283 research outputs found

    The security of chaotic asymmetric encryption and its application design

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    自从1976年W.Diffie和M.Hellman首次提出了公钥密码系统,它便成了现代密码学的焦点。传统公钥算法由于量子算法的出现而受到威胁,急需研究新型公钥算法。离散Hopfield神经网络的非线性动力学特性,特别其混沌动力学特性,可视为复杂难解的NP问题。此外,离散Hopfield神经网络是也一种可实现高速并行运算的网络,适合用FPGA或CMOS数字集成电路来直接兑现它的并行运算,以实现实时高速传输,满足现代网络通信的实际要求。本论文针对基于OHNN(OverstoragedHopfieldNeuralNetwork)的公钥密码体制进行系统研究,完成单向陷门函数的数学证明,并利用可证明安全...Public key cryptography system became the focus of modern cryptography since 1976. Traditional public-key algorithms was danger due to the emergence of quantum algorithms, so the research of new public key algorithm is urgent. Nonlinear dynamics characteristics of the discrete Hopfild neural network can be regarded as the NP-complete problem. Additionally discrete Hopfiled neural network i...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312007015348


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    从根霉 30 78菌丝体的甲醇提取物中分离得到 9个化合物 ,通过波谱分析 ,鉴定为 5α,8α 表二氧 (2 0S ,2 2E ,2 4R) 麦角甾 6 ,2 2 二烯 3β 醇 (1)、甘油醇 1 单油酸酯 (2 )、4 羟基苯乙酮 (3)、4 羟基苯乙酸 (4 )、(2 0S ,2 2E ,2 4R) 麦角甾 7,2 2 二烯 3β ,5α ,6 β 三醇 (5 )、(S) 3 羟基 3 苯基丙酸 (6 )、胸腺嘧啶 (7)、尿嘧啶(8)和腺苷 (9

    Hybrid Cryptosystem based on Chaotic Attractors of Neural Networks

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    把dIffE-HEllMAn密钥交换协议和流密码算法相结合,设计了一种基于神经网络混沌吸引子的混合加密算法。算法采用基于混沌吸引子的dIffE-HEllMAn公钥体制,保证了密钥分发的安全性,同时拥有流密码速度快的优点,提高了加密速度,因此实用性较好,能够满足下一代通信实时快速的需求。分析了算法的安全性和加解密效率,利用VC编程实现算法,并对仿真生成的密钥流和密文进行测试。实验结果表明,算法具有较好的安全性和加解密速度。By combining key-exchange agreement and stream cipher algorithms,a hybrid encryption algorithm based on chaotic attractors of neural networks is designed.This algorithm,with chaotic attractor-based Diffe-Hellman public-key crypto system,could ensure the security of key distribution while maintaining the high encryption speed of the stream cipher,and thus is of fairly good practicability.The security and the encryption efficiency of the new algorithm are analyzed and discussed.The algorithm is implemented by using VC program,and the simulated key stream and cipher text are tested.The experimental results show that the proposed crypto algorithm is of feasibility and fairly high encryption/decryption speed.侨办基金(No.10QZR02);泉州市科技计划(No.2011G6


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    基于可调Sigmoid力学模型,对磁流变阻尼器(Magnetorheological Damper,MRD)的阻尼动态特性进行辨识拟合,建立1/4车半主动磁流变悬架系统模型。在混合阻尼控制基础上,利用模糊控制器,提出一种混合阻尼模糊电流控制策略,实现对MRD等效阻尼系数的连续可调与阻尼分配系数的自动调节,增加其灵活控制性与自适应性。在此基础上,同时分别在冲击路面与随机路面激励下,将该算法与混合阻尼开关电流控制和被动控制进行仿真对比分析,结果表明所提控制策略具有更好的减振性能。国家自然科学基金项目(51475165,11462004,51765015);;江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人资助计划项目(20162BCB22019);;江西省创新驱动5511科技创新人才项目(20165BCB18011


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    A new public-key cryptography based on overstoraged Hopfield neural network and table-drive

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    提出基于过饱和HOPfIEld神经网络(OHnn)和驱动表的公钥加密算法。算法以驱动表作为系统的驱动,经过函数组变换后产生随机数,数据选择器根据OHnn生成的混沌吸引子对随机数作非线性选择输出,从而实现加密。安全性分析与仿真验证表明,该算法构造的伪随机序列具有良好的随机性和复杂度,满足密码学的要求。This paper proposed a new public-key cryptography based on overstoraged Hopfield neural network and table,In this algorithm,table-drives as a driver pass a group of function and produce random number,data selectors according to chaotic attractor produced by OHNN to choose nonlinear output of random number to achieve encryption.The experiment results show that the sequence correlation properties and randomness of the output sequence produce by the algorithm can meet the requirement for the design of sequence code system.福建省自然科学基金项目(A0640005); 侨办基金(10QZR02); 泉州市科技计划(2011G6

