21 research outputs found

    Biological process of phosphorus turnover in surface water body of Xiamen Harbor. Ⅱ:Grazing pressure of copepod on phytoplankton

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    为了解桡足类在磷的生物地球化学循环中的作用,于2005年5、8、11月和2006年3月分别在厦门时间序列站(XMTS)采用肠道色素法,研究了桡足类对浮游植物的现场摄食率,同步分析了桡足类的种类组成和数量变化,进而得到桡足类群体对浮游植物的摄食率.结果表明:厦门港桡足类对浮游植物的年平均摄食率为55.53μg.m-3.d-1;其中秋季最高,为108.98μg.m-3.d-1,夏季最低,为7.18μg.m-3.d-1.根据试验数据估算,厦门港桡足类对浮游植物现存量的摄食压力四季平均为1.81,春、夏、秋、冬分别为3.22、0.06、3.52和0.46.To understand the roles of copepod in the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus,gut fluorescence method was applied to examine in situ the grazing rate of copepod on the phytoplankton in Xiamen Time Station(XMTS) in May,August and November 2005 and March 2006.In the meanwhile,the abundance and species composition of copepod were investigated,and the grazing pressure of copepod on the phytoplankton was estimated.The results showed that the annual average grazing rate of copepod was 55.53 μg·m-3·d-1,being the highest(108.98 μg·m-3·d-1) in autumn and the lowest(7.18 μg·m-3·d-1) in summer.Based on the estimation from our experimental data,the daily grazing rate of copepod populations on the phytoplankton in Xiamen Harbor was,on annual average,about 1.81% of the phytoplankton's standing stock,with the values in spring,summer,autumn,and winter being 3.22%,0.06%,3.52% and 0.46%,respectively.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40376021


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    通过马来酸酐酰化改性制取水溶性壳聚糖,利用沉淀缩聚方法将尼龙接枝于该水溶性壳聚糖上。通过改变原料的配比得到不同接枝率和溶解性的产物,较合适的原料投料比为n(马来酰化壳聚糖(MACS))∶n(己二胺)∶n(丁二酰氯)=1∶10∶7.5。采用FTIR和1H NMR测试技术表征了壳聚糖接枝尼龙的结构。初步研究表明,壳聚糖接枝尼龙在尼龙和壳聚糖的共混中能起到一定的增容作用


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    目的:评价鼻咽癌新筛查方案的成本和效果。方法:在鼻咽癌高发区中山市进行鼻咽癌筛查,统计癌检出率、早诊率、人均筛查成本、发现早期病例平均费用和早期发现成本系数等指标。结果:共筛查16 712人,确诊鼻咽癌25例,检出率149.59/10万,早诊率76.0%,治疗率100.0%。筛查成本41.56元/人,发现病例费用27 779.82元,发现早期病例费用36 552.40元,按我国人均GDP计算,早期发现成本系数(EDCI)为1.71,按中山市人均GDP计算,EDCI为0.65。结论:相对常见恶性肿瘤鼻咽癌筛查成本较高,但在高发区筛查可以显著提高早诊率,并降低治疗费用

    CCCCC pentadentate chelates with planar Möbius aromaticity and unique properties

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    本课题充分发挥了厦门大学多学科协同研究优势,通讯作者为夏海平教授(合成、表征)、刘刚教授(生物医学应用)和吕鑫教授(理论计算)。合成实验和结构表征由朱从青(第一作者,目前在麻省理工学院、2005年诺贝尔化学奖得主Richard Schrock教授课题组从事博士后研究)完成;生物医学应用由杨彩霞(共同第一作者)、林凎、杨宇惠、王晓勇合作完成;理论计算由朱军、王永恒、朱从青完成。美国NIH的陈小元教授参与了生物医学应用的讨论。该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金委、科技部项目的支持。The coordinating atoms in polydentate chelates are primarily heteroatoms. We present the first examples of pentadentate chelates with all binding atoms of the chelating agent being carbon atoms, denoted as CCCCC chelates. Having up to five metal-carbon bonds in the equatorial plane has not been previously observed in transition metal chemistry. Density functional theory calculations showed that the planar metallacycle has extended Craig-Möbius aromaticity arising from 12-center–12-electron dπ-pπ π-conjugation. These planar chelates have broad absorption in the ultraviolet-visible–near-infrared region and, thus, notable photothermal performance upon irradiation by an 808-nm laser, indicating that these chelates have potential applications in photothermal therapy. The combination of facile synthesis, high stability, and broad absorption of these complexes could make the polydentate carbon chain a novel building block in coordination chemistry.the National Basic Research Program of China (nos. 2012CB821600 and 2014CB744503) , the National Science Foundation of China (nos. 21332002, 81422023, 51273165, 21490573, and 21573179)

    Advanced in Biology of Calanus sinicus in China

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    【中文摘要】 中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicusB rodsky)是西北太平洋陆架区的特征种,也是我国重要的浮游桡足类之一.基于中华哲水蚤在海洋生态系统物流和能流中的重要地位,故被列为我国近海生态系统中浮游动物的关键种之一.中华哲水蚤生物学研究已有50多年历史,是浮游动物研究中最为系统、全面,资料积累最为丰厚的种类.本文将我国中华哲水蚤生物学研究成果加以汇总和综述,旨为今后更广泛和深入地开展该种类研究提供参考. 【英文摘要】 Calanus sinicus is a characteristic copepod widely distributed in Northwest Pacific continental shelf because it dominates the mesozooplankton in the shelf ecocystem,also components a major copepod in China seas for its eggs,larvae and adults provide a wide size spectrum of food to the commercial pelagic fish stocks.Owing to it plays a most important role in the material and energy flows in ecosystem of China seas,Calanus sinicus is named "key species" in China seas,especially in the Bohai Sea,the Yellow Se..

    The egg types of Calanus sinicus in Xiamen Harbor of China

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    【中文摘要】 对厦门港中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)的卵型进行观察和研究,获得主要结果如下:(1)厦门港中华哲水蚤仅存在一种基本卵型,属于无鞘卵,但卵表面具有透明、柔软的胞膜(blister),胞膜呈褶皱结构;(2)胞膜可因外力而脱落,但胚胎仍可以正常发育;(3)在实验室水温为16~22℃条件下,受精卵均可正常孵化与发育;(4)胞膜的厚度有一定的变化,它随着水温的升高有减小的趋势.卵型分析与孵化实验均证实:厦门港中华哲水蚤不存在休眠卵(dormant egg)或滞育卵(diapause egg). 【英文摘要】 Calanus sinicus,an independent species divided from C.pacificus,dominated in all main seas of China,plays the same role in China neritic ecosystem as C.finmarchicus in Atlantic.As a mega-copepod, C.sinicus has been widely studied because of its connecting link between the preceding and the following in marine food webs.In Xiamen Harbor,located opposite of Taiwan Island,C.sinicus usually appears in the late autumn or early winter and disappears at the beginning of summer.Then how can they spend the summer? D...国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目资助(G1999043708


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