21 research outputs found


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    The research studied the effect of application method and three Bacillus subtilus solution brands on seed germination of ‘Ching Pi' bitter groumd. The germination of ‘Ching Pi' bitter gourd seeds soaked with 60℃ water for 10 minutes, then 25℃ water for 24 hiurs were 86.7%. Mildew appeared on 10% of the ‘Ching Pi' control seeds. Germination of ‘Ching Pi' bitter gourd seeds Jun'solutions inhibited Rhizoctonia solani mycelium growth. The antibiotic content of ‘Huo Di' Jun' was greater than that of ‘Huo Li Bao' and ‘Yong Xin'. Bacillus spore number and antibiotic content in seed coated of seeds primed with B. subitilus solution were greater than that of soaked seed, and antibiotic content increased with time.苦瓜種子種皮厚且硬,在發芽過程中常有發霉的現象,會造成種子發芽率不佳及不整齊等問題,因此利用三品牌枯草桿菌以浸泡、披覆及滲調處理種子以改善種子發霉的問題。’青皮’苦瓜種子經60℃水浴10分鐘再浸25℃自來水24小時,發芽率為86.7%,發霉率為10%。’青皮’苦瓜種子以披覆或滲調活地菌發芽率分別為76.4%及83.3%,發霉率均為0%,以披覆及滲調處理種皮表面的孢子數及抗生素含量較高,且抗生素含量隨時間增加而增加。苦瓜種子種皮厚且硬,在發芽過程中常有發霉的現象,會造成種子發芽率不佳及不整齊等問題,因此利用三品牌枯草桿菌以浸泡、披覆及滲調處理種子以改善種子發霉的問題。’青皮’苦瓜種子經60℃水浴10分鐘再浸25℃自來水24小時,發芽率為86.7%,發霉率為10%。’青皮’苦瓜種子以披覆或滲調活地菌發芽率分別為76.4%及83.3%,發霉率均為0%,以披覆及滲調處理種皮表面的孢子數及抗生素含量較高,且抗生素含量隨時間增加而增加


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    [[abstract]]本文緒論以回顧前人在魏晉南北朝史學史與教育史的研究成果,決定結合兩者研究領域,配合筆者的學經歷與研究興趣,以魏晉南北朝史學教育發展為研究課題,並以「經世鑒戒」為論述要旨,陳述魏晉南北朝時期史學教育活動自「萌芽開展」,中經「鼎盛發展」,終至「成熟僵化」的演變軌跡與成果。   為釐清史學教育何以在漢魏之際「萌芽」、三國西晉時期「展開」,本文第二章由學術思想演變、統治者政策推動、士人積極參與致用,加上史學教育最重要的特點之一──深具「經世鑒戒」的教育功能,來論述魏晉南北朝史學教育得以盛行發展的背景原因。   接著在第三章透過對史書中「三史」、「經史」與「文史」等詞的耙梳與分析,呈現魏晉南北朝史學教育的內容、傳承途徑與成果;第四章則總和第二章、第三章內容,以時代變遷所產生的差異,將魏晉南北朝史學教育的發展,分為三國西晉時期的「萌芽開展」、東晉南朝宋時期的「鼎盛發展」,以及五世紀末以後的「成熟僵化」三個階段來說明其發展流變,並以人才觀由經術向文史傾斜的轉變,來陳述魏晉南北朝史學教育發展的成果。第五章為本文「結論」,除總結各章要旨外,同時檢討本文研究成果與缺失。


