105 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Charging Management System for Wenzhou-Kean University

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    随着高校教育体制改革的深入,高校的招生办学规模不断扩大,办学层次也呈现出多元化,学生所需缴纳的各项费用也变得越来越复杂,其收费项目与收费标准也越来越繁杂,在很大程度上增加了计划财务处收费工作的难度和工作量,而学生收费管理工作是一项传统且繁琐的教育基础管理工作,将耗费大量的人力、物力。因此采用先进的信息化技术,改进收费手段,是提高学生收费工作效率和收费管理水平的有效途径。 该系统基于基于C/S和B/S混合体系技术构架,采用PowerBuilder开发环境,运用MVC设计模式,数据库采用SQLSERVER,实现了学籍管理、收费设计、个人业务、批量业务、系统管理、工具\帮助、校园网查询七大功能。 ...With the in-depth reform of China’s higher education system, university enrollments continue to grow . Students are required to pay increasingly complex fees and charges, making the invoicing increasingly complicated. At the same time, this situation also brings increased challenges and a heavier workload for staff members of the university Office of Finance. Invoicing for tuition and fees fro...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223063

    Middle-income Trap and China’s Phased Dynamics of Economic Growth: A Study Based on TFPG Perspective

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    中国已经实现了连续三十多年的经济高速增长。但近年来,中国经济开始出现各种各样的问题,一些学者认为中国有可能陷入“中等收入陷阱”之中。本文首先讨论“中等收入陷阱”的定义,分析“中等收入陷阱”的表征、内涵以及背后上的成因,并试图阐明“中等收入陷阱”与增长动力缺失的联系。 在对本文的方法论基础,研究方法和研究工具进行讨论之后,本文以“DEG视角”回顾了经济增长理论。在丹尼森思想的基础上,本文将TFPG分解为规模效应、资源配置改善以及技术进步三个因素,并进一步把“TFPG三因素”与一国在现代经济增长中的阶段性动力相联系。本文认为,推动TFP增长的主导动力在现代经济增长的不同阶段是不同的。在一国现代经...China has achieved a rapid economic growth for nearly thirty years. But in recent years, a variety of economic and social problems has appeared in China, which makes some scholars believe that Chinese may fall into the so-called "middle-income trap". This paper first discusses the definitions of this phrase in different levels, then analyzes the features, connotations, and those fundamental causes...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1532010115203


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    脳波(EEG)を用いた装着型多自由度外骨格ロボットの パワーアシスト技術の開発

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    Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) has emerged as a powerful tool for assisting disabled people and for augmentinghuman performance. In this work, we propose a motion estimation method based on electroencephalography (EEG) signals to realize the power assistance. In order to improve the accuracy of on-line estimation, a time lag is introduced, and in particular, a linear model that correlates the EMG to the EEG signal is constructed utilizing motion-related features extracted from multi-location EEG measurements. The constructed model is used to estimate the human muscular activity of shoulder joint from EEG. The proposed approach is experimentally verified. Our results suggest that the estimation of EMG based on EEG is feasible, further demonstrating the potential of using EEG signals via the control of brain-machine interface to support human activities

    Design of POCT quality management system based on the Internet of things

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    目的设计基于物联网的POCT质量管理系统以规范POCT质量管理。方法分析POCT质量管理存在的问题,以便携式血糖仪为例,从数据采集、传输、服务器; 管理存储等各环节设计POCT物联网质量管理系统。结果设计了基于物联网和医疗云为基础的POCT质量管理系统,该系统可实现POCT操作人员与设备管理; ,实时进行质量控制数据监控与报告管理,并方便管理者分析所管辖区域的POCT全程质量问题。结论设计的基于物联网的POCT质量管理系统具有理论可行性; 。Objective To design a POCT quality management system based on the; Internet of things so as to standardize POCT quality management. Methods; The existing problems in POCT quality management were analyzed. Taking; portable blood glucose meters as an example,the quality management; system of POCT-Internet of things was designed based on the all aspects; of data acquisition,transmission, server management and storage,etc.; Results The POCT quality management system based on the Internet of; things and medical cloud technology was designed. The system could; implement the management of POCT operators and devices,monitor the; realtime quality control data and reports,and facilitate the; administrators to analyze the quality problems in the whole process of; POCT management. Conclusion The designed POCT quality management system; based on the Internet of things has the theory feasibility.厦门市第二批青年创新创业人才计

    Photochemical degradation of autochthonous dissolved organic matter from the culture media of Chlorella spp.

