166 research outputs found

    Sulphate reducing bacteria in core sediments from the Canada Basin and the Chukchi Sea

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    对取自北极楚科奇海及加拿大海盆的10个沉积物岩芯分别在4℃、25℃培养温度下进行硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)分析,结合首次北极科考海洋沉积物SRB的研究成果,探讨了研究区SRB的分布特点.研究结果表明,4℃与25℃温度培养的SRB含量均为0~2.4×106个.g-1(湿样);4℃时SRB的检出率与平均含量分别为45.5%和2.06×104个.g-1(湿样),25℃培养条件下分别为73.7%和4.70×104个.g-1(湿样);柱状沉积物中SRB的检出率、含量范围、平均含量都明显高于表层沉积物中SRB的相关指标;岩芯中SRB含量分布与采样点的纬度、深度有一定关系,但这种关系不如表层沉积物中SRB分布表现的那么明显;4℃培养时,各层位SRB含量的平均值范围为51~1.2×106个.g-1(湿样),25℃时为2.04×102~2.47×105个.g-1(湿样);在所研究的深度范围内,4℃时培养SRB的垂直变化较为明显,而25℃时SRB的垂直变化相对缓和;根据4℃、25℃2个不同培养温度时SRB的检出率、含量对比看,似乎25℃时更有利于某些SRB的繁衍.Ten sediment core samples(water depth from50 ~3850 m) were collected in the the Canada Basin and the Chukchi Sea during the SecondChinese National Arctic Research Expedition.Each core was sliced on board at 1 cm intervals from 0 ~10 cm and at 2 cm intervals below 10 cm assubsamples,the content of sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB) of these subsamples were analyzed by MPN(Most Probable Number) methed.The contents ofSRB cultivated at both 4℃ and 25℃ ranged from0 to 2.4×106cel.lg-1wet sample and the average SRB cultivated at4℃ and 25℃ were 2.06×104cell.g-1wet sample,and 4.70×104cell.g-1wet sample,respectively.Unlike surface sediments in the study area,the latter shows a tendency to increasefrom low latitude to high latitude,or from shallow water to deep basin.From surface to depths,the content of SRB in sediment changes irregularly,depending on the sedimentary environment.The average contents of SRB cultured at4℃ and 25℃ in the same layer ranged from51 to1.2×106cel.lg-1wet samples and 2.04×102to 2.47×105cel.lg-1wet samples.Comparing the contents,content range,and occurrence rate of SRB cultivated at4℃ and25℃,it seems that 25℃ is more suitable than 4℃for survival and propagation of some SRB.国家自然科学基金(No.40576060,40376017,40176017)~

    Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of cultivable manganese bacteria in sediments from the Arctic ocean

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    对中国第二次北极科学考察采集的北极海洋沉积物中的锰细菌进行了筛选、分离和系统发育分析。根据其在筛选平板上菌落的形态学特征,分别从站位P11和S11采集的沉积物中分离到了21株和19株锰细菌。系统发育分析表明,两个站位的锰细菌群落组成有着明显的差别。站位P11分离的可培养锰细菌主要由细菌域(Bacteria)中变形杆菌门的γ-变形杆菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria)和放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)组成,二者分别占86%和14%;γ-变形杆菌纲主要包括嗜冷杆菌属(Psychrobacter)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、假交替单胞菌属(Pseudoalteromonas)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、海杆菌属(Marinobacter),其中以嗜冷杆菌属为主,其比例可达67%。从站位S11分离到的可培养锰细菌主要包括细菌域中变形杆菌门的α-变形杆菌纲(α-Proteobacteria)和γ-变形杆菌纲以及拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)中的黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria);γ-变形杆菌纲主要包括希瓦氏菌属、海单胞菌属(Marinomonas)和交替单胞菌属(Alteromonas),α-变形杆菌纲主要为鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)。实验菌株均对Mn2+有着较强的抗性,其中以菌株Marinomonas sp.S11-S-4耐受性最高。The biogeochemical cycling of manganese is recognized as an important environmental process because manganese is not only an essential nutrient for all organisms but also its oxidation and reduction are intimately coupled with the cycling of other essential elements.Studies have demonstrated that Mn2+-oxidizing bacteria are abundant and distributed widely.A diverse array of bacteria,fungi,and microalgae have been shown to have the ability to catalyze oxidation or reduction of manganese.The oxidation of soluble Mn2+ to insoluble Mn3+/Mn4+ oxides and oxy-hydroxides is an environmentally important process because the solid-phase products oxidize a variety of organic and inorganic compounds,scavenge many metals,and serve as electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration.In most environments,Mn2+ oxidation is believed to be bact erially mediated.Over the years,Mn2+-oxidizing bacteria have been isolated from wide variety of environments,including marine and freshwaters,soils,sediments,water pipes,Mn nodules,and hydrothermal vents.Phylogenetically,Mn2+-oxidizing bacteria appear to be quite diverse,with all isolates analyzed to date falling within either the low G+C gram-positive bacteria,the Actinobacteria,or the α,β,and γ subgroups of the Proteobacteria branch of the domain Bacteria.In order to investigate the biodiversity of manganese bacteria in polar region,isolation,molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of manganese bacteria were carried out in the sediments which were collected from Arctic ocean during 2nd Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition.Twenty one and nineteen species of cultivable strain were isolated from the sediments of both station P11 and S11 respectively according to their distinct morphology on screening plate of manganese medium.Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis showed that the cultivable manganese bacteria from station P11 were basically composed of γ subgroup of the Proteobacteria branch of the domain Bacteria(γ-Proteobacteria)and Actinobacteria,which accounted for 86% and 14% respectively.The γ-Proteobacteria mainly included Psychrobacter,Shewanella,Acinetobacter and Marinobacter,of which Psychrobacter was the major genus,it accounted for 67% of γ-Proteobacteria in sediments of station P11.The cultivable manganese bacteria from station S11 included α-proteobacteria,γ-Proteobacteria and Flavobacteria of Bacteroides.γ-Proteobacteria included Shewanella,Marinomonas and Alteromonas.The majority of α-Proteobacteria was Sphingomonas.The phylogenetic analysis indicated that bacteria from the sediments of station P11 and S11 had different cultivable manganese bacteria flora.All tested strains had higher resistance to Mn2+,of which Marinomonas sp.S11-S-4 had highest resistance.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40576060)~


