239 research outputs found

    Infl uence of composite material of carbon black and graphite on the performance of negative electrode of lead-acid battery

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    本文考察了加入不同含量混合炭材料(如炭黑与石墨)的铅酸电池负极的电化学性能。通过循环伏安测试,研究了炭材料对负极氧化还原性能与析氢电位的影响。通过扫描电镜测试,观察了负极微观形貌的变化。充放电测试结果表明,铅酸电池负极活性物质中炭材料的含量对其倍率放电性能具有重要影响。适量添加炭黑与石墨的混合材料,可以提高负极高倍率条件下的放电容量。当添加3%炭黑和2%石墨混合炭材料时,对负极充电时的析氢电位影响较小,10 C放电条件下得到较高容量。This paper observed and studied the electrochemical performance of negative electrode of lead-acid battery, while the negative electrode was added into different content of composite carbon material such as carbon black and graphite.The infl uences of carbon material on redox properties of negative electrode and hydrogen evolution potential were studied by cyclic voltammetry measurements.The micro morphology of negative electrode was characterized by SEM.The results of chargedischarge tests showed that when the carbon material was added into the active materials of negative electrode of lead-acid battery, its content had an important effect on the discharge performance.The composite material of proper content carbon black and graphite could improve the discharge capacity at high rates.When 3 wt% carbon black and 2 wt% graphite were added, the effect on hydrogen evolution potential is smaller during charging and the capacity is higher under the condition of 10C discharging.福建省软科学计划项目(2012R0076)资


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    The Effects of Different Seawater Concentration and Culture Time on Antimicrobial Activity of Marine Fungi

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    作者简介: 杜希萍女,讲师。现从事天然产物化学方面的研究。E-mail: xipingdu@ jmu.edu.cn 通讯作者。E-mail: wjsu@ jmu.edu.cn[中文文摘]用滤纸片琼脂扩散法研究不同海水浓度和培养时间对海洋真菌抗菌活性的影响,旨在为大规模培养海洋真菌和提高获得抗菌物质的几率提供理论依据。结果显示:用不同海水浓度培养基发酵海洋真菌,在供试的10株海洋真菌中,5株海洋真菌的抗菌活性和抗菌谱有明显差异;培养时间不同,6株海洋真菌的抗菌活性差别较大。实验结果表明,不同海水浓度和培养时间对海洋真菌抗菌活性有显著影响。[英文文摘]The effects of different seawater concentration and culture time on antimicrobial activity of marine fungi were studied using agar diffusion method with filter paper diskettes,aiming at providing theoretical foundation for culturing marine fungi on a large scale and improving the probability of antimicrobial metabolites.The results showed that the differences of antimicrobial activities and antimicrobial spectrum of five among ten tested marine fungal strains cultured in different seawater concentration media were fairly obvious; antimicrobial activities of six marine fungal strains were significantly different at the different culture time.The study indicated different seawater concentration and culture time greatly affected the antimicrobial activity of marine fungi.集美大学博士启动基金(ZQ2011004);中央高校基本业务费(2010121092)资

    Current Progress and Development Trend of Woody Oil-plant Derived Biodiesel Production in China

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    作者简介: 杨文博(1985-) , 女, 河南安阳人, 硕士, 主要从事植物分子生物学科研工作。 通讯作者: 郑文明( 1964-) , 男, 河南永城人, 博士, 教授, 主要研究方向: 植物分子营养和基因工程。Email: zhengwenming@ yahoo.cn[中文文摘]木本油料植物生产生物柴油是适合中国国情的生物柴油发展策略之一。我国虽有丰富的木本油料植物资源,但是实施其开发和产业化都面临许多问题。分析了我国此项产业的现状,阐述了在资源调查、产学研结合、企业管理和政策法规等方面的问题和对策,总结了当前全球注重发展‘环保能源’的大背景下我国利用木本油料植物生产生物柴油的发展趋势。[英文文摘]The woody oil - plants derived biodiesel production is suitable for China"s biodiesel develop ment strategy Although China is rich in woody oil-plant resources, the implementation of its develop ment and industrialization is facing many problems.This paper systematically analyzed current status of the industry, described the issues and countermeasures in resource survey, production management, policies and gulations, summarized the trend of biodiesel production in China by using woody oil plants under the current background of global focus on the development of 'green energy '.河南省杰出青年基金项目(084100410025);河南省农业科技攻关项目(112102110112

    Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaf litter in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China

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    通过对中亚热带格氏栲天然林 (natural forest of Castanopsis kawakamii,约 15 0 a)、格氏栲和杉木人工林 (monocultureplantations of C.kawakamii and Cunninghamia lanceolata,33年生 )凋落叶分解过程中养分动态的研究表明 ,各凋落叶分解过程中 N初始浓度均发生不同程度的增加后下降 ;除格氏栲天然林中其它树种叶和杉木叶 P浓度先增加后下降外 ,其它均随分解过程而下降 ;除杉木叶外 ,其它类型凋落叶的 Ca和 Mg浓度呈上升趋势 ;凋落叶 K浓度均随分解过程不断下降。养分残留率与分解时间之间存在着指数函数关系 xt=x0 e- kt。凋落叶分解过程中各养分释放常数分别为 :N (k N) 0 .6 78~ 4 .0 88;P (k P)0 .6 2 1~ 4 .30 8;K(k K) 1.4 0 8~ 4 .4 2 1;Ca (k Ca) 0 .799~ 3.75 6 ;Mg (k Mg) 0 .837~ 3.894。除杉木叶外 ,其它凋落叶分解过程中均呈 k K>k P>k N>k Mg>k Ca的顺序... 【英文摘要】 Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaf litter was studied in two 33-year-old plantations, Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, CF) and Castanopsis kawakamii (CK), and compared with that of an adjacent natural forest of Castanopsis kawakamii (NF, ~150 year old) in Sanming, Fujian, China. During the decomposition, varying degree of initial increase followed by decrease of N concentrations was observed in leaf litter, while initial increase and then decrease of P concentration was only found in leaves of other...教育部高等学校优秀青年教师奖资助项目;; 教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划资助项目 ;; 福建省重大基础研究资助项目 (2 0 0 0 F 0 0 4)~

    Fine root distribution, seasonal pattern and production in a native forest and monoculture plantations in subtropical China

