140 research outputs found

    Indonesia:Retrospect in 2009 and Prospect in 2010

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    2009年,印度尼西亚政治与社会形势比较稳定,议会选举和总统直选得以顺利进行。金融危机对印尼经济的负面影响被控制至最小限度,经济发展可圈可点。印尼还活跃于国际舞台,力争在国际和地区事务中发挥更大影响。Indonesia's political and social situation is fairly stable in 2009,as reflected in the parliamentary and presidential elections which have proceeded smoothly.Meanwhile the impact of global financial crisis on its e-conomy has been reduced to a minimum.As a result,Indonesian could get remarkable economic achievement.In-donesia is also active in the international arena in order to play a more important role in international and regional af-fairs

    Democratiation in Post-Soeharto Indonesia

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    本文综合中、英、印尼三种语言的参考资料,在国内外学者研究成果基础上,从印尼试行民主制度的历史、后苏哈托时期的转型过程、政党政治、伊斯兰因素、地方自治以及公民社会等六个维度对印尼民主化进程进行深入研究。 全文共分八个部分。绪论部分阐述选题之缘起及研究意义,对相关概念作出界定,介绍国内外学术界对这一论题的研究现状及本文研究方法等内容。第一章追溯印尼从独立运动至上世纪六十年代中期的民主思想和政治发展历程。这个时期的印尼并不具备民主发展的经济和社会条件,但两次民主试验及苏加诺、哈达等政治精英的思想反映了印尼民族对符合本国国情政治制度的思考与探索。第二章分析苏哈托“潘查希拉民主”的本质,以及印尼从权威...Base on the research results of the scholars at home and abroad, and referring to a large number of Chinese, English and Indonesian original materials, this dissertation attempts to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study on the democratization of Indonesia in post-Soeharto era, including its democracy experiment history, the transition process, political parties, the Islamic variable, decentra...学位:法学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_政治学理论学号:2552009015346


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    在 W E b页面内使用 ACTIVE X 组件存在着如何在客户浏览器上顺利下载这些组件以及能否对它们进行运行时刻授权这些问题。本文旨在论述 C A b文件和 l P k 文件是如何解决 ACTIVE X 组件的打包和运行时刻授权的。并对 W E b程序设计者提供了范例

    Stable Politics with the Highest Growth Rate: Indonesia’s Retrospect in 2011 and Prospect in 2012

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    2011年,印尼政治与社会继续保持稳定,筹备下届大选使政治气候升温;经济未受全球金融危机的明显影响,呈加速发展之势;双边和多边外交更加积极、活跃和自信。The overall socio-political conditions in Indonesia remained stable in 2011 while the political atmosphere was heating up due to preparations for the next general election.Indonesia’s economy has not been affected seriously by the global financial crisis and maintained the momentum of fast growth.On bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, Indonesia played a more positive, active and confident role


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    研究了三向四次箱样条曲面与控制网格中心三角平面片间的距离和该距离的界. 借助三向四次箱样条曲 面的分片表示,应用该曲面片控制顶点的一阶和二阶方向差分, 给出了该曲面片与控制网格中心三角平面片之间的 逐点距离. 通过该距离的分片表达式, 给出了该距离的界.国家自然科学基金(10571145

    Generalized Subdivision of Bézier Surfaces

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    将矩形和三角形bzIEr曲面的基于直线的细分推广到基于曲线的细分.运用多项式曲线细分矩形和三角形bzIEr曲面,并以参数变换和多项式开花为工具,计算出细分后每个子曲面片的bzIEr控制顶点.曲线细分使细分方式的选择更灵活,细分后的子曲面片及其边界的形状更丰富多彩,而且该方法能推广到有理情况.The subdivision of rectangular and triangular Bézier surfaces is generalized from with line to with polynomial curve in domain.By using of parameter transformation and blossoming of polynomial,each subpatch's Bézier control points are evaluated.The subdivision method based on curve makes more choices for the style of subdivision and the shape of the subpatches and their sides.This method is also working for rational cases.国家自然科学基金(10571145);安徽大学数学科学学院创新团队项

