脳波(EEG)を用いた装着型多自由度外骨格ロボットの パワーアシスト技術の開発


Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) has emerged as a powerful tool for assisting disabled people and for augmentinghuman performance. In this work, we propose a motion estimation method based on electroencephalography (EEG) signals to realize the power assistance. In order to improve the accuracy of on-line estimation, a time lag is introduced, and in particular, a linear model that correlates the EMG to the EEG signal is constructed utilizing motion-related features extracted from multi-location EEG measurements. The constructed model is used to estimate the human muscular activity of shoulder joint from EEG. The proposed approach is experimentally verified. Our results suggest that the estimation of EMG based on EEG is feasible, further demonstrating the potential of using EEG signals via the control of brain-machine interface to support human activities

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