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    數年來台灣金控公司已如雨後春筍般冒出來,在金控公司底下含有產險公司、銀行、證券以及人壽公司等許多金融相關公司,因此,原本各自擺放於各子公司的資料庫可以通通整合在一起,當高階主管想提出決策時可利用資料庫進行資料採礦,以獲取有用的資訊。然而資料採礦的效果再怎麼神奇,也必須先有一個好的、完整的資料庫供使用,如果資料品質太差或者資料內容與研究目標無關,這是無法達成完美的資料採礦工作。 透過抽樣調查與函數映射的方法使得資料庫得以加值,因此當有目標資料庫與輔助資料庫時,可以利用函數映射方法使資料庫整合為一個大資料庫,再將資料庫中遺失值或稀少值作插補得到增值後的資料庫。在此給予這個整個流程一個名詞 ”Data SPA(Data Systematic Purifying Analysis)”,即「資料純化」。在本研究中,主要就是針對純化完成的資料進行結構的確認,確認經過這些過程之後的資料是效用且正確的。在本研究採用了橫向評估、縱向評估與全面性評估三種方法來檢驗資料。 資料純化後的資料經過三項評估後,可以發現資料以每個變數或者每筆觀察樣本的角度去查驗資料時,資料的表現並不理想,但是,資料的整體性卻是相當不錯。雖然以橫向評估和縱向評估來看,資料純化後的資料無法與原本完整的資料完全一致,但是透過資料純化的過程,資料得以插補且欄位得以擴增,這樣使得資料的資訊量增加,所以,資料純化確實有其效果,因為資訊量的增加對於要進行資料採礦的資料庫是一大助益。For the past few years, Taiwan has experienced a tremendous growth in its financial industry namely in banks, life and property insurances, brokerages and security firms. Needless to say the need to store the data produced in this industry has become an important and a primary task to accomplish. Originally, firms store the data in their own database. With the progressive development of data management, the data now can be combined and stored into one large database that allows the users an easy access for data retrieval. However, if the quality of the data is questionable, then the existence of database would not provide much insightful information to the users. To tackle the fore mentioned problem, this research uses functional mapping combining the goal and auxiliary database and then imputes the missing data or the rare data from the combined database. This whole process is called Data Systematic Purifying Analysis (Data SPA). The purpose of this research is to evaluate whether there is any improvement of the structure of the data when the data has gone through the process of systematic purifying analysis. Generally the resulting data should be within good quality and useful. After the assessments of the data structure, the behavior of the data with respect to their added variables and observations is unsatisfactory. However the manifestation of the data as a whole has seen an improvement. The modified database through Data SPA has augmented the database making it more efficient to the usage of data mining techniques


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    The Evaluation of Diabetes Shared Care Program In Taichung County

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    [[abstract]]根據研究,加護病房佔了所有醫院床位約7%,卻佔了所有醫院花費達20-30%。在適切的時機及早將病人轉到普通病房可以降低加護病房的住院天數及花費。然而若是過早將病人轉出加護病房,有可能造成病人的病情惡化,重返加護病房。如此,不僅反而增加病人的醫療花費,甚至有可能造成病人的生命危險。因此,將有重返加護病房危險的病人找出來,加強照顧,避免非計畫性重返的發生是相當重要的課題。 本研究針對中部某區域醫院,進行重返加護病房病人之回溯性研究。主要研究目的如下: 描述本研究醫院一年內非計畫性重返加護病房的現況;探討非計畫性重返加護病房的病人特性、常見原因、以及可能的危險因子;研究加護病房非計畫性重返病人是否有較長的住院天數與較高的死亡率。民國94 年7 月1 日至95 年6 月30 日曾住院於本研究醫院三個主要加護病房(內科、外科、心臟科)病人總共2661 人次,其中2063人次順利從加護病房轉至普通病房。總共有192 人次因病情或照顧需求重返加護病房。其中非計畫性重返加護病房的病人共159 人次,非計畫重返率為7.7%。 研究結果發現:非計畫重返組病人的平均年紀為68.3 歲,超過非重返組的63.0 歲(P<0.001);非計畫重返組病人第一次加護病房的住院天數平均為8.6 日,較非重返組的平均住院日數4.7 日長(P<0.001);非計畫重返組病人的初次入院APACH II 平均分數為22.2分,高於非重返組病人的16.2 分(P<0.001);非計畫性重返率,在內科疾病方面以敗血症的重返率為最高(13.9%),其次為呼吸系統疾病(10.4%),外科方面以心臟血管外科手術的重返率為最高(25%)。非計畫重返加護病房之病人死亡率為30.2%,為對照組非重返病人(3.0%)之10 倍(P<0.001) 。非計畫重返加護病房病人之總住院天數為40.5 天,亦遠超過非重返組的14.1 天(P<0.001)。總結來說,年紀大的患者、初次加護病房住院PACH II 分數高的患者、以及住院天數長的患者,都較容易發生非計畫性重返。而且這些非計畫性重返的患者死亡率特別高。因此針對有重返危險的病人,在轉出加護病房之前,需要比一般ICU 住院病人更為仔細的評估,轉至普通病房後更需較一般病人密切的照顧。如此才有機會改善非計畫性重返加護病房的問題