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    EU アンゼン ホショウ セイサク ノ ハッテン カヘンヨクテキ トウゴウ ニヨル グンジテキ ソクメン ノ トリコミ チョウコッカセイ ハイジョ NATO トノ キノウ ブンカ

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    EUの安全保障政策形成は憲法条約における集団防衛条項の取り込みによって完成しつつあるが、NATOとの「棲み分け」という観点からは、EU安全保障戦略に見られるような新たな質的役割分担を目指していると思われる。EU\u27s acquisition of full foreign and security policy capability is in progress but still in transitional phase as process of including Commission has just started. After placing collective defense clause in its Constitutional treaty and adopting its first security strategy, full and organic cooperation with Commission would be sine qua non in its establishment as "civil-military body" to successfully differentiate as security actor other than NATO qualitatively rather than traditional quantitative demarcation between EU\u27s CFSP (ESDP) and NATO; "where NATO as a whole is not engaged, (to) launch and conduct EU-led military operations"

    インガ キゾク ノ ホウコウセイ ト ガクシュウ スイコウ ト ノ カンレン ニ ツイテ

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    因果帰属に関して、Heider, Fの`努力\u27•`能力\u27`運\u27`課題の困難度\u27に分類する理論やWeiner, B. の内的・帰属の制御の所在と安定性を軸にした分類が知られている。これら因果帰属が、行動の結果を知った後の行動に影響を与えることが知られている。本研究では、因果帰属の方向性と学習の結果である試験結果等とどのような関係があるかを検証しようとするものである。本研究(1)では、因果帰属の方向性を測定する尺度であるI・P&C尺度、試験得点、試験に取組んだ時間を測定した。その結果、運や偶然に原因を求めないことが学習遂行を促進する可能性を示唆している。これに対して、物事の成否が運や偶然に左右されるといった認知が学習遂行を阻害している可能性を示唆しているとみることができる。About causal attribution theories, Fritz Heider developed a model which explains success and failure from the factors of `ability\u27, `effort\u27, `luck\u27 and `task difficulty\u27.Weiner\u27s model, which based on the foundations established by Fritz Heider, deals with the explanations we arrive at for success and failure of people on particular tasks. He assumes two dimensions; one is internal/external dimension, the other is temporary/ stable dimension. The temporary/stable dimension is assumed to be most important to us in forming expectancies, or prediction of how someone will do in the future. The second dimension of causal attribution is believed to relate primarily to the rewards or punishments that follow a performance.This study examines relations between the I•P&C scale which measures attribution tendencies (internal, powerful other\u27s and chance control), the length of examination time and the examination scores of university students.Results suggests that attributional directions contrary to luck, chance, opportunity enhance learning performance, and attributions to luck et al. reduce learning performance


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    EU-NATO関係は「死に体」と化していると言われる。そうであるとするならば、いつ、どのようにしてそうなったのだろうか。冷戦後、EUが安全保障政策分野に乗り出したことで、NATOとの競合の種は蒔かれていた。しかしながら、ベルリン・プラス合意策定によって競合は回避され、分業と協調の欧州・大西洋安全保障ガバナンスの枠組みが構築されるかに見えた。本論は、ソマリア沖海賊対策作戦に焦点を当てながら2008-2012年のEU-NATO関係の転機について分析するものである。Counter piracy operations off the Somali coast was the last occasion for EU-NATO cooperation. This article focuses on the missed and caught opportunities in the period of 2008-2012 and examines the change-of-tide moment in the EU-NATO relations


