56 research outputs found


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    本稿は、日本の文化財保護の対象に文化的景観が加わった背景と特徴、そして、価値と継承の考え方について述べるものである。日本では、変化するものという文化的景観の特性ゆえに制度の導入後に混乱が起きたが、筆者らは実践や議論を積み重ねるなかで、変化の中の持続、価値の統合、地域の手入れといった理念にたどり着いたことを報告する。そのうえで、具体的事例として、京都近郊の「宇治の文化的景観」を取り上げる。宇治では、住民にとって古いもの、当たり前のものでしかなかった木造家屋や生業(茶業)などに文化的な価値が見いだされ、さまざまな手入れが行われつつある。In Japan, since the revision of the law for the protection of cultural properties in 2004, cultural landscapes have been included in the list of protected properties. However, the meaning of cultural landscape had to be adapted to the system of protection policies already existing in the country and to include one of the sub-categories of cultural landscapes as defined by UNESCO: “the living landscape”, i.e., “one which retains an active social role in contemporary society strongly associated with the traditional way of life and which continues to evolve”. The notion of “living landscape” has therefore served as a basis for reflection and for devising the protection system that has been put in place during the last fifteen years. This article seeks to show how this system differs from the Unesco system. It also seeks to understand what the notion of cultural landscape encompasses and to show how this recently enacted protection policy has had to devise a method for the implementation of appropriate actions in a short time; a process in which the National Research Institute for Cultural Heritage in Nara played an important role. The case of the preservation of the Uji tea landscapes is taken as an example

    Society and community engagement in Japanese universities : A government-funded university childcare support project

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    Until 2005, it was a common idea that education and research are universities’ only mission in Japan. However, in 2005, the Central Council of Education stated that the ‘university has education and research as its original mission. At the same time, the role expected of the university is also changing, and now the importance of the contribution to society/community of the university is being emphasized’. Therefore, with this reference to the indispensability of the university’s contribution to society and community, its involvement in such has increased in both quality and quantity during the past 15 years in Japan. On the other hand, the term social and community engagement (SCE) is used rather than contribution to society/community abroad. Kobe Tokiwa University’s four departments—medical technology, nursing, child education, and oral health—are able to alleviate many of the problems that accompany related issues. From 2017 through 2021, this university will be implementing childcare support with the collaboration of citizens, the municipal government, and the university and supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Private University Research Branding Project. As a result of considering SCE in universities in Japan based on the activities in this project, SCE is a relationship where local residents, local governments, and universities contribute to the growth of both. It was suggested that promotion of community-based research is one of the key points for SCE.| 2005年に公表された「我が国の高等教育の将来像(答申)」(中央教育審議会)において、「社会貢献の役割を、言わば大学の『第三の使命』としてとらえていくべき時代となっている」と示された。それ以来、わが国における大学の社会貢献は質・量ともに増加した。一方、国外ではソーシャル/コミュニティ・エンゲージメント(以下、SCE)という言葉が散見されるようになっている。本学は医療検査、看護、こども教育、口腔保健の4学科を有しており、開学以来、地域とのつながりを重視し、本学が位置する自治体とも地域連携協定を結んでおり、2017年には文部科学省の私立大学研究ブランディング事業に採択された。本事業における活動をもとにして、わが国の大学におけるSCEについて検討した結果、SCEは地域住民・自治体・大学が「双方の成長に貢献しあう関係」であり、そのためにはコミュニティ・ベースド・リサーチを推進していくことが1つの要であることが示唆された

    026 川に関わる信仰の地形 -四万十川流域を対象として-

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    020 文化的景観のつかい方-文化的景観研究集会(第5回)の議論から-

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    004 奈文研ギャラリー(30)

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