的“经济—伦理”责任。与此相对应,企业社会责任担当与评价的次序应遵循的原则是:企业在利润获取层面承担的社会责任优先于利润分配层面承担的社会责任。Abstract in English: From the view of economic ethics, it is the obvious exemplification of the separately understanding with “economic” and “ethics” in CSR that “economic responsibility” and “ethical responsibility” are assumed to have different primary and secondary sequence. In essence, economics and ethics have inherent unity. From this standpoint, CSR is an “economic-ethical” responsibility, in which the economic responsibility and ethical responsibility are combined as an inherent unity and also interacted with each other. Correspondingly, the undertaking of CSR and the order of evaluation should follow the principle that CSR of profit obtain have high priority. [pp. 313-314