99 research outputs found

    Utilization of reconstructed cultured human skin models as an alternative skin for permeation studies of chemical compounds

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    Two reconstructed human skin models, EpiskinSM and EpiDermTM, have been approved as alternative membranes for skin corrosive/irritation experiments due to their close correlation with animal skin. Such reconstructed human skin models were evaluated as alternative membranes for skin permeation experiments. Seven drugs with different lipophilicities and almost the same molecular weight were used as test penetrants. Relationships were investigated between permeability coefficients (P values) of the seven drugs through six kinds of reconstructed cultured human skin models and human skin. A fairly good relationship in P values was observed between TESTSKINTM LSE-high (LSE-high) or EpiDermTM and human skin, suggesting that these reconstructed human skin models could be used as alternative membranes for skin permeation experiments. However, the partition parameter, KL, and diffusion parameter, DL-2 in these reconstructed human skin models were different to those of human skin. Especially, KL values in reconstructed human skin models were very different to those in human skin, even for LSE-high and EpiDermTM. Therefore, suitable reconstructed human skin models should be carefully selected on a case by case basis.Original Articl

    Purification of Diesel Exhaust Gas Using Reducing Catalysers

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    Diesel engine exhaust gas is known to be one cause of photochemical smog, which is so damaging to city environments. However, because of its high thermal efficiency and economic advantages, the diesel engine is not easily dispensable. The authors have previously conducted a series of experiments to assess the purifying effects of a diesel gas purification device employing an electric trap. It has been confirmed that an extraction rate of 60~75% for black smoke can be achieved using this apparatus. But the extraction effect for nitrogen oxides (NOx) is insufficient if the electro-trap device is used on its own. To improve its performance, , experiments have now been undertaken using the same device in combination with various types of attached catalysers to oxidise and remove the nitrogen in the exhaust gas. Utilising a commercial 3-way catalyser, it proved difficult to maintain the gas at a suitable temperature, so that no outstanding result could be obtained. Nor was any significant result observed from the use of an ozoniser. However, with a zeolyte catalyser, it was possible to achieve a NOx reduction of 20~30 %. This latter experiment is reported in the present paper

    PVQ リャクガ : カンジャ ノ マナザシ オ トラエル ココロミ

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    “患者の立場”とは、“患者の苦しみ”とは何か 患者の目に、医療はどのように映っているのか?患者の立場を理解できる医療従事者を目指して著者: 井上晴豪, 福岡大学医学部公衆衛生学教室グループ(守山正樹, 嘉悦昭彦, 柴田和典, 福島哲仁, 林姫辰, 三宅吉博, 田中景子, 牛島佳代, 荒川雅志