1,010 research outputs found

    Detection of hepatic MT and HSPs in Sebastiscus marmoratus to monitoring metal pollution by loop-mediated isothermal amplification

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    目前我国对海洋环境中重金属污染的监测仍然是以化学分析为主,化学分析方法虽然能对环境或生物体内重金属含量进行精确的定量,但无法反映污染物的生物效应,也难以了解污染物对海洋生态系统造成的破坏程度,很难评估其潜在毒性。因此筛选出与环境污染物相关性好的分子生物标志物,并建立特异性强、微量鉴定、费用低廉的快速检测方法具有良好的应用前景和效益。 本研究以灵敏度高、特异性强的海洋重金属污染生物标志物—MT为指标,克隆了褐菖鲉(Sebastiscusmarmoratus)的MT基因序列,建立并优化了针对MT的LAMP技术。为验证该方法的可行性,将褐菖鲉分别曝露于1.6μg・L-1、8.0μg&...At present, monitoring of heavy metal pollutions in the marine environment is still based on the chemical analysis techniques. Although the chemical analysis method would precise quantify the content of heavy metal in organism or in the environment, but it cannot reflect the effects of pollutants on organisms and assess the potential toxicity caused by the pollutants on marine ecosystems. Therefor...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:2262010115139

    The Mirror of Contemporary Chinese Women: Images of Women in Contemporary Chinese Romantic Fictions

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    早稲田大学博士(国際コミュニケーション学)早大学位記番号:新9406doctoral thesi


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    Study on the Economic Evaluation of Advertising Effects

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    随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业已普遍认识到广告对于产品促销的重要作用。然而,许多企业在花费巨资进行广告投入后,并未取得良好的广告效果。本文立足于广告经济效果的研究,通过对广告经济效果的影响因素和评估方法的分析,得出企业投放广告的有效途径。本文共分为五章,简要介绍如下:第一章:课题研究的意义。在分析我国企业广告投放现状的基础上,总结广告投放存在的主要问题,阐明企业进行广告经济效果评估的作用。第二章:广告效果概述。对广告及广告效果的概念进行了界定,并着重阐述了广告经济效果的特性。第三章:影响广告经济效果的因素分析。本章采用定性与定量相结合的方法论述了消费者心理与行为、媒体策略、其他营销手段的运用和产...Faced with increasingly intense marketing competition,most enterprises have realized the importance of advertising,however,after spending a lot on it,a majority of them have not attained the expected marketing goal.The subject of my thesis is Research on Advertising’s Economic Effects.The thesis analyzes effective approach to advertisement based on discussion of the factors that would influence ad...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:20021401

    Correctly Using SPSS Software for Principal Components Analysis

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    鉴于目前很多用SPSS软件分析主成分的教材中和发表的文章中有不少错误之处,本文从主成分分析与因子分析的关系出发,借用SPSS软件自带的数据,进行了正确的操作,并将其结果与SAS软件的结果进行比较,两者完全相同。In view of the errors in many books and articles about applying SPSS software for principal components analysis,this paper shows the right operations in using SPSS from the relationship between principal components analysis and factor analysis,and finds that the results are the same with that from the SAS software

    The Discussion on legal status of Negotiating Bank

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    议付行的法律地位在学界一直是个争论不休的问题,且《跟单信用证统一惯例》1993年修订本(英文简称UCP500,下同)和我国现行立法都没有作出明确规定。而议付行在实际议付过程中又面临诸多风险,如开证行拒绝付款,向受益人追索不成等等。因此,研究议付行的法律地位对于廓清议付信用证项下的议付行与其他当事人的法律关系以及明确议付行的权利、义务有着重要的作用。同时,明确议付行的法律地位,便于议付行在有关议付的诉讼案件中找准切入点,更加有利地维护其正当权益。议付行的法律地位应分为两个方面,一方面是议付行与开证行的关系;另一方面是议付行与受益人的关系。议付行与受益人的关系学界没有多少争议,因此本文的论述重点在...The legal status of negotiating bank is a question in dispute all the time. And there is no definite provision in UCP500 and Chinese current laws and decrees. But the negotiating bank always face many risks in the course of negotiation, such as issuing bank’s refusal of payment, the recourse right to beneficiary of L/C not being realized and so on. So the research of negotiating bank’s legal statu...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20020814