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    この報告は, 花粉膜の表面微細構造によるツガ及びカナダツガの類別について述べるものである。供試料は, Micropeuce (Eutsuga)に属するツガ及びカナダツガの2種である。実験方法は, 筆者が1956年来適用しているMethylmethacrylate carbon 2段replica法によつた。実験の結果, 下記の諸点を明らかにすることができた。1.ツガ花粉 : cap及びgerm furrowの表面は不規則に配列した隆状突起によつておおわれ, さらにそれより大きさの異なつた指状物が突出し, その間にごく小数ながらイボ状物の存在が認められる。とくに指状突起物は軟弱なためか, 曲りやすく, しかもほとんどはく離しない。一方, marginal ridgeとgerm furrowの連結部の膜面は, 微小なしかも不規則な突起物によつておおわれている。これはcap及びgerm furrowの表面と全く異なつた構造を呈している。また, Photo. 3に示した如く, germ furrowの中央部にnarbeの存在を確認することができた。narbeの表面は, へいかつである。指状突起物の長さは約0.3∿2.1μ, 連結部膜面の突起物の長さは約0.1∿0.2μ, またnarbeは長径約7.5μである。2.カナダツガ花粉 : capの表面は花野菜型の隆起でおおわれ, その表面には微小な刺状突起をそなえている。またgerm furrowの表面には, 大きさの異なつた粒状隆起が存在し, さらにその表面には微小な刺状紋を有しており, 粒状隆起の間には不定形の隆起が認められた。capとgerm furrowの連結部の模面構造はツガ花粉と同様である。Photo. 6に示したように, ツガにみられたnarbeが見出しえられなかつた花野菜型隆起部上の刺状紋の長さは約0.1μであり, 粒状突起物の直径は約2.4∿2.0μで, またその表面に存在する刺状紋の長さは約0.1μである。以上述べた諸点で明らかなように, ツガ及びカナダツガ花粉の微細構造は, いちじるしく異なつている。なおPhoto. 7に示したイボ状構造は, ectosexineより下の層の表面構造である。筆者は, ツガ花粉のsexineは3つの異なつた表面構造をもつ層から成り立つているのであろうということを推定した。The present paper deals with the classification between Tsuga Sieboldiana and Tsuga canadensis, based on the fine surface structure of pollen membrane. The matrials used in this study are the pollen of 2 species, such as Tsuga Sieboldii CARR. and Tsuga canadensis CARR. belonging to Micropeuce (Eutsuga). The experimental method depends upon the methylmethacrylate-carbon 2 stage replica, which was used by the author since 1956. As the result of the electronmicroscopic investigation, he could clarify the following points. 1. Pollen of Tsuga Sieboldii CARR. : the surface of cap and germ furrow is covered all over with irregularly arranged protrusions, and finger-like projections which are different in sizes, rising from their surface. Especially, their projections are pliant, probably on account of their delicate nature, and they cannot, in most cases, be separated from the surface of the grain. Besides, the surface of the combined parts between marginal ridge and germ furrow of the grain is covered with fine and irregular projections. As shown in Photo 1,we can seen the different structure of the surface pattern of cap, and germ furrow. As given in photo. 3,he could recognise the existence of narbe in the central part of germ furrow. The surface of narbe is very smooth. The length of finger-like projection; about 0.3∿2.1μ, the length of projection of surface membrane in the combined parts; about 0.1∿0.2μ, and long diameter of narbe; about 7.5μ. 2. Pollen of Tsuga canadensis CARR. : the surface of cap is covered all over with protrusions of the "cauli-flower type", and they are possessed of projection of fine spinules on its surface. Also, on the surface of germ furrow were seen grain-like projections in different sizes, and fine spinules on its surface. Moreover, protrusion of amorphus in that of grain-like projection were recognised. The structure of the combined part of cap and germ furrow are similar to those of Tsuga Sieboldii pollen. As given in photo. 6,there is no find of narbe as are found in Tsuga Sieboldii pollen. The length of spinules (on protrusions of the "cauli-flower type"); about 0.1μ, diameter of grain-like projection; about 0.4∿2.0μ, and the length of the spinules existed in their surface; about 0.1μ. As mentioned above, it is clearly seen that the fine structure between the pollen of Tsuga Sieboldii and of Tsuga canadensis were considerably different. Moreover, the verrucate structure as given in photo. 7 shows the surface structure of the under layer of ectosxine in sexine stratification. It has been estimated that sexine of Tsuga Sieboldii pollen consist of three layers each different in the fine surface structure