    Study of Special School Students’ Work Attitude in Practicum Training

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    [[abstract]]研究指出智能障礙者在求職方面常遭遇極大的挫折與困難,事實上,智能障礙者具不同程度的職業潛能,只要給予適當的職業教育與訓練、個別化的支持輔導,協助排除所面臨的就業難題,增進其職業技能與適應,智能障礙者同樣具備謀生能力,可以從事生產活動。是故,本研究旨在探討特殊教育學校校外實習課程學生工作態度及相關因素。 本研究根據研究目的,利用問卷調查的方式,請輔導師長與雇主填寫問卷。以學生背景變項為自變項,包括個人方面、家庭方面,以校外實習學生工作態度為依變項,而工作適應的效標為職場外在滿意。 在學生家庭狀況部分,家長都期望學生在未來能有個生活重心。而家族成員協助意願則以可視情況偶爾提供協助狀況為主。工作態度不因不同障礙別、障礙程度及家族成員願意協助促進就業的意願不同而有所差異。 工作態度會因實習工作職類不同而有所差異。其中作業員在服從性、合群性、遵守工作規範與工作調適程度項目要高於環境清潔員工作態度中服從性、合群性、遵守工作規範與工作調適構面會因家長不同期望而有所差異。可供政府行政主管機關、國內相關特殊教育學校與教師作為未來制定政策及職業教育課程規劃、教學設計評量改革策略訂定之有效工具,據此達到學生適性發展及生涯轉銜的目的

    A Discussion on the Translation Methods Employed in the English-Chinese Bilingual News in The Lianhe Bao

