62 research outputs found

    A compact cascaded ultrashort cavity dye laser oscillator-ampliFier

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    本文报道新近研制的一个小型的两级短腔染料激光器(SCdl)串联加一级染料放大的装置。用大气压n_2激光(λ=337.1nM)作泵浦源,与文献[1]报道的结构比较,系统紧凑简单,长宽不到20CMx15CM。采用较合理的光路,显著地减小n_2激光光束的弥散损耗,使系统的效率有较大的提高。第二级SCdl腔的结构采用了不同于文献[1]的形式,有利于抑制其泵浦发热引起的热不稳定性。It is reported that a small oscillator-ampliFier which consists of two cas- caded ultrashort cavity dye laser(SCDL)and a dye laser ampliFier.The pumping source is an atmaspere pressure N_2 laser(λ=337.1nm).The size of the system is less 20cm× 15cm,compared with that described in [1],For a new optical geometry is employed.The beam diFFusion loss of the N_2 laser,used as the pumping source,is cut down greatly,thereFore the system eFFiciency is raised obviously.The second SCDL cavity is constructed by using a new structure.So thermal unstability of the cavity and output Features of the SCDL can be reduced.国家自然科学基

    Mutagenic EFFects of Nd +3 :YAG Laser on Aspergillus Niger

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    本文采用nd+3:yAg激光辐照柠檬酸生产菌黑曲霉孢子,辐照后进行培养和发酵试验、分析测定不同辐照时间黑曲霉孢子的存活率、黑曲霉菌丝体生长繁殖及代谢产酸的速度、主要代谢产物柠檬酸的产量及淀粉糖化酶活力等的变化。实验结果表明,nd+3:yAg激光辐照后各实验组发生了不同程度的变化,说明该激光能诱发黑曲霉细胞的遗传变异,可用于诱变选育柠檬酸生产的优良高产菌株In this paper, a Nd +3 :YAG laser was used to irradiate spores of the Aspergillus niger, a citric acid-producing strain.The spores irradiated were then cultured and Fermentated.Variations in a survival rates of the spores, rates of growth, propagation, and the metabolic production acid of the hyphae, yield of the main metabolite citric acid and vitality of the saccharidase, etc .were determined and analysed.The experimental results show that the various experimental groups, irradiated by the Nd:YAG laser, had changes in diFFerent degrees.This indicates that the laser can induce Aspergillus niger cells to mutate and may possibly be applied to selectively breed new good quality strains with high yield For production of the citric acid


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    Evaluation on difference of therapeutic efficacy of Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules and Pills in treatment of emotional disorder during perimenopause based on Greene Climacteric Scale

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    目的:在前期加味逍遥丸治疗围绝经期情绪障碍具有比较优势的基础上,基于grEEnE量表探讨其颗粒剂和丸剂不同剂型间疗效差异。方法:经筛选后患有情绪障碍的围绝经期女性75例随机等分为A、b、C3组,分别对应采用帕罗西汀、加味逍遥丸和加味逍遥颗粒剂治疗8周。所有患者在治疗前后各进行1次grEEnE及其子因子评定,并在观察期结束时进行TESS评定。结果:grEEnE总分差及其焦虑、抑郁因子分差:3种治疗方法均能改善,且相互间无显著差异;grEEnE性因子和血管因子分差:后二组均优于A组(P<0.01);TESS评分:与A组比较,b、C组均有统计学意义(P<0.01),评分均小于A组,且后二组间无显著差异。结论:加味逍遥的2种剂型间疗效无显著差异,考虑到帕罗西汀的不良反应,治疗该病加味逍遥的2种剂型都值得推荐。Objective: To investigate the difference in therapeutic efficacy between Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules and pills based on the preliminary research of treating emotional disorder during perimenopause with Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills and Greene Climacteric Scale.Methods: 75 female patients with emotional disorder during perimenopause were slected and randomly divided into 3 groups as group A, B and C.Patients in the 3 groups were treated with paroxetine, Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills and Jiawei Xiaoyao Granules respectively for 8 weeks.Greene and Greene factors assessment were carried out in all the patients before and after treatment, and the TESS assessment was carried out at the end of the observation period.Results: The three therapies all could improve the gap in total score of Greene and its factors as anxiety and depressed, and the difference among these three groups was no significant.The factors of Greene and gap in score of vascular factors of group B and C was better than that of group A(P<0.01).The difference in TESS score between group A and group B and C was significant(P<0.01), while the difference between group B and group C was not significant.Conclusion: The difference in curative effect between the two formulations was not significant.Because of the adverse reactions of paroxetine, in the treatment of emotional disorder during perimenopause, the two formulations of Jiawei Xiaoyao Powder were worth to be recommended.国家自然科学青年基金项目(No.81302960)~

