283 research outputs found

    〈論文〉第二次世界大戦後の占領下ドイツにおけるストゥディウム・ゲネラーレ(Studium generale)導入の試み:大学の社会的使命についての考察

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    本稿の目的は、第二次世界大戦後、四連合国軍の軍事占領下におかれたドイツ(1945−1949)における教育改革において、ストゥディウム・ゲネラーレ(Studium generale)導入試みの経緯を検証し、その理念について考察することにある。アメリカ占領下における大学改革の一環であったこの改革案は、結果としては、ドイツの大学課程に大きな変革を及ぼすには至らなかった。本稿では、中世にその起源をもつストゥディウム・ゲネラーレが、どの様な理念や思惑でこの時期に再び光が当てられることになり、またどういった経緯で定着することにはならなかったのかについて、主に連合国軍政府の公文書史料をもとに、検証し分析する。対象とするのは、ヤルタ会議とポツダム会議の合意に沿いアメリカ合衆国の占領区とされ軍政府(Office of Military Government of U. S. for Germany, OMGUS)統治下におかれたバイエルン(Bavaria)、ヴュルテンベルク・バーデン(Württemberg-Baden)、大ヘッセン(Greater Hesse)各州と米領ブレーメン自由市(Bremen Enclave)、そしてベルリン市の南西部(American Sector of Berlin)である。革新的な改革が、広範囲にわたって迅速かつ短期間に実行された日本やソ連占領区ドイツとは異なり、米・英・仏の西側三連合国の占領下にあったドイツの教育制度は、ナチ教育の排除以外著しい変革はもたらされなかったというのが多くの先行研究の見方であり、筆者も同様に考える。しかし、そのドイツにおいて、比較的明確な形で、緩やかながらも変化の必要性と可能性が検討されたストゥディウム・ゲネラーレに関する議論は注視に値する。特に注目するのは、戦中のドイツの大学へのナチズムの浸透を、アメリカ軍政府がどの様に認識していたか、それに基づいてどのような改革策を考案していたのか、そしてそのアメリカの案に対しドイツの大学側がどの様に応じたかという点である。これらの枠組みに主眼におきながら、大学改革の一端を担うとされたストゥディウム・ゲネラーレをめぐる議論の過程を検証する。The purpose of this paper is to investigate the processes in which the introduction of Studium generale,literally translated in English to ‘general education’, was attempted in Germany under the Allied military occupation between 1945 and 1949. It also explores the ideas of the Allies, especially the United States, for this introduction of post-war Germany. This American attempt was meant to be part of their education reform in Germany, whose purpose was to re-educate the Germans in the post-Nazi era. The paper thus focuses geographically on Bavaria, Württemberg-Baden, Greater Hesse, Bremen Enclave, and the American Sector of Berlin where the Office of Military Government of U. S. for Germany (OMGUS) was in charge of control. Unlike occupied Japan (1945-1952) or Soviet-occupied Germany where rapid changes were brought in the education system by the Allied occupation authorities, the development of education reforms was stagnant in the U. S. Zone of occupied Germany. There, except for denazification, i.e. a large-scale screening project to find former Nazis, changes in German society as well as its education were far slow than in Japan and the eastern part of Germany. Considering the fact, this attempt of a renewed introduction of Studium generale in German higher education was a remarkable change. Special attention is paid to following two points. Firstly, it explores how the United Sates occupation authorities understood the actual penetration of Nazism in German university and the students. This is important because, as mentioned above, this reform attempt was part of the project of getting rid of Nazism in all aspects of German society. Secondly, it tries to analyse how the Americans’ understanding influenced their overall proposal for reforming German education

    ソレン ト ポーランド ノ レキシテキ カンケイ ノ ショモンダイ オモニ スターリン ハケン シュギ ト カンレン シテ

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    This monograph observe on historic relations between USSR and Poland, from the dependence of Poland after 1st World War to the formation of "People\u27s Democracy" in Poland and the downfall of Wladyslaw Gomulka after 2nd World War. Particularly, it observe the events which concerned with the Supreme Power of Stalin

    〈Articles〉Continuity and Transformation in History Education in Europe: The Case of Britain

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    シガク キョウイク ロウドウ ト セイサンテキ ロウドウ トノ カンレン ニツイテ ノ イチシロン

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    The theme of this study is consideration about five problems. ①The consideration about the economic character of the educational labour in the private school in contemporary Japan. Then I am based on the thesis of the productive labour by K. Marx. ②The consideration about the mutuality and difference between the national school, the communal school and the private school. They have something in common and difference. ③Consideration about mutuality and difference between the junior highschool, highschool and university (or college). ④Consideration about "the intellectual possesory right", accompany with diffusion and use of the recording machine, the copy machine, video recorder and also. They have something in common and difference. ⑤Consideration about the national movement for the subsidy for the private school in the historical conditions of Contemporary Japan

    Use of "Padrin" in the treatment of urinary calculi

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    Twenty patients having calculi in the upper urinary tract were treated with "Padrin". Calculi were eliminated spontaneously in 17 patients (85 per cent), but did not move in the remaining 3 patients (15 per cent). No side effects were observed at all

    Clinical effect of "urobiotic" for the treatment of urinary tract infections

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    Urobiotic is a combination of antibiotic (oxytetrac y cline HC1) , chemotherapeutic (sulfamethizole) and analgesic (phenazopyridine HC1) agents designed specifically for urinary tract infections. Tw e nty patients with various urinary tract infections were treated with "Urobiotic" in this study. The dosages were 1 capsule 4 times daily in 8 cases and 2 capsules 4 times daily in the remaining 12 cases, both of which continued for 5 to 7 days. The effects thus attained are summarized as follows : In patients with acute cystitis, "Urobiotic" was noted to be effective in 4 out of 5 cases in which 4 capsules daily were given, and in all of 6 cases in which the dosage was 8 capsules daily. In chronic urinary infections, consisting of 6 cases of chronic cystitis and 3 cases of chronic pyelonephritis, "Urobiotic" was noted to be not effective in all of 3 cases in which the dosage was 4 capsules daily, but effective in 4 out of 6 cases in which 8 capsules daily were given. As side effects, mild gastric discomfort was noted in only 1 patient who was given 8 capsules daily. In con c lusion, "Urobiotic" was believed to be an effective remedy not only for acute cystitis, but also for chronic urinary tract infections. Dosage recommended is 8 capsules daily