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    利用三维荧光光谱-平行因子分析(EEM-PArAfAC)手段结合吸收光谱分析,研究了小球藻指数期和稳定期培养液中溶解有机物(dOM)在秋季天然太阳辐射作用下的光降解动力学特征.结果表明,小球藻生长过程中除能产生短波激发类腐殖质组分C1(其荧光峰的激发/发射波长位置为240,335nM/406nM)及类蛋白质组分C3(225,275nM/334nM)外,还会形成长波激发类腐殖质组分C2(260,395nM/502nM),表明C2组分并非仅有传统认为的陆源属性,同时也具有自生源属性.稳定期培养液的吸收光谱在250~300nM范围内出现的肩峰,可用于指示水环境中现场自生源的贡献.不同生长时期培养液中dOM的吸收系数和荧光组分的降解动力学都符合一级反应方程.稳定期类腐殖质荧光组分(C1和C2)的光降解程度略高于指数期,但指数期类色氨酸组分(C3)的光降解程度略高于稳定期.经太阳辐照6d后,小球藻培养液的吸收系数A350及各荧光组分的平均损失率分别达到83.0%、84.0%、64.8%和80.0%,对应的半衰期只有1.6~5.0d,揭示出藻类自生来源的dOM具有很强的光化学降解活性.Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEM) and absorption spectroscopy were applied to study the photobleaching of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the culture media of Chlorella spp.during a six day natural solar radiation in October 2008.Samples from both exponential and stationary phases of algal growth were collected for the photodegradation experiment.The purpose was to investigate the photoreactivity of autochthonous DOM in aquatic environments.Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) revealed two humic-like (C1:240, 335 nm/406 nm; C2:260, 395 nm /502 nm) and one protein-like (C3: 225, 275 nm/334 nm) fluorescent components in the culture media.The presence of longer-wavelength-excited humic-like component C2 indicated that this typical ‘terrestrial’ component may also be derived from biological origin.The short-wavelength shoulders at 250--300 nm in the absorption spectra of stationary phase sample may be used as an indicator of in-situ chromophoric DOM (CDOM) production in aquatic environments.The photodegradation dynamics of absorption coefficient and all fluorescent components of DOM from both growth phases followed the first-order reaction process.The loss of humic-like components for stationary phase samples was slightly higher than those of exponential phase samples, while the protein-like component showed the reverse trend.After the six-day natural solar irradiation, the average loss of a350 and fluorescence intensity for C1, C2 and C3 was 83.0%, 84.0%, 64.8% and 80.0%, respectively, corresponding to a half-time between 1.6--5.0 days.These results demonstrated that algal-derived DOM is highly photoreactive and susceptible to photochemical degradation.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(No.2011CB409804);国家自然科学基金(No.40776041);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.201112G011)---


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    Regional coordination control for optimization of urban traffic

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    针对目前我国城市交通区域控制的研究现状,应用群决策理论和模糊控制理论,对整个城市区域交通建立协调二级模糊控制模型。以相邻交叉口之间的车流量信息和预测剩余时间周期为模糊控制器输入,由二级模糊控制器的输出控制下一时刻的绿灯相位,从而调整控制子区内相邻交叉口上下游之间的交通流和集散程度,最终实现对控制子区的宏观区域协调控制.In view of the present research status of urban traffic zone control in our country, by using the group decision theory and fuzzy control theory, to the whole city area, the secondary fuzzy control model is established.The adjacent intersections traffic information and predict remaining time period are used as the input of the fuzzy controller, the secondary fuzzy controller's outputs control the green light phase of the next moment, to adjust the control zone between upstream and downstream adjacent intersection traffic flow and distribution.Finally the macro regional coordination's control can be realized


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    基于生物质多联产的综合能源系统(biomass polygeneration integrated energy system,BPIES)将生物质气化多联产与区域BPIES相结合,不但可提高物质与能量综合梯级转换利用效率,同时还兼具节约能源、提高供能质量、增加经济效益等综合效益,体现了生物质能源技术与区域能源规划的深度融合,有望成为最有效、最洁净的生物质能综合利用技术.基于通用数学建模(the general algebraic modeling system,GAMS)软件,在构建生物质气化多联产各模块机理模型基础上,建立了耦合多种可再生与不可再生能源系统的多层次、高维度数学优化模型,在满足区域能源需求的前提下,从经济、环境、技术及能耗等多方面对系统进行综合评估,并结合案例分析验证模型的可靠性与有效性.结果表明,耦合了化学合成单元的BPIES在满足区域负荷与生产化学产品上起到良好的互补作用,不仅能够实现能源的高效利用,还能同时提高系统经济效益.BPIES在4个典型区域的适用性为大连>上海≈广州>昆明.福建省科技计划高新技术与工业科技引导性项目(2018H0036