17 research outputs found


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    顾客关系管理(CrM)的全称是CuSTOMEr rElATIOnSHIP MAnAgEMEnT。AdrIAn在《HAndbOOk Of CrM-ACHIEVIng EXCEllEnCEIn CuSTOMEr MAnAgEMEnT》中,对CrM进行了五


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    The Effect of Logo Design on Logo Recognition

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    已有文献涉及了Logo对品牌各个维度的影响,但考察Logo设计对其识别的影响研究很少。在短暂暴露的情境下,Logo的哪些设计因素影响了消费者对Logo的识别,这个问题在已有文献中更是鲜有涉及。本研究先采用内容分析方法对Logo设计变量进行分析,然后检验它们与Logo反应时和反应正确率的关系。 结果显示,Logo文字部分中的语言种类、中文字号、英文字体和图形部分中的图形具体特征、有机性、复杂性和图形深度对Logo反应时产生了显著影响。具体来说,当Logo仅有中文时,或含有中文大字号时,或含有立体图形时,Logo的反应时缩短。同时含有中英文,或含有英文艺术字体,或是含有的中文字号较小,都会增加反...Different dimensions of brands impacted by logo have been explored in the existing literatures, but logo recognition has rarely been studied. Moreover, little attention has been paid to identifying whether and how design characteristics will influence logo recognition under the circumstance of brief exposure. Thus this topic interests the author and becomes the theme of this paper. Methodology ad...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3192008115306


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    Distribution pattern of PAHs in Jiulong River Estuary by both measurement and simulation

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    于2011年12月(冬季)在厦门九龙江河口及西港采集9个表层海水水样,采用固相萃取—气质联用方法(SPE-GC-MS)分析其中16种多环芳烃含量。研究结果表明,总溶解态态∑PAH含量为157.9~858.0 ng/L。在河口区,随着盐度升高,PAHs含量逐渐降低。基于比值法分析,表明厦门九龙江及西港海域海水中的PAHs来源存在多种途径,呈现混合来源的态势。利用LEVEL III逸度模型研究菲,芘和苯并(a)芘在各介质间的分布以及水——气界面的交换通量。模拟结果与本文实测和文献中的实测值相吻合。在16℃时,三种多环芳烃的大气沉降通量分别为17.38,7.86和8.38μg/day/m2。其中菲在大气沉降中占主导地位,约三分之二。三种多环芳烃的大气沉降通量均随温度升高而减少。当温度高于32℃时,苯并(a)芘开始从水体释放。The concentration of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons( PAHs) of nine water samples,collected in the Jiulong River Estuary in December,2011,were analyzed using the SPE-GC-MS method. The results showed that the concentration range of total dissolved PAHs( ΣPAHs) was from 157. 9 to 858. 0 ng / L. The horizontal distribution illustrated that the concentration of ΣPAHs decreased as salinity increased. Based on ratio analysis,PAHs have complicated sources. A Level III fugacity model was developed to simulate the multimedia fate of PAHs and to study the air-water exchange fluxes of three PAHs( phenanthrene,pyrene,benzo[a]pyrene) in the Jiulong River Estuary. The calculated concentration of PAHs was similar to that measured in this study or reported in earlier literature. At 16℃,the net atmosphere deposition fluxes of these PAHs were 17. 38,7. 86 and 8. 38 μg / day / m2. Phenanthrene was predominant in the atmospheric deposition. The net atmospheric deposition fluxes of these PAHs all decreased with tem-perature. When the temperature was above 32. 0℃,benzo[a]pyrene was released from the water into the air.国家自然科学基金(40776044);; 福建省自然科学基金(2012J05078);; 福建省杰出青年科学基金(2014J06014);; 中央高校基本科研专项(20720140507


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    Neuropsychological underpinnings of different forms of antisocial behaviour in schizotypy

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    Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders including schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder and other psychotic disorders are often affiliated with pathological concepts such as being violent and socially incompetent. For instance, prior studies have established the associations of schizophrenia with social dysfunction such as antisocial behaviour. However, it is unclear what specific neuropsychological factors underlie these relationships. Besides, whether such linkage can transcend to the subclinical group, i.e. those with schizotypal personality traits (schizotypy), remains questionable. In view of the fact that schizotypy shares a similar genetic and neurobiological basis with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, the issue of whether people with schizotypy are more prone to exhibiting social dysfunction, specifically antisocial behaviour, commands investigation. Yet, previous studies that investigated social dysfunction in schizotypy are scarce. Therefore, this thesis takes a broader perspective in studying schizotypy in order to better understand antisocial behaviour in schizotypy and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. This thesis reports two studies examining the neural and psychological underpinnings of antisocial behaviour in schizotypy. Study 1 (Chapter 2) examined the relationship between schizotypy, peer victimization, theory of mind (ToM) and antisocial behaviour (indexed by reactive-proactive aggression) in university students. To add to the prior finding that peer victimization mediates the association between schizotypy and antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents, ToM was found to be a significant moderator in such a mediated relationship in the university students in Study 1. These findings suggest that schizotypy-peer victimization-aggression also applies to young adults, and that the ability to understand the mental state and intention of the others mitigates the effect of schizotypy and peer victimization on the antisocial propensity. To further investigate the underpinnings of social dysfunction in schizotypy, Study 2 (Chapter 3) examined the relationship between schizotypy, sub-regional prefrontal gray and antisocial behaviour. The results showed that there was a positive association between schizotypy and antisocial behaviour while they were both negatively related to total gray matter volume (GMV) in the sub-regional prefrontal cortex (PFC), specifically the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Furthermore, the OFC gray mediated the association between schizotypy and antisocial behaviour. These findings are the first that document a neural mediator of the schizotypy-antisocial behaviour relationship suggesting that functions sub-served by the OFC may help explain this comorbidity. Taken together, the findings of these two studies enable us to identify the specific psychological (peer victimization and ToM) and neural factors (sub-regional prefrontal gray) that account for the psychological impairment and antisocial behaviour in schizotypy. Besides, the current thesis has extended the scope of prior literature in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders to its sub-clinical group, schizotypy.published_or_final_versionPsychologyDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph


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