21 research outputs found


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    从根霉 30 78菌丝体的甲醇提取物中分离得到 9个化合物 ,通过波谱分析 ,鉴定为 5α,8α 表二氧 (2 0S ,2 2E ,2 4R) 麦角甾 6 ,2 2 二烯 3β 醇 (1)、甘油醇 1 单油酸酯 (2 )、4 羟基苯乙酮 (3)、4 羟基苯乙酸 (4 )、(2 0S ,2 2E ,2 4R) 麦角甾 7,2 2 二烯 3β ,5α ,6 β 三醇 (5 )、(S) 3 羟基 3 苯基丙酸 (6 )、胸腺嘧啶 (7)、尿嘧啶(8)和腺苷 (9


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    Influencing Factors on Elders Preference for Supporting: Application of an adaptive LASSO logistic Model

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    目的探讨adaptive LASSO; logistic回归模型在老年人养老意愿影响因素研究中的应用。方法基于厦门市60岁及以上老年人口的多阶段整群抽样调查数据,建立老年人养老意愿影响; 因素的adaptive LASSO; logistic回归模型,通过交叉验证法选择模型中的调和参数lambda;通过与全变量和逐步logistic回归结果的比较,探讨adaptive; LASSO; logistic回归模型的优势。结果共纳入1244名老年人,其养老意愿为家庭养老、社区居家养老和机构养老的比例分别为70.0%、21.1%和8.; 9%。交叉验证法选择的lambda为0.018;此时adaptive LASSO; logistic回归模型纳入的自变量为居住地、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、子女数、每月退休金收入、公费医疗和住院情况;; BIC和AIC分别为1931、1888,均低于全变量logistic回归(2077、1923)和逐步logistic回归(2025、1912); 。结论adaptive LASSO logistic回归模型可用于老年人养老意愿影响因素研究。老年人的养老意愿受多个因素影响。Objective This study was aimed to analyze influencing factors on elders; preference for supporting in case to provide evidence for diversified; elderly supporting. Methods This article applied an adaptive LASSO; logistic model to the multi-stage cluster sampling data of the; population aged 60 or older in Xiamen to analyze influencing factors on; elders preference for supporting. Cross validation method was used to; choose lambda for adaptive LASSO logistic model. In addition,we; evaluated the model fitting of adaptive LASSO logistic model by; comparing the BIC and AIC with full logistic model and stepwise logistic; model. Results The cross validation method resulted in lambda = 0.018; for adaptive LASSO logistic model, in which variables retained were; residence, age,marital status, education level,number of children, the; monthly pension income,medical insurance and hospitalization. BIC of; adaptive LASSO logistic model,full logistic model and stepwise logistic; model were 1931, 2077and 2025 respectively. And AIC of the three models; were 1888, 1923 and 1912 respectively. Conclusion Compared to full; logistic model and stepwise logistic model, adaptive LASSO logistic; model was the best fitting model for influencing factors on elders; preference for supporting. Adaptive LASSO logistic model could be used; to analyze influencing factors on elders preference for supporting.; There were multiple factors which influenced elders preference for; supporting.厦门大学大学生创新创业训练计划项


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    目的设计及合成新型苯氧异丁酸类抗糖尿病化合物。方法关键步骤采用亲核取代反应或M itsunobu缩合反应把亲脂性片段和酸性片段连接成一体,共合成了8个新目标物。用核磁共振、红外、质谱进行结构确认。结果体外胰岛素增敏活性测试(3T3-L1脂肪细胞)结果显示,分别将罗格列酮、吡格列酮、目标物A和B加入已经存在胰岛素抵抗脂肪细胞培养液中,用GOD-POD方法分析得到上清液葡萄糖浓度分别为5.942,6.339,6.226和6.512mmol.L-1。结论目标物A在胰岛素抵抗实验(3T3-L1脂肪细胞)中抗糖尿病活性介于市售PPARγ激动剂罗格列酮和吡格列酮之间,而目标物B的活性略低于吡格列酮


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    从搭棚藤(Prana discifera Schneid)茎叶的乙醇提取物中分离得6个化合物,经波谱分析和与 已知品对照,分别确定为scopoletin(1)、scopolin(2)、cassiachromone(3)、4’-羟基汉黄芩素(4)、β-谷甾醇 (5)和胡萝卜苷(6)。其中化合物1,2,3和4均为首次从该植物中分离得到


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    从山荔枝 (Dendrobenthamiacapitata(Wall.)Hutch .)的叶和皮的乙醇提取物中分离得到 6个化合物 ,经波谱分析鉴定为双氢杨梅苷 (dihydromyricetin ,1)、儿茶素 ((+) gallocatechin ,2 )、表儿茶素((- ) epicatechin ,3)、异槲皮苷 (isoquercitrin ,4 )、乌苏酸 (ursolicacid ,5 )和胡萝卜苷 (daucosterol,6 ) ,其中化合物 1,2 ,3和 4均首次从该植物中分


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    从柳叶忍冬95%乙醇提取物中首次分离并鉴定了20个化合物: ( +)-cycloolivil (1)、( +)-fraxiresinol (2)、prinsepiol(3)、软脂酸(4)、对甲基苯酚(5)、2,4-二羟基-3,6-二甲基苯甲酸甲酯(6)、洋芹素(7)、木犀草素(8)、5,7,4′-三羟基黄酮醇7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(9)、槲皮素(10)、染料木素(11)、5,4′-二羟基-7-甲氧基异黄酮(12)、染料木素5-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(13)、5,4′-二羟基-7-甲氧基异黄酮5-


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