160 research outputs found

    The Fluorescence Detection and Analysis System for the Flowing Red Tide Algae

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    赤潮是我国近海常见的重要灾害之一,不仅造成了重大的经济损失,而且对海洋生态环境、资源和公众健康构成了严重威胁。建立赤潮生物的有效监测方法,是摆在我们面前的亟待解决的课题。赤潮生物流式荧光采集与分析系统实现了对赤潮生物的现场连续监测与综合分析,为预测赤潮的爆发提供有利的消息。 本文设计实现了赤潮生物流式荧光采集与分析系统。首先,通过自主设计两个蠕动泵构成了流路控制系统,实现了对海水样品流速的控制;然后,通过控制CCD曝光时间,协调控制光源、采集的同步时序及背景光,实现了对高速运动的赤潮生物图像的采集;最后,以光电倍增管、数据采集卡为主组成了荧光采集与分析系统,实时采集单个赤潮生物受激光激发产生...Red tide is one of the frequent marine ecological disasters in our country. It brings great lost to the economy; threaten to the environment and resources of the sea and people’s health. It is therefore of urgent need of effective techniques for monitoring of red tide events. The fluorescence detection and analysis system for the flowing red tide algae helps to identify red tide species as well as...学位:理学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_无线电物理学号:20043000


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    本研究采用MTT法对海洋放线菌、细菌、霉菌及极地和大洋细菌进行细胞毒活性物质的筛选 ,结果有 1 0 %放线菌及一株极地细菌具有细胞毒活性 .此外利用DNA修复特性在E .coli 3 4 3 /591和E .coli 3 4 3 /63 6之间的差异性 ,对前面筛得的菌株进行DNA损伤的筛选 ,结果得到两株活性菌株 .采用荧光染色观察得到 3株具有诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的菌株 ,这些具抗肿瘤活性的菌株可供进一步研究


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    目的评价新型利尿剂托伐普坦对于治疗心力衰竭患者的有效性及安全性。方法通过制定详细的检索方式,从Embase数据库、Cochrane数据库及Pubmed数据库中截取至2017年5月的数据。结果共纳入16个研究项目,包含6 233名患者。Meta分析结果显示,托伐普坦组相比对照组能显著增加患者的尿量、减轻患者的体质量、提高血清钠浓度,两组比较的差异有统计学意义;托伐普坦不增加心力衰竭患者的全因死亡率和血清肌酐水平,与对照组相比的差异无统计学意义。结论托伐普坦可用于治疗心力衰竭患者,且安全性较好

    RBFD: a Robust Image Local Binary Feature Descriptor

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    针对传统浮点型特征描述子占用空间大、匹配速度慢的问题,提出一种基于梯度统计信息比较的局部二值特征描述子.通过对比特征点邻域梯度统计信息生成二值特征描述子,再利用多邻域和多分块策略提高描述子判别力,最后通过近似简化的AdA bOOST算法实现描述子降维.实验结果表明,与已有描述子相比,文中提出的描述子在实现快速生成的同时其鲁棒性更强.The traditional floating feature descriptors are in high memory load and slow in matching.To best address these problems, this paper proposed a novel binary feature descriptor based on gradient statistic information comparison.Firstly, the image patch around the keypoint is divided into sub-regions, and our binary descriptor is constructed by comparing the gradient statistic information of these sub-regions.Then, a multi-gridding and multi-support region strategy is applied to boost the discrimination of our descriptor.Finally, a simplified Ada Boost algorithm is applied to realize the descriptor dimension reduction.The experimental results show that our descriptor is both efficient in construction and robust to compare with the state-of-the-art methods.国家自然科学基金(61373076;61202143); 厦门大学中央高校项目(2013121026;2011121052); 厦门大学985平台建设费项目; 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(201101211120024); 福建省自然科学基金(2013J05100;2010J01345;2011J01367); 湖南省自然科学基金(12JJ2040); 湖南省教育厅科研项目(09A046); 厦门市科技重点项目(3502Z20123017); 深圳市战略性新兴产业发展专项基金(JCY

    流行性出血熱 (韓国型出血熱) の流行調査 : 特に感染経路調査を中心として

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    Two clinical cases of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (or Korean hemorrhagic fever : KHF) occurred in the Animal Experiment Center of Sapporo Medical College between January and March, 1981. Investigation into the mode of transmission of the agent was carried out and the following results were obtained : 1) Based on the decision of the Committee of Prevention of KHF Epidemics all of the rats in this school were killed by anesthesia between February 7-14. At this time blood samples were taken randomly from the animals to examine the KHF antibody in sera. Blood sarmples were also collected from all of those taking care of the animals in the center and from researchers who had engaged in animal experiments and who had recently shown any symptoms suggestive of KHF. 2) The antibody examination disclosed that the antibody-positive rats were restricted to those animals kept in two out of three rat rooms in the center (infection rates of 28/34 and 2/6), while animals kept in the facilities of individual departments in the school did not possess the antibody (0/15). 3) Antibody-positive rates were calculated according to the body weight of the rats. The rates were 0% in animals of less than 200g, 88% in those of 200-300g, 67% in those of 300-400g, and 100% in those of more than 400g, indicating that most animals were infected with this agent during a relatively short period of time after entering this center. 4) All four animal care takers having the antibody were found to have participated in rearing the animals in the contaminated rat room. Two of these four were clinically severe and for one of these two the disease was fatal. 5) Of the five researchers with anamnesis of KHF-like symptoms, three were antibody-positive with two of them possessing relatively higher titers that were indicative of recent infection. 6) Based on the facts elicited in the incident in question, several items to be considered for preventing the outbreak of this disease were noted