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    A study about Saturday class: Joint front with children for learning

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     土曜教室は,全国各地における学習障害児親の会の設立に伴って,1980年代から1990年代にかけて開始された。学生や院生たちが主体となって,子どもたちの学習援助を中心に行った。学びとは,日常生活における様々な面において生ずるものであり,知識と技術の習得は大人を模倣するところから始まる。しかし学校教育においては,大量生産システムを背景として正確性と効率性が強く求められ,知識と技術の乖離を生むことになった。学習障害をはじめとする発達障害圏の子どもたちは学校教育から疎外されがちになり,土曜教室が始まることになったのである。土曜教室では,大学生たちと子どもたちの間の信頼に基づいて学びの共同戦線が組まれ,子どもたちのひとつの居場所となっていった。発達障害という特性のある子どもたちは,感受性の高さを有するがゆえに,社会のひずみをいちはやくとらえる。そのふるまいが障害とされるのであるが,社会はこの子どもたちに対応するだけでなく,そのひずみを解決することも求められている。 Saturday class was opened accompanied by organization of parent circles for children with learning disabilities throughout Japan in 1980s-1990s. Learning support for the children was executed by undergraduates and graduate students mainly. Learning is occurred in various aspects of daily life. Acquisition of knowledge and skills results imitation of adult’s behavior by children. In school education, although, dissociation between knowledge and skills has occurred because accuracy and efficiency was pursued by mass production system. As the result, alienation of children with developmental disabilities occurred in school education, and the Saturday class was begun. In the Saturday class, “joint front for learning” was organized by the children with developmental disabilities and university students based on mutual trust between them. The class has been felt as a place of their own by themselves. The children with developmental disabilities have high sensitivity for differences among events of daily life, as the result, they firstly catch stresses in the community. People in the community are not only expected to correspond the children but also expected to solve the problem of the mechanism for the stresses.論文Articl

    Studies on Sulfonamide-Type Protecting Groups and Co-Catalysted Trimethylsilylation of Hydroxy Groups

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    本文主要研究了磺酰胺类保护基保护胍基和氨基,以及CoCl2·6H2O催化HMDS和羟基的三甲基硅醚化反应。 肽存在于每一个活细胞中,影响着生物体内许多重要的生理生化功能。几十年来,多肽研究不断升温,大量具有生物活性的多肽被发现,在合成这些具有活性的多肽时,保护基的选择必须与他们的合成策略相匹配,这就需要有更多新的保护和去保护的方法。 论文中发明了一种利用吡啶-2-磺酰基保护精氨酸的胍基的新方法。使用该保护基保护精氨酸的胍基,只要一个吡啶-2-磺酰基就可以实现胍基的完全保护。通过混合酸酐法和DCC法,合成了三个全保护的二肽(Cbz-Arg(Pyr)-Ala-OMe、Cbz-Arg(...This thesis focused on new sulfonamide-type protecting groups and the trimethylsilylation of hydroxy group in the presence of Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate. Peptides are present in every living cell, playing a crucial role in fundamental physiological and biochemical functions of life. For decades now, peptides research is a continuously growing field of science and a lot of biological acti...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_有机化学学号:2052006115193

    Design and Implementation of Tax Administrative Examination and Approval System

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    行政审批是政府机关的重要职能,随着信息化时代的来临,传统行政审批日益显现出各种弊端,网上审批作为电子政务的重要内容应运而生。然而在当前,我国的网上行政审批仍处在初级阶段,实现技术还不成熟,系统可扩展性、可重用性和可维护性差,鉴于此,本文针对构建合理的网上行政审批系统进行了研究与设计,提出了一套基于轻量级JavaEE架构的税务系统行政审批设计方案,从而有效解决了此类系统所存在的架构问题,具有一定的研究意义和应用价值。 本文主要对以下方面进行了阐述: (1)探讨了网上审批系统的技术应用,并介绍了JavaEE平台、XML、设计模式以及要采用的轻量级框架的相关技术。 (2)结合实际的税收行政审批...The administration examination and approval is the important working talent of government agency. Along with the approach about information-based ages, all kinds of disadvantages increasingly apparent in the original approval mode. Online approval as an important aspect of e-government came into being. However at present, china’s online approval is still in the initial stage, and carry out a techn...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200723009