    Current Situation of the Ethnic Chinese and Capital in Indonesia

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    印度尼西亚是东南亚地区华人数量最多的国家,由于历史原因,华人在印尼大多从商。本文以印尼官方公布的数据和部分权威统计资料为主要依据,对印尼华人和华商资本数量进行推估,指出印尼华人约达1000万,华商资本达1638亿美元。自1980年印尼政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,绝大部分印尼华侨通过入籍成为印尼公民,而华侨经济也自然演变为华人经济,成为印尼国民经济的重要组成部分。但目前印尼华商资本仍面临诸多困境,发展前景不容乐观。Indonesia has the largest number of the ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia.For historical reasons,most ethnic Chinese do business in Indonesia.This paper try to estimate the number of the ethnic Chinese and their capital in Indonesia based on the data released by the government and some authoritative statistics.The new estimation of the ethnic Chinese population in Indonesia is 10 million,the capital is 163.8 billion dollars.After the Government of Indonesia to relax the restrictions of Chinese citizenship in 1980s,the overwhelming majority of overseas Chinese became ethnic Chinese in Indonesia through naturalization.At the same time,the overseas Chinese economy also evolved into ethnic Chinese economy,which became an important part of the Indonesian national economy.But recently the capital of the ethnic Chinese enterprise is faced with many difficulties,whose future is not optimistic


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    本研究报道了一条蚜Hysteroneura setariae在中国华南地区取食入侵植物互花米草,这是该植物上的首个蚜虫纪录。结合DNA条形码和系统发育分析,探究了互花米草上一条蚜种群的来源,并基于中国华南、印度、巴基斯坦、美国等地区样品的序列数据,分析了一条蚜种群遗传分化格局。结果显示:华南地区互花米草上的一条蚜来自周边其他寄主植物上一条蚜种群的扩散;北美本土一条蚜种群与亚洲地区种群具有一定程度的遗传分化。国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFE0203100);;国家自然科学基金项目(31772504);;福建省杰出青年科学基金项目(2015J06005


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    目的为了观察束缚固定和异氟烷(流量:0.8 L,浓度:1.5%)麻醉状态中大鼠的心率变异性的变化;并通过比较9天每天30 min束缚干预和异氟烷麻醉对大鼠的体重、痛阈以及与HPA轴相关激素的影响,来评估长期使用异氟烷麻醉和束缚固定对大鼠应激程度的影响,选择更适宜的大鼠固定方法,为基础医学的实验方法提供重要的参考。方法 SD大鼠随机分为3组:空白组,束缚组,异氟烷麻醉组。急性实验通过记录大鼠心电图15 min,观察束缚固定和异氟烷麻醉情况下大鼠心率,心率变异性的变化。慢性实验中比较连续干预9天(30 min/d)前后3组大鼠体重、痛阈变化以及与应激状态相关激素含量的变化。结果 1)急性试验:与空白组大鼠相比,束缚干预和异氟烷麻醉均造成大鼠心率显著增加,具有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论以上结果提示:低浓度的异氟烷造成麻醉中大鼠心率增加,心率变异性下降,产生以交感兴奋为主的自主神经功能状态改变。多次束缚固定易造成大鼠HPA轴激活,产生慢性应激的效应。在长期需要固定动物的实验中,与束缚固定相比异氟烷麻醉是更好的固定方法。国家自然科学基金(81674083

    Measurement of the Static Optoelectronic Characteristics of InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiode

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    建立了雪崩二极管的静态光电特性的自动测试系统。利用该系统对光敏面的直径为500μm的台面型InGaAs/InP雪崩光电二极管(APDs)进行测试。测试结果表明,该APD器件在90%击穿电压下的暗电流为151nA,在直径500μm的光敏面上其光响应均匀性良好。提出一种测量雪崩二极管倍增因子的方法,只需利用普通的测量电流-电压的测试仪器,就可以获得开始倍增时的光电流,从而得到APD的倍增因子。通过该方法得到的InGaAs/InPAPD器件最大倍增因子的典型值在10~100量级。A measurement system is set up which could measure static optoelectronic characteristics of avalanche photodiodes (APDs). By using this system, the mesa-structure InP/InGaAs APDs is measured. The results show that the APDs have a relatively low dark current (~150 nA at 90% of breakdown) and a uniform photoresponse profile of about 500 μm diameter. A method of getting APDs's multiplication gain is also proposed. Through getting the photocurrent at the point where multiplication is beginning, the multiplication gain can be obtained by the simple current-voltage equipment. For InP/InGaAs APDs, the typical maximum multiplication gain measured by this method is about 10~100