551 research outputs found

    Reposition of IPR Judicial Protection and Administrative Protection in” Knowledge Era”

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    自我国知识产权法律制度建构以来,我国一直实行知识产权司法保护与行政保护“二元并行”制度。但是,基于历史传统、文化心理以及司法自身力量薄弱等原因,我国知识产权“双轨制”保护模式一直处于行政主导状态,使我国知识产权保护长期以来依赖行政权力提供保护,这种路径依赖确实取得了巨大成功,使之成为我国知识产权保护的一种行为惯性。但是,由于社会环境变迁以及我国司法保护力量的自觉,行政主导下的知识产权司法保护与行政保护“二元并行”体制已经出现了诸多弊端,迫切需要变革以消除这种路径依赖惯性。2008年,《国家知识产权战略纲要》将“发挥司法保护知识产权主导作用”列为一项战略重点,既是对知识产权司法保护及其与行政保护...China has been implementing “Dual and paralleling” system of judicial and administrative regime to protect intellectual property rights since our IPR legal system was formed. However, due to historical traditions, cultural psychology and weak judicial protection system, administrative protection dominate in the “dual track” approach.So we are accustomed to administrative power to protect IPR altho...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_经济法学学号:1362013015367

    Design and Implementation of Logistics Human Resources Management System of Higher Vocational Colleges

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    随着我国高校教育的飞速发展,数字化校园建设的逐渐深入。高职院校人 力资源管理与高校中行政、教学以及科研等紧密相连,息息相关。为了提高高 校人力资源效率,非常有必要开发和实施一些人力资源管理软件。本文在对国 内外人力资源系统开发研究现状总结分析的基础上,结合了高校后勤人力资源 管理的实际需求情况,设计开发了一个先进而实用的高校后勤人力资源管理信 息系统。 本研究首先分析了ADO.NET技术、ASP.NET技术、B/S开发框架以及数 据库开发等相关技术。然后分析了某高职院校后勤人力资源管理的需求。在此 基础上,根据至顶向下的设计原则,从系统的总体结构、功能结构、数据库设 计,再到...With the rapid development of education in colleges and universities , the construction of digital campus gradually in-depth. Human resource management in higher vocational colleges and universities in many aspects , such as administration, teaching and scientific research has a close relationship, in order to improve the efficiency of human resources in colleges and universities, some human ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323185

    Research on low-temperature preparation and optoelectronic properties of key materials for planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells

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    钙钛矿材料凭借优异的吸光性能、较长的载流子扩散长度、简便节能的合成加工工艺等亮点吸引了世界各国科学家们的广泛关注。钙钛矿太阳能电池的能量转化效率从最初的3.8%发展到22.1%仅仅历经数年的时间,呈现出光明的商业化前景。 基于对钙钛矿光伏器件研发现状的调研,本文对低温条件下制备高性能电子传输、钙钛矿吸光材料的成分优化途径以及钙钛矿器件磁滞效应的消除方法三个方面开展相关研究,为实现在低温条件下制备高性能钙钛矿太阳电池奠定基础。 首先,从钙钛矿材料成分和制作工艺的优化入手,本文重点探究由两步法制备(FAPbI3)x(MAPbCl3)1-x混合钙钛矿吸光层的最佳制备工艺,明确了PbI2前驱体的干...Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials have drawn increasing attention for its outstanding performance in terms of light absorption coefficient, diffusion length of carriers and processing technology. The photoelectric conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has grown from the initial 3.8% to 22.1% for only a few years, showing a bright future of commercialization. Based on t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:能源学院_工程硕士(材料工程)学号:3242014115225

    A Study on the Marketing Strategy to Financial Lease of Construction Machinery about the Reform of Value-Added Tax

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    中文摘要 随着我国建设中国特色的社会主义市场经济体系的不断完善,随着我国改革开放的深入发展,现代租赁业在国民经济发展中的地位和作用日益增强,研究工程机械融资租赁营销策略具有着很强的战略意义和现实意义。大力发展工程机械生产厂商融资租赁业,推动专业化的、传统的工程机械设备租赁公司实现集团化、规模化、连锁经营,构建机构体系完善的现代租赁业,是落实科学发展观、实现资源合理配置和经济可持续发展的重要战略措施。 随着美国次贷危机所引发金融风暴在全球蔓延开来,特别是2008年下半年以来,其恶果日趋显现。在此背景下,我国中央政府接连出台了一系列的扩内需、保增长的政策措施,其中一条就是将增值税的抵扣范围...Abstract Nowdays, our country is constructing the system of market economy.With the deepening and perfecting to the reform and opening-up of our country. It's very important that to understand the function and station of financial lease in the development of national economy. With the spreading of the financial crisis over the globe, our central government have issued a series of policy which ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792006115161