    Chaotic Attractor Neural Network-based Public-key Authentication Protocol for RFID

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    物联网的时代即将来临,国家“十二五“发展规划明确将物联网上升到国家战略高度。作为物联网关键技术的射频识别(rfId,rAdIO frEQuEnCy IdEnTIfICATIOn)系统的安全问题变得越来越重要。通过分析多种rfId认证协议的优缺点,基于神经网络混沌吸引子公钥加密算法提出一种新的rfId认证协议,对该协议的安全性和性能同其他安全协议进行了比较分析,结果表明该协议可以为rfId系统提供更好的安全性和较快的加解密速度,且性能较佳。With the arrival of IoT(the Internet of Things) the security issue,as the critical technology of RFID,becomes increasingly important,and China's 12th Five-Year Development Plan explicitly raises IoT to the national strategic level.This paper proposes a new chaotic attractor neural network-based public-key encryption authentication protocol for RFID security and discusses in detail the protocol security and performance.The analysis results show that the proposed protocol could provide fairly good security and relatively rapid encryption and decryption for the RFID system,and thus is of even better performance.福建省自然科学基金项目(No.A0640005);侨办基金(No.10QZR02);泉州市科技计划(No.2011G6

    Catalytic Cracking and Heat Sink Capacity of Aviation Kerosene Under Supercritical Conditions

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    Catalytic cracking of China no. 3 aviation kerosene using a zeolite catalyst was investigated under supercritical conditions. A three-stage heating/cracking system was specially designed to be capable of heating 0.8 kg kerosene to a temperature of 1050 K and pressure of 7.0 MPa with maximum mass flow rate of 80 g/s. Sonic nozzles of different diameters were used to calibrate and monitor the mass flow rate of the cracked fuel mixture. With proper experiment arrangements, the mass flow rate per unit throat area of the cracked fuel mixture was found to well correlate with the extent of fuel conversion. The gaseous products obtained from fuel cracking under different conditions were also analyzed using gas chromatography. Composition analysis showed that the average molecular weight of the resulting gaseous products and the fuel mass conversion percentage were a strong function of the fuel temperature and were only slightly affected by the fuel pressure. The fuel conversion was also shown to depend on the fuel residence time in the reactor, as expected. Furthermore, the heat sink levels due to sensible heating and endothermic cracking were determined and compared at varying test conditions. It was found that at a fuel temperature of similar to 1050 K, the total heat sink reached similar to 3.4 MJ/kg, in which chemical heat sink accounted for similar to 1.5 MJ/kg

    Performance of supersonic model combustors with distributed injection of supercritical kerosene

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    Supersonic model combustors with two-staged injections of supercritical kerosene were experimentally investigated in both Mach 2.5 and 3.0 facilities with the stagnation temperatures of approximately 1750K. Supercritical kerosene at temperatures of approximately 760K and various pressures was prepared using a two-staged heater developed in Ref. 1 and injected at equivalence ratios of 0.98 to 1.46. Two pairs of integrated injector/flameholder cavity models in tandem were used to facilitate the fuel-air mixing and stabilize the combustion. Combustor performances with different fuel injection locations, injector numbers, combinations of injection stages, and combustor entry Mach numbers were investigated systematically and discussed based on the measured static pressure distributions and the specific thrust increments due to combustion. With two-staged fuel injections the overall performance of the combustors was shown to be improved and fuel injections at equivalence ratio higher than unity could be reached without combustor-inlet interaction. Reducing the number of injectors while increased its diameter was very effective to increase the pressure rise in the combustor with single-stage injections but had little effect on the combustor performance with two-staged fuel injections. Increasing the entry Mach number resulted in lower combustion levels, in particular, with fuel injections at locations close to the combustor exit but was balanced with two-staged fuel injections

    Thermal cracking of aviation kerosene for scramjet applications

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    Thermal cracking of China No.3 aviation kerosene was studied experimentally and analytically under supercritical conditions relevant to regenerative cooling system for Mach-6 scramjet applications. A two-stage heated tube system with cracked products collection/analysis was used and it can achieve a fuel temperature range of 700-1100 K, a pressure range of 3.5-4.5 MPa and a residence time of approximately 0.5-1.3 s. Compositions of the cracked gaseous products and mass flow rate of the kerosene flow at varied temperatures and pressures were obtained experimentally. A one-step lumped model was developed with the cracked mixtures grouped into three categories: unreacted kerosene, gaseous products and residuals including liquid products and carbon deposits. Based on the model, fuel conversion on the mass basis, the reaction rate and the residence time were estimated as functions of temperature. Meanwhile, a sonic nozzle was used for the control of the mass flow rate of the cracked kerosene, and correlation of the mass flow rate gives a good agreement with the measurements