    Phase Matching Paramiters for Doublings in Principal Planes of Biaxial Crystals

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    根据折射率椭球方程及双光轴晶体中光波的传播与偏振特性 ,分析双轴晶体在主平面内激光倍频相位匹配的特性与方法 ,导出光波在主平面内传播时倍频的相位失配关系 ;给出双轴晶体中容许相位匹配倍频的相位匹配角及混频的有效非线性系数deff的表达式。利用可相位匹配的类型、相位匹配角公式和有效非线性系数deff表达式的表 ,容易对任意一具体晶体在一给定波长求出实际能实现相位匹配的类型或偏振组合 ,算出相位匹配角 ,比较不同的相位匹配类型或偏振组合的有效非线性系数 ,选择最佳的相位匹配类型与方向。从相位失配关系可以计算晶体主平面内倍频的接收角、接收光谱宽度等特性参量Based on index ellipsoid equation and characteristics of optical wave propagation and polarization in a biaxial crystal, methods of the collinear phase matching (PM) permitted for frequency doubling in principal planes of biaxial crystals are discussed and analysed. The general expressions of the effective nonlinear coefficients d eff and phase mismatchs for all the allowed PMs are derived for all kinds of biaxial crystals. By using the Table, in which possible PM types or polarization combinations, respective PM angle formula and effective nonlinear coeficients are involved, realizable PM methods may be found and respective PM angles can be calculated. Finally effective nonlinear coeficients for allowed PMs can be compared and optimal PM types or directions can be selected easily

    The effects of organic acids and its molybdate complexes on the growth and nitrogen fixation activity of Azotobacter vinellandii OP

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    有机酸及其钼络合物对棕色固氮菌生长和固氮活性的影响 摘要 生物固氮作用是维持地球上生态系统平衡的一个重要因素。生物固氮量约占全世界每年固氮总量的三分之二。与工业生产氮肥相比,生物固氮具有不需要消耗大量能源、反应条件温和、不降低土壤性能以及不污染环境等很多优点。因此,研究固氮酶的结构及其固氮作用的机理,始终是生物固氮研究的热点。生物固氮机理的阐明,不仅可以为提高生物固氮的效率,增加生物固氮量,为农业生产开辟肥源,提高农作物产量,而且也为人工模拟固氮,合成高效合成氨催化剂提供理论依据。 高分辩率固氮酶MoFe-蛋白单晶的X-射线衍射图谱的成功分析和固氮酶铁钼辅基(称为FeMoco或M-簇)和...The effects of organic acids and its molybdate complexes on the growth and nitrogen fixation activity of Azotobacter vinelandii OP Abstract Nitrogen fixation is an important factor in maintaining the ecological balance. Biological nitrogen fixation makes up about 2/3 of the total nitrogen fixation quantity on the earth. Compared with industrial ammonia synthesis, biological nitrogen fixation doe...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20002603

    Comparison of Spectral Features For the Light of a Short Cavity Dye Laser BeFore and AFter AmpliFication

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    实验观测了短腔染料激光器输出的多纵模激光及其经一级染料放大的激光光谱,比较了光谱特性。在一定情况下,短腔染料激光器的多纵模激光经放大器放大可产生一个至几个新纵模,新纵模与短腔染料激光器输出的纵模有相似的频率间隔、线宽及频率牵引等特征。新纵模产生属于三阶四光子混频(即四波混频)为主导的非线性光学效应。存在频率牵引表明,增益介质中的多波混频存在频率失配,在这一四波混频中光子能量并不守恒The spectra of the laser pulses output From a short cavity dye laser (SCDL) and then ampliFied by a dye laser ampliFier were observed experimentally.The major spectral parameters of the laser spectral of the longitudinal modes (LM) were measured.The change in spectral Features including spectral envelope, Frequency pulling, and number of the LM etc., are compared.Under certain conditions, the dye ampliFier can produce one or more new LMs in the multi LM ampliFication, while in the other cases, the number of the LM output From the ampliFier remains unchanged.There are striking resemblances between the new LMs and the initial modes, For example, the new modes have properties in Frequency pulling, collinear and codirection propagating.In the mode coupling and generating there exists Frequency pulling, this implies that there is photon Frequency mismatch and photon energy unconserves in total resonant Four wave mixing (FWM) in dye ampliFier.国家自然科学基

    Phase Matching for SHG in Principal Planes of Biaxial Crystals

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    从折射率椭球方程和折射率椭球面出发 ,讨论光束在双轴晶体中传播及偏振的特性、主平面倍频共线相位匹配 (PM)问题 ,得到了双轴晶体主平面内激光所有可能 PM倍频的 8种偏振组合及其相应的PM角公式、有效非线性 (NL)系数 deff的一般表达式。结果表明 :得到的公式简单 ,可大大简化 PM参数计算及优化设计 ;折射率椭球面是单层曲面 ,比双层的折射率面简单 ;基于折射率椭球面寻找所有可能PM的类型、偏振组合的方法物理图像简明 ,易于理解 ,大大降低了双轴晶体 PM问题分析的难度。Characteristics of light propagation and polarization,collinear phase matching (PM) problems and methods in the principal planes are discussed based on indicatrix equation for SHG in biaxial crystals.8 polarization combinations for all the possible collinear PM SHG in the principal planes,the PM angle formulas and the general expressions of the effective nonlinear (NL) coefficient d eff are given.The results obtained are prety simple and greate to simplify calculatation and optimum design for the PM.In contrast to a Fresnel surface with double sheets,an indicatrix one is simple.The PM methods searching for all the possible PM polarization combinations of 3 WM which have clearly physical picture,are much simple and easy to be understood based on the indicatrix surface