    Design and Implementation of PC Server Virtualization Scheme for Commercial Bank

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    在银行业的发展过程中,随着金融市场的开放,外资银行的进入,我国商业银行之间的竞争进入了一个新的时期。信息技术已经成为现代银行决策、经营以及业务发展的重要支撑。大部分商业银行已经实现数据的主机大集中,外围系统主要采用基于PC服务器的开发平台系统,这些外围开放平台子系统对提高商业银行服务质量、保障业务连续性运行起着越来越重要的作用,也已经引起部分商业银行的高度重视。 本文详细阐述了虚拟化技术的相关知识,通过分析目前商业银行随着业务种类的不断发展,各类服务器数量不断增加,机房UPS的负载已达到临界指标,需要不断增加投入,进行扩容,机房的空间越来越紧张,可以安放新机架的位置越来越少,交换机的空余端口...Development process in the banking industry, as the financial market opening, the entry of foreign banks, competition among commercial banks in China has entered a new period. Information technology has become a modern bank decision-making, management, and an important support for business development. Most commercial banks have a large concentration of host data, the external system is mainly bas...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923028

    Design and Implementation Ideological and Political Theory Course Management System for College Students

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    高校思想政治理论课是宣传党的理论、路线、方针、政策的主渠道,是保障大学生健康成长、培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重要手段。近几年来,为贯彻落实《中共中央宣传部教育部关于进一步加强和改进高等学校思想政治理论课的意见》(教社政[2005]5号)等文件精神,全国各高校对思想政治理论课程加大了建设与管理力度,不断规范思想政治理论课的组织管理、教学管理、队伍管理和学科建设,取得了不少成绩。然而,各高校思想政治课程的建设与管理方式不太一样:有些高校将思想政治课程纳入学校的教务系统进行统一管理,有些高校在院系级单独对思想政治理论课程进行管理。后者能很好凸显课程特色,遗憾的是目前对思想政治课单独管理主要采用...Ideological and political theory course is the main channel to propagate the party's theory, line, principles and policies, At the same time is also a important means to guaranty college students growth healthy, to cultivate builders and successors for the cause of socialism. In recent years,In order to implement the spirit of the documents developed by the ministry of education and the propaganda...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023010

    To perfect the value judgment of the illegal monopoly and Chinese system

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    欧美反垄断法的延展史已证明,垄断违法性的实质认定从规范的确立到司法案例的裁判都具有极端重要性。中国反垄断法有目的性规范却缺乏恰当的价值规范与适当的价值判断路径,使我国反垄断法在垄断违法性认定上存在诸多缺陷,不利于现代经济治理的开展。因此,改变反垄断法的价值规范构成,拓宽反垄断的司法路径,完善垄断责任有效性,是实现我国竞争法制度转型的主要路径。It has been proved from the extended history of Europe and the United States antitrust law that the value judgment from the standard to establish judicial cases referee has extreme importance.Chinese anti- monopoly law has the purpose specification,but lack the proper value standard and the appropriate value judgment path,so as to make our anti- monopoly law have many defects in the monopoly illegal identification,which is not conducive to the development of modern economic governance.Therefore,the value of changes of anti- monopoly law broadens the judicial path of anti- monopoly,perfects monopoly responsibility effectiveness,and it is the main path of transformation of China's competition law system.2013年度国家软科学研究计划重大公开招标项目“国有资产管理对科技成果转化的影响研究”(2013GXS4D122)”阶段性成果之

    Jugement Method Concerning the Effect of Compulsory Regulations on Validily of Contract

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    强制性规范与合同效力的关系是个历久弥新的课题,尤其在强制性规范不断侵蚀私法自治空间的今天,如何协调国家管制与私法自治的理念,识别强制性规范并判断其对合同效力的影响,具有较大的理论与现实意义。本文从司法适用的角度出发,研究强制性规范对合同效力影响的判断方法。除前言和结论外,本文共有三章。 第一章旨在通过对强制性规范内涵、外延的分析,为强制性规范的司法适用界定前提。本章指出,强制性规范的内涵表明,其侧重表达的是司法适用的意义,应从司法适用的角度界定强制性规范的外延,多元化的民法规范类型划分从立法规范配置的角度界定强制性规范外延,逻辑上有矛盾之处,也不恰当的缩小了强制性规范的外延。 第二章旨在通...The relationship between complusory regulations and contract validity is a ever lasting topic. Specially, compulsory regulations are gradually eroding the space of autonomy of private law in nowadays, therefore, it is very important in theory and in practice to coordinate the principle of government supervision and autonomy of private law, to identify compulsory regulations and determine the effec...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115036


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