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    作者简介: 杨玉盛(1964~ ) , 男, 福建仙游人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事亚热带常绿阔叶林C、N 循环研究。E2mail: [email protected] tt. fj. cn 致谢: 福建农林大学蔡丽平、林瑞余、谢锦升, 陈爱玲、陈清山、邹双全、李春林, 硕士研究生郭剑芬、刘艳丽、岳永杰、于占源、江淼华、卢豪良等, 及莘口教学林场郑燕明、刘春华、王巧珍、陈辉等参加了项目研究[中文文摘] 通过对福建三明格氏栲天然林及在其采伐迹地上营造的33年生格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分布、季节动态与净生产力进行的为期3a(1999~2001)的研究,结果表明,格氏栲天然林、格氏栲和杉木人工林活细根生物量分别为4.944t/hm2、3.198t/hm2和1.485t/hm2,死细根生物量分别为3.563t/hm2、2.749t/hm2和1.287t/hm2;死细根生物量占总细根生物量的比例分别为41.9%、46.2%和46.4%;0.05);活细根生物量最大值均出现在3月份,最小值一般出现在5~7月份或11~翌年1月份间。0~10cm表土层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量高达295.65g/m2,分别是格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林的2.4倍和8.1倍;该层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量占全部活细根生物量的59.8%,均高于格氏栲人工林(39.07%)和杉木人工林(24.51%)。格氏栲天然林、格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分解1a后的干重损失率分别为68.34%~80.13%、63.51%~77.95%和47.69%~60.78%;年均分解量分别为8.747、5.143和2.503t/hm2;死亡量分别为8.632、5.148和2.492t/hm2;年均净生产量分别为8.797、5.425和2.513t/hm2,年周转速率分别为1.78、[英文文摘]In the last decades, large scale native forests have been converted to fast growing and high yield commercial forest plantations to meet the demands for timber, fuel material, and other forest products. Some silvicultural measures, such as planting pure stands, clear cutting and slash burning, have been widely applied during this conversion. Yield decline and land deterioration in such disturbed ecosystem has become serious. In this context, the ecological comparisons between native forests and monoculture plantations are necessary in providing the implications for sustainable management. Few studies on fine roots dynamics have been conducted within these ecosystems though the importance of fine roots in carbon and nutrient cycling has been increasingly emphasized due to their rapid turnover rates. Two 33 year old plantations, Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, CF) and Castanopsis kawakamii (CK), were chosen to examine fine root (005). An early spring flush of root biomass (March) was found in these three forests, and the minimum value mainly occurred during May July or November January. For the NF, 598% of root biomass was found in the top soil of 0~10 cm, a layer that maximum depth distribution difference among these forests occurred, where root biomass of the NF was 237 times and 812 times as much as that of the CK and the CF, respectively. Percentages of original mass lost during the first year of decomposition ranged from 4379%~5631% for the FH to 6834%~8013% for the NF Mean annual root decomposition, mortality and production ranged from 847 t/(hm 2·a), 8632 t/(hm 2·a) and 95 t/(hm 2·a) in the NF to 2503 t/(hm 2·a), 2492 t/(hm 2·a) and 2513 t/(hm 2·a) in the CF. The mean root turnover rate ranged from 178 times/a in the NF to 169 times/a in the CF.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30170770);福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0110025);高等学校优秀青年教师教学科研奖励计划资助项目;福建省基础研究重大资助项目(2000-F-004

    Real-space imaging with pattern recognition of a ligand-protected Ag374 nanocluster at sub-molecular resolution

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    厦门大学化学化工学院郑南峰教授团队长期致力于研究固体功能材料的表界面化学行为,在分子水平上实现对固体功能材料的化学性能的调控与优化。得益于固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室的多学科合作以及能源材料化学协同创新中心的多单位优势互补,郑南峰教授课题组通过与校内外多个课题组的密切合作,近期在功能材料的可控制备、复杂表界面结构的高分辨表征和表界面过程分子机制的深入理解等方面取得系列重要进展,相关成果近期均在Nature Communications发表。 针对纳米颗粒表面配体难被高分辨直接成像的特点,与厦门大学郑兰荪、谢兆雄等教授以及中科院大连化物所杨学明研究员、马志博副研究员和芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学HannuHäkkinen教授等多个团队紧密合作,在利用扫描隧道显微镜表征金属纳米团簇的表面配体层结构方面取得重要进展。以原子结构精确的 Ag374纳米团簇为研究对象,利用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜分别在液氦及液氮温度下获得了单个团簇亚分子高分辨率的拓扑图像。【Abstract】High-resolution real-space imaging of nanoparticle surfaces is desirable for better understanding of surface composition and morphology, molecular interactions at the surface, and nanoparticle chemical functionality in its environment. However, achieving molecular or sub-molecular resolution has proven to be very challenging, due to highly curved nanoparticle surfaces and often insufficient knowledge of the monolayer composition. Here, we demonstrate sub-molecular resolution in scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of thiol monolayer of a 5 nm nanoparticle Ag374 protected by tert-butyl benzene thiol. The experimental data is confirmed by comparisons through a pattern recognition algorithm to simulated topography images from density functional theory using the known total structure of the Ag374 nanocluster. Our work demonstrates a working methodology for investigations of structure and composition of organic monolayers on curved nanoparticle surfaces, which helps designing functionalities for nanoparticle-based applications.The experimental work done in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, was supported both by Xiamen University (The National Key R&D Program of China grant 2017YFA0207302, National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant 21731005, 21420102001 and 21721001 the National Key R&D Program of China grant 2017YFA0207302) and DICP (National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 21688102, the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Science, grant XDB17000000, the National Key Research and Development Program of the MOST of China, grant 2016YFA0200603 and the open fund of the state key laboratory of molecular reaction dynamics in DICP, CAS, grant SKLMRD-K201707). Q.Z. thanks Dr. Huayan Yang for providing the samples for STM imaging. S.M. and H.H. thank T. Kärkkäinen and P. Nieminen for discussions on pattern recognition algorithms. The theoretical and computational work in the University of Jyväskylä was funded by the Academy of Finland (grants 294217, 315549, AIPSE program, and H.H.’s Academy Professorship). H.H. acknowledges the support from China’s National Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Base visitor program. S.K. thanks the Vilho, Yrjö, and Kalle Väisälä Foundation for the grant for doctoral studies. The DFT simulations were done at the Finnish national supercomputing center CSC and at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (PRACE project “NANOMETALS”). 研究工作得到了科技部、国家自然科学基金委和教育部,中科院先导项目,国家重点研发计划,分子反应动力学国家重点实验室开放课题基金等项目的资助

    Experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens

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    作者简介: 祁明信, 男, 1945 年7 月 出生, 教授、主任医师、博士研究生 导师, 主要从事白内障的基础与临 床研究。联系电话: 0591-83570887; E-mail:qihuang@netease. com 通讯作者: 黄秀榕,E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]目的开展晶状体再灌注的离体和动物实验研究,并对再灌注人工晶状体技术进行评价。方法采用新鲜离体幼兔眼、离体猪眼、新西兰白兔眼,应用自行研制的人工晶状体材料,进行以下实验:(1)体外固化实验;(2)晶状体前囊膜微型撕囊及其稳固性实验;(3)经微型前囊膜开口超声乳化吸出晶状体内容物实验;(4)活的新西兰白兔眼内人工晶状体再灌注实验。结果(1)按硅酮聚合物与固化剂50:1的比例可获得柔软、弹性好、固化时间短(完全固化时间为60min)的注入材料;(2)晶状体前囊膜1.8~2.0mm的连续环形撕囊口具有较好的稳定性,可经该微型开口吸出晶状体内容物并灌注材料;(3)超声能量18%、流量25mL·min-1、负压120mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)为晶状体内容物经微型前囊膜开口吸出的最佳条件;(4)注入灌注材料后可形成由晶状体囊膜包裹的、置换原晶状体皮质和核的、新的再灌注人工晶状体。结论采用再灌注人工晶状体的方法可进行新型人工晶状体再灌注,可为治疗白内障和老视提供参考。[英文文摘]Objective To carry out the experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens(IOLs) in vitro or in animal,and to assess the technique of IOLs reperfusion.Methods The following experiments were performed by using self-developed materials in fresh rabbit eyes and pig eyes in vitro,as well as in eyes of alive New-Zea-land rabbits:(1)Solidification study of self-developed material in vitro;(2)Continuous circular capsulorhexis(CCC) in anterior capsule of lens and its stability;(3)Draw of lens contents via phaco through mini-CCC;(4)IOLs ref illing in the eyes of alive New-Zea land rabbits. Results(1) Thematerialwhich was soft, springy and short-term solidification(full solidification time was 60 minutes) were obtained in certain proportion of geland solidified agent(50:1) in vitro; ( 2)The CCC in anterior capsule of lens with 1.8-2.0 mm diameter had very good stability. The lens contents were drawn and the materialwere refilled through themini-CCC; (3) The best conditions of drawing out lens contents through m ini-CCC were phaco energy 18% , flow 25 mL·min- 1, and negative pressure 120 mmH g (1kPa=7.5 mmHg);(4) The new refilled IOLs, which were wrapped by capsule of lens and were replaced original cortex and nucleus of lens, were obtained after thematerial refillied. Conc lusion. New IOLs are refilled through this method, which can prov ide reference for the treatment of cataract and presbyopia.福建省科技三项费用;教育厅重点资助项目基金资助(编号:K98041


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