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    [[abstract]]在全球化的趨勢之下,許多報紙讀者開始重視國際間的訊息,以求能掌握最新的國際脈動。有鑑於此,台灣許多報社也開始重視國際新聞,提供以英文新聞為主、中文翻譯為輔的雙語新聞。目前而言,在台灣的中文報紙便有《聯合報》、《自由時報》、《工商時報》等提供中英雙語新聞,而英文報紙亦有《英文中國郵報》(China Post)、《台北時報》(Taipei Times)以及Taiwan News提供中英雙語新聞。 然而目前台灣的中英雙語新聞似乎都脫離不了語言學習的目的,因此譯文書寫的風格普遍著重在語言學習的需求上,導致譯文具有翻譯腔,而忽略了中文新聞撰寫應有的文體。無論中外,新聞本身都以訊息的傳達為重點,因此英語新聞的中文翻譯也應該具有與中文報導相同的品質,以吸引更多的讀者來閱讀中英雙語新聞,讓讀者能擴大到非以語言學習為目的的族群。《聯合報》長期與美國《紐約時報》合作,每週出版中英雙語新聞,因此,筆者以《聯合報》所發表之中英雙語新聞為範本,評析其翻譯方法之運用是否得當。 目前台灣關於新聞英文翻譯的書籍、文章雖時有所見,但相當有限,且內容多半談翻譯的技巧,較少援用翻譯學理論視角。筆者除了討論《聯合報》中譯者所採用的翻譯技巧外,同時也運用翻譯學裡的「文本類型理論」、「目的論」及「翻譯行為」等視角來討論新聞翻譯,並從文化及句法兩方面來進行分析。文化方面,筆者將討論《聯合報》譯者對英文新詞以及成語所採用的翻譯方法,諸如音譯、直譯、意譯、借用法以及合併法 在跨文化轉換上之適切性。句法方面,筆者將討論《聯合報》譯者針對英文修飾語的中文翻譯之處理,以及主、被動語句的翻譯。筆者舉例並分析在譯文中所發現的英文新詞、成語翻譯,以及對英文修飾語和主、被動句子的處理方法。希望藉此研究對中英雙語新聞的翻譯有所貢獻。[[abstract]]Abstract In the wake of globalization there is an increasing amount of news paper readers in Taiwan eager to obtain updated international news for a great variety of purposes In this regard the leading Chinese-language news publishers in Taiwan The Lianhe bao The Ziyou shibao and The Gongshang shibao have begun to put more weight on international events by offering English-Chinese bilingual news to cater to the needs of local readers In addition English-Chinese bilingual news is also available in the English-language news papers including China Post Taipei Times and Taiwan News However their Chinese translations of news seem to focus more on the function of bilingual language-acquisition than the professional journalistic writing style required in the Chinese language; as a result “transaltioneseness” is often found in their Chinese news translations The function of being informative is one of the foundations of the media; therefore Chinese translations in the bilingual news should be as precise clear concrete and readable as if they were originally written in Chinese Once the quality of Chinese translations is enhanced they would gain more readers longing for updated global information other than those studying for language-acquisition As The Lianhe bao is currently affiliated with The New York Times for its weekly publication of the English-Chinese bilingual news The Lianhe bao’s English-Chinese bilingual news is chosen as the subject for my study Currently in Taiwan there are limited research sources discussing bilingual news translation and most of them are on various technical problems in news translation being short of the application of translation theoretical perspectives In my thesis in addition to these translation techniques used in The Lianhe bao I apply the theoretical framework such as “text type theory ” “translatorial action theory ” and “skopos theory” in translation studies to the evaluation of bilingual renderings with the cultural and syntactical aspects being the foci For the cultural aspect I examine the appropriateness of their methodologies in light of cross-cultural transfer such as the free translation the transliteral translation the literal translation the method of replacement and the combination of different methods with which the translators deal with neologisms and idioms found in this bilingual news section For the syntactical aspect I examine how the translators tackle the difference in positioning modifying clauses between the English and the Chinese languages and the methods applicable for converting the English passive voice to the Chinese idiomatic usage of the active and passive voices It is hoped that my thesis can make a modest contribution to applied translation studies especially in the area of the English-Chinese bilingual new

    Characterization of tlk-1 function in mitosis in C. elegans

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    在有絲分裂時(mitosis),細胞必須完成遺傳物質均等的分配到子細胞中,而蛋白質的週期性降解(proteolysis)為一個主要的機制用以調控此一事件能有條不紊的進行。我們的研究顯示擬混亂激酶(Tousled-Like Kinase-1; TLK-1)參與細胞週期的調控機制而其本身也遭受週期性降解。利用一種斷絕基因表現的方法─核醣核酸干擾(RNA interference),我們發現tlk-1對於線蟲的存活是絕對需要的,因此是一個必須基因(essential gene)。在tlk-1核醣核酸干擾突變株中,線蟲的胚胎(embryos)都死在早期的細胞時期並伴隨著脹大的核(enlarged nuclei),除此,我們也觀察到DNA橋接(DNA bridges)和非整倍體(aneuploidy)的現象,因此我們推測TLK-1作用於染色體分離(chromosome segregation)。藉由免疫染色(immunostaining),我們發現TLK-1的表現受細胞週期所調控,TLK-1在有絲分裂末期(telophase),歷經間期(interphase)和有絲分裂前期(prometaphase)持續表現,但是在有絲分裂的中期(metaphase)和後期(anaphase)則會消失。後期促進複合體(anaphase-promoting complex, APC)為多單元的泛素連接酶(multimeric ubiquitin ligase),其會催化泛素(ubiquitin)與帶有摧毀訊息(destruction box)的蛋白質形成複合物;被泛素(ubiquitin)標誌的蛋白質將被蛋白酵體(prteosome)降解。摧毀訊息(destruction box)也被發現在TLK-1的蛋白質C端。進一步檢視在後期促進複合體(anaphase-promoting complex)的突變株下,發現TLK-1會不正常的環繞於中期(metaphase)的染色體;因此推測TLK-1是受APC調節而降解。在線蟲中,極光相關激酶(AIR-2)在染色體分離的進程中扮演了重要的角色。我們發現在極光相關激酶(AIR-2)的突變株下,TLK-1也會不正常的環繞於中期(metaphase)的染色體。除了弁鈳鄍Faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis assure the transmission of genetic information and this event is much dependent on protein proteolysis. This thesis shows that TLK-1, a protein encodes serine/threonine kinase, plays key roles on mitosis and regulated by degradation. The tlk-1(RNAi) mutants arrested at about 50-cell stage showing the phenotype of aneupolidy and DNA bridge. TLK-1 protein was expressed in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. It is detected in interphase and prophase nuclei but not in mitotic cells from metaphase through anaphase. As TLK-1 harbors two D-box motifs, which are anaphase-promoting complex (APC)-dependent proteolysis signals, we investigated if these motifs are important for the dramatic disappearance of TLK-1 at metaphase. Mutations in D-box motifs caused the persistent presence of TLK-1 at metaphase, indicating that D box motifs are required for the degradation of TLK-1 at metaphase. The C. elegans mat-2 and emb-30 encodes subunits of APC. When any of these genes is mutated, TLK-1 protein is abnormally present at metaphase. The C. elegans AIR-2, Aurora/Ipl1-related Kinases, associates with chromosome and midbody microtubules is required for chromosome segregation. We further examined TLK-1 localization under air-2(RNAi) background; intriguingly, TLK-1 was found associated with metaphase chromosome. In addition to tlk-1 loss-of–function causing dead embryos, we found tlk-1 overexpression can also lead to embryonic lethal. Supposedly, the amount of TLK-1 in normal cells is tightly controlled in balance. The human homologue of TLK-1 can partially rescue the tlk-1(RNAi) mutant embryos, indicating that the function of tlk-1 is evolutionary functional conserved.Abstract 2 中文摘要 3 Introduction 5 Experimental Procedure 12 C. elegans Strains and Alleles 12 Molecular Constructs 12 Transgenic Animals 14 Heat Shock Experiments 14 Bacteria-mediated RNA Interference 14 Embryonic Lethality Assay 15 Antibodies 16 Immunostaining 17 Microscopy 18 Results 19 Characterization of tlk-1 19 tlk-1(RNAi) mutants arrest at early embryogenesis showing the defects of chromosome segregation 20 Cell-cycle dependent of TLK-1 expression and localization 21 tlk-1(RNAi) mutants show an increased number of mitotic cells 22 Overexpression of tlk-1 increases the embryonic lethality 23 Mutations in D-box motifs cause the embryonic lethality and the persistent presence of TLK-1 at metaphase 24 TLK-1 protein is abnormally present at metaphase after APC genes are mutated 25 Depletion of AIR-2/Aurora B results in TLK-1 unnatural presence at metaphase 26 Mutation of CSC-1, a subunit of AIR-2/Aurora B kinase complex, caused TLK-1 to be present in metaphase 27 FZY-1 is normally localized to prophase and metaphase chromosome in tlk-1(RNAi) embryos 28 Depletion of asf-1 or caf-1, the potential targets of TLK-1, by bacteria-mediated RNAi does not cause embryonic lethality 29 Overexpression of human Tlk2 under the control of heat-shock promoters rescues the embryonic lethality caused by tlk-1(RNAi) 30 Discussion 32 Degradation of TLK-1 is mediated by anaphase-promoting complex pathway 32 The role of tlk-1 in histone H3 phosphorylation 32 TLK-1 and chromosomal passengers 33 tlk-1 is required for proper chromosome segregation 35 Figures